JOB mới Pirates xD

Thảo luận trong 'Maple Story' bắt đầu bởi vle_hoang, 18/10/07.

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  1. vle_hoang

    vle_hoang C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Somewhere on earth
    Bên KMS đang thử cái job mới này, ko biết bao h msea và GMS mới có. Xem mấy cái video thấy job mới này cũng ko mạnh cho lắm, những cũng ko biết thế nào vì job này đang trong giai đoạn beta test bên KMS. Mời anh em xem mấy cái vid dưới này rồi phát biểu cảm tưởng nhé :D

    theo info đc biết thì pirate đc chia ra làm 1 nhánh, 1 là infighter sử dụng găng và dùng tay chân làm vũ khí (~ bandit), nhánh kia là Gunslinger (~Assasin)
    chuyên sử dụng súng.

    Introducing: A New Class
    [ PIRATES ]

    Like no other.

    Making the Job Advance
    Section under construction

    1st Job Advance Skill List
    [​IMG] Quick Motion [Level 20]
    Level 1: Increases Accuracy +1, and Avoidability +1
    Level 20: Increases Accuracy +20, and Avoidability +20

    [​IMG] First Strike [Level 20]
    Level 1: -3 MP, 143% Damage, targets 1 Enemy
    Level 20: -12 MP, 200% Damage, targets 1 Enemy

    [​IMG] Back-Flip Kick [Level 20]
    Level 1: -3 MP, 102% Damage, targets 3 Enemies
    Level 20: -12 MP, 140% Damage, targets 6 Enemies

    [​IMG] Double Shot [Level 20]
    lvl 1 : -3 MP , Uses 2 bullets , 41% Damage , 320 Range
    lvl 20 : -12 MP , Uses 2 bullets , 61% Damage , 380 Range

    [​IMG] Dash [Level 10]
    Level 1: -14 MP, Tap arrow key twice to dash for 5 Seconds
    Level 10: -5 MP, Tap arrow key twice to dash for 10 Seconds

    2nd Job Skill List


    [​IMG]HP Increase [Level 10]
    Increases your Max HP by a larger amount each level.
    Level 1: With each level up, this skill adds 3 more Max HP, and when using AP, 2 more Max HP.
    Level 10: With each level up, this skill adds 30 more Max HP, and when using AP, 20 more Max HP.

    [​IMG]Knuckle Mastery [Level 20]
    Increases mastery of Knuckles.
    Level 1: Mastery of Knuckle weapons 15%, Increases Accuracy +1
    Level 10: Mastery of Knuckle weapons 60%, Increases Accuracy +20

    [​IMG]Backward Blow* [Level 20]
    A backward elbow through several monsters, sends you sliding back.
    Level 1: -12 MP, 65% Damage, attacks up to 3 enemies
    Level 10: -30 MP, 160% Damage, attacks up to 3 enemies

    [​IMG]Uppercut [Level 20]
    Attacks twice. This skill does not actually launch your character up into the air.
    Level 1: -15 MP, 66% Damage
    Level 20: -30 MP, 180% Damage

    [​IMG]Spinning Punch [Level 20]
    A spinning punch, sends you sliding forward.
    Level 1: -20 MP, 150% Damage, attacks up to 3 enemies
    Level 20: -36 MP, 340% Damage, attacks up to 3 enemies

    [​IMG]Recovery [Level 10]
    Uses HP to recover MP.
    Level 1: Uses 10% of Max HP, and recovers 55% of the HP used. Cooldown time: 70 Seconds
    Level 20: Uses 10% of Max HP, and recovers 100% of the HP used. Cool down time: 25 Seconds

    [​IMG]Knuckle Booster [Level 20]
    Pre-requisite: Knuckle Mastery [5]
    Uses HP and MP to attack faster with Knuckle weapons.
    Level 1: -29 HP, -29 MP, Increases Knuckles' attack speed for 10 Seconds
    Level 20: -10 HP, -10 MP, Increases Knuckles' attack speed for 200 Seconds

    [​IMG]Hide [Level 20]
    Similar to Darksight. With intelligent monsters, cancellation rate increases. Cancellation rate also decreases when the character is not moving. The rate shown seems to be the maximum % rate.
    Level 1: 12 seconds, Cooldown time: 35 seconds, Cancellation rate: 37%
    Level 20: 30 seconds, Cooldown time: 15 seconds, Cancellation rate: 10%

    [​IMG]Gun Mastery [Level 20]
    Increases Mastery of Gun Weapons and increases Accuracy.
    Level 1: Mastery of Gun Weapons 15%, +1 Accuracy
    Level 20: Mastery of Gun Weapons 60%, +20 Accuracy

    [​IMG]Gun Booster [Level 20]
    Increases Gun's attack speed.
    Level 1: -29 HP, -29 MP, Increases Gun's attack speed for 10 seconds.
    Level 20: -10 HP, -10 MP, Increases Gun's attack speed for 200 seconds.

    [​IMG]Fatal Bullet [Level 20]
    Similar to Iron Arrow.
    Level 1: -11 MP, 65% Damage, Targets 3 enemies
    Level 20: -30 MP, 160% Damage, Targets 6 enemies

    [​IMG]Bomb Toss [Level 20]
    Tosses a bomb by holding down the skill button. The longer you hold it down, the farther it is tossed. Can be tossed in the air.
    Level 1: -18 MP, 45% Damage, Targets 3 enemies
    Level 20: -36 MP, 140% Damage, Targets 6 enemies

    [​IMG]Decoy [Level 20]
    Fires a fake shot and stuns a number of enemies.
    Level 1: -10 MP, 62% Damage, Stuns for 1 second, Targets 3 enemies
    Level 20: -25 MP, 100% Damage, Stuns for 4 Seconds, Targets 3 enemies

    [​IMG]Float [Level 10]
    Allows player to stay in the air longer.
    Level 1: -50 MP, Falling speed: 280
    Level 20: -14 MP, Falling speed: 100

    [​IMG]Withdraw [Level 20]
    Pre-requisite: Float [5]
    Fires a shot, using the recoil to make the player jump back. Can be used in the air.
    Level 1: -14 MP, 124% Damage
    Level 20: -26 MP, 200% Damage

    3rd Job Skill List*

    Master Infighter*
    [​IMG]Confusion Strike* [Level 20]
    Confuses an enemy with a certain success rate.
    Level 1: ?
    Level 20: ?

    xem tiếp ở cái reply sau của tui nhé :P

    Vào đây rồi chọn vid mà mình muốn xem

    ở dứoi này là 1 số vid đáng xem

    lvl 48 pirate

    giới thiệu về 2th job skill

    giới thiệu 4th job skill

    vid mới:

    Lv.68 Gungsliger Playing in MuLung

    Gunslinger 2nd Skill

    skill job3 gunslinger tất cả đều lvl 1

    skill job 3 infighter

    1 số vũ khí của pirate

    Infighter Gunslinger

  2. Kirakuni

    Kirakuni C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ...đang ở trường ko vào dc ... *cry* Job mới nài cho dù có ra chưa chắc đã có nhiều ng chơi nếu dmg và skills ko có j wa đặc biệt.
  3. ZeroSaint

    ZeroSaint Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Chà, nhìn con này y hệt kiểu Rockman với Zero :)), chia ra y chang thief, không biết tính chỉ số AP chính là dex hay luk nhỉ. Nhìn con này chắc võ công cái thế [​IMG]
  4. 3077

    3077 Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Con đầu nhìn vũ khí giống bandit+thief còn con thứ 2 dùng súng nhìn kool :))
  5. Ying86

    Ying86 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    khiếp , cái clip bé tí mờ tịt , đeo kính cận cũng chả nhìn đc gì nhiều mà sao mọi ng nhìn đc rõ thế á
  6. ZeroSaint

    ZeroSaint Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nhưng mà class Gunslinger cũng đâu có bắn gần được đâu, như Sin thôi, chứ mà bắn gần được chắc bỏ luôn Sin mà sang job đấy chơi cho sướng, job 2 mà đã có cái vụ bắn mass killing rồi, sướng quá [​IMG]
  7. Paradox

    Paradox Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Infight đúng là võ công cái thế thật. Toàn đấm đá. Có cả chiêu đánh cùi trỏ, đấm móc.
  8. vle_hoang

    vle_hoang C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Somewhere on earth
    job này tính chỉ số dex và str :)

    xem quảng cáo mấy cái skill job 4 ghê người, mạnh kinh khủng, nhưng job này nếu mới ra thì sẽ ít items khủng và sẽ cực đắt

    [​IMG]Instantaneous* [Level 40]
    Collects energy with each attack to an enemy. Certain skills use this energy. Sounds similar to Crusader's Combo
    Level 1: -0 MP*, 30 seconds, Avoidability +11 , Accuracy +11 , Weapon Attack +1, Damage +5%
    Level 40: -0 MP*, 50 seconds, Avoidability +30, Accuracy +30, Weapon Attack +20, Damage +200%

    [​IMG]Final Punch* [Level 30]
    Only available when energy is collected through Instantaneous. Hits nearby enemies with a very strong punch.
    Level 1: -0 MP*, 253% Damage, Targets 2 enemies
    Level 30: -0 MP*, 340% Damage, Targets 6 enemies

    [​IMG]Absorb* [Level 20]
    Only available when energy is collected through Instantaneous. Absorbs a monster's HP, healing yourself while inflicting damage.
    Level 1: -0 MP*, 265% Damage, Targets 1 enemy
    Level 20: -0 MP*, 360% Damage, Targets 1 enemy

    [​IMG]Stimulation* [Level 20]
    Morphs the character's body into something completely different.
    Level 1: -23 MP, Lasts for 45 seconds, Strength +1, Weapon Defense +5, Magic Defense +5, Speed +40, Jump +20, Cooldown: 10 Minutes
    Level 20: -80 MP, Lasts for 140 seconds, Strength +10, Weapon Defense +100, Magic Defense +100, Speed +40, Jump +20, Cooldown: 10 Minutes

    [​IMG]Smash* [Level 30]
    Only available when the character's body is stimulated. Smashes the ground with great force.
    Level 1: -16 MP, 444% Damage, Targets 3 enemies
    Level 30: -45 MP, 560% Damage, Targets 6 enemies

    Master Gunslinger*

    [​IMG]Triple Shot [Level 20]
    3 Bullets are shot at once.
    Level 1: -13 MP, 82% Damage, Fires 3 bullets, Area: 380
    Level 20: -22 MP, 120% Damage, Fires 3 bullets, Area: 380

    [​IMG]Summon : Octopus [Level 30]
    Summons an Octopus to fight with you. The octopus cannot move, and seems to act like a stationary turret. Does not seem to require a Summoning Rock.
    Level 1: -11 MP, 22% Damage, Lasts 10 seconds, Cooldown: 10 seconds
    Level 30: -25 MP, 80% Damage, Lasts for 30 seconds, Cooldown: 10 seconds

    [​IMG]Summon : Seagull [Level 30]
    Summons a bombing seagull to fight with you. This summon seems to be airborne and seems to be capable of movement. Does not seem to require a Summoning Rock.
    Level 1: -11 MP, 42% Damage, Lasts for 10 seconds, Cooldown: 10 seconds
    Level 30: -20 MP, 100% Damage, Lasts for 30 seconds, Cooldown: 10 seconds

    [​IMG]Fireshot [Level 30]
    This skill requires a Blaze Capsule to be used. It seems to subtract it from your inventory similar to Summoning Rocks. Burn status seems to work like poison.
    Level 1: -11 MP, Uses one Blaze Capsule*, 122% Damage, 3 Second burn, Targets 2 enemies
    Level 30: -25 MP, Uses one Blaze Capsule*, 180% Damage, 5 Second burn, Targets 6 enemies

    [​IMG]Iceshot [Level 30]
    This skill requires a Glace Capsule to be used. It seems to subtract it from your inventory similar to Summoning rocks.
    Level 1: -11 MP, Uses one Glace Capsule*, 102% Damage, 1 Second freeze, Targets 2 enemies
    Level 30: -25 MP, Uses one Glace Capsule*, 160% Damage, 3 Second freeze, Targets 6 enemies

    [​IMG]Guidance [Level 30]
    Mind controls an enemy to fight for you. After the time period is up, the monster returns to neutral status.
    Level 1: -11 MP, 253% Damage, Time: ?*
    Level 30: -20 MP, 340% Damage, Time: ?*

    4th Job Skill List

    [​IMG]Booster [Level 20]
    Unknown. Has something to do with the Captain's weapon.
    Level 1: -78 HP, -78 MP, Increases speed for 110 seconds.
    Level 20: -40 HP, -40 MP, Increases speed for 300 seconds.

    [​IMG]Countdown [Level 30]
    Unknown. Has something to do with the cooldown time on skills.
    Level 1: -195 MP, Cooldown: 2940 (49 minutes?)
    Level 30: -50 MP, Cooldown: 1200 (20 minutes?)

    [​IMG]Leviathan [Level 30]
    Attacks multiple enemies with the force of the legendary Leviathan.
    Level 1: -21 MP, 455% Damage, Targets 2 enemies, Cooldown: 5 seconds
    Level 30: -35 MP, 600% Damage, Targets 6 enemies, Cooldown: 5 seconds

    [​IMG]Energy Absorb [Level 30]
    Collects energy with a certain % rate when the enemy strikes. This skill can only be used during certain critical situations.
    Level 1: 410% Damage, Targets 2 enemies, Range: 200
    Level 30: 680% Damage, Targets 2 enemies, Range: 200

    [​IMG]Insanity [Level 30]
    Similar to Stimulation. To use this skill, Stimulation must be activated first. By morphing the character's body into something far more powerful, greater skills are unlocked and available for use.
    Level 1: -23 MP, Lasts for 65 seconds, Strength +21, Weapon Defense +103, Magic Defense +103, Speed +40, Jump +20
    Level 30: -70 MP, Lasts for 160 seconds, Strength +40, Weapon Defense +160, Magic Defense +160, Speed +40, Jump +20

    [​IMG]Blind Strike [Level 30]
    This skill can only be used when Insanity is activated. Strikes an enemy so quick its invisible to the naked eye. Has a % Chance for stun.
    Level 1: -31 MP, 213% Damage, Attacks 8 times, Stuns for 1 second, Targets 1 enemy
    Level 30: -40 MP, 300% Damage, Attacks 8 times, Stuns for 1 second, Targets 1 enemy

    [​IMG]Capture [Level 30]
    This skill can only be used when Insanity is activated. Drags an enemy to striking distance. Has a % Chance for stun.
    Level 1: -11 MP, 364% Damage, Targets 2 enemies, Stuns for 1 second
    Level 30: -40 MP, 480% Damage, Targets 6 enemies, Stuns for 1 second

    [​IMG]Sonic Blasts [Level 30]
    Level 1: -21 MP, 164% Damage, Attacks 2 times
    Level 30: -35 MP, 280% Damage, Attacks 6 times

    [​IMG]Elemental Mastery [Level 30]
    Increases the mastery and power of Fire and Ice shots.
    Level 1: +5% Damage*, Freeze time: 1 second, Mastery of Elements: 1%
    Level 30: +150% Damage*, Freeze time: 3 seconds, Mastery of Elements: 30%

    [​IMG]Summon : Advanced Octopi[Level 30]
    Enables Outcaster to summon 2 Octopi that attack faster. Octopi can also stun at a certain % rate. Octopi that are summoned still cannot move.
    Level 1 : -26 MP, 82% Damage, Summons for 35sec, Cooldown: 10 seconds
    Level 30 : -35 MP, 120% Damage, Summons for 40sec, Cooldown: 10 seconds

    [​IMG]Guidance Mastery [Level 20]
    Same abilities as Guidance, however when enemy is guided, it takes damage over time.
    Level 1: -21 MP, 104% Damage, Range: 350
    Level 20: -30 MP, 480% Damage, Range: 350

    [​IMG]Summon : Advanced Gulls [Level 30]
    Level 1: -41 MP, 710 Weapon Attack, Summons for 15 seconds, Cooldown: 5 seconds
    Level 30: -55 MP, 1000 Weapon Attack, Summons for 15 seconds, Cooldown: 5 seconds

    [​IMG]Sonic Bullets [Level 30]
    Allows Outcaster to fire extremely fast bullets by holding down the Skill button. *Cough, Storm of Arrows ripoff*
    Level 1: -6 MP per bullet, 51% Damage, Range: 350
    Level 30: -10 MP per bullet, 80% Damage, Range: 350

    [​IMG]Pirate Ship [Level 10]
    Sacrafices speed for defense. This seems to be a skill similar to Stimulation, and does not seem to summon anything. Casting Pirate ship allows the Outcaster access to certain powerful skills.
    Level 1: -12 MP, Weapon Defense +60, Magic Defense +60, Cooldown: 90 Seconds*
    Level 10: -30 MP, Weapon Defense +150, Magic Defense +150, Cooldown: 360 Seconds*

    [​IMG]Quickfire [Level 30]
    This skill is only available when Pirate Ship is activated. Fires a few deadly bullets at an enemy.
    Level 1: -26 MP, 104% Damage, Fires 3 bullets, Range: 400
    Level 30: -40 MP, 200% Damage, Fires 4 bullets, Range: 400

    [​IMG]Fireball [Level 30]
    This skill is only available when Pirate Ship is activated. Fires a single powerful shot at the enemies.
    Level 1: -26 MP, 208% Damage, Targets 4 enemies, Range: 400
    Level 30: -40 MP, 450% Damage, Targets 6 enemies, Range: 400

    [​IMG]Mind Control [Level 20]
    For a certain period of time, an enemy will attack itself and other monsters instead of you.* [More research to be done to distinguish this from Guidance]
    Level 1: -21 MP, Lasts for 10 seconds, Range: 300
    Level 20: -30 MP, Lasts for 30 seconds, Range: 350
  9. Black_Hai

    Black_Hai Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    أرقام هندية
    cam giác tương tự thief nhỉ .Có khi còn mạnh hơn , và thấy rất nhiều skill
  10. LitLit

    LitLit T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    súng đạn ầm ầm nhìn thik quá,..khi nào có mìn làm 1 con:d
  11. shadow2810

    shadow2810 Sonic the Hedgehog

    Tham gia ngày:
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    bắt chước rockman =))
  12. Black_Hai

    Black_Hai Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    أرقام هندية
    dash là đòn skill lướt . :D tăng tốc độ di chuyển . chuă gì đã có tốc độ ~ tele với fj , bọn này có vẻ được uư tiên ghê
  13. kennichi_227

    kennichi_227 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Pantsu Island!
    hĩ hĩ khoái nhất trò đấm đá với gun :'>
    nhưng mà bao h GMS mới có :|
  14. ZeroSaint

    ZeroSaint Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Chứ chả phải à, con InFighter thì giống Zero dùng Knuckle trong MMX 8, con bắn súng thì giống X còn gì ;))
  15. embedien2005

    embedien2005 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hay ghúm ^^

    Mà job này nhận nghề ở đâu nhĩ ? Mỡ thêm city map mới ỡ Victorya Insland hay Kerning thía ?
  16. Black_Hai

    Black_Hai Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    أرقام هندية
    cái job này ở tận bên jms hay kms gì đấy cũng mới chỉ là thử nghiệm thôi .
    Nhưng wa nhìn sơ sơ thì mới chỉ job 2 mà thế này thì hơi ngon lành wa' .thiên vị nhiều
  17. Dracuba

    Dracuba Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    job 1 skill bt nhưng lên job 2 thì... Đc cái ở job 1 bọn súng bắn rất lẹ, có khi nhanh hơn sin
  18. shadow2810

    shadow2810 Sonic the Hedgehog

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    knuckle với bắn súng thì có game khác có
    nhưng cái thể loại dash tab arrow key 2 lần là không lầm được =))
  19. ZeroSaint

    ZeroSaint Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hehehe, mod box MegaMan mà nhận xét thì chỉ có chuẩn, chắc cái này lấy ý tưởng từ đấy rồi :D
  20. vle_hoang

    vle_hoang C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Somewhere on earth

    xem tiếp ở cái reply #8 nhé, thanks :x
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