Qua một số buổi em thấy con Lava golem được sử dụng kinh dị và đi tìm rulling thì thấy nhiều người dùng sai If I summon "Lava Golem" onto Opponent 1A's Monster Card Zone, will it inflict 1000 points of damage during Opponent 1B's Standby Phase as well? If you control “Lava Golem”, “Lava Golem” will inflict damage to your team’s Life Points during your Standby Phases. It will not inflict damage during your teammate’s Standby Phases. Nếu mà con này tính cả 2 stanby phase thì chết ah Còn con mirror force nữa,Khi mà lật thì tất cả monster cả 2 bên opp chét chứ ko phải chọn bên If a card affects only your opponent’s side of the field, it affects the entire side, or both your opponents. Và mirror thì nó Destroy all Attack Position monsters on your opponent's side of the field. Cả con cóc thì có đoạn rulling thế này 6. According to the rules, "Treeborn Frog" would only be Special Summoned in their controller's Standby Phases. But...it takes count of my teammate's Spell and Trap Cards on their Spell and Trap Card Zone? "Treeborn Frog" will look at your teammate’s Spell & Trap Card Zone as well. So neither player on your team can have a card in their Spell & Trap Card Zone for you to Special Summon "Treeborn Frog". http://entertainment.upperdeck.com/community/forums/thread/887769.aspx
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