Cần xin cheat của trò Sacred

Thảo luận trong 'Cheat Code - Hints - Secrets' bắt đầu bởi silence89, 12/3/08.

  1. silence89

    silence89 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cho mình xin cheat của trò sacred nếu có,cảm ơn trứoc
  2. magicsheep

    magicsheep Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    copy and paste ở cheatbook chịu khó ngồi dịch nhé :D

    These are the cheats for the full version. Just start the game with the
    parameter /CHEATS=1 and press [~] while in the game to open the console.
    Now type in the following codes:

    Code Result
    sys cheats 963 - Activate cheat mode
    cheat lord - God mode
    cheat sucide - Suicide
    cheat teleport - Teleport
    cheat tp - Teleport

    Update by:Dragomir

    SYS CHEATS=1 - Activate cheat mode
    CHEAT GOD - God mode
    CHEAT RARE - Get rare items
    CHEAT upgrade - All upgrades for the current character
    CHEAT SETGOLD # - Set gold to #
    CHEAT ADDGOLD=# - Add # gold
    CHEAT ADDEXP=# - Add # EP
    CHEAT SETLEVEL=# - Set level for current character (max 255)
    CHEAT SETHEROLEVEL=# - Set level for current hero (max 255)
    CHEAT FOGOFWAR - No fog of war
    CHEAT DAMAGE - Set health to 1
    SYS FPS - Show Frame rate
  3. dola2008

    dola2008 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Trong sacred underworld em nhan cheat nhung no bao~ " nice try , cheater ! "
    vay em phai~ lam sao ?::(
    o phien ban sacred underworld khi em chinh sys cheats 963 , no bao~ " nice try
    cheater ! " vay la sao ::(
  4. Ryu_Hayabusa

    Ryu_Hayabusa Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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