Dota 6.52 released !!!

Thảo luận trong 'DotA' bắt đầu bởi D_Symphony, 30/4/08.

  1. D_Symphony

    D_Symphony Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    bản 6.52 đã ra òi, bros cho bít ý kiến nhé ^_^. nhớ ghé thăm:
  2. InuzZ

    InuzZ T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Lục Thiên
    Mới down xong hồi nãy...................:'>
  3. tieuquynd

    tieuquynd C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Twilight Town
    Sao lúc nãy đánh 1traanj mình cảm giác con Tiny chạy nhanh hơn bình thường ...
  4. Kadaj

    Kadaj Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cái change log của nó vẫn chưa update >_< vẫn 6.51
    Nhanh thật, sáng nay lên mình vẫn chưa thấy gì >_<
  5. psmuoi

    psmuoi Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nhưng mà nó update j` mới không nhỷ . Hum nay vào đánk vẫn thế chẳng có j thay đổi so với 6.51
  6. tatsuyarai00

    tatsuyarai00 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Được cái treand từ thắt nơ đỏ chuyển sang thắt nơ xanh =))
  7. jkiller295

    jkiller295 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    6.52 Changelog
    * Rewrote all item code and systems. It now supports things like properly tracking item ownerships, fusing recipes with a full inventory as well as fixing a lot of older miscellaneous bugs and usability issues, and setting groundwork for other things in the future
    * Fixed all CustomKey problems. All hotkeys in the game can now be properly remapped to any other hotkey
    * Map strings are now properly allocated to allow players with different language versions to play with each other without having to download multiple maps themselves. This means, for example, that you can play or watch games with your English version of the map with someone using a Chinese, Korean or Russian translated version of the map without any problems. The maps for the other languages will be posted on alongside the English version for each release
    * Lowered side angles on Bristleback
    * Agility Morph and Strength Morph can now be clicked on directly for one-time use
    * Morph interval is smoother when it levels (same overall rate though)
    * Improved Elder Form attack animation
    * Improved cooldown progression on Soul Rip
    * Rewrote Timewalk to keep constant speed (so its not slow motion when you click nearby)
    * Dark Rift can now be cast by targeting minimap
    * Increased AutoQuills release requirement on Bristleback from 200 to 300
    * Improved cooldown progression on Primal Split
    * Improved initial AI on Dopplewalk image to make it less obvious when it's created
    * Sonic Wave cooldown no longer improves per level in non-scepter form
    * Reduced Reverse Polarity AOE a little
    * Reduced Dragon Knight's Breathe Fire manacost
    * Undid a portion of the cooldown buff done on Elder Dragon Form last version
    * Increased Huskar's attack range from 350 to 400
    * Lowered Puck's attack range from 600 to 550
    * Increased level 2 and 3 Purge's damage to summoned unit
    * Lowered Faceless Void's strength gain
    * Improved Faceless Void's cast animation time
    * Increased level 3 Insatiable Hunger cooldown
    * Lowered Sand King's base armor
    * Improved cooldown progression on Spirit Bear
    * Lowered movement speed on Beastmaster's Hawk
    * Increased Abaddon's movement speed slightly
    * Scream of Pain manacost is now constant on all levels
    * Increased Primal Roar cooldown by 10 seconds
    * Lowered Living Dead bounty and increased their magic resistance
    * Decreased Timelapse cooldown
    * Increased Immolation damage on level 3 Primal Split's Fire panda
    * Lowered Sven's agility gain
    * Improved Huskar's attack animation time slightly
    * Scaled the movement bonus on Chemical Rage (lower at level 1, level 3 remains the same)
    * Lowered Scepter upgraded Doom's cooldown
    * Increased cast range on Drunken Haze
    * Changed Fatal Bonds from damage to HP loss (numbers adjusted to keep it at the same effectiveness)
    * Lowered Medusa's attack animation time
    * Lowered Will O' manacost
    * Undid manacost change on Level 1 Reaper's Scythe
    * Slightly reduced Rikimaru's cast animation time
    * Scattershot gives vision on the area it is cast on
    * Flesh Heap now works with denies
    * Lowered cast range on Neutral Dark Troll's Ensnare
    * Increased cooldown on Neutral Dark Troll's Raise Dead
    * Items now have muted form when carried by non-owner (aside from a few exceptions like regeneration and leaver items). -pm can be used if you want to allow pooling in your games
    * Improved basic item's descriptions layout and presentation (133979)
    * Flying Courier cannot carry Observer Wards from enemy base
    * Lowered transmute bounty on previously untransmutable creeps (lvl 6)
    * Change Sange and Yasha recipe costs and bonuses it gives as well as fixing some minor inaccuracies with it
    * Flying Courier can no longer carry Aegis
    * Added Blades of Attack to the Goblin Shop
    * Increased the Fountain's bottle autofilling range
    * Increased Diffusal Blade's agility bonus by 5 (carries through to Manta Style)
    * Lowered Black King Bar duration slightly
    * Increased HP loss rate when Armlet is activated
    * Improved Lina's projectile and visuals (170933)
    * Added allied only overhead cast effect for Assassinate (203083)
    * Listed maximum targets for Wrath of Nature in the tooltip (212395)
    * Added special effect when Berserker's Blood is stacked at a high level (176376)
    * Added special overhead allied-only text to show duration while channeling Unstable Concoction (196859)
    * Added a sound effect when Culling Blade kills a hero
    * Added new Power Treads icons for the agility and intelligence versions (207886)
    * Added an allied-vision only visual effect for Weave (139374)
    * Lowered volume on creep horn sound
    * Improved Dragon's Tail's visual effect (192582)
    * Added a new visual effect for Soul Assumption
    * Improved King Leoric's visual effects (180737)
    * Changed Mana Void visual effects (211058)
    * Removed status buff icon for Hunter in the Night when it isn't affecting him
    * Puck and Clinkz now have a chance to get an alternate "fun name" like Ursa
    * Fixed a fatal error problem when upgrading Flying Courier after reloading from saved game
    * Fixed some overhead text effects that would show through fog of war
    * Fixed a bug when either of Rot, Sand Storm or Storm Seeker are in the same area
    * Rewrote Juxtapose and Dopplewalk image creation to fix a rare minor bug
    * Fixed a minor bug with moving Lothar's Edge while not in cooldown
    * Fixed an exploit with Lanaya
    * Fixed Phantom Edge to properly stack with Magic Resistance like the others
    * Fixed a bug with Primal Roar that could occur when used on blinkers
    * Fixed a control loss issue in recent versions with Sand King when Burrowstriking
    * Rewrote Reverse Polarity to fix some rare issues with it stunning but not pulling
    * Fixed some minor bugs with Assassinate
    * Fixed World Tree and Frozen Throne towers not sharing bounty with allies
    * Fixed Sand Storm not affecting sleeping neutrals properly
    * Fixed the interruption requirement to leveling up Storm Seeker
    * Fixed a minor bug with the damage of Invoker's Tornado not syncing accurately with the cyclone effect
    * Fixed a minor bug with Dagger and Aegis creating blank dummy items in base
    * Fixed Centaur's Return from triggering off on ally attack order
    * Fixed a rare issue with not properly creating Haunt images (DonTomaso)
    * XL Mode changed to have 4 hero removals per side instead of 3
    * Minimap now does a special ping to allied players when a unit uses Scroll of Teleportation or Boots of Travel
    * Improved Scroll of Teleportation code to armor enhance the building you are teleporting to when you click in the area instead of only when directly clicking on the target
    * Various other map performance optimizations
    * Added lots of music modes. You must have music enabled to use these. Use '-music xxx' where xxx is one of the following added options: off, random, nightelf1, nightelf2, nightelf3, human1, human2, human3, orc1, orc2, orc3, undead1, undead2, undead3, other1, other2, other3, other4, other5
    * Added a new mode -poolingmode(-pm) to allow pooling
    * -lvlup now allows a number after it to level up faster in test games
    * Reduced delay on End Game scoreboard for Sentinel victory
    * -roll without specified number now does it out of 100
    * Added command -list for use in -sd to show the pick options again
    * Changed follow allied unit range to move closer to the target
    * Restored and fixed previous issues with -unstuck
    * Added a time delayed warning message when the game is in -test mode (some people have been abusing private chat to activate it before using -ah to clear the screen in order to use test commands to cheat without anyone knowing)
    * Added commands -rollon and -rolloff incase people spam with roll. Default is on
    * Added single player commands -killall/-killsent/-killscourge (169041)
    * Added a new mode -observerinfo(-oi) to display extra information for game broadcasters/observers when you hover over player heroes
    * Initial creep waves in -ap now spawn 30 seconds later
    * Added single player test command -time xx to set the time of day
    * Improved the text display on courier death
    * Added a new single player or -test mode subcommand (-noherolimit) that lets you get multiple heroes, primarily for video editors that have been requesting it
    * New Invoker story from the contest (Ike_Ike)
    Sưu tầm từ
  8. lehuutri123

    lehuutri123 Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Uầy bản này nerf BB kinh khủng.Còn LoA của mình đc buff,tg lai sẽ đc pik nhìu đây.SnY lại đc buff,kiểu này soul ngày càng mạnh.
  9. Shiva_vuive

    Shiva_vuive Sonic the Hedgehog

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Cần Thơ
    Mới test sơ, thấy Lina có khác gì đâu nhỉ... những cái em thấy nè:

    Item thay đổi khá nhiều trong vị trí ở các shop
    có thêm khá nhiều lời chú thích cho các item
    power treads thay đổi tùy màu sắc, xanh lá cây, xanh dương, và màu cơ bản

    Giờ em bít tại sao ko cho chim mua observer ward rồi... Vì cái này cd rất là lâu mà mỗi lần mua chỉ có 1... Nếu dùng chim mua ta tốn 200 gold (4 con mobs) là phe kia ko bít tình hình tới 6 phút... Nếu ta cố ý mua thì nó sẽ tự rớt ra trên nhà phe đối thủ
  10. Kidies

    Kidies Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Đâu nhỉ :-/
    Oh lol,tưởng Lina đổi cái gì,hóa ra animation vẫn thế =),chỉ đổi từ cục lửa to ra cục lửa nhỏ =)
  11. aloloaalo

    aloloaalo The Warrior of Light GameOver Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    BB bị nerf chán kinh :-s
  12. ßlack_Rose

    ßlack_Rose Beautiful Lie

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    BB lại tiếp tục bị nerf , lần này khá thậm tệ ..... không còn gì để nói .
  13. Kidies

    Kidies Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Đâu nhỉ :-/
    Chắc IF muốn giết hẳn BB đi để dành cho map stable sắp tới có nhiều sự lựa chọn hơn? =)
  14. championknight

    championknight Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ulti nó tăng ms :-"

    Đúng thật, lần nerf này là nerf skill 3 huyền thoại của nó

  15. 1.2.3.....dô

    1.2.3.....dô T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Bản này creep ra chậm hơn trc,làm chờ mãi nó chưa ra :D
  16. championknight

    championknight Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Mode -ap nó ra trễ hơn 30s, 2' mới ra :-j .
  17. Kidies

    Kidies Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Đâu nhỉ :-/
    2' creep mới ra để các hero có thể jungle ngay từ đầu,chứ hồi trc toàn phải ra ăn nhờ exp 1 wave mới chui vào rừng dc =)
  18. mocxi04

    mocxi04 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Bản này chống pump đồ => quá hay.
  19. Kadaj

    Kadaj Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ôi còn gì BB của tôi :(( Siêu nhân giờ....
    Nhiều con bị nerf phết
  20. Funnnny

    Funnnny Will Code Python For FOOD Moderator

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hanoi, Vietnam
    DK với Huskar đuợc buff phê...
    BB tiếp tục bị neft =))

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