Thảo luận hỏi đáp Mega Man Zero

Thảo luận trong 'Mega Man - Rock Man' bắt đầu bởi Coldsquall, 23/1/07.

  1. caubethattinh

    caubethattinh Youtube Master Race

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    Trò này dễ ấy mà :))
    Bạn điều khiển Zero xài buster hoặc saber, giết được 8 con trùm + 3 form trùm cuối là hết game :>
  2. *Infernal_Kami*

    *Infernal_Kami* Donkey Kong

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    Thêm con Phantom, chain rod và S.Boomerang nữa:>...
    Btw,mấy cái hình này kiếm lâu rồi mà chưa có dịp post,hôm nay post lên chơi:p.Chắc phải 2 năm sau cái vụ fan games này mới xong đc =))

    Có cả Roll và Forte =))

    Còn cái này thì hiện đã có tới fan fic MMZ6=))Nhưng trên giấy vẫn chỉ là trên giấy =))


    Tớ uo thử 1 chapter nhé:p
    The scene opens up with a recap of the events of Megaman Zero 4. It mentions how in two years of both Zero and Weil never resurfaced. Reploids and humans are beginning to make peace with each other. Area Zero now has become an ever-growing city. Ceil’s energy system has both human’s and Reploids living full happy lives however there is an inquisition brewing in the ruins of neo arcadia from human’s who still live in fear of Reploids. They call themselves the Arcadian underground army, an army of humans experimenting on captured repliods to turn them into mindless drone only capable of following orders with no free will at all. They have been recently commencing in guerrilla attacks on the city of area Zero with the intent of “retiring those involved with the ragnarok incident” as well as "the reploid threat" returning things to the way they are including destroying the ceil system. Ciel is currently running area zero hoping to lead the people to a stable and everlasting peace. With the attacks on her mind she goes to the one place she can think and find peace…in the ruins of ragnarok.

    Chapter 1
    The scene opens up with a distraught Ceil over the events threatening the peace at area zero she holds in her hand the still shattered helmet of zero a testament to his fate* a former resistance soldier is accompanying her for her own safety.
    Soldier: Ms. Ceil how long can you stay out here it’s dangerous to leave the safety of the city, especially with the arcadian underground army inquisitors after you.
    Ceil: I’m sorry I just need time to think that’s all. If only he was here…
    Soldier: you mean Zero…I know it’s a tragedy what happened and all but what can we do? He’s gone now.
    Ceil: this Peace was attained because of Zero’s efforts we pushed him too far…yet somehow even now I believe he will come back.
    Soldier: …
    Suddenly the soldier hears footsteps and turns, the screen pans backwards to show modified under ground pantheons closing in on them.
    Soldier: ms. Ceil run!!!
    Ceil begins to run forward, it scrolls back to reveal the soldier getting shot and killed by the pantheons. Ceil continues to run but trips on a piece of debris, zero’s helmet slides off into the darkness. The pantheons take aim and holds, the voice only dialog box would appear. *
    Sound only: Ms. Ceil leader of the former resistance army and cause of all our troubles. You will come with us we have many questions for you regarding your actions against humanity.
    • Suddenly two charged shot blasts fly out torwards the pantheons followed by a green saber wind, which destroys the pantheons respectively. A shadowy figure limps on to the scene. The shadowy figure bends down to pick up the silhouette of the shattered helmet and place it on his head and takes a step forward. His face is still in darkness but by now you know who it is, his eyes glow bright blue and the gem a dim blue. Looking at his body you can see he’s still terribly damaged, cracked and melted armor, exposed metal joints on his leg and arms (this would be a scene view obviously, then it would switch back to sprites.)*
    Ceil: Z-Zero?
    Still not showing his face. *
    Zero: …
    *Suddenly there is a small explosion and Zero’s arm falls off. He steps back into the shadows. *
    Ceil: Zero!
    Zero: ...
    Ceil: don’t you remember me? Your badly damaged, you must come with me.
    *As ceil steps forward a he falls on one knee. *
    Ceil: Zero-
    Zero: g-get down!
    *Ceil ducks and narrowly avoids a shot from a pantheon. Zero lifts up the buster and returns fire. He hits the pantheon, another small explosion and zero hits the floor. More pantheons move in.
    *Suddenly a copter flies in from area zero and resistance soldiers come out and open fire on the pantheons*
    Soldier: Miss Ceil, we picked up a massive movement in this area and assumed you may be in trouble.
    Ceil: we need to hurry and get Zero to the repair center.
    Soldier: Zero? No way, he’s alive?
    Ceil: not if we don’t get him out of here.
    *The scene fades out and picks up at an underground lab in area zero. A still shattered and broken Zero lies on an examination table. *
    Soldier: I can’t believe it there is just no way he could have survived that explosion let alone that re-entry.
    Cerveau: And yet here he is. Unbelievable he truly is quite the replied but this damage could not, should not be this. Light.
    Soldier: you call that light?
    Cerveau: considering what happened to him his body should be dust.
    Ceil: then how did he survive?
    Cerveau: well let’s see what the computer will tell us…
    *He begins typing on his computer, it scans Zero’s body and bleeps. *
    Cerveau: hmm this is interesting.
    Ceil: what?
    Cerveau: apparently his body is…regenerating itself.
    Ceil: regenerating? How?
    Cerveau: I don’t know, maybe…
    Soldier: what?
    Cerveau: well Dr. Weil had the ability to regenerate right? What if the explosion fused certain pieces of Weil and ragnarok’s core with Zero’s body. Their cell’s mixed giving him the ability to regenerate.
    Ceil: that’s incredible!
    Cerveau: most defiantly…however, the process is considerably slower then that of Weil’s. There probably wasn’t much left of him once he reached earth and it took him two years to recover this much.
    Ceil: so can we finish repairs?
    Cerveau: I’m afraid not a lot of his body is damaged beyond all conventional repair, we’ll have to wait for his new healing factor to finish the job, but that could take a few more months to a year at this rate.
    Suddenly a huge explosion rocks the repair bay. *
    Ceil: what was that?
    Sound only: enemies have broken into the lab I repeat enemies have broken into the lab-
    *Another explosion*
    Ceil don’t look like we have that much time.
    *She runs over to the console behind Zero and starts typing on the computer, the protective metal covering of a tube comes down revealing a cyber elf. *
    Cerveau: What are you doing?
    Ceil: Cyber elf exodus…. Alouette and I created this as a sort of prototype father elf program to create another energy source until we found it has “special properties”. An astounding ability to restore, it’s as unconventional as they come. If we use it on zero-
    Cerveau: that is an experimental cyber elf, it could change Zero’s structure, his power, maybe even his personality.
    Ceil: there’s no time. Exodus I’m sorry I could not complete you and I hate to have to use you prematurely…but please restore Zero, help us.
    The tiny cyber elf begins to glow brightly, hovers over Zero’s broken body then slowly goes into Zero’s body.
    *at this point the new theme of Zero would play and mugshots of zero’s body glowing, his arms changing, his body changing his helmet changing. Then it reviels Zero’s new look, his eyes open.*
    Ceil: Zero has once again been resurrected.
    Zero: …
    boom *
    Ceil: Zero…please, help us.
    End chapter 1
  3. chitrunglam

    chitrunglam Legend of Zelda

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  4. Iroh

    Iroh Oyabun

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    Thời MMZ là toàn lấy nhân vật trong X chứ có lấy nhân vật trong Classic đâu mà đòi có Roll với Bass
  5. *Infernal_Kami*

    *Infernal_Kami* Donkey Kong

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    Fan games thì tụi nó tính thế nào chả được T_TVả lại chắc gì mấy đứa này trong MMZ đã có tên là Roll với Bass=_=
  6. chitrunglam

    chitrunglam Legend of Zelda

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    Tui chơi đâu thấy đứa nào tên Roll với Bass đâu !
  7. Sand_Triangle

    Sand_Triangle Donkey Kong

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  8. *Inferno_Kami*

    *Inferno_Kami* Mario & Luigi

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    Field of Blades
    Hình như chỉ đổi skin thôi hả:-?1 số đoạn thấy nó vẫn biến lại thành Zero=_=
    Cái nhạc là của MMX5 thì phải.Nhạc X vs Zero=_=?
  9. ™[V]™

    ™[V]™ Donkey Kong

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    Cho hỏi các chip nào trong MMZ4 ghép thành các bộ giáp zậy
  10. ShukoSP

    ShukoSP C O N T R A

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  11. haiongngoai

    haiongngoai Youtube Master Race

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    Mấy pác cho tớ hỏi chút : Game MMZ2 có cái màng cùa thằng Điện màu xanh lá cây ấy , cứ đi thẳng đến cuối bức tường bám lên tường có vài chỏm đá nhô ra trên đó có 1 con chip bị giam làm sao lấy dc nó thế :|
  12. Sand_Triangle

    Sand_Triangle Donkey Kong

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    Sạc saber mà chém cho nó rớt xuống từ từ...
  13. heavyarms kai

    heavyarms kai Donkey Kong

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    cái này có đường bí mật để vào lấy đấy, chú ý góc trên bên phải của cái ô, đường bí mật nó nằm ẩn trong tường
  14. ShukoSP

    ShukoSP C O N T R A

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    Cái màn rừng đấy khi vài ruin có rất nhiều hốc bí mật, đặc biệt kiếm EC rất sướng.
    Nhưng lúc mới chơi thì tớ ko biết và phải đi kiểu rất vất vả (chơi đủ kiểu bằng cách despeed emu =,=) đến lúc biết lối đi thì cũng ko cần nữa T_T
  15. venom00

    venom00 Youtube Master Race

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    Z2 là bản khó nhất trong series mà lại. Chơi ít nhất 2 - 3 lần mới qua được chứ không phải dễ dàng đâu.
  16. zaizaibao

    zaizaibao Youtube Master Race

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    uhm mình cung thấy zạy màn đó khó chơi kinh
  17. chitrunglam

    chitrunglam Legend of Zelda

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    MMZ4 chế độ hả tôi không lấy giáp tím ! Tui sài giáp xanh chém được 1 phát kiếm ! Buster íu xìu ! Anh em biết làm sao cho nó mạnh hơn không ?
  18. ShukoSP

    ShukoSP C O N T R A

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    Lạ nhỉ theo cậu nói thì có vẻ là MMZ2 thì đúng hơn là Z4 đấy...
    Z4 chả có bộ giáp nào chém 1 nhát cả 8-}
  19. venom00

    venom00 Youtube Master Race

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    Ai nói không? Nếu chơi hard mode thì Zero sẽ xài cái Proto Form, chém được có 1 phát thôi.
  20. ShukoSP

    ShukoSP C O N T R A

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    Thế thì hãy ghi rõ là " Chế độ Hard " chứ ko phải là "chế độ hả" 8-}

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