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25/12/89 (Tuổi: 35)
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Hà Nội

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Dragon Quest, Nam, 35, đến từ Hà Nội

Lão Làng GVN
Ashe&Vaan được nhìn thấy lần cuối:
    1. calvados1108
    2. calvados1108
      tôi thì ở HN :|..ra vào DN như cơm bữa ấy mà ;))
      US ở bang nào ? có ny chưa..hoàn cảnh gia đình :"> mà ông là gì của e nó thế ?
    3. calvados1108
      e gái tôi đấy :|
      nó ở DN..cần gt k ;;)
      e kia nhìn yêu thôi..cho ít pro5 đi :-*
    4. calvados1108
      cho hỏi có khi ko phải chứ bạn là trai hay gái X_X
      cho ít pro5 về e kia đi :">
    5. tonnywin
      sdt tớ nè: 0982819991 :D đã có địa chỉ của quán Felice rồi, bạn cứ đến đó rồi mọi người sẽ gặp nhau ~^^~ bản DFF của bạn là NA nhỉ :| Tonny cũng không rõ nó có compatible với bản E không, thôi thì bạn cứ mang đi, nếu không ad hoc được thì Tonny đưa máy cho mình cùng chơi ~^^~
    6. Senjuro
      2h chiều chủ nhật tại quán Felice nhé bạn
    7. Senjuro
      Địa điểm mọi người vẫn chưa thống nhất bạn à...
      Có gì bạn cứ liên hệ với Tonny, cậu ấy là chủ trì mà.

      YH của mình là sennie8x
    8. Senjuro
      Bạn cứ theo dõi topic, khi nào quyết định cụ thể địa điểm và thời gian thì đi.
      Nếu bạn biết thêm ai thì rủ đi cùng cho vui nhé.
    9. GaSuHuynh
      Giang lão ta cần lão lên YH gấp gấp
    10. GaSuHuynh
      Đêm nay định cầm máy ảnh đi chụp gái theo lời của một cao thủ truyền lại ^_^

      Giờ giả như gặp 1 em xinh xinh muốn chụp ảnh = xin Y!M em thì nói sao nhở?
    11. Tani1301
      Cho mình nick yh bạn đc ko :">
    12. aeromish
      bạn cũng học ở Nhân Chính à, lớp nào thế :D
    13. Flunky1412
      Nguyên bản tiếng Anh nó như thế này,cậu xem thử xem:
      Overflow is basically a glitch that causes negative damage, causing the game to
      think that the target has so much HP, it better fix the problem. Instant Death.

      Overflow can be attained versus almost all enemies in FF7, with the exceptions
      of Ruby Weapon and a Safer Sephiroth at max power. These two enemies have a too
      high Defense for the glitch to work.

      How does it work? Overflow damage can only be attained by two characters, and
      more specifically by only two weapons: Vincent's Death Penalty and Barret's
      Missing Score. These two weapons have ridiculous high damage multipliers, which
      is the key of access to this glitch. To power up Vincent's Death Penalty, you
      need to kill enemies, and the more you kill, the more powerful the weapon.
      Barret's Mission Score is powered up by putting as much high AP materia in the
      weapon's slots.

      The maximum damage multiplier for the Death Penalty is x32, and it's approx.
      x25 for the Missing Score. You do not need to have these weapons at max power to
      perform overflow, however. It depends on how high the enemy's defense is. The
      higher the defense, the more power you need. Emerald Weapon has a Defense of 180
      and you'll need quite some power to kill him with Overflow.

      Like I said, you don't need the weapons at max power, but say you need approx
      2+ million AP in the Mission Score if you throw 4 Hero Drinks on Barret (to
      double his attack power). And you'll need approx 15000+ kills on Vincent's
      Death Penalty.

      Measuring Vincent's kills may be a useful thing to some players. Here's how you
      do it the most easy (and only) way:

      o Using Everyone's Grudge:
      If you've only just begun with getting kills on Vincent, you can get Vincent hit
      by an attack called Everyone's Grudge, used by Master Tonberry in the Crater.
      This attack uses this formula: Kills * 10 = Damage. As you can see, you can only
      measure up to 1000 kills with this.

      o Using Ruby WEAPON:
      When you get more and more kills, you can check your kills by doing alot of
      math. Do an attack versus Ruby WEAPON. Vincent at Lvl 99, 255 Str, and the
      99 Atk Death Penalty will damage Ruby for around 6400 damage. If you do this
      damage to Ruby with that Vincent, you'll have around ~12522 kills.

      If you're consistently doing 9999 damage to Ruby with the above setup-Vincent,
      your kills should be ~20890 or more. That's already enough to kill Emerald with
      'Check 2', or in other words with Berserk and Deathblow/Critical Hit.

      If you want to measure beyond this, put Vincent under the Frog status before
      attacking Ruby Weapon. This will reduce Vincent's damage to 1/4th, so if you
      were hitting 9999 before, you will now do 2500 damage (or more, if you had more
      kills). At 5000 damage you'll have ~41780 kills.

      o Other useful information:
      o If the defense value of an enemy is higher than 421, you can never make the
      overflow trick work, ever. Not even with a maxed out Vincent/Death Penalty.

      o The max defense an enemy is allowed to have when you're trying to get
      overflow with a MAXED Barret, is the value 394. This is good enough for
      practically anything but Ruby WEAPON.

      o The MINIMUM amount of kills (and here's where it starts to get interesting)
      for Vincent's Death Penalty, in order to One Hit KO Emerald WEAPON , is 16896 kills.

      o The MINIMUM amount of AP for Barret in order to On Hit KO Emerald WEAPON,
      is 1410000 AP.
      That's not all that bad, seeing how 3 maxed KOTR Materia would do the trick.

      o Furthermore, it's impossible to get overflow if you're not using Berserk or
      Deathblow. It *is* possible to get overflow without Hero Drinks (and still
      using Berserk & Deathblow), but you would need the ridiculous amount of
      60580 kills on a maxed out Vincent. Stick to the above methods...
    14. THINHRAZOR21428
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    Giới tính:
    Sinh nhật:
    25/12/89 (Tuổi: 35)
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội

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