Nah. I don't need to be revived. +_+ I need to be activated. The SVS account just changed email and it's been 3 days. Still no activation email at...
Ngày xưa có một topic riêng để dành cho những người cần kích hoạt tài khoản mà chờ mãi không thấy email. Xin hỏi mọi người bây giờ cái topic đó ở đâu?
Just figured it out. The email I used to created that nick was recycled. Since the server unable to connect to that email, I have to change to...
Second that! Btw, how come my main nick has no privilege to post in here? 800+ post is not enough?!!!!
Completely forgot every clone except this DevVn one. Vát clones probably had too enticing asses. Every mods he knew wanted some of it. And Cat,...
Oh! Now a pedo, a femme fatale, a cutie cute female mod with a penis, a cat who won't even be there and a hat are planning a meeting which I can't...
Someone got hard today ...
Holy craps! Now I want dat kind of bars in HN. I freaking hate this city's bars. Oh, and congrat on that catch FE. Don't spend him too...
You used to have one, just like me. We were GWP leaders, remember? We were actually mods of hidden box. Don't know why we didn't have blades...
And I have the greatest one in awhile. Cheers!!!!! :">
Oh, craps! So SMODs have duties? I always thought they are a bunch of killers without a job. (*_*) Oh, and may I have my shield back, dear FE?
Damn! Here come the destruction of my Shield. :( I'm so sad and vulnerable now. :(((((((
Too busy with work. Just back a moment ago. F**ked up my Christmas. +_+
True. It took me almost 2 years to establish a "Vietnamese Mode" and a "English Mode". My Spanish isn't good enough to build a mode yet but I'm...
Welcome to the club. Cheers to all our successes. :D :D
^ Nah. Just Google it. :D And the page buttom is your friend. It's way down there.
Dont you mean Suicide Squad? Count me in! Though I'm happy as fu** right now. :">
Midnight. .
Probably will. I don't think they are stupid enough to waste money on PhotoShop-proof mechanism against fake ID. On a side note, I've never been...
Yup! That's our mod, alright. We need to find away to fulfill his wish: send him to Thailand. :3
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