TB eboots update Game_of_Thrones_EBOOT_PATCH_TB_PS3-EHRGEIZ Tom_Clancys_Ghost_Recon_Future_Soldier_EBOOT_PATCH _TB_PS3-EHRGEIZ...
TB updates eboot release Armored_Core_V_EUR_EBOOT_PATCH_TB_PS3-PARADOX Devil_May_Cry_HD_Collection_EBOOT_PATCH_TB_PS3-PARADOX...
TB updates eboot Armored_Core_V_EUR_EBOOT_PATCH_TB_PS3-PARADOX Devil_May_Cry_HD_Collection_EBOOT_PATCH_TB_PS3-PARADOX...
thank you.. will contact them..
at last FFXiii-2 but my ps3 still broken.. any one know to refer me where i can send for repair my ps3 in hanoi thanks
nice JB king crack fw v2.5 of TB
Any one can help me where i can find ps3 repair shop in hanoi. my ps3 is dead white light error because of usb powered i connect... thanks for...
latest TB eboot release..... &[] Mass_Effect_3_EBOOT_PATCH_TB_PS3-PARADOX SSX_EBOOT_PATCH_TB_PS3-PARADOX
latest TB eboot patch.... The_Darkness_2_EBOOT_PATCH_TB_PS3-PARADOX Binary_Domain_EBOOT_PATCH_TB_PS3-PARADOX...
:-)/\:-) i will not posting any link from now just giving the latest TB news :D
TB Eboot patch update... Tacchi_Shiyo_Love_Application_EBOOT_PATCH_TB_PS3-PARADOX Under_Defeat_HD_EBOOT_PATCH_TB_PS3-PARADOX...
dont buy JB King... it doesn't have update to v2.5 of trueblue.. means no latest game patch to be play... any one knows where can i buy...
but still not yet have FFxiii-2 :( sad
latest TB eboot patch release... BlazBlue_Continuum_Shift_EXTEND_EBOOT_PATCH_TB_PS3-PARADOX Asuras_Wrath_EBOOT_PATCH_TB_PS3-PARADOX...
LEGO_Harry_Potter_Years_5-7_EBOOT_PATCH_TB_PS3-PARADOX DL 13.0MB http://jumbofiles.com/rd5eus01qayd...
All NFO can find here http://www.ludibria.com/index.php?sys=ps3 still don't have FFXIII-2...
latest eboot release.. LEGO_Harry_Potter_Years_5-7_EBOOT_PATCH_TB_PS3-PARADOX Monkey_Island_Special_Edition_Collection_EBOOT_PAT...
Child of Eden PS3 Fix for 3.55 / 3.41 Custom Firmware Arrives Read more:...
Mukki is closed (our primary source of leaked duplex games, tb eboots and more) '@^@||| http://mukki.org/
hoping soon they will make eboot patch for FFXiii-2
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