,vn ai xem xong doan nay khong goi tru tien la game online hay nhat the gioi thi chet di xem phe lun a :x
em chi noi not mot cau nay rui thui neu anh KHOA da choi tro` nay lau rui thi co the cho em xin 1 nick da update guardian de choi cho do buon neu...
anh KHOA dau rui` huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhhuuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuuhhuhuhuhu ___________________________ the ma`...
troi` oi ai lien he tui de update duoc con AQ len guardian thi` bao tui lam` gi` tui cung lam` luon ne`(aaaaaa) EMAIL:[email protected]...
anh meo gia` cho em 1 con voi duoc hem em dang thich choi tro` nay` dien cuong luon nhung ko up len guardian duoc nen nan wa hoac anh CARlOS giup...
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