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Thảo luận trong 'Lập trình & Đồ hoạ' bắt đầu bởi goder2910, 12/9/08.

  1. goder2910

    goder2910 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hồ Chí Minh
    Em phải làm phần kiểm tra cuối chương về software của CF giáo trình Aptech ACCP 2005, có mấy câu hỏi bí quá mong các anh giúp em.

    The inherent benefits of a computerised system are (3 choices)?
    a) Repetitive calculations have to be done by the system..
    b) All details are available at one place..
    c) Errors due to manual calculation are eliminated...
    d) Data entry is reduced to nil..
    e) Records are maintained at a faster rate.

    Which two of the following statements are NOT TRUE? (2 choices)?
    a) A computer virus may also be called a biological virus.
    b) The infection caused from a computer virus can be prevented via inoculation.
    c) The computer virus may spread via a floppy disk from one computer to another..
    d) The execution of a virus program can take place without any user intervention.
    e) A virus may delete data, increase the file size and also affect the hardware components.

    Which three of the following statements are TRUE?
    a) Data processing cycle is information in, process and data out
    b) Two categories of software are application and system software
    c) Computers can take decisions on their own, like human beings.
    d) The operating system has to take on conducting a process called as booting
    e) The unit storing any data that comes into the CPU while processing is so called register

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