Bahamas swarm : cái nhìn tổng thể ...

Thảo luận trong 'Granado Espada' bắt đầu bởi lina_angel, 28/2/08.

  1. lina_angel

    lina_angel Alone In The Dark Darkness... Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    DoTa of warcraft
    Chú ý : để vào được map này bạn phải hoàn thành hết Q grandice : fruit

    Bahama Marshlands(Lvl 105-107)


    As you can see from the zone map, there is a pioneering memorial in this map, which means that you can repeatedly farm lvl90 exp cards and lvl9 pioneering seals(this is an ingredient used in the crafting of necklaces). 150 kills of swamp spider crab each time.

    Somewhere near the pioneering memorial, there is a tombstone. This tombstone is related to the witch's quest which remains locked as of now. For each map(from the Bahama Marshlands until the Bahama Swamp of Peril), there are 2 tombstones. By clicking on the tombstone, a monster will spawn(this monster have a brilliant glow).The location for the tombstones of this map are F7 and I5. Below is a picture of what a typical tombstone looks like.


    The Monsters

    Swamp Robber Ghost

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Swamp Spider Crab

    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    King Snail

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Mini Boss

    Swamp Spider Crab Leader

    *No pics for this boss, it is just an enlarged version of the Swamp Spider Crab.


    Bahama Swamp of Darkness(Lvl 107-109)


    Tombstone locations for this map are E8 and I6.

    The Monsters

    King Snail
    *Same as the one in Bahama Marshlands

    Jumping Fish

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Swamp Treasure Ghost

    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Red Spider Crab

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Mini Boss

    Swamp Frogfish

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Gather 2 or more families for this mini boss to save time. However, this boss can be soloed. I managed to kill it but it took about 20-30mins. I was fighting it with expert characters of 61-62AR. 1 thing to take note about this boss is that it has a spell that will reduce your attack and attack rating.
    Here are some tips on killing this boss(if you intend to solo it):
    -Lure it to a place of low mob spawn(any edge of the map will do).
    -Use Hrin pots(triump fillers if necessary).
    -Make sure all your 3 characters are DPSing/attacking, if u bring scouts make sure they swap to the dagger stance after buffing.
    -Swap stances for max DPS, for example, if you are using rapiers, swap between the 2 stances and repeatedly spam the skills.
    -Stay focus, keep your fingers moving on the hotkeys and eventually this boss will fall.


    Bahama Swamp of Eternity(Lvl 109-111)


    Tombstone locations for this map are F5 and G8. The witch's hut is located at G6 of this map.

    The Monsters

    *Same as the one in Bahama Swamp of Darkness

    Red Spider Crab
    *Same as the one in Bahama Swamp of Darkness

    Amber Bee

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Escudo Prefer

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Mini Boss

    Escudo Prefer Leader

    *No pics for this boss, it is just an enlarged version of the Escudo Prefer.

    1 thing to take note about this boss is that it has a very powerful AOE skill by the name of Collision that will 1HKO your weaker characters(Musk/Wiz/Ele) at times. My expert wiz has 60DR, around 175+ def, 8k HP and got 1HKO, but there are also times that my wiz were left with 700-1000 HP. However, don't take chances, once you see the Collision skill, run out of the AOE or better still, spread out your characters at start.


    Bahama Swamp of Peril(Lvl 111-113)


    Tombstone locations for this map are D11 and E7.

    The Monsters

    Escudo Prefer
    *Same as the one in Bahama Swamp of Eternity
  2. lina_angel

    lina_angel Alone In The Dark Darkness... Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    DoTa of warcraft
    Swamp Jumping Fish

    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Pink Wing Frog

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Mini Boss

    Swamp Frogfish
    *Same as the one in Bahama Swamp of Darkness


    Underground Cave(Lvl 113-117)


    As you can see from this zone map, there are 2 parts to this map, left part you enter from the Bahama Marshlands and the other from Bahama Swamp of Peril. In the maps of Bahama Marshlands and Bahama Swamp of Peril, there are many "circle of lights". Below is a pic of what a typical circle of light looks like.


    By entering the circle of light, you will either warp to another circle of light on the same map or you will warp into the Underground Cave. So if you want to go to the Underground Cave, keep moving into the circle of light and you will get yourself in the Underground Cave eventually.

    The Monsters

    Cave Robber Ghost

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Cave Treasure Ghost

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Spider Crab

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Cave Jumping Fish

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Black Fish

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Mini Boss

    King of Greed(KOG)

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    3 or more families are needed to kill KOG, as of now, I don't think anyone from any server will be able to solo it. KOG usually spawns at the following corrds, C5 and I8. Lure it to a place of low mob spawn, B6 and K7 are good spots to fight KOG. 1 thing to take note about KOG is that once it is left with around 30-40% HP, it will use a skill by the name of Protection which will increase it's defend and defend rating, a typical KOG with protection has 59 defend rating.

    Upon the death of KOG, there will be a notice that the entrance to the Underground Cave level 2 has opened. If you killed the KOG from the Bahama Swamp of Peril side, the entrance to level 2 will open at the Bahama Marshlands side at the coords of D6. If you killed the KOG at the Bahama Marshlands side, the entrance to level 2 will open at the Bahama Swamp of Peril side at the coords of I7.


    Underground Cave 2nd Floor


    The raid boss Uraeus is located in the middle of this map.

    The Monsters

    Green Fish

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Spider Crab
    *Same as the one in Underground Cave 1st Floor

    Cave Jumping Fish
    *Same as the one in Underground Cave 1st Floor

    Black Fish
    *Same as the one in Underground Cave 1st Floor

    Robber Ghost
  3. lina_angel

    lina_angel Alone In The Dark Darkness... Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    DoTa of warcraft
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Treasure Ghost

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Uraeus Egg

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Uraeus Minion

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    *Uraeus Minion is spawned when the Uraeus Egg is destroyed.

    Raid Boss


    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    This boss will remain hidden in the water until you destroy all the Uraeus Egg. Upon the destruction of all its eggs, this boss will come out of the water and start fighting you. Once it is left with 10-20% HP, it will go back into the water to hide from you and you can't hit it anymore. All the Uraeus Eggs that you have previously destroyed will respawn and you have to destroy all of them again to make the Uraeus accessible again.

    Time is the key, destroy all the Uraeus Eggs again asap because Uraeus is regenerating it's health in the water and you wouldn't want it to regen too much of it's health, do you?

    The End.


    Drop List
    -Dragon heart(the ultimate gem) recipe from swamp frogfish.
    -lvl100(32AR/DR) equipments recipe from KOG.
    -lvl100 elite staff of gnosis from Bahama Swamp of Peril.
    -Le blanc wiz from Underground Cave 1st floor.
    -Old chess piece(some sort of ingredient) from Bahama Swamp of Peril.
    -lvl100 daemon slayer from Bahama Swamp of Peril.
    -lvl100 the black dragon from Bahama Swamp of Peril.

    note :

    -tất cả các map ở bahama swarm đều có thể rớt elite 100 khi kill mob ...
    - kill các bos trong khu vực này có thể drop các nguyên liệu để craft elite 100 armour hay elite Ar 32...

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