Connect to indicated game number : /go (number) Display console commands: /h Display function key commands: /key Ignore indicated player: /mute (name) Kicks indicated player from game: /kick (name) List ignored players: /mutelist Restore all ignore players to normal:l /loudall Restore ignored player to normal: /loud (name) Send private message to indicated player: /msg (name) (message) Send private message to indicated player: /m (name) (message) Football bullets (only activated by host) : /worldcup Quit game at any time, even when not your turn: /quit or /exit Tui post len cho ba` con xem.Hieu* biet' nhieu` hon ve` GB
còn gì nữa ko ? mấy cái này hình như ông đi sau người ta cả thế kỷ rồi cho ông thêm vài cái nữa nè /shutup , /motherfu , /kickdog , /eatshit , /.....