Champion Online- Free For All -Part 2

Thảo luận trong 'Thảo luận chung' bắt đầu bởi haloshop, 2/3/11.

  1. haloshop

    haloshop Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Do chủ topic cũ ko hoạt động và online để update nữa nên xin MOD cho mình lập 1 topic mới để update thường xuyên,dễ dàng với các member mới vào chơi :D......​


    Trailer :
    : [video=youtube;tGjoJB-mLnA]"][/video]

    Thành viên chơi free gọi là silver member bị một số hạn chế nhất định như class, movement, costume, 1 bag inventory, bị hạn chế post bài trong forum :-o v.v...
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    Giới Thiệu Chung:

    [spoil]Trong trò chơi MMORPG Champions Online, bạn vào vai một siêu anh hùng, người bảo vệ thành phố Millenium City. Càng vào cuối trò chơi, các mối đe dọa càng nhiều. Các tổ chức trên mặt đất bày ra các trò bẩn thỉu với âm mưu làm phản, tạo ra những thế lực thần bí đến từ không gian tìm cách chế ngự nhân loại. Nhưng mối nguy hiểm lớn nhất là từ Doctor Destroyer, một vị thần của nhóm siêu năng lực khủng khiếp đã từng phá hủy thành phố Detroit trên bản đồ Mỹ và chuẩn bị nhắm tới những người dân của Millenium City. Do người anh hùng Defender chỉ huy, thế hệ siêu anh hùng mới, bao gồm nhóm những Champions mà bạn thuộc nhóm này, sẽ duy trì suốt cho tới bàn 40 của trò chơi.

    Champions Online thu hút bởi chế độ « tạo nhân vật », không có giới hạn nào hết, điều này tuỳ vào trí tưởng tượng của bạn! Dựa trên chế độ này của trò chơi City of Heroes, trò chơi này có nhiều lựa chọn mà bạn phải vượt qua trong nhiều giờ để tạo ra bằng những sáng tạo của mình trước khi tự hào trưng ra trên Internet. Mỗi một phần của cơ thể có nhiều yếu tố có thể sáng tạo, và bạn có thể thay đổi kiểu của các yếu tố này, màu sắc, kết cấu... Siêu anh hùng của bạn sẽ có một làn da của một âm binh hay của các thành viên điều khiển? Nhân vật sẽ được trang bị móng vuốt, cánh hay vây cá? Có rất nhiều khả năng. Nhưng ở đây, Champions Online rất mạnh, cho phép nhân hóa quyền lực của bạn. Tia laser của bạn có thể xuyên qua lòng bàn tay, miệng hay đầu không? Màu da của nhân vật sẽ thế nào?


    Trong trò chơi, để phát triển nhân vật của bạn, một chuỗi các cách thức « cây tiến hóa » cho sự lựa chọn của bạn sẽ hướng bạn tới những lớp quyền lức khác nhau: sơ cấp (lửa, băng, điện...) công nghệ (đạn dược, vật dụng...), tâm lý, những cũng có võ thuật, sức mạnh, thần bí... Với tổng cộng 18 nhánh (cây tiến hóa), cơ hội lựa chọn là khá lớn. Về những quyền lực thu được, khá đơn giản: bạn là người lựa chọn. Trong suốt quá trình phát triển, bạn sẽ đạt được những điểm số cho phép có được những sức mạnh đó hay tăng thêm. Ví dụ « quyền lực di chuyển »: giày phản lực, siêu tốc, khả năng ngoại cảm, thăng bằng (như người nhện), di chuyển dưới lòng đất ... Rất nhiều lựa chọn. Bạn có thể kiểm tra dễ dàng trong trò chơi. Hơn nữa, bạn cần biết rằng lúc nào bạn cùng có thể làm được điều đó, bằng cách trả tiền trực tuyến.

    Một khi nhân vật của bạn thành hình, Champions Online đưa ra một đoạn mở đầu giới thiệu kịch bản. Những sinh vật ngoài hành tinh, Qularrs, xâm chiếm trung tâm của Millenium City, nơi có Khu Chỉ huy các siêu anh hùng. Những con tàu khổng lồ (của Qularrs) lượn lờ trên các thành phố và rải xuống những đội quân quái vật.

    Đoạn mở đầu cũng là cơ hội để thực hiện những trận chiến đầu tiên, và nhận ra rằng những trận chiến đó rất năng động. Ở đây, bạn tham gia một trận tấn công nền (giáp lá cà hay có khoảng cách) cho phép bạn kiểm soát được năng lượng. Năng lượng này dùng để tung ra những quyền lực lớn mạnh hơn, với sức ảnh hưởng tàn phá. Cho phép đối đầu để chiến thắng một cách năng động, tạo khả năng tránh những cú đánh giúp giảm thiểu thiệt hại; kiểu bảo vệ này rất có ích khi đối phương chuẩn bị tung ra một cú siêu đòn.

    Thế mạnh khác: Tác động với phông trang trí, mà bạn có thể sử dụng để tạo ưu thế so với đối phương. Nhổ bật một chiếc ghế băng hay một cột đèn hay nhấc bổng một phương tiện di chuyển, sau đó đẩy đối phương ngay trước mặt: đối phương của bạn sẽ phải chịu một lượng tổn thất khá lớn. Yếu tố năng động cuối cùng: nếu bạn đạt một « sức mạnh bay », bạn có cơ hội được bay lên trong không trung và xoay tròn xung quanh tiêu điểm để gửi vào đó sức mạnh của bạn.

    Champions Online đưa ra ba chế độ PvP (Player versus Player) trên vũ đài: chơi một mình, chơi theo nhóm deathmatch và chế độ « pháo đài » nhằm khử các mục tiêu đối phương để tự vệ. Cũng bình thường như trò chơi City of Heroes, các cuộc tìm kiếm của Champions Online là sự thừa hưởng nhưng ít lặp lại. Các nhiệm vụ đưa ra khá đa dạng và liên quan với bối cảnh: áp tải xung quanh một nhân viên cảnh sát, dập tắt một đám cháy, xâm nhập vào một quán bar ít người để thu thập thông tin... Bạn sẽ được dẫn dắt tới khám phá những địa điểm không ngờ (Canada, thành phố dưới đại dương, không gian khác...).

    Nhưng trò chơi cũng mang tới nhiều đổi mới. Đổi mới đáng ghi nhận nhất của Champions Online là ngay từ bàn 25 của trò chơi, nhân vật của bạn bị một « kẻ siêu xấu xa » để ý mà bạn có thể hoàn toàn tạo ra, bằng cách chọn hình dạng và các khả năng của nó, và sẽ nhanh chóng trở thành kẻ thù của bạn. Được sự giúp đỡ của bộ hạ, nó mọc lên đều đặn ở bất cứ đâu (thường là vào thời điểm xấu) để thử tiêu diệt bạn, bạn sẽ bị kéo vào một chuỗi những nhiệm vụ cá nhân. Đổi mới này của trò chơi là rất hay cho roleplay; hệ thống này là một sáng tạo thần kỳ giúp cải thiện thể loại RPG trong thế giới trò chơi điện tử.Chế độ « thủ công » không thu hút lắm. Ba lĩnh vực dành cho bạn: khoa học, vũ khí và thần bí. Mỗi lĩnh vực cho phép bạn sản xuất ra những đồ vật- những lợi ích phù hợp – từ những thứ mua được và những vật liệu đa dạng (thu nhặt được trên đường đi hay tháo lắp từ những đồ vật tìm thấy cùng nguồn gốc). Thiếu sự cân bằng và hoàn thành cuộc chơi, một điều rất rõ ràng: đổi mới, năng động, uyển chuyển và khá vui khi chơi, Champions Online là một MMORPG tuyệt vời.

    Nguổn :[/spoil]

    HƯỚNG DẪN CÁCH BUILD từng loại ARCHTYPE(sưu tầm and witre by Vis)

    [spoil]ARCHTYPE hiểu nôm na là class. Mỗi archtype có một loại năng lực riêng ( sau đây là giởi thiêu chung và hướng dẫn cách build chung cho từng archtype , khuyến khích các bạn nên sáng tạo :) )

    Avenger : Đánh xa, dame khỏe, melee yếu, hp trung bình
    Brawler : Melee khỏe, mp thấp
    Protector: Tank khỏe, dame thấp
    Sentinal: Healer, dame thấp, hp thấp
    Guardian: tất cả đều trung bình

    THE INFERNAL - Avenger
    Skills: Fireball, Fire strike, Fire shield, Fire form và các loại tạp nham khác.
    Nhận xét cá nhân: dam aoe cực khũng nhưng máu và def cũng cực yếu, bạn nào chơi game này mà thích pvp thì ko nên sử dụng con này . tuy nhiên rush quest hay ăn hôi thì chú này là num 1
    Hướng dẫn Build THE INFERNAL - Avenger:
    [spoil]Are you ready to absolutely destroy your foes (hopefully before they can do the same to you) ?

    If the answer to that question is yes, you should consider rolling with an Inferno. There are few option in this game, freeform or AT, that do as much AoE damage as the Fire set. The cool thing about this AT is that it includes the best AoE DPS powers from the full set. You may not have some of the defensive possibilities of a freeform character, but you will do every bit as much damage as they do.

    Now do keep in mind that this is, in my opinion without a doubt, the squishiest AT in the game. No self heal, avenger stance, no defensive passive, this not an AT for the weak of heart. Hit 'em, hit 'em hard, hit 'em fast. Kill them before they can hurt you too much. Thats what the inferno is all about, so if you are a defensive player you might as well stop reading now.

    So, for the rest of you superhuman Kamakazes here we go.

    SS: End and Rec, you will have great max energy and equilibrium (starting energy). Also your Energy Builder power will fill your energy bar more quickly than is possible with any other stat combination.

    For your talents I suggest the following:
    +5 End/Rec
    +5 End/Pre
    +5 Rec/Pre
    +5 End/Con
    +5 Rec/Con
    +5 Con/Pre

    You are boosting your Super Stats because they increase your damage bonus and your energy management. Boosting Con increases your survivability a bit. Boosting your Pre increases the effectiveness of the power Thermal Reverberation, and reduces the threat you generate. The threat reduction only matters in a team, but can be important since your AoE damage will b e so high that it might otherwise be very easy for you to accidentally pull aggro off of your group's tank. Since you are a much softer target than he will be that means a face plant.

    Throw Fire (Rank 1):
    I wouldnt spend any advantage points on this at all. Your energy management will be so good that even at rank 1 it will be more than sufficient to get the ball rolling for you. The advantages are nice in theory, but you will have no difficulty applying clinging flames with other powers, so save your advantage points.

    Fire Strike (Rank 1):
    In the long run you will stop using this power once you get Fireball so I wouldnt spend advantage points here. Its a fairly weak single target attack, but it will get you to level 6 where things pick up dramatically.

    Fireball (Rank 1 + Unstable Accelerant):
    Great power. Good single target damage, not too shabby AoE damage, and has the single most damaging advantage in the game. Unstable Accelerant. I dont normally like to say that you MUST take a certain advantage, but UA is that advantage. If you dont take it youre character will be radically reduced in power compared to a fire wielder who does. Essentially what this advantage does is decrease a target's defenses against the damage of the burning effect of clinging flames as well as the damage over time effects of some of your other powers. The net increase in damage to your target from subsequent powers is truly awe inspiring.

    Fiery Form (Rank 3):
    Simply put this takes your fire damage from bing phenomenal and into unbelievable.

    Pyre (rank 2, Backdraft):
    Pyre is one of the powers which has its effectiveness increased by the UA advantage on Fireball. Charge this power and watch your foes melt. I sugggest the Backdraft advantage rather than rank 3 simply because it is a means of reducing incoming damage, while keeping the damage potential very high.

    Fire Shield (rank 3):
    Not everyone will agree with me, and perhaps they are right, but I believe that increasing the effectiveness of your block so that you can turtle up while allowing your AoE damage over time effects to destroy your foes is an effective tactic.

    Conflagration (rank 2, Burning Rain):
    I hope that I dont offend with this nxt sentence but...Now you are an AoE DPS god. Hit a group of targets with this after debuffing their defenses with Fireball/UA, and they are dead. It may take a moment for them to fall over, but it is a foregone conclusion for all but the toughest foes.

    Thermal Reverberation:
    You dont need to rank, or even think about this power after you get it. It provides energy gain from all nearby foes who are affected by your clinging flames effect.

    Immolation (rank 3)
    This is for those situations where either you are low on energy (a very short term situation for you) or just want some extra damage. Remember when I said that fiery form took your damage into unbelievable ? Well Immolation makes that previous level of damage seem trivial by comparison, for a few seconds. Remember this also will help you break out of holds, so keeping it in reserve for that sort of situation isnt a bad idea for an AT with so little in the way of defenses to keep you alive while paralyzed.

    Heat Wave (rank 2, Engulfing Flames)
    The advantage reduces this power's damage output, but UA increases it. In addition the advantage decreases the target's defenses against all of your fire attacks. This debuff stacks with that from UA. The net result is truly stratospheric levels of damage. I shold make clear that Fire Snake is a great power and a perfectly viable alternative to Heat Wave for those who like it conceptually, but I think you will find Heat Wave to be a more deadly option.

    Flashfire (rank 2, Sweltering Heat)
    The only reason I suggest Sweltering Heat over rank three here is that the AoE damage over time damage you are generating is pretty impressive, and reducing your foes' ability to escape it is a good idea.

    GEARGear to support the stats I mentioned in the talent section and you will be fine. I take +Endurance on Kill gear on many of my characters (particularly those with powerful AoE attacks), but I doubt very much that you will find a need for it on this AT. If you do find yourself to be less endurance efficient than you like a single piece of +EoK gear might be a good option for you.

    One gear option I have considered for this AT is + Health on Kill. The health gain from each individual kill may be pretty small, but your ability to destroy groups of mobs in a very short time could allow this option to provide a not insignificant boost to your survivability.

    Hope this helps. [/spoil]

    Skills: Steady Shot, Assault Rifle, Smoke Grenade, Sniper Rifle v.v...
    Nhận xét cá nhân: Với 2 Stat Dex và Ego, chú này cũng sỡ hữu 1 lượng dam khủng lồ cũng như ăn họi cũng cực tốt :)) ,cũng giống như fire, not for pvp :)
    Hướng dẫn Build THE SOLDIER - AVENGER :
    From my experience, the Soldier is a class with good energy management that, while not dealing incredible damage upfront, manages to inflict significant damage during the course of a sustained fight. With plenty of crowd control and much long range damage, the Soldier is a great team player and solo class - it's sole downside is the lack of a self-heal. Because of this, you have to constantly watch your health and try to keep your distance from your enemies. Regardless, this is a very fun class to play as there is an awesome amount of synergy within its powers.

    Generic Preface:
    All of my builds are meant to be equally playable in both PVE and PVP. Because of this, if you're a PVE-only kind of guy, feel free to remove the PVP advantages (mainly Nailed to the Ground and Crippling Challenge) and replace with the next Rank up - or allocate the advantage points somewhere completely different, as it's ultimately up to you. I would like to say though that even though my builds can do PVP, they also built to perform great in PVE, so it isn't like you're losing anything by having that PVP aspect to the build.

    Level 1: Steady Shot
    Level 1: Assault Rifle (R2, Crippling Challenge)
    Level 6: Teleport (R2)
    Level 6: Submachinegun Burst (Aggression)
    Level 8: Targeting Computer (R2, R3)
    Level 11: Shotgun Blast (Breaching Rounds, Nailed to the Ground)
    Level 14: Retaliation (R2) (R3)
    Level 17: Smoke Grenade (R2, R3)
    Level 22: Killer Instinct (N/A)
    Level 27: Lock N Load (R2, R3)
    Level 32: Gatling Gun (R2, R3)
    Level 35: Whatever travel power floats your root beer.
    Level 40: Sniper Rifle (R2, R3)


    Power Explanations:
    Steady Shot: While Paint the Target might seem like a good advantage at first glance, the fact that it can be tripped up by Steady Shot itself and because Soldiers deal in numerous criticals (so one critical is almost a drop in an ocean), it isn't really worth investing into. As it is, then, this is your energy builder and nothing more - I wouldn't recommend any of the advantages because the energy gain from Accelerated Metabolism isn't that much, and the damage is too low to warrant upgrading.
    Assault Rifle: This is going to be your main spam skill for... well, ever. It does pretty good damage and doesn't cost this much, and combined with Crippling Challenge (which imposes a 20% damage debuff on your target), it also is great for PVP as well as PVE. Rank 2 is a must. One thing to note though, without Mow 'Em Down, this power is most efficient tapped instead of maintained. So don't go holding down the fire button - you'll be wanting to fire in bursts instead ('Cause who wouldn't totally tap that? :-*).
    Teleport: Teleport works great with a Soldier because you can constantly swiftly and effortlessly gain distance if a baddie closes in on you. Also, I would highly recommend this power over any other travel power because it allows you to get out of dangerous situations very quickly and painlessly. Say you’re surrounded and being pummeled to death by a number of baddies – all you gotta do is pop into teleport, launch straight up, and keep going until you lose aggro. If you’re in a building, just use teleport to retreat the way you came until you’re in the clear. Additionally, teleport allows you to skip the hordes of hallway baddies that are a pain in the rear. Rank 2 is recommended for faster travel.
    Submachinegun Burst: Because you already have Assault Rifle and because this power overlaps with Gatling Gun, it isn't really worth investing into. One important caveat here though; Aggression provides a fantastic way to reliably throw bleeding upon a baddie who gets up into your business, so that's one advantage you'll definitely want to get. As 15% isn't that much from afar, however, you'll only want to use Submachinegun Burst real quick when someone gets within melee range. Other than that, I'd recommend not using this power for the most part.
    Targeting Computer: This power awesomely boosts your DPS and also increases your chance to crit and your critical severity. Definitely worth leveling up to Rank 3.
    Shotgun Blast: The reason I recommend this power over Frag Grenade is due to a number of reasons. First of all, Breaching Round causes this power to have a 100% chance to knock back your target - and when you're enraged, Shotgun Blast will also knock all targets in front of you. Secondly, Frag Grenade has a six second cool-down while Shotgun Blast has no cooldown. And finally, Nailed to the Ground makes Shotgun Blast invaluable in PVP. But overall, the reliable knockback coupled with the lack of cooldown just make this power plain better than Frag Grenade.
    Retaliation: As this is the Soldier's only defense, I grabbed Rank 3 in order to increase survivability.
    Smoke Grenade: This power is a fantastic debuffing ability that, at Rank 3, can make some supervillains incapable of targeting you, so I'd definitely recommend R3 over Escape Artist for that reason. Additionally, Teleport can serve in Escape Artist's place, which is another reason to choose R3 instead.
    Killer Instinct: A fantastic power that provides a makes the Soldier incredibly energy efficient. Because you can't upgrade it at all, I don't have much else to say - except that I sorely wish this power was available at a much lower level.
    Lock N Load: This power is a great self-buff that significantly increases your damage, so Rank 3 is highly recommended. The reason I don't advocate Two Smoking Barrels is that, unlike the Specialist, the Soldier does all his damage from afar, so Two Smoking Barrels is very much useless to a Soldier.
    Gatling Gun: This power is an outstanding source of damage - much better than Submachinegun Burst (while functioning in a similar manner to Submachinegun Burst). The reason I recommend Gatling Gun over Rocket because the latter very much overlaps with Sniper Rifle. Because Gatling Gun does such great damage, you'll want to take this all the way to Rank 3 for max effect.
    Sniper Rifle: An awesomely powerful ability, the fact that this power is so easily interrupted means it's pretty much limited to a Opening move, which is a job that Sniper Rifle does very well. However, if you're teaming with other people and you don't have aggro on yourself, feel free to snipe to your heart's content.

    Talent Explanations:
    As for the Talents: Dexterity increases your chance to score criticals, Ego increases the damage caused when you do crit, Recovery increases the amount of energy you have when going into a battle and also increases the energy gained from using your Energy Builder (which thus allows you to spend less time using your Energy Builder and more time doing damage), and Endurance increases your overall energy while also effectively increasing the amount of energy gained from your Energy Builder.
    I recommend getting the ones listed because by choosing +5s for +8s essentially gives you two extra Talent points than you would get by sticking with +8s (10 compared to 8). Additionally, there is a complex system of Diminishing Returns for most Characteristics once you get beyond 200-220, so over-leveling your stats can have marginal results later on while balancing them out guarantees that you have good, high level stats in multiple Characteristics.

    Extra Note:
    Speedsters exult, for I have specced this build to allow for Teleport Rank 2, so that you may more swiftly Reach (Halo®) your destination - PUN INTENDED!!!

    Extra Note #2:
    I would like to quote GammaBreaker on the subject of Crippling Challenge's side effect: "Crippling Challenge, while an essential block-breaker in PVP, is also a *taunt* in PVE. It will make whatever you're shooting come over and sock you in the chops. Even if it's a cosmic boss being tanked by a Behemoth."
    So please be aware of this when you use a power with Crippling Challenge. And again, ultimately, if you don't like this or don't want to do PVP, feel free to remove it and spend the advantage points elsewhere. But do know that Crippling Challenge is almost required to play PVP, as it is a powerful debuff and it breaks through blocks.
    It's really your call, though.

    Well, that’s all for now – if you have any input or advice for improving this guide, please feel free to let me know! Also, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me either by PM or in-game! And if I have errors anywhere in my guide, please let me know and I’ll fix them as soon as possible! :D

    I have modified the Talent spread to increase more survivability, since I found out that with Killer Instinct, the Endurance I originally specced was redundant. The new Talent allocation will allow for just as much damage output as before while also making you much more survivable than before.

    UPDATE #2:
    After doing some more research, I have come to the conclusion that Steady Shot's advantage, Paint the Target, is not worth the advantage investment. Because of this, I have instead invested the advantage points into Rank 3 Retaliation instead. [/spoil]

    Skills: Reaper's Touch,Swordsman Form, Dragon's Bite, Reaper's Embrace v.v..
    Nhận xét cá nhân: trùm pvp nhất nhì silver là đây , vơi lượng dam cực khủng kết hợp với bleed, blade là 1 kẻ hút máu cực man rợ + stun cực khủng ,ăn hôi cũng khá là tốt đây :), hơi khó pvp với các tanker nhưng nếu biết cách cũng như ttay lanh lẹ, win là dieu tat nhiên :) (best choice for pvp player)
    Hướng dẫn Build THE BLADE - BRAWLER:
    From my experience, the Blade is very much a glass cannon - very focused on DPS but not too much on survivability. Because of this, I've focused on a build that maximizes DPS while also trying to be survivable enough to live to fight another day (mostly by talenting Constitution). Make no mistake though - even with the Constitution, this build is designed to severely punish the enemy before he
    can retaliate, as you cannot sustain much damage.

    Generic Preface:
    All of my builds are meant to be equally playable in both PVE and PVP. Because of this, if you're a PVE-only kind of guy, feel free to remove the PVP advantages (mainly Nailed to the Ground and Crippling Challenge) and replace with the next Rank up - or allocate the advantage points somewhere completely different, as it's ultimately up to you. I would like to say though that even though my builds can do PVP, they also built to perform great in PVE, so it isn't like you're losing anything by having that PVP aspect to the build.

    Level 1: Reaper's Touch
    Level 1: Reaper's Caress (R2)
    Level 6: Teleport (R2)
    Level 6: Thunderbolt Lunge (Essence Assault, Nailed to the Ground)
    Level 8: Way of the Warrior (R2, R3)
    Level 11: Scything Blade (R2, Swallowtail Cut)
    Level 14: Parry
    Level 17: Shuriken Throw (Chain Kunai, Crippling Challenge)
    Level 22: Form of the Swordsman (R2, R3)
    Level 27: Dragon's Bite (R2, R3)
    Level 32: Inexorable Tides (R2, R3)
    Level 35: Whatever travel power toasts your bagel.
    Level 40: Reaper's Embrace (R2, No Mercy)

    +5 Strength/Dexterity
    +5 Strength/Recovery
    +5 Dexterity/Recovery
    +5 Strength/Constitution
    +5 Dexterity/Constitution
    +5 Recovery/Constitution

    Power Explanations:
    Reaper's Touch: This is your energy builder and nothing more - I wouldn't recommend any of the advantages because the energy gain from Accelerated Metabolism isn't that much, the focus gain from Form of the Swordsman negates Three Edged Blade, and the damage is too low to warrant upgrading.
    Reaper's Caress: While I originally didn't advocate this power, I just was informed that this power is going to be buffed in the upcoming patch(es). Thus, Rank 3 is recommended because it will allow for some respectable damage while simultaneously stacking bleeds Reaper's Embrace to rupture.
    Teleport: Teleport works great with a Blade because you can teleport in right besides your target(s), and start unleashing Scything Blade on them. Also, I would highly recommend this power over any other travel power because it allows you to get out of dangerous situations very quickly and painlessly. Say you’re surrounded and being pummeled to death by a number of baddies – all you gotta do is pop into teleport, launch straight up, and keep going until you lose aggro. If you’re in a building, just use teleport to retreat the way you came until you’re in the clear. Since Archetypes mostly don't have good energy management and self heals, Teleport allows you to survive encounters where you would normally die. Additionally, teleport allows you to skip the hordes of hallway baddies that are a pain in the rear. Rank 2 is recommended for faster travel.
    Thunderbolt Lunge: Although the damage from this power isn't that great, this is a great skill to close the distance to your enemies. Additionally, this power is awesome in PVP due to it's advantages - Essence Assault is an awesome three second stun, while Nailed to the Ground can even cripple annoying teleport-spammers. All in all, a solid PVP and PVE power.
    Way of the Warrior: A fantastic passive that greatly increases your melee and bleeding damage, R3 is a must.
    Scything Blade: As a fantastic AOE attack, this is going to be your spam skill for many levels. Not only does it do damage over a fairly large area, but it also does AOE bleeding if you charge it. R2 is a must, and Swallowtail Cut is also great to have. Swallowtail Cut takes the bleeding damage your target would normally suffer and changes it from a flat amount of damage to a percentage of the target's health instead. This allows you to do crud-tons of damage - the only drawback is that for Supervillains or higher, it just does the regular flat bleed damage (this restriction is understandable though, otherwise you'd be doing tens of thousands of damage to Supervillains per slash). But either way, R2 and Swallowtail Cut are the way to go with this power.
    Parry: While this is the only defense for the Blade, it's hard to justify spending any advantage points here.
    Shuriken Throw: The reason I recommend this power over Smoke Bomb is because Smoke Bomb merely wipes threat and places you in stealth for 12-20 seconds. As teleport basically helps you out in this regard already, Shuriken Throw is a much better choice. While it doesn't do much damage, it has access to the awesome Chained Kunai advantage, which basically transforms this power into a ranged interrupt that drags the target to you and simultaneously knocks it down. Moreover, Crippling Challenge applies a powerful damage debuff to your target, ultimately making this a fantastic PVE and PVP power.
    Form of the Swordsman: This power applies stacks of focus to you, which give you energy and increase your damage at the same time. A phenomenal power that is best leveled up to Rank 3.
    Dragon's Bite: A great source of DPS, it does fantastic on a tap and even better when charged (as it applies 1 second of Rush for each stack of Focus on you). While Cull the Weak may seem like a good choice, the circumstance restrictions on it make it not worth picking up. Thus, I recommend taking this power up through Rank 3.
    Inexorable Tides: While Masterful Dodge is arguably the best defense in the game, I recommend Inexorable Tides for a number of reasons. First, the Blade is a source of DPS - it's not meant to be a tank. Secondly, Inexorable Tides provides an amazing source of crowd-control, thus kinda serving as a defense in its own right. Additionally, this power knocks opponents UP in the air, so not only are they immobilized for the duration of their impromptu "flight", but they also take falling damage when they Come Back Down To Earth (Titan A.E. anyone?). Besides, what could possibly be funner (which is totally a word!) than juggling your enemies! BLADE USES SEISMIC TOSS... IT WAS SUPER EFFECTIVE! Totally rank up to R3 for increased airtime.
    Reaper's Embrace: This power is a great source of single-target DPS. I recommend grabbing Rank 2 for increased damage, and then grabbing No Mercy for the awesome chance to stack two bleeds on the opponent. Not only would these bleeds do a lot of damage over time, but upon activating this power again, they would rupture and do even more damage. BLADE USED TOTALLY BRUTAL MOVE... IT WAS CHUCK-NORRISLY EFFECTIVE!!!

    Talent Explanations:
    As for the Talents: Strength allows you to do more damage, Dexterity increases your chance of landing criticals while also increasing your dodge (which thus increases your survivability), Recovery reduces the amount of time you have to spend using your Energy Builder which consequently equates to increased damage, and Constitution allows you to survive longer (which also increases your damage! Yeah... not dying is a good thing...).
    I recommend getting the ones listed because by choosing +5s for +8s essentially gives you two extra Talent points than you would get by sticking with +8s (10 compared to 8). Additionally, there is a complex system of Diminishing Returns for most Characteristics once you get beyond 200-220, so over-leveling your stats can have marginal results later on while balancing them out guarantees that you have good, high level stats in multiple Characteristics.

    Extra Note:
    I would like to quote GammaBreaker on the subject of Crippling Challenge's side effect: "Crippling Challenge, while an essential block-breaker in PVP, is also a *taunt* in PVE. It will make whatever you're shooting come over and sock you in the chops. Even if it's a cosmic boss being tanked by a Behemoth."
    So please be aware of this when you use a power with Crippling Challenge. And again, ultimately, if you don't like this or don't want to do PVP, feel free to remove it and spend the advantage points elsewhere. But do know that Crippling Challenge is almost required to play PVP, as it is a powerful debuff and it breaks through blocks.
    It's really your call, though.

    And that's it! If you have any input or advice for improving this guide, please feel free to let me know! Also, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me either by PM or in-game! And if I have errors anywhere in my guide, please let me know and I’ll fix them as soon as possible!

    Upon realizing an important mechanism for Crippling Challenge, I have updated the build to place it on Shuriken Throw by de-ranking Parry and removing one rank from Reaper's Caress. Additionally, I invested the extra advantage point into Teleport so that you will now never be Left 4 Dead - PUN INTENDED!!! [/spoil]

    Skills: Strafe, Straight shot, Dex , Sonic Arrow, Storm Arrow v.v...
    Hướng dẫn Build THE MARKSMAN - AVENGER:
    [spoil]Ive been playing Archery since before the game's original launch and have never been more excited about the set than now. I expect to be able to PvP effectively with the Marksman AT, compete in open missions, and be an effective elite lair DPSer as well.

    Some ideas for getting the most out of your Marksman AT.

    This AT is built for DPS, and runs in Avenger stance. That often means a trade-off in defense, but doesnt have to be in the case of this AT. By using the advantages unique to this AT, and your advantage choices, you can have good DPS as well as some pretty solid defensive capabilities.

    So lets get started.

    Strafe (energy builder)
    Take the, "Aversion," advantage on this power to provide yourself with a significant bonus to both your dodge and avoidance scores.

    Straight Shot
    Take the, "Split the Arrow," advantage here for best effect. The way multiple damage increase percentages work you will get more out of reducing your foe's defenses by 15% than out of ranking the Straight Shot to 3.

    Sonic Arrow
    The Deadly Dissonance advantage on this power increases its area of effect damage and gives its stun an are of effect as well. This can greatly reduce the amount of damage you take in a combat.

    This is one of the best passive skills in the game. There are two very valid approaches to ranking this skill. You can rank it to 3 which will give you the greatest possible boost to your INT and EGO, as well as your Dodge and Avoidance chances, and Damage buff. Another option would be to take Quarry to rank 2 and take the Fair Game advantage. Fair Game gives you health every time you make a kill. The amount of the heal scales on your constitution, and can be quite significant. Either choice is a good one.

    Torrent of Arrows
    This is my favorite power in the archery set. I suggest taking the, "Relentless Recurve," advantage to provide you with an area of effect knockback with some serious alpha strike ability. I start most fights off with a full charge of this power. It will kill, or nearly so, groups of henchmen and buy you time to get off other attacks to deal with the survivors. Torrent is also a great way to interrupt master villains (or other players) attempt to charge up a big hit. The knockback is fully effective on a tap. Definitely take this one to rank 2.

    This is a nice block power which gives you the ability to deal some very intense burst damage. I'll go over some suggestions on how to take advantage of this later in this post. I suggest avoiding the advantage on this power because of a conflict with another power in the AT. I generally take my block power to rank 2, but if you are short on advantage points this is a place you can trim them without too great an impact on your effectiveness.

    Snap Shot vs Focused Shot
    Snapshot does not do a ton of damage per hit, but hits very fast. Its inherent bonus damage vs low health foes make it a great finishing power for spamming against tough foes who are on their last legs. I want to love Focused Shot, and have used it extensively, but the long charge time coupled with being easily interruptible, makes this power only useful as an Alpha Strike, and you have a better option for an Alpha Strike later in the set.

    Hunters Instinct
    You dont have to do anything to get the benefit of this power. It will give you energy back every time you make a critical hit with your non energy builder attacks.

    Evasive Maneuvers
    This power is so good that even non archery min/max PvP free form builds take it. Take this one up to rank three. The buff to your dodge chance is a life saver.

    Storm of Arrows vs Gas Arrow
    Gas Arrow is a new power for the FtP launch. As a result it has not been tested as much s is the case with Storm of Arrows. Even so I find it to be an excellent addition to a build. Taken to rank 2 with the, "Noxious Fumes," advantage your toxic damage over time is nice, as is the ability to cause an area of effect stun. Even so the winner here is Storm of Arrows with the, "Achilles Heel," advantage. The ability to keep your foes rooted in place inside the maintained area of effect of this attack just cant be equaled by Gas Arrow.

    Explosive Arrow
    The single most powerful attack in this set, if advantaged properly. The advantage, "Where's the Kaboom," delays the explosion from this power by 3 seconds, but allows it to full damage without the charge up. So you will get the initial piercing damage on a tap, followed by a full explosion 3 seconds later. Keep in mind that you cannot stack multiple, "WTK's," on a single target so hit him with a tap from this power and then tab to the next target and repeat. Alternately, for great single target damage, tap a WTK into your target then cycle through your other attacks against him until the WTK detonates, then repeat. Oh, one last thing, one last spectacularly awesome thing, WTK does full damage at rank 1. There is no need to spend advantage points on this power beyond buying the, "WTK," advantage.

    Talent Suggestions
    I generally focus on the talents that provide two +5's:
    +5 Dex/Int
    +5 Dex/Ego
    +5 Int/Ego
    +5 Dex/Con (you can never have too much health ;D)
    +5 Con/Ego
    +5 Con/Rec

    Gear Suggestions
    Focus on the stats mentioned under Talents, take a piece of Dodge/Avoidance gear, and perhaps a piece of + Endurance on Kill gear as well.

    Now for some suggestions on how to use all of this.

    I highly suggest getting a piece of gear for your Primary Defense slot that provides a bonus to your Dodge and Avoidance.

    In play you want to get to the full 3 buff stacks from Quarry as soon as possible. A Torrent of Arrows followed by a couple of fast Snap Shots will do the trick.

    You also want the Aversion advantage on your energy builder up as often as possible. The time this takes will vary because the advantage doesnt come into play until you score a critical hit with Strafe.

    Use Evasive Maneuver, often, as soon as it comes off of cool down. With your superstatted INT you should be able to ALWAYS be under the benefit of this power. The reason I suggested not taking the advantage on your block is that it benefits you if foes are in melee range. If you use Evasive Maneuvers frequently, that shouldnt happen all that often.

    Use Straight Shot to debuff your target, then block an attack, followed immediately by a charged Straight Shot. You wouldnt believe me if I told you what kind of damage numbers you can generate with this, so test it for yourself.

    The Marksman is a very mobile AT, the most mobile in fact. Keep moving, charge or tap your Torrent of Arrows on the run, then pause long enough for a maintain of Storm of Arrows after your kiting has bunched your foes up in a tight group.

    With dodge/avoidance gear, Evasive Maneuver spamming, Aversion proccing, and the ability to knock and stun groups of foes at a time you will find this AT to have survivability beyond the reach of any other non tankish AT's.

    Hope this helps.


    Here are some suggestions that will likely make your life easier in the early levels of play.

    1) Take deadly dissonance on Sonic Arrow early. Stunning and damaging an entire group of mobs with a sonic arrow alpha strike will give you time to get off another charged sonic arrow. This will likely finish all but the toughest member of a group.

    2) Take Relentless Recurve on Torrent of Arrows early.

    The key here is that the Marksman's charged attacks all do very nice damage, which makes it very efficient to charge up an AoE that provides crowd dontrol, which in turn buys you time to charge up another such AoE damage/CC attack.

    I personally would buy those two advantages before actually ranking anything beyond R1.

    These two suggestions should make a huge difference in the leveling process for this AT.

    After these two advantages I think you will find that your own preferences come more into play. If you absolutely love spamming Straight Shot, and have more difficulty with tough single foes than groups of henchmen, then rank it sooner rather than later.

    If you prefer an attack rotation style of play, where you use all of your attacks frequently, rank Quarry next since it benefits all of your attacks.

    Once you have the basic building blocks of being able to deal with groups of mobs effectively, anything goes. [/spoil]

    Skills: Def combo, Str, Mighty leap, Unbreakable, Shockwave v.v...
    Nhận xét cá nhân: 1 chú trâu đích thật cho ai mún làm trâu, dam trung bình khá, solo hay hội đồng điều ổn, nhược điểm duy nhất của chú này có lẽ là làm nhiệm và lên lv khá chậm(là top 2 lên lv lâu nhất trong các class, sau mind), còn lại điều tuyệt hảo(best choice for newbie)
    Hướng dẫn build THE BEHEMOTH - PROTECTOR
    Super Stats :

    6 : Super Strength
    13 : Super Constitution

    Powers :

    1 : Clobber
    1 : Defensive Combo – Crippling Challenge
    6 : Mighty Leap – Nailed to the Ground
    6 : Superjump – Rank 2, Rank 3
    8 : Defiance – Rank 2, Rank 3
    11 : Roomsweeper – Rank 2, Rank 3, Challenging Strikes
    14 : Retaliation – Rank 2
    17 : Demolish – Below the Belt
    22 : Aggressor – Rank 2, Rank 3
    27 : Unbreakable – Rank 2, Rank 3
    32 : Uppercut – Rank 2, Rank 3
    35 : Flight
    40 : Shockwave – Rank 2, Challenging Strikes, Leg Rumbler

    Talents :

    1 : The Behemoth
    6 : Physical Conditioning
    9 : Enduring
    12 : Mighty
    15 : Bodybuilder
    18 : Boundless Reserves
    21 : Quick Recovery

    Gear : CON/STR/END/REC (In that order)

    As you can see, this final build is pretty straightforward and should do well enough when paired with other Archetypes. With Rank 2 Defiance, Rank 3 Retaliation and Unbreakable as well as an easy access to Crippling Challenge and Challenging Strikes; this Behemoth should be more than capable of tanking anything short of Elite Lairs and should do well enough when supported by a healer like The Mind or The Grimoire.

    Just make sure to grab as much attention away from your teammates as possible and you'll be fine. This Archetype is much tougher than it looks, so you just gotta learn to make the most out of your block and Active Defense.

    One detail though, in regard to threat generation as The Behemoth; given that its Super Stats are STR/CON, this Archetype will rely exclusively on Defensive Combo with Crippling Challenge for single-target and Shockwave with Challenging Strikes for multiple ones. (Roomsweeper can be used to fill the gap until you get Shockwave) Once you get a hang of it, you should be more than capable of holding aggro while in group.

    However, do be careful with players spamming Crippling Challenge; if you realize that your target is constantly switching target to this person every couple of seconds or so, before going back to you, that means that someone is taunting your target, knowingly or unknowingly.

    So... it's not your fault.


    Skills: Ice blast, ice shard, ice shield, Wall of ice, Ice burst v.v..
    Nhận xét cá nhân: có lẽ con này là imba nhất với silver player vì máu trâu kết hợp với passive invu rất ư là khó chịu khi doi phương chỉ đánh bạn 10 hp là cao :)), tuy nhiên để chơi rành dc chú này là 1 vấn đề ko nhỏ :)(best choice for newbie)
    [spoil]As there is no real guide for Glacier, and a lot of question marks are floating around about it, I decided to make an effort and explain the basic pro's and con's about stats, power choices, and advantages to the Glacier Archetype. Note that I have never tanked with this Archetype, but I have used it on other occasions, and just wanted to make a basic guide.
    The Glacier runs in Protector Role, which means it trades offense for defense, making it an effective tank.

    So, let's get started with the powers.

    For reference, all throughout this guide SuperStats are underscored.

    Firstly, a quick overview (There is one PvP advantage in this build, namely Nailed to the Ground on Shatter. I would remove it if you are more PvE focused, and place it on something else):

    Ice Shards:

    Ice Blast: Crippling Challenge, Hard Frost

    Ice Cage:

    Invulnerability: Rank 2, Rank 3

    Frost Breath: Frost Bite OR Snow Storm: Rank 2, Eye of the Storm

    Ice Shield: Rank 2, Frigid Air

    Ice Sheath: Rank 2

    Shatter: Nailed to the Ground, Crushed Ice (The latter only if you chose Frost Breath)

    Unbreakable: Rank 2, Rank 3

    Ice Barrier: Rank 2, Frigid Freedom OR Ice Burst, Rank 2, Freeze, Dirtbag

    Avalanche: Rank 2, Rank 3, Challenging Strikes

    (This spread leaves you two Advantage Points to spend on ranking a Travel Power to Rank 3 or anything else you might want.)

    And here, a little more detailed rundown.

    Ice Shard: I decided not spending any Advantage Points on this power will be the best, since there are better places to spend the points.

    Ice Blast: This will be your bread-and-butter power. I would suggest choosing Crippling Challenge and Hard Frost, since that will help you cause a huge amount of threat by tap-spamming the power. (Note that tap-spamming may cause FPS issues for you and your teammates)

    Ice Cage: From my experiences in PvP, this power is useful to kill off runners. If someone is going low on health, and you think that he/she will run away soon, you can pop this power and then keep on spamming Ice Blast, which usually ensures a kill if used at the right time. This is even viable against Teleporters if you time it perfectly. If you manage to get an Ice Cage up right before someone pops his/her teleport, he/she will phase out, but still be immobile. He/she will then have to phase in and spam Z to escape the Root. This is when you kill them.
    I wouldn't use Crippling Challenge on this one, but Subzero Cellblock may be useful if you happen to have some spare Adv. Pts. It's not as useful as it sounds, though, and thus I wouldn't recommend it.

    Invulnerability: A huge part of your survivability. Rank up when possible.

    Now, at 11, you reach your first choice. This is a referance choice. Frost Breath is a great set-up power for Ice Blast and Shatter, thanks to its advantage, which gives it a 100% chance of applying the Chill debuff. Snow Storm, however, can do extremely good damage with the advantage, and stays active when you stop maintaining. For tanking, I think that Frost Breath is better, mainly because Chill is so awesome.

    Ice Shield: When you are not dealing damage to gain threat, you should block, especially if you don't have a healer. With the advantage, you will chill enemies while blocking, which is also very nice.

    Ice Sheath: This is an important power. Use this as often as you can. Later on, you will have even better synergy with the powers Ice Barrier and Shatter, making a deadly combo of Ice Sheath, Ice Barrier, build energy with Ice Shards or Ice Shield, and Shatter for insane amounts of damage. Remember this power, more damage is always useful.
    I suggest ranking it up rather than taking the advantage, since you'll be able to Chill your enemies anyway.

    Shatter: There are a few uses for this power. Before level 40, and if you did not choose Snow Storm, it will be your main AoE damaging power. However, when you get Avalanche, the use gets restricted to three things: Finishing off Chilled enemies, using the combo with Ice Sheath and Ice Barrier, and Nailed to the Ground, the latter only being useful in PvP.

    Unbreakable: This is one of the best "Oh S***" buttons in the game. Basically, it's a damage absorber that refreshes itself every time you're hit. If you have a healer on your back, this will be very useful to then. Even if you don't have a healer, this will be very useful to any DPS in your team, since it gives them even more time to take down your opponents.

    Here comes the second choice. I personally think this is a no-brainer, but I guess it's personal preference. Ice Barrier gives you damage resistance, and even better, a plethora of structures to explode. Combined with Ice Sheath, the combo of Ice Barrier and Shatter, as I stated, will do insane damage, even in Protector Role. The only downside to this power is that it sets you Energy to 0 when used.
    Ice Burst has a few uses. It can be used to knock opponents away, which is usually unwelcome while tanking, but the advantage turns the knock into a paralyze. This gives it about the same use as Ice Cage, only that it adds direct damage and completely paralyzing the opponent, as opposed to just Rooting it. So, if you'd like to shut the opponent down completely before killing them, or just want to knock 'em away at will, go with Ice Burst. If you are content with Ice Cage, I recommend Ice Barrier, though.

    Finally, on level 40, you get Avalanche. This is a very good power, for both damage and tanking aspects. It does huge damage to anything in its range, and can get Challenging Strikes to get lots of Threat in a short time. Use this a lot against mobs of Henchmen and Villains, and watch them drop.

    Talents: You can talent the stats you feel are useful, basically, but my suggestions are:

    +5 Con/+5 End
    +5 Con/+5 Rec
    +5 Con/+5 Pre
    +5 End/+5 Rec
    +5 End/+5 Pre
    +5 Pre/+5 Rec

    This is a pretty basic spread, but i will tell you why.
    The SuperStats are obvious, you'll want as much as possible on them.
    Recovery is useful for two reasons.

    a) It gives you a nice Equibillirium (The two arrows on the Energy bar that tells you how much Energy you start the fight with), which lets you maintain as much of an Avalanche or Frost Breath as possible when engaging a mob, or charge an Ice Blast fully when engaging a Boss.

    b) It increases the Energy gained by the Energy Builder, making the Sheath/Barrier/Shatter combo even more useful.
    And Presence is there for one sole reason: Threat. In Protector Role you make more Threat based on your Presence. In any other role, you gain less. More Threat means your DPS's can do more damage, and healers can heal more. Everybody wins!

    For Gear, go with the stats mentioned above, and you'll be fine.

    You can also talent for strength, and get gear for Presence and Strength, if you don't want to be thrown around like a ragdoll while trying to tank.

    Also, something for everyone to remember is that there are some steep diminishing returns after raising a stat to 200-220 (at Level 40). For this reason, if you have one of your Superstats at 220, additional stats gained through gear or Talents are better spent elsewhere.

    Basically, the key to play this Archetype is:
    Get the threat building advantages, and take advantage of them.
    Utilize Ice Sheath and the combo as often as you can.
    Don't forget Unbreakable. It may save you in a tricky situation.

    That's all for me this time, feel free to ask questions about the Archetype, I'll be happy to answer them and include the answers in the OP! ;D[/spoil]

    Skills: Endurance ,Ego blast, heal, Telekinetic shield, Ego Storm, Summon Nightmare v.v...
    Nhận xét cá nhân : support tốt thì khỏi chê rồi, đi đâu ai cũng yêu :"> , nhưng với hp và dam cuc yếu, sẽ khá khó khăn cho bạn với những lv đầu, nhưng khi 32 trở lên, các pé Mind sẽ lột xác , với hệ thống skill stun khá nhìu và có thể tự healing , mind 32 trớ lên có thể nói là sánh ngang với blade khi pvp :D (nghệ thuật nói quá :"> ,chứ mind ko the nào pvp với các class stun + dam cao)
    Hướng dẫn Build THE MIND - SENTINAL :
    From my experience, the Mind is quite unlike the other Archetypes, as it is mainly meant as a support class (think Monk or Cleric in any other MMORPG), but it also can deal a nice amount of damage. Additionally, the Mind has incredible energy management in the later levels, so it's admittedly a late bloomer - you'll might have some difficulty at first, but it becomes much easier later on. Don't let this discourage you, though - the Mind is a great Archetype with profound levels of synergy (mostly showing later on), and if the support playstyle is for you, then I highly recommend playing a Mind.

    Generic Preface:
    All of my builds are meant to be equally playable in both PVE and PVP. Because of this, if you're a PVE-only kind of guy, feel free to remove the PVP advantages (mainly Nailed to the Ground and Crippling Challenge) and replace with the next Rank up - or allocate the advantage points somewhere completely different, as it's ultimately up to you. I would like to say though that even though my builds can do PVP, they also built to perform great in PVE, so it isn't like you're losing anything by having that PVP aspect to the build.

    Level 1: Psi Lash
    Level 1: Ego Blast (R2, Mind Opener, Rude Awakening)
    Level 6: Teleport
    Level 6: Ego Sprites (R2, R3)
    Level 8: Aura of Radiant Protection (R2, R3, RUNIC GLOW FTW!!!)
    Level 11: Empathic Healing (R2, R3)
    Level 14: Telekinetic Shield (R2, R3, Telekinetic Reinforcement)
    Level 17: Ego Sleep (Plagued By Nightmares, Nailed to the Ground)
    Level 22: Telepathic Reverberation (N/A)
    Level 27: Ego Hold (Mass Effect)
    Level 32: Ego Storm (R2, Malevolent Manifestation)
    Level 35: Whatever travel power floats your boat.
    Level 40: Mindful Reinforcement (R2, Revitalizing Boost)


    Power Explanations:
    Psi Lash: This is your energy builder and nothing more - I wouldn't recommend any of the advantages because the energy gain from Accelerated Metabolism isn't that much, the damage is too low to warrant upgrading, and you're going to have fantastic energy management later on anyways.
    Ego Blast: This power is going to be one of your two spam damage skills. The range is awesome and the damage is great, especially when boosted by Mind Opener (damage increases when you gain Telepathic Reverberation) and Rude Awakening (does 15% more damage to sleeping targets). Take up to Rank 2 for increased damage.
    Teleport: I highly recommend this power over any other travel power because it allows you to get out of dangerous situations very quickly and painlessly. Say you’re surrounded and being pummeled to death by a number of baddies – all you gotta do is pop into teleport, launch straight up, and keep going until you lose aggro. If you’re in a building, just use teleport to retreat the way you came until you’re in the clear. Additionally, teleport allows you to skip the hordes of hallway baddies that are a pain in the rear. Rank 2 is recommended for faster travel. Unfortunately, I was unable to rank up Teleport because of a lack of spare advantage points. However, if the lack of R2 doesn't fly with you, feel free to remove either Telekinetic Reinforcement or Rude Awakening (I'd recommend removing the former over the latter) in order to level up your Teleport.
    Ego Sprites: While the damage may not seem on the level of Ego Blast, the catch with this power is that Ego Sprites will not wake up a sleeping target. This allows you to put your target to sleep (once you gain Ego Sleep later on) and spam this until they wake up. As for the advantages, while Slave Mentality might seem great, research has shown that the healing effect is minimal, so you'll be wanting to take Rank 3 on this instead.
    Aura of Radiant Protection: A passive protection buff for you and your allies, I highly recommend grabbing Rank 3.
    Empathic Healing: I chose this over Psionic Healing for a number of reasons. First of all, with the arrival of Free-To-Play, Empathic Healing is no longer interruptable and it no longer has a recharge time, which makes this power much better than it used to be. Moreover, this heal is a maintained heal, which means you can pop it off on an ally and not worry about it, while Psionic Heal is a charged heal that takes three seconds to fully charge. While three second many not seem that long, battle can be won and lost in that time (yay for old words of wisdom). Seriously though, you could be charging up Psionic Healing and your ally could be dead by the time you cast it. On the other hand, Empathic Healing has an activation time of .67 seconds, which allows you to cast it very quickly. To top all this off, a fully maintained Empathic Healing heals for more than a fully charged Psionic Healing. The only downside to Empathic Healing is its 50 foot range, but honestly, your teammates are going to wanna stay within fifty feet to take advantage of your Aura of Radiant Protection anyways, so this isn't really a limiting factor. At the start of an instance, just make sure to briefly remind your allies to remain within range and you'll be good to go. Oh, and you'll definitely want to take Rank 3 with this power.
    Telekinetic Shield: As the Mind's only source of protection, I highly recommend grabbing Rank 3 in order to increase your already-low survivability. Additionally, Telekinetic Reinforcement is very nice because you can just tap your shield in order to activate it, granting you a nice resistance to physical damage in the blink of an eye.
    Ego Sleep: This power is fantastic. Tapping it applies Sleep to your target while Charging increases the area of its effect. Use this power to put your foes to sleep before beginning a fight, spam Ego Sprites on them until they're about to wake up, then smack them upside the head with Ego Blast coupled with Rude Awakening. With a 12 second duration and a fifteen second recharge (and that's assuming that Ego Sleep lasts the full 12 seconds), there is going to be a three second interlude until you can put your target to sleep again, so while waiting for those three seconds to pass, feel free to do whatever you want; turtle up behind your shield, temporarily Teleport away, or just go with the flow - it's your call. While R3 could cause this power to be spammed, I recommend Plagued By Nightmares for the awesome 10% damage debuff, while Nailed to the Ground is just absolutely necessary for PVP. But if you're a PVE-only kind of guy, feel free to take the advantage points away from Nailed to the Ground and invest them in R2 instead.
    Telepathic Reverberation: An amazingly incredible power, this will solve any energy problems you have. Because it gives you energy for each target you hold as well as for held targets that you damage, this power allows you to spam your other powers to your heart's content. This power also gives a boost in damage to Ego Blast via Mind Opener, which is also very nice.
    Ego Hold: This power is pretty nice, but ranking up is unnecessary because it has a 12 second duration and a 10 second recharge time (of course, that's assuming that it lasts the full 12 seconds), so it is already spammable. The reason I recommend Mass Effect is because the 16 second duration makes for longer-lasting holds, while the 15 foot AOE allows for more targets to be snared and grants you more energy by means of Telepathic Reverberation. I personally prefer Ego Sleep over Ego Hold, but regardless, it is still a good power.
    Ego Storm: This power is a fantastic AOE DPS machine, and with Rank 2 and Malevolent Manifestation, it also grants you extraordinary amounts of energy via Telepathic Reverberation. I recommend this power over Summon Nightmare because it is able to grant you great energy, it does awesome damage, and it is the Mind's only AOE attack. Even though Summon Nightmare is wickedly cool, it just isn't as good as R2 Ego Storm with Malevolent Manifestation.
    Mindful Reinforcement: This is an awesome shielding power that will shield up to 1,000 base damage at Rank 2. If the shield doesn't absorb the full damage, it heals the target for two times whatever amount of shieldable damage was remaining. On the other hand, with Revitalizing Boost, if the shield absorbs the full damage, then you gain a boost of energy. With the energy gain and the lack of a cooldown, you're able to spam this skill until the cows come home. Either way, it's a win-win situation.

    Talent Explanations:
    Presence increases the amount of healing and damage shielding you do while also decreasing the amount of threat you generate, thus making you less of a target for NPCs. Intelligence reduces the energy costs of your powers and decreases your cooldown times, Recovery increases the amount of energy you go into battle with and increases the amount of energy gained from your Energy Builder, and last but not least, Endurance increases your overall amount of energy and also boosts your Energy Builder gain.
    I recommend getting the ones listed because by choosing +5s for +8s essentially gives you two extra Talent points than you would get by sticking with +8s (10 compared to 8). Additionally, there is a complex system of Diminishing Returns for most Characteristics once you get beyond 200-220, so over-leveling your stats can have marginal results later on while balancing them out guarantees that you have good, high level stats in multiple Characteristics.

    Extra Note:
    I would like to quote GammaBreaker on the subject of Crippling Challenge's side effect: "Crippling Challenge, while an essential block-breaker in PVP, is also a *taunt* in PVE. It will make whatever you're shooting come over and sock you in the chops. Even if it's a cosmic boss being tanked by a Behemoth."
    So please be aware of this when you use a power with Crippling Challenge.
    To be honest, the reason I don't recommend this advantage with Ego Blast is because in PVP, your role is primarily support and crowd control - it's the job of your allies to do the damage, and they'll all probably have Crippling Challenge. Meanwhile, in PVE, the taunt aspect of Crippling Challenge could get you and your teammates killed if you pull aggro. But these are just my two cents on the matter.

    Extra Note #2: Unfortunately, I was not able to spec Teleport to Rank 2, so your speed is going to be somewhat Enslaved (forget the "Odyessy to the West" part... and yeah... this doesn't really make sense...) - LAME PUN INTENDED!!!

    Well, that’s all for now – if you have any input or advice for improving this guide, please feel free to let me know! Also, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me either by PM or in-game! And if I have errors anywhere in my guide, please let me know and I’ll fix them as soon as possible! :D

    I fixed numerous spelling and grammar mistakes, and I reworded some areas to allow for clearer explanation. [/spoil]

    Skills: Eldritch Bolts, Intelligence, Primal Aura, Storm Sigil, Hex of Suffering v.v...
    Nhận xét : support tốt với aura buf stat cho đồng đội, dam cũng khá và có thể healing, pvp chưa nhìu nên chưa nói dc :D
    Hướng dẫn build
    From my experience, the Grimoire is a jack of all trades - having some crowd-controlling, some average DPS, and some healing. Ultimately, the official description of the Grimoire is pretty accurate – it doesn’t fall behind any other Archetypes, but it doesn’t soar over them either. This allows the Grimoire to be a great all-around player, able to dish out good damage while also supporting the party and debuffing the enemy. However, from personal experience, I've found that the Grimoire also does great at soloing (you just HAVE to take Teleport though, otherwise you’ll die… a lot) and also works very well in a party.

    Generic Preface:
    All of my builds are meant to be equally playable in both PVE and PVP. Because of this, if you're a PVE-only kind of guy, feel free to remove the PVP advantages (mainly Nailed to the Ground and Crippling Challenge) and replace with the next Rank up - or allocate the advantage points somewhere completely different, as it's ultimately up to you. I would like to say though that even though my builds can do PVP, they also built to perform great in PVE, so it isn't like you're losing anything by having that PVP aspect to the build.

    Level 1: Eldritch Bolts
    Level 1: Eldritch Blast (R2, Crippling Challenge)
    Level 6: Teleport (R2)
    Level 6: Sigils of the Primal Storm (R2, R3)
    Level 8: Aura of Primal Majesty (R2, R3)
    Level 11: Pillar of Poz
    Level 14: Eldritch Shield (R2)
    Level 17: Vala's Light (R2, R3)
    Level 22: Circle of Arcane Power (R2, R3)
    Level 27: Skarn's Bane (R2, Warlock's Malice)
    Level 32: Sigils of Arcane Runes or Sigils of Ebon Weakness (R2, R3)
    Level 35: Whatever travel panics your disco.
    Level 40: Hex of Suffering (Nailed to the Ground, Runes of Lethargy)

    +5 Intelligence/Presence
    +5 Intelligence/Recovery
    +5 Presence/Recovery
    +5 Intelligence/Endurance
    +5 Presence/Endurance
    +5 Recovery/Endurance

    Power Descriptions:
    Eldritch Bolts: This is your energy builder and nothing more - I wouldn't recommend any of the advantages because the energy gain from Accelerated Metabolism isn't that much, and the damage is too low to warrant upgrading.
    Eldritch Blast: This is going to be one of your bread-and-butter attacks. It has pretty good range and can do good damage when fully upgraded, so you'll wanna grab Rank 2. Meanwhile, Crippling Challenge applies a powerful debuff to your target while simultaneously breaking through and disabling for 10 seconds your opponent's block, this turning this power into a good one for both PVE and PVP.
    Teleport: Teleport works great with a Grimoire because you can teleport in right besides your target(s), pop off your Sigils, and mop up. The best part is that if you’re fast enough, the baddies will only target your sigils because of the brief second of invisibility you have when you come out of a teleport. This allows your sigils to tank for you and allows you to Eldritch Blast your enemies to death while your health bar thanks you. Also, I would highly recommend this power over any other travel power because it allows you to get out of dangerous situations very quickly and painlessly. Say you’re surrounded and being pummeled to death by a number of baddies – all you gotta do is pop into teleport, launch straight up, and keep going until you lose aggro. If you’re in a building, just use teleport to retreat the way you came until you’re in the clear. Additionally, teleport allows you to skip the hordes of hallway baddies that are a pain in the rear. Rank 2 is recommended for faster travel.
    Sigils of the Primal Storm: Another of your bread-and-butter powers, this not only does great DOT damage, but also serves as a tank of sorts (as outlined in the teleport description). Definitely take up to Rank 3.
    Aura of Primal Majesty: This power is one of the main reasons why the Grimoire is such a great party player. Not only does it vastly increase your own Characteristics, but it also boosts your teammates' Characteristics in a fifty foot radius. You’ll very much want to take this up to Rank 3.
    Pillar of Poz: This power is good in a pinch, as it allows you to knock back all enemies surrounding you, but other than serving as an “oh crud” power, it really isn’t very good. The damage gained by Rank 3 is negligible compared to other powers in the Gimoire’s arsenal, and furthermore, each rank increases the knockback distance. This may not seem like a bad thing until you realize that if you knock your enemies outside the range of your sigils, then you lose a major source of your damage. By increasing the knockback, this power just makes it harder and harder for you to do good damage with your sigils, so this power is best left untouched advantage-wise.
    Eldritch Shield: As this is the only defense that Grimoires get, you’ll want to take Rank 2 in order to increase your survivability,
    Vala's Light: The reason I recommend this over Arcane Vitality is because while Arcane Vitality makes for a great single-target heal, it makes for a mediocre party heal, as the amount healed decreases with the number of people you’re trying to heal at once. On the other hand, Vala’s Light functions as a decent single-target heal, but also serves as a great party heal. Since the Grimoire is partly a support Archetype, Vala’s Light is just more useful in general than Arcane Vitality. Because it’s your only heal, Rank 3 is a must.
    Circle of Arcane Power: This power serves a great way for the Grimoire to supply a continuous amount of DPS and party support. It’s important to note that while using it, you must not move too far away, otherwise the Circle will deactivate. So it makes you stationary, but it does a great job of providing you with energy and reduced energy decay, so it’s definitely worth it. Rank 3 is also a must.
    Skarn's Bane: This power is a great source of DPS. Unlike Eldritch Blast, this power must be maintained – meaning you have to constantly hold down its assigned key in order to use it. While Eldritch Blast sends out a blast of energy, Skarn’s Bane fires out a steady stream of energy that does damage per “tick”, which in this case means per 0.5 seconds. Because of this, Warlock’s Malice is a great advantage to grab, as grants a 20% chance to root the target for 16 seconds per tick. Because this power does such great damage, R2 is absolutely necessary.
    Sigils of Arcane Runes or Sigils of Ebon Weakness: This power choice is solely dependent on your personal playstyle. Sigils of Arcane Runes is a great source of DPS and is awesome because you can cast this while Sigils of the Primal Storm is recharging. On the other hand, Sigils of Ebon Weakness is a phenomenal debuff that can severely cripple a mob or a boss. So ultimately which one you pick is dependent on what role you want to play. If you want to be completely focused on DPS, then you might want to pick Arcane Runes for the steady source of DPS. But if you want to be able to support your party by applying a powerful debuff, then Ebon Weakness is the way to go. Which one you choose depends on whether you want to be good at PVP or not. With a pure PVE perspective Ebon Weakness is the way to go, as it will provide a HUGE benefit to your team. But in PVP, your opponents are just going to hop right out of your Ebon Weakness sigils, making this skill fairly useless in PVP. Concerning Arcane Runes, it is a pretty powerful DPS skill in PVE, and it is a great damaging skill in PVP. So ultimately, if you want to go pure PVE, I'd highly recommend Ebon Weakness. But if you want to do both PVE and PVP, I would instead very much recommend Arcane Runes. Regardless of which one you choose, though, you’ll want to level it up to Rank 3.
    Hex of Suffering: When you first look at this power, you might think that it isn’t that great because its DPS output is fairly low. If you thought this way, you would be correct – this power doesn’t do very good damage. But the value in this power comes from its advantages: Runes of Lethargy roots your target for 8 seconds while Nailed to the Ground cancels out all travel powers for 5 seconds. These advantages makes this skill invaluable in PVP for the purpose stopping cold all those annoying jerks who spam teleport to no end.

    Talent Explanations:
    As for the Talents: Intelligence lets you do more damage and have faster cooldowns, and also reduces the energy cost of each power. Presence increases your heals, recovery means you are able to rely less on your Energy Builder, and Endurance grants you more energy overall.
    I recommend getting the ones listed because by choosing +5s for +8s essentially gives you two extra Talent points than you would get by sticking with +8s (10 compared to 8). Additionally, there is a complex system of Diminishing Returns for most Characteristics once you get beyond 200-220, so over-leveling your stats can have marginal results later on while balancing them out guarantees that you have good, high level stats in multiple Characteristics.

    Extra Note:
    I would like to quote GammaBreaker on the subject of Crippling Challenge's side effect: "Crippling Challenge, while an essential block-breaker in PVP, is also a *taunt* in PVE. It will make whatever you're shooting come over and sock you in the chops. Even if it's a cosmic boss being tanked by a Behemoth."
    So please be aware of this when you use a power with Crippling Challenge. And again, ultimately, if you don't like this or don't want to do PVP, feel free to remove it and spend the advantage points elsewhere. But do know that Crippling Challenge is almost required to play PVP, as it is a powerful debuff and it breaks through blocks.
    It's really your call, though.

    Well, that’s all for now – if you have any input or advice for improving this guide, please feel free to let me know! Also, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me either by PM or in-game! And if I have errors anywhere in my guide, please let me know and I’ll fix them as soon as possible! :D

    Upon realizing an important mechanism for Crippling Challenge, I have updated the build to place it on Eldritch Blast by taking away one rank from Eldritch Shield. Additionally, I invested the extra advantage point into Teleport so that you can now satisfy your Need For Speed - PUN INTENDED!!!

    UPDATE #2: I have updated the description for the choice between Sigils of Ebon Weakness and Sigils of Arcane Runes, so please read up on that before picking one over the other.

    UPDATE #3: Just now (2:09 P.M. on February 8, 2011), I noticed that I never removed the bad recommendation for Accelerated Metabolism from the description of Skarn's Bane, so please note that I do not recommend the addition of Accelerated Metabolism to Skarn's Bane. [/spoil]

    THE SAVAGE- GUARDIAN (gold member or 920 token for silver member)
    Hướng dẫn Build THE SAVAGE- GUARDIAN :

    [spoil]There are few options to an Silver player (as of now that is) as powerful as the Savage. You will have great offense, great defense, and some nice buffs/debuffs as well.

    If you like an, "In your face, get your claws bloody, shake off the worst they can do to you," style of play, this is you AT.

    STR/CON-this means that you will have tons of health, be resistant to knockback, and have the ability to throw armored cars as if they weighed no more than a baseball. As a SS Str adds to all of your damage, it will also add an additional 20% melee specific damage bonus.

    This AT will have some energy management issues until level 22 when you get Supernatural power, so I suggest talenting for some END and REC as well as supporting your superstats.

    +5 STR/CON
    +5 STR/END
    +5 STR/REC
    +5 CON/END
    +5 CON/REC
    +5 END/REC

    Bestial Fury (R1)
    your energy builder. I generally dont rank my EB up as there are almost always better things to spend your advantage points on in your other powers.

    Shred (R1, Penetrating Strikes)
    The advantage debuffs your target, increasing the effectiveness of this attack, and setting your foe up for really big hits from Massacre. The bleeds are nothing to laugh at either.

    Frenzy (R2, Fear Sense)
    This is your only AoE attack. Regeneration might keep you in the fight for a good long time, but if you dont put groups of foes down they may eventually defeat you. The advantage here works very well with Howl gained at level 27. You will never be a top tier AoE machine, but this will be enough to take down groups of henchmen so that you can then focus on your phenomenal single target DPS for the tougher mobs.

    Regeneration (R3)
    Also known as easy mode for much of the game. In addition to the obvious benefit of massive health gain in combat, you wont need to wait to heal up after a fight is over, so you will move from grou to group more quickly than just about anyone else. Keep in mind that regen doesnt reduce incoming damage, it heals you after the fact. So massive hits are a concern (you cant regen if the alpha strike killed you). Block them if at all possible so that your regen can then bring you back to full. Of course having CON as a SS helps a lot here. Its hard (but not impossible) to one shot someone with 8-10k health.

    Pounce (R1, Nailed to the Ground, Crippling Challenge)
    THis power exists to get you into range to do damage with your other powers. Trying to boost its damage is not worth the points IMO. If you do not intend to PvP remove Crippling Challenge. Nailed to the Ground is still worth your while as a means of bringing flying foes down to your level in PvE. It is a must in PvP.

    Parry (R2)
    In tight situations a regenerating character may want to, "turtle up," behind his shield while waiting for regen to get him back into the action.

    Massacre (R2, Blood Mess)
    This is your mainstay attack. Dont get me wrong, Bite is a great option as well (particularly for the stun) but Massacre's combination of high DPS and spammable knockdown are superior (IMO). Ideally you will have applied bleeds with other powers so as to fuel Blood Mess. Vs a foe with defenses reduced by Penetrating Strikes, you should expect to see taps in the 1.5k-3k range with this power.

    Supernatural Power (N/A)
    This will allow you to kep spamming Masacre. Great energy gain.

    Howl (R2, Make Them Tremble)
    This power grants Enrage (boosting all of your and allies damage), causes foes to be feared (reducing the damage of all foes in the area), and synergizes with the Fear Sense advantage on Frenzy (increasing your AoE damage). The advantage here shoudl allow you to spend less time chasing foes, and more time destroying them. As a side note, causing an enemy boss to be feared means that their big spike damage attacks are less likely to one shot you.

    Resurgence (R3, or R2 + Evanescent Emergence if you intend to PvP)
    This power provides a quick, and massive, healing burst, and kicks your regeneration to its highest level of scaling. I chose it over Devour Essence because this build does not support a lot of presence and so DE's self heal will not be what it could be. In addition I think that you will find that a sudden burst of healing when you really need it will be more usefull than a maintain. The advantage will help you get out of holds, which are very common, in PvP.

    Aspect of the Bestial (R3)
    Increases your damage. Nuff said.

    This outline will leave you with a few advantage points left over for personal preference elements. Some people like to increase the rank of their energy builder for quicker END gain. Perhaps you want your travel power to be faster. The Accelerated Metabolism advantage could help with Massacre's energy cost over time. Perhaps you want Shred to be a bit mroe potent at early levels adn take it to R2, entirely your choice.

    Support the four stats outlined under TALENTS and you will do just fine.

    Side note, none of this is meant to imply that you should feel compelled to make the choices I have outlined above in order to be effective playing the savage. This is just one possible way, one that I can assure you will be very powerful, to build this AT effectively. [/spoil]

    THE SPECIALIST - GUARDIAN (gold member or 920 token for silver member)

    Hướng dẫn Build THE SPECIALIST - GUARDIAN:
    From my experience, the Specialist isn't for everybody. Unlike the Soldier, the Specialist truly is... well... a specialist. It doesn't have the outright energy management of a Soldier, and it doesn't do as much blatant damage as a Soldier. However, there is a lot of potential synergy hidden in the Specialist's powers, which means that in the right hands, it can be downright deadly. In the hand of an experienced player, this Archetype can be an absolute powerhouse in PVE and a terrifying sight in PVP. But again, it requires you to become intimate with the ins and outs of this powerset, so if you're more the kind who prefers to go in with guns blazing (pun intended!), then check out my Soldier Archetype instead (not that blazing guns are a bad thing - it all just depends on playstyle)

    Generic Preface:
    All of my builds are meant to be equally playable in both PVE and PVP. Because of this, if you're a PVE-only kind of guy, feel free to remove the PVP advantages (mainly Nailed to the Ground and Crippling Challenge) and replace with the next Rank up - or allocate the advantage points somewhere completely different, as it's ultimately up to you. I would like to say though that even though my builds can do PVP, they also built to perform great in PVE, so it isn't like you're losing anything by having that PVP aspect to the build.

    Level 1: Gunslinger
    Level 1: Blade Tempest (R2, Crashing Crescendo)
    Level 6: Teleport (R2)
    Level 6: Two-Gun Mojo (Nailed to the Ground, Crippling Challenge)
    Level 8: Lightning Reflexes (R2, R3)
    Level 11: Bullet Beatdown (R2, Not Without Incident)
    Level 14: Parry (R2)
    Level 17: Eye of the Storm (R2, Blade Beyond the Veil)
    Level 22: Form of the Tempest
    Level 27: Holdout Shot (R2, Stim Pack)
    Level 32: Lock N Load (R2, Two Smoking Barrels)
    Level 35: Whatever travel power finds your nemo.
    Level 40: Lead Tempest (R2, Tread Softly)


    Power Explanations:
    Gunslinger: This is your energy builder and nothing more - I wouldn't recommend any of the advantages because the energy gain from Accelerated Metabolism isn't that much, and the damage is too low to warrant upgrading.
    Blade Tempest: While the damage is somewhat limited, Bullet Beatdown's (yuck) self-root makes it difficult to completely rely on Bullet Beatdown (bleh) in PVP. Thus, it is wise to upgrade Blade Tempest to Rank 2 and grab Crashing Crescendo (which increases your chance to crit) in order to close in on retreating foes so that you can use your Bullet Beatdown (mleh) when they finally stop moving.
    Teleport: Teleport works great with a Specialist because you can teleport in right besides your target(s), and start unleashing Bullet Beatdown (I hate that name... Bullet Ballet was a much better name for it... kinda artsy...) on them. Also, I would highly recommend this power over any other travel power because it allows you to get out of dangerous situations very quickly and painlessly. Say you’re surrounded and being pummeled to death by a number of baddies – all you gotta do is pop into teleport, launch straight up, and keep going until you lose aggro. If you’re in a building, just use teleport to retreat the way you came until you’re in the clear. Since Archetypes mostly don't have good energy management and self heals, Teleport allows you to survive encounters where you would normally die. Additionally, teleport allows you to skip the hordes of hallway baddies that are a pain in the rear. Level up to Rank 2 to obtain a massive speed boost.
    Two-Gun Mojo: This power is fantastic. After maintaining it for its full duration, you gain a stack of Enraged, which increases the damage you do and helps power the rest of the build. Nailed to the Ground is a fantastic skill that cancels out travel powers and thus shuts down those annoying Teleport spammers, while Crippling Challenge applies a powerful debuff to your target at the cost of increased threat. This is a great opening skill and a phenomenal PVP skill.
    Lightning Reflexes: This power increases your superstat bonus to dodge and avoidance, which makes you harder to hit and consequently more survivable. Rank up to level 3 for best results.
    Bullet Beatdown (name = lame): This is going to be one of your primary spam skills. The reason I advocate Bullet Beatdown (UGH!) over Storm's Harvest is because Bullet Beatdown (ick) is basically a combo move, doing damage at each stage in the combo. Because of this, it allows you to pull off multitudes of criticals, making it a terrific power. Also, Storm's Harvest's DPS is average at best. For Bullet Beatdown (yetch), Not Without Incident transforms it from a great single-target skill to an awesome AOE skill, while you'd also be best taking this up to Rank 2 for increased damage.
    Parry: As this is your only purely defensive skill, R2 is recommended for best results.
    Eye of the Storm: While the damage dealt by Eye of the Storm isn't all that remarkable, it's true allure comes from the damage you absorb - up to 4031 at Rank 2. Additionally, Blade Beyond the Vale transforms this power to do pretty good DPS to any baddies foolish enough to attack you.
    Form of the Tempest: While a fantastic power, Rank 3 merely speeds up the time that it takes for you to max out at 8 stacks of Focus. Because of this, it is best to forgo ranking this power up.
    Holdout Shot: Because the Specialist suffers from energy issues, this power is awesome to have. Not only does it do 100% more damage when you score a critical hit, but the damage also doubles when you have 20% energy or less. Moreover, Stim Pack heals you and applies a heal over time on yourself, and this HOT can stack up to five times. Rank 2 is recommended for maximum damage.
    Lock N Load: The reason I recommend Lock N Load over Masterful Dodge is because the Specialist already has enough dodge-increasing and defensive abilities by this point. As it is, Lock N Load is already a great damage-enhancing power, but when you throw Two Smoking Barrels in the mix, it becomes sustainable to the point of potentially being stackable. This allows you to keep yourself consistently buffed, thus significantly increasing the amount of damage you dish out. Rank 2 is recommend to capitalize on the death and destruction.
    Lead Tempest: This power is similar to Eye of the Storm, except that this one actually does deal decent AOE damage. Additionally, Tread Softly increases your chance to dodge and gives you a 50% avoidance bonus, turning this power into not only a fair source of AOE damage, but also into a nice defensive power. Take up through Rank 2 for best results.

    Talent Explanations:
    As for the Talents: Dexterity increases your chance of scoring criticals while also increasing your dodge, Ego increases your critical severity, Strength increases the damage you deal, and Endurance increases the amount of energy you have as well as how much you gain from using your Energy Builder.
    I recommend getting the Talents listed because by choosing +5s for +8s essentially gives you two extra Talent points than you would get by sticking with +8s (10 compared to 8). Additionally, there is a complex system of Diminishing Returns for most Characteristics once you get beyond 200-220, so over-leveling your stats can have marginal results later on while balancing them out guarantees that you have good, high level stats in multiple Characteristics.

    Extra Note:
    Zoomaholics rejoice - I have leveled up Teleport to Rank 2 so that your speed can now be a Force Unleashed - PUN INTENDED!!!

    Extra Note #2:
    I would like to quote GammaBreaker on the subject of Crippling Challenge's side effect: "Crippling Challenge, while an essential block-breaker in PVP, is also a *taunt* in PVE. It will make whatever you're shooting come over and sock you in the chops. Even if it's a cosmic boss being tanked by a Behemoth."
    So please be aware of this when you use a power with Crippling Challenge. And again, ultimately, if you don't like this or don't want to do PVP, feel free to remove it and spend the advantage points elsewhere. But do know that Crippling Challenge is almost required to play PVP, as it is a powerful debuff and it breaks through blocks.
    It's really your call, though.

    Well, that’s all for now – if you have any input or advice for improving this guide, please feel free to let me know! Also, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me either by PM or in-game! And if I have errors anywhere in my guide, please let me know and I’ll fix them as soon as possible!

    Thanks to Ashen, I was informed that while Rank 3 Form of the Tempest has its uses, Blade Tempest Rank 2 with the Crashing Crescendo advantage is a better investment due to increased damage in PVP. So if you're a PVE-only guy, feel free to keep Rank 3 Form of the Tempest, but if you want to be able to do both effectively, go with Rank 2 Blade Tempest with Crashing Crescendo. [/spoil]

    THE VOID- GUARDIAN (gold member or 920 token for silver member)
    Hướng dẫn Build THE VOID- GUARDIAN :
    The Void is the Archetype that I have wanted since the release of FTP. While Darkness isn't the most powerful Framework, I love it to death (HA!) - it has soo many awesome little intricacies and synergies tucked away that it is just a blast to use. One cool thing to note is that this is the first Archetype I've seen that has really good choices for alternate powers. As such, I have devised two builds - one is a DPSer and the other is a Pet Controller. So you choose which one you want. I'm not trying to be mean - I myself really dislike it when guides tell me to pick whatever I think is best, but with this Archetype, it really does come down to personal preference. :)

    Generic Preface:
    All of my builds are meant to be equally playable in both PVE and PVP. Because of this, if you're a PVE-only kind of guy, feel free to remove the PVP advantages (mainly Nailed to the Ground and Crippling Challenge) and replace with the next Rank up - or allocate the advantage points somewhere completely different, as it's ultimately up to you. I would like to say though that even though my builds can do PVP, they also built to perform great in PVE, so it isn't like you're losing anything by having that PVP aspect to the build.

    DPS Build Powers:
    Level 1: Shadow Bolt (Despondency)
    Level 1: Shadow Blast (Crippling Challenge)
    Level 6: Teleport (R2)
    Level 6: Shadow Embrace (Fatal Allure, Nailed to the Ground)
    Level 8: Shadow Form (R2, R3)
    Level 11: Grasping Shadows (Unyielding Agony)
    Level 14: Ebon Void (R2, R3)
    Level 17: Ebon Rift (R2, Vengeful Shadows)
    Level 22: Spirit Reverberation (N/A)
    Level 27: Shadow Shroud (R2, Terrifying Visage)
    Level 32: Lifedrain (R2, R3)
    Level 35: Whatever travel power lights your candle
    Level 40: Ebon Ruin (R2, Paranormal Paranoia, Nyctophobia)

    Pet Controller Build Powers:
    Level 1: Shadow Bolt (Despondency)
    Level 1: Shadow Blast (Crippling Challenge)
    Level 6: Teleport (R2)
    Level 6: Shadow Embrace (Nailed to the Ground, Fatal Allure)
    Level 8: Shadow Form (R2, R3)
    Level 11: Grasping Shadows (Unyielding Agony)
    Level 14: Ebon Void (R2, R3)
    Level 17: Void Horror (R2, R3)
    Level 22: Spirit Reverberation (N/A)
    Level 27: Shadow Shroud (R2, Terrifying Visage)
    Level 32: Lifedrain (R2, R3)
    Level 35: Whatever travel power fords your river
    Level 40: Ebon Ruin (R2, Paranormal Paranoia, Nyctophobia)

    Talents (for both builds):

    Quick Note:
    I labeled one DPS Build and the other Pet Controller Build, but both are perfectly capable of doing DPS - They just do it in different manners.

    Shadow Bolt: While I don't normally advocate spending advantage points on Energy Builders, Despondency is a fantastic advantage. It allows each bolt of your Shadow Bolts to have a 15% chance to inflict fear on a target. As fear increases the damage of a number of your powers and also provides you energy later on
    through Spirit Reverberation, this is a great advantage to pick up.
    Shadow Blast: While this might seem like a great power at first, it ends up paling in comparison to Shadow Embrace and Ebon Ruin. However, a good thing to note is that at a full charge, it has a 100% chance to inflict fear on a target, so it makes a great opener. Additionally, as this is the only power in the Void's arsenal that carries Crippling Challenge, this is an advantage you'll definitely wanna grab on Shadow Blast.
    Teleport: I highly recommend this power over any other travel power because it allows you to get out of dangerous situations very quickly and painlessly. Say you’re surrounded and being pummeled to death by a number of baddies – all you gotta do is pop into teleport, launch straight up, and keep going until you lose aggro. If you’re in a building, just use teleport to retreat the way you came until you’re in the clear. Additionally, teleport allows you to skip the hordes of hallway baddies that are a pain in the rear. Rank 2 is recommended for faster travel.
    Shadow Embrace: This is gonna be one of your faithful spam skills for a long time. Because it applies damage to all targets in front of you, it's a very nice limited-AOE power that does great damage per tick (0.5 seconds). You'll definitely want to take Fatal Allure on this, as it gives a 20% chance per tick to knock down non-feared targets and knock feared targets towards you, allowing you to constantly control your target(s) location(s). You'll also want to take Nailed to the Ground on this to cancel out other people's travel powers.
    Shadow Form: A fantastic passive (and a really cool looking one too), you'll definitely want to take Rank 3 to maximize on all of its awesome benefits.
    Grasping Shadows: Good lord, everything has the word "shadows" in it, doesn't it? Anyways, this is the Void's only power (other than ones utilizing Fear, that is) that focuses on applying Paralyze to targets. The nice thing about this power is that it's an AOE, so you can hit multiple targets with it. However, the Void has plenty of crowd control already, so I wouldn't really recommend ranking this power up. However, I do recommend grabbing Unyielding Agony, as it allows you to put a reliable DOT on all targets affected by Grasping Shadows. While this DOT does a nice 660 damage to all affected, if you want, you can take the advantage points out and re-apply them elsewhere.
    Ebon Void: While most Archetypes' blocks are average, this one truly is great. On top of protecting you, it has a chance to heal you while you're shielding. As it is, I'd recommend going up to Rank 3 on this power, as Voracious Darkness really isn't worth it unless you wanna tank (which is better left to Archetypes like the Savage, the Glacier, and the Behemoth). If you want, though, you can reduce this power to Rank 2 and invest the advantage points elsewhere (like R2 Shadow Blast, for example)
    Void Horror or Ebon Rift: This is where things really change for both builds. A person sticking with the DPS Build will wanna take Ebon Rift Rank 2 and Vengeful Shadows (which causes baddies too close to your rift to take massive damage), which gives you an awesomely potent AOE DPS that will continue to do damage even after you fully maintain it. On the other hand, a person going for the Pet Controller Build will want to grab Void Horror, as it does very nice damage and is constantly active (unless it does, but even then you can just reactivate it). Both are very nice powers - the choice of one over the other just depends on your personal preference. One thing to note is that I think the Vengeful Shadows advantage for Ebon Rift is bugged, as it currently does massive damage for every tick, which is pretty much insta-death for bosses. So don't bank on that at all - it's very probable that Cryptic is going to fix this in a patch or two.
    Spirit Reverberation: This is a very nice innate passive that allows you to gain energy (scaling with Recovery and Constitution) whenever you attack a feared target (this can only occur once every three seconds). You can't level it up, however, but it's still a very tight form of energy management.
    Shadow Shroud: This is an awesome self-buff that increases damage for 15 seconds at Rank 2. In Addition, Terrifying Visage has a 50% chance every second to fear enemies within a 15 foot sphere around you, in addition to having a 10% chance every second to apply Psychotic Break. Psychotic Break is an advantage that can be applied to Shadow Blast and deals 20 damage every second for 16 seconds. In all honesty, it's your call as to what you want - the awesome fear chance and minor DOT with Terrifying Visage is very nice, but so is an extra and guaranteed 10% damage increase and 3 second increase with Rank 3.
    Lifedrain: The reason I recommend Lifedrain over Summon Shadows is because Lifedrain is a very, very nice self heal that also does fair damage. The reason I suggest that you grab Rank 3 instead of Rank 2 + Vampiric Sympathy is because the Void isn't meant to be a party supporter - it's meant to do damage and control crowds. Lifedrain is mostly intended to allow you to support yourself if you're soloing or ease pressure off your healer if you're in a team. However, it is good to note that that Summon Shadows can do nice damage, and its Devouring Darkness advantage allows you to be healed for 20% of the damage that they inflict. So it again is your call - but in this case, I'm going to advocate Lifedrain over Summon Shadows. Oh, it's also good to note that Summon Shadows is currently bugged, as the Devouring Darkness healing aspect is currently innately built into all ranks of Summon Shadows - meaning that the three pets created by it all currently heal you. Again, this is a bug, and will be fixed by Cryptic in the next patch or two.
    Ebon Ruin: Oh man, this is a very awesome and new skill that was introduced along with the Void in the most recent patch. It's very similar to Shadow Blast in that it can be both tapped and charged, and it has a range of 100 feet. However, it does significantly more damage than Shadow Blast, which is AWESOME. This power's advantages also ooze with synergy - Nyctophobia increases the damage against feared targets by 15%, Paranormal Paranoia reduces the target's resistance to Paranormal damage (consisting of Dimensional, Ego, and Magic) by 10% and lasts for 15 seconds, and Rank 2 just increases the damage of this power. All in all, it's a fantastic power that serves as a more than adequate reward for achieving level 40. ;D

    Talent Explanations:
    Endurance increases your over all energy and increases the energy you get from your Energy Builder, Constitution increases your health and also increases the energy you gain with Spirit Reverberation, Recovery increases the energy you go into battle with as well as the energy you gain from your Energy Builder, and Presence increases the healing your receive from Ebon Void and Lifedrain.
    I recommend getting the ones listed because by choosing +5s for +8s essentially gives you two extra Talent points than you would get by sticking with +8s (10 compared to 8). Additionally, there is a complex system of Diminishing Returns for most Characteristics once you get beyond 200-220, so over-leveling your stats can have marginal results later on while balancing them out guarantees that you have good, high level stats in multiple Characteristics.

    Extra Note:
    Compulsive speeders, dance with joy, for I have specced this build to allow for Teleport Rank 2, so that you may emulate the Mass Effect - PUN INTENDED!!!

    Extra Note #2:
    I would like to quote GammaBreaker on the subject of Crippling Challenge's side effect: "Crippling Challenge, while an essential block-breaker in PVP, is also a *taunt* in PVE. It will make whatever you're shooting come over and sock you in the chops. Even if it's a cosmic boss being tanked by a Behemoth."
    So please be aware of this when you use a power with Crippling Challenge.

    Well, that’s all for now – if you have any input or advice for improving this guide, please feel free to let me know! Also, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me either by PM or in-game! And if I have errors anywhere in my guide, please let me know and I’ll fix them as soon as possible! :D

    It was brought to my attention that Void Horror does not have a travel power canceler, and that this was merely misinformation that has yet to be removed from the tooltip. So I'd like to repeat - Void Horror's Lunge cannot remove travel powers. [/spoil]

    Skill chi tiết của các free archtype xem ở đây
    Xem Các thông tin skill archtype xem ở đây

    HERO GAMES(Khu vực Pvp in game )
    -Khi muốn đánh nhau xã stress hoặc để nâng tầm pk,các bạn có thể vào Hero Games, vào bằng cách bấm vào icon Menu gần Map góc phải, vào Queue,chọn cho mình 1 thể loại mình thix. Phân chia cứ 10lv sẽ vào 1 sàn đấu, ví dụ: nhân vật lv31 sẽ vào sàn đấu có các doi thủ từ 3x~4x...


    Có các chế độ đấu :
    UTC (đánh team 5vs5,bên nào win 15 trước thì thắng)
    BASH (đánh loạn xì ngầu,gặp ai giết đó,ai kill nhìu nhất sẽ thắng )
    Zombies(1 phe thủ ko cho dàn zombie giết,nếu chết sẽ biến thành zombie giết lại người chơi khác đang thủ,ai sống ko bị thành zombie lâu nhất là thắng)
    Appocalypse( đánh team 5vs5,giống chơi đấu tướng warcraft,đánh cả người chơi và NPC,có cả boss,ai kill boss phe kia trước thì thắng).....

    Định Nghĩa :

    Archetype : Nơi dành cho các silver Member thi thố tài năng, Gold Member(GM) ko thể tham gia vào dc

    UNRESTRICTED : Nơi dành cho Silver Member và Gold Member , các bạn nào tự tin, đủ bản lãnh thì hãy vào khu này :)

    RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ( R&D ) Hướng dẫn toàn tập = english

    Có một loạt Quest sẽ dẫn người chơi đến chọn một trong các loại R&D : Mystic, Science, Arms.

    Ngoài 3 vị trí trên, thì các Trainer khác (Fighting, Mutation, Ordenate ) nằm rải rác trên map. Nhưng chỉ yêu cầu Science hay Mystic.... nên tui không hỉu lắm

    Arms không + Pre
    Mysticism không + Con
    Science + tất cả nhưng chỉ số thấp

    Arms has the best healing items, and root grenates, incendiary grenades, etc.
    Mysticism has poor healing items, lots of summon items, and a lvl 20 req item that does 300+ damage with 25 charges on a 30s cooldown.
    Science has HoT and ablative shield items, as well as damage buffs and debuffs.

    Gặp NPC trainer để học R&D

    Sau khi học ta có thể tiến hành R&D tại bàn thí nghiệm nằm gần các Trainer
    Development tạm hiểu là craft đồ. Trước tiên ta phải có Blueprints ( bản thiết kế của món đồ đó ) Mua ở NPC, unlock bằng cách làm Q, hoàn thành perk ?

    Research là "phá đồ" để lấy nguyên liệu (Dismantle)
    * Lưu ý khi học R&D loại nào thì về sau chỉ chế và phá được loại đó thôi
    hiện giờ các bạn chỉ cần ráng bỏ item vào sao cho rating 5/5 (Item blue, yellow, green cho nhiều * để tăng rating nhất)
    Rating 5/5 là cách duy nhất để có được nguyên liệu xịn cho loại đồ mình chế Tuy nhiên không phải lúc nào 5/5 là cũng ra. Vì tỉ lệ nhận được là random
    Exp của R&D chia ra làm 4 tier
    Tier 1 = 1-100 exp
    Tier 2 = 101-200 exp
    Tier 3 = 201-300 exp
    Tier 4 = 301-400 exp

    Ở tier 1 thì rất dễ đạt 5*
    Ở tier 2,3 ta kết hợp giữa các item blue,yellow... với các item white để ra 5*
    Vd: 1 item blue cho rating 4/5 . 1 item white cho 1 rating. Nếu ta phá 2 item blue thì sẽ là 8/5 , bị lỗ mất 3 rating
    => Kết hợp phá 1 blue và 1 white = Rating 5/5
    Ở tier 4 thì item white gần như ko còn tác dụng. Rating 5/5 = 2 item yellow hoặc 1 item green/blue
    [ UPDATE sau ]

    Khi exp của R&D bị maximum thì ra các NPC Trainer phù hợp chọn > Store... mua item "cap by 100" để chuyển tier cao hơn


    Hệ thống SIDEKICK (kéo lvl đồng đội)
    Kéo lv team mate = lv của người kéo
    - Đầu tiên team leader "set team champion" cho người có lv cao nhất bằng cách trỏ chuột phải vào avatar của người đó
    - Sau đó, trỏ chuột vào avatar của chính mình ( hay của thằng team champion tui hem nhớ nửa :( ) chọn "Start side kicking"
    - Lv của người đó sẽ bằng lv của team champion ( tăng hp, mp, damage )


    Add friend : vui lòng để lại cả IGN và Nick name khi bạn tham gian Game !!!!
    Ví dụ: IGN mềnh là Stark Tony, nick name là gorokairi89 , khi add friend bấm O chọn thẻ Friend bạn gõ Stark Tony@gorokairi89

    Guild Gamevn :Thông Báo, tuyển mem, công tác và tố chức
    Guild: V Heroes
    -Nick Leader va Officer để các member mới hoặc cũ mún gia nhập V Heroes có thể liên lạc:
    + Stark Tony@gorokairi89 (Leader) class: inferno Lv40
    + Vis@Xx_Vis_xX (Vice leader) class: glacier Lv40
    + Buffalo@goro89 class: behemoth Lv40
    + The Shadow@Xx_Vis_xX class: void Lv40
    (do tony và vis max lv tập 2 nên chơi lai 2 char mới,mọi người pm 4 nick trên ko dc thì cứ pm nick dưới để vào G nhé )
    + Mr.Goro@goro89 class: inventor
    + Steel Man@Xx_Vis_xX class: Inventor

    + Abyss@Hikana class: mind Lv3x (Officer)


    Andy Corleone@ZakuMK2
    Black White@Meijidao



    Những điều cần biết đối với các newbies (nên xem):


    -Mới vào games,các newbies sẽ chơi ở millenium city tutorial,hay còn gọi là màn chơi làm quen với gameplay, làm xong các quest sẽ được vào thành phố và học các skill ánh cũng như skill travel (di chuyển), Các bạn nào đã từng chơi rồi thì có thể bỏ qua phần này bằng cách bấm SKIP TUTORIAL trong phần tạo tên nhân vật thay vì bấm GO!,char của bạn sẽ lên lv6 và bay vào thẳng thành phố chính.

    Những bạn nào lần đầu chơi và tiếng anh ko khá mình khuyên nên chơi các class sau : Behemoth, GLACIER ,Blade và khi lên lv 6 nên chọn travel skill là teleport cho all AT.Behemoth, GLACIER ,Blade là những AT mạnh và dễ chơi cả đầu game và cuối game, những AT còn lại đòi hỏi trình pvp phải rất cao mới thắng dc người khác , mình chứng kiến rất nhiều bọn bỏ game vì chơi những AT đó vì khi 1 vs 1 ko giết dc ai mặc dù những AT đó dame thuộc dạng cao nhất nhì game (trừ mind và Grimore vì 2 pé đó support là chính ).Khi các bạn max dc 1 trong 3 class Behemoth, GLACIER ,Blade có kn chơi hãy chơi các class còn lại

    -Các bạn học tất cả các skill đều ở Power house, là 1 kiến trúc có hình giống như quả cầu xung quanh là điện nằm ở trung tâm millenium city.
    Lưu ý : Lúc học skill mới, các bạn có thể reset FREE ở trong đó, nhưng khi ra khỏi power house reset là tính tiền.Vì thế test skill kỹ vào trước khi ra khỏi power house
    Power House :

    -Game này đa số đều làm quest, vì vậy số lượng quest rất phong phú,trải dài trên tất cả các map,các bạn có thể tìm quest ở các npc có hình "!" là nhận quest, dấu "?" là trả quest, khoanh tròn màu xanh lá sẽ là nơi làm quest,chỉ vào đó sẽ thấy tên quest hiện lên (bấm M mở bản đồ lên sẽ thấy)

    -Các bạn lv thấp (kể cả lv cao) nên làm quest 1 mình,lên lv sẽ nhanh hơn so với party,nếu các bạn party trên 3 người làm quest ở dungeon thì số lượng quái sẽ tăng lên rất nhìu.Party chỉ cần khi đánh boss hoặc quest yêu cầu team 5 người.

    -Khi cần di chuyển qua map khác thì các bạn đến máy bay (icon hình máy bay trên map)

    -Item đã sử dụng cho nhân vật cùa mình rồi ko thể trao đổi (trade) với nhân vật khác

    -Game có chế độ thách đấu (duel) với người khác,khi người khác nhận lời thách đấu màn hình sẽ đếm 5s ngược lại và 1 cái phi thuyền sẽ phóng xuống đất....

    -Các bạn có thể cất đồ ở ngân hàng (Bank) khu vực xung quanh trung tâm thành phố millen

    -Các bạn có thể mua,hoặc bán item qua hệ thống bán hàng online tại tòa nhà Auction House,khi truy cập vào máy tính tại đây sẽ có 1 list các item bạn cần

    -Khi nâng skill các bạn có thể reset skill nhưng bị tốn tiền,số tiền tốn sẽ tăng dần khi lv càng cao,và khi reset các bạn phải reset theo dạng cuốn chiếu,vd: bạn lv40 mún reset skill lv13,mún vậy bạn phải reset hết tất cả các skill từ lv 13~ lv4x trong khi bạn ko mún reset những skill đó.==> nên cân nhắc kĩ khi nâng 1 skill nào đó.

    -Khi mún đổi server các bạn bấm vào tên map góc phải > change instance > chọn sv mún đổi​


    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 15/7/11
  2. [S]uper[D]ragonX

    [S]uper[D]ragonX Vạn Tuế

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
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    Server mở rồi bà con \m/
  3. f)ộc Cô f)ồi Bại

    f)ộc Cô f)ồi Bại C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    char mới update nhìn skill nó lúa thế nhỉ @_@
  4. Mr.LeeVis

    Mr.LeeVis Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Welcome nhà mới :D

    lúa vậy thôi chứ cũg ko vừa đâu :~, support team kha tốt, pk thi chưa thư nên chưa biet :D
  5. haloshop

    haloshop Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cách xây dựng 1 nhân vật hoàn thiện(Wrote by vis):
    Định nghĩa 1 char hoàn thiện:
    1 nhân vật hoàn thiện thì có nhiều hướng, hướng dưới đây chỉ cho những ai nuker, tanker thì build khá dễ :

    nói tóm tắt như sao : 1 hero có 2 star chính (màu vàng) khi max lv(lv 40) không nên để các star chính trên 220 (vì 220 trở lên 1 đểm dư sẽ tăng chậm hơn gấp 2 lần)
    Str :nhất thiết cần str 70+ để chống knock back tuyệt kỹ của các chú behe hoặc những tuyệt kỹ knock, ko thì nhân vật bạn sẽ phế khi gặp tanker
    nói chung các bạn phân điểm làm sao stat chính từ 200-219 là dc, còn lại nên dồn vào các stat khác tùy nhân vật và sở thích
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 28/6/11
  6. Western's Fan

    Western's Fan Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    xem ra mình ko hợp các con khác = blade rồi T_T, tự nhiên chơi các con khác hồi chán O_O
  7. haloshop

    haloshop Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ko lúa đâu :D passive regen máu theo presence(có nghĩa là ngang ngữa skill buff máu của gri,có thể ko bằng dc mind), skill 17 có shield quái bắn tăng máu liên tục, skill 22 gọi pet bơm máu (cũng theo presence) T_T......vậy ko phải gọi là ngưu ma vương àh....còn skill đánh tuy damg ko cao nhưng đủ các eff,nào là stun, confuse, root, biến gấu....tùy theo % chance xuất hiện. Con này mà đủ skill buff máu chắc wang giữa 1 bãi quái cũng chã chết dc
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 2/3/11
  8. vua_hoc_vuachoi

    vua_hoc_vuachoi T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Nơi đi...
    cái SIDEKICK là khi lv của team champion 40 chẳng hạn, và sau đó người mình kéo sẽ cũng lên lv 40 luôn hay sao?
    các bác chỉ giáo giùm, em cày hoài mới lv 14 -.-
  9. Mr.LeeVis

    Mr.LeeVis Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    dual blade nó stun + crit cho vai phát là xong sớm chứ gì :))

    P/s tony : cai topic mi làm ẩu wa, ta lay nick mi edit lai đấy :~

    ---------- Post added at 00:31 ---------- Previous post was at 00:29 ----------

    uh, sidekick la có thể lên thẳng 40, dam + các stat cũng tăng theo nhưng với 1 điều kiện là ..... phải đứng gần nhau
  10. haloshop

    haloshop Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:

    thông cảm, làm cho lẹ để còn đi ăn với GF :D định tối lên edit lại mà ông sửa rồi thì thôi
  11. yoyo9x

    yoyo9x Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cho mình hỏi là cái link của boyx8000 thấy ở 2pic kia nói là có vài người báo bị lỗi , k biết đã có ai down về dùng ngon chưa và 1 điều nữa mình muốn hỏi là tại sao nó lại nhẹ tới mức kỳ là như vậy ^^! , mình cắm suốt gần 2 ngày nay với cái link của web mới 29% nó chạy thật sự chậm quá mức tưởng tượng và mới 29% mà nó đã dc hơn 3gb Q.Q , vậy mà link của bạn boyx8000 chỉ có 3gb mình đang down nhưng k biết dùng đc k , ai down link đó và cài ngon rồi thì cho mình biết đỡ mất công down về rôi lại quay sang down lại link kia T.T
  12. Mr.LeeVis

    Mr.LeeVis Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    mình thì dow = link cùa boyx8000 có khoan 3h thôi, nhưng phiên bản đó cách đây 1 tháng rồi, bạn dow về chắc update lên chơi dc :D

    ai rảnh thì kiếm cái link dow mới di, dơ trên trang chủ nghe nói lâu lăm :~
  13. yoyo9x

    yoyo9x Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cũng tùy thôi bạn ơi , tôi vừa rủ ông bạn tôi chơi bảo nó down link đấy mà chỉ mất có 1 dêm khoang 6h` mà đã về tới nơi rồi ( k hiểu sao nó nhanh thế k biết T.T )
  14. Mr.LeeVis

    Mr.LeeVis Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    định viết làm típ cái build cho con inventor mà nãn wa, ko ai chơi các class token cã :( . bạn nào hứng thú class token mà ko có visa nạp thì pm ông tony nhá :D, ko = gold nhưng chơi đã hơn các class free nhiu, tỉ lện win gold cũng cao hơn các class kia :D
  15. vua_hoc_vuachoi

    vua_hoc_vuachoi T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Nơi đi...
    có bác nào sidekick em cái ko?:( cày hoài mà đên h vãn lv 14:((
  16. Mr.LeeVis

    Mr.LeeVis Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    trò này đừng đánh quái cày lv, tập trung vào rush quest thoi :~ , tui làm quest toàn tele thẵng vào boss rồi giết, chả thèm giết quái lâu la kiém exp nữa, lẹn lv vèo vèo :~
  17. vua_hoc_vuachoi

    vua_hoc_vuachoi T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Nơi đi...
    Nhưng Sidekick nhanh hơn chứ :D
  18. Mr.LeeVis

    Mr.LeeVis Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    cũng vậy ah`, lv 1 hoàn thành quest 40 max tối đa cũng là 1k exp, trong khi đó, lv 39 hoàn thành quest 40 dc tận ~ 20k exp

    giết quái cũng thế , mỗi lv dc nhận tối đa là 1 khoãng exp nhất định ,vì thế ko có chuyện lv 1 qua khu 40 dc nhìu exp hơn :D

    thường sidekick để làm nhiệm vụ chung hoặc để duel với 1 ai đó ko kém nhìu lv
  19. XSI

    XSI Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Giao dịch cái này thế nào hả bác? :d
    giá cả ra sao?
  20. f)ộc Cô f)ồi Bại

    f)ộc Cô f)ồi Bại C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    bác nào thích thì chơi GM đi cho sướng ;))

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