Cheats for Age of Mythology

Thảo luận trong 'Age of Mythology' bắt đầu bởi kennynz, 27/7/05.

  1. kennynz

    kennynz T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The World Never Was
    Age of Mythology

    Cheats List
    Trong khi chơi nhấn Enter rùi đánh lệnh dưới đây sau đó Enter

    ATM OF EREBUS: 1000 gold
    BAWK BAWK BOOM: Get the chicken-meteor god power
    CHANNEL SURFING: Skip to next scenario in the campaign
    CONSIDER THE INTERNET: Slow down units
    DIVINE INTERVENTION: Use a previously used god power
    FEAR THE FORAGE: Get the walking berry bushes god power
    GOATUNHEIM: Get a god power that turns all units on the map to goats
    IN DARKEST NIGHT: Make it nighttime
    ISIS HEAR MY PLEA: Get the heroes from the campaign
    I WANT TEH MONKEYS!!!1!: Monkeys galore
    JUNK FOOD NIGHT: 1000 food
    L33T SUPA H4X0R: Faster build
    LAY OF THE LAND: Show map
    LETS GO! NOW!: Faster game
    MOUNT OLYMPUS: Full favor
    O CANADA: Have a lazer bear
    PANDORAS BOX: Get random god powers
    ZENOS PARADOX: Random Atlantean god powers Submitted by Anthony
    TINFOIL HAT: Randomise ownership of units on map Submitted by Anthony
    RED TIDE: Makes water red
    SET ASCENDANT: Show animals on map
    TINES OF POWER: Have a forkboy
    TROJAN HORSE FOR SALE: 1000 wood
    WRATH OF THE GODS: Get the Lightning Storm, Earthquake, Meteor and Tornado god powers
    WUV WOO: Have a flying purple hippo

    Submitted by - TRYEY

    Cheat: Titan
    TITANOMACHY - get a free titan from town center
    Submitted by - Justin

    Cheat: New Heroes
    Press enter during gameplay, type cheat, and press enter again.

    ATLANTIS REBORN: Gives you all the heroes found in the new campaign
  2. thanhnamhp

    thanhnamhp Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Sao ko chịu khó dịch ra cho anh em dễ nhìn,pots toàn tiếng anh may mà chưa bị trừ exp đó

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