mình cũng bị như bạn, bạn thử làm theo cách này xem Mã: Here's how you open Registry Editor: Start Menu > Run > regedit Surf down to this key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management Double click on "PagedPoolSize". Hexadecimal is listed first. Change the "Value Data" to one of these below: (Note: You only need to enter EITHER Hexadecimal or Decimal. They both are the same.) Megabytes Hexadecimal Decimal 192Mb 0c000000 201326592 256Mb 10000000 268435456 384Mb 18000000 402653184 I went with the 384Mb option and it worked perfectly. Once you are done, make sure you reboot your computer.