code of forbidden siren 2 nè (pal)

Thảo luận trong 'Cheat Code - Hints - Secrets' bắt đầu bởi hoshinokokoro, 15/9/07.

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  1. hoshinokokoro

    hoshinokokoro Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    (M) CB V.7+
    9011ed10 00832021

    (M) CB V.6+/GS V.3+
    9011eb8c 0c04dcf6

    Alt.(M) CB V.6+/GS V.3+
    90139e50 0c04e73c

    (M) CB V.1-5/GS V.3+
    F011eb8c 0011eb8F

    (M) AR/GS V2
    0E3C7DF2 1456E7A5
    F011eb8c 0011eb8F

    all M code hack by Azagthoth

    Bullet infinite
    201820bc 24630000

    The physical strength it does not decrease & you do not become tired
    202812c4 24014700
    202812c8 AC610598
    202812cc A4610596
    * There is single blow death such that he grows hoarse in the track/truck.
    It is cut off at wooden boat Ikuko's (working the corpse person) response apparent fixed time.

    Mini- game "country the physical strength which is stolen" it does not decrease
    202c6560 24020028
    202c6568 AE820080

    With NewGame degree of hardness Hard appearance (saving reflection)
    20598F98 00000001

    When Archive you peruse, full opening
    20263548 24100002
    20263550 A0500004

    * When you look at Archive No.79, "the country it steals" it appears.
    LinkNavigator all selective possibility (saving not yet reflection)
    2023b53c 240400FF
    2023ba8c 24020001
    20598ff0 00000001

    enemy dont attack
    201cd8c8 24630000

    will not detect dy enemy
    201ed234 00000000

    must be on
    202bd444 8C780000
    202D292C 00581025

    invinsible 1
    202bd74c 0803FD40
    200FF500 17000002
    200FF504 240503E8
    200FF508 AE650058
    200FF50C 080af5d5
    200FF510 3C050031
    *effect on player and NPC only

    invinsible 2 + 1 hit kill
    202bd74c 0803FD40
    200FF500 13000002
    200FF504 24052710
    200FF508 24050001
    200FF50C AE650058
    200FF510 080af5d5
    200FF514 3C050031
    *effect on player and Npc only
    *cannot use together with invinsible 1 code
    *1 hit kill enemy

    All 100 Archives/Kunitoris Mini Game
    00598b35 00000002
    10598b36 00000202
    20598b38 00180001
    02020202 00000000
    00598b98 00000002
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