Dota imba ai 3.78c en stable

Thảo luận trong 'DotA' bắt đầu bởi jicky, 14/8/11.

  1. jicky

    jicky Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Official DotA IMBA AI English Version
    by Mimya

    DotA IMBA
    Imbalanced in Balance
    by Mimya

    Note: You must install the latest Warcraft 3 patch (version 1.24b or newer) to play this map.

    Category: Other
    Tileset: Felwood
    Dimensions: 128x128
    Playable Area: 118x120
    Recommended Players: 10

    Size: 7265.4 KB
    Submitted: 20 Jun 2011 07:29
    Latest Version :

    Changelogs dota imba v3.78c AI:
      1 Department of Fixed turned hero with skills will result in spike turned the problem
      2 According to the views of players, now Ye quick brush mode (FN), the soldiers if three-way, the wild brush adjustment time from 16 seconds to 15 seconds
      3. Fixed Crystal Virgo - ice damage is considered a prohibited attack damage problems
      4 Now when you jump knife or Heart of Tarrasque is disabled, you can see in the status bar icon for the corresponding prompt
      5 new achievements: [Haitao teach you cut off the legs], [I do not ZSMJ]
      6 slightly adjusted achievement [to ah, to ah, you come to kill me ah ~] to obtain conditions
      7. Fixed small - throw to throw out the map of the target units of border issues
      8. Fixed in the cd in the items can be dropped on the floor of the problems
      9. Rewritten to remove the gain and the debuffs function
      10. Rewrote the lord of hell - using borrowed code and mechanism of action, and now the effect will be seen as a buff state, can be purified
      11 Taking into account the spirit of the storm under a random skills and skill sets will have many unexpected problem situations and thus skills in random mode, the Storm Spirit will no longer be random skills to get a random attribute (similar to the Summoner , ogre mage, etc.)
      12. Fixed a forgotten Master - life lessons to be regarded as an attack damage of injury problems, and re-adjust its value effect, make it more in line with the rhythm of imba under
      13 Skeleton Archer - Searing arrows imba effect no longer an effect of the mountains of meat
      14. Fixed Aster effects of IM and Pit Lord - the abyss of resentment may lead to additive effects magic spike problems
      15. Redesigned the messenger of doom - effects of swallowing skills
      16 As the magic bottle and unknown items bug bug has been fixed, so removed-ci command
      17 in terms of where to buy return scrolls, can now double-click right back to the spring after a
      18 wind sword is no longer able to be shared
      19 items to repair some of the other heroes lead to the collapse of the problems
      20. Messenger get Golden hand, the hand will be Golden Messenger version, rather than take the initiative to use the Golden Hand
      21. Fixed Queen Azshara's bathrobe problem can not be discarded after use
      22. Fixed Queen Azshara's bathrobe use, may lead to some of the skills of the buff icon error problem
      23. Fixed Arcane shoe dropped after problems with
      24. Fixed Windrunner - A concentration of firepower out of the stick and not a decline in A & attacks of the opposite problem of data 
  2. LeoKuTeo

    LeoKuTeo Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Sao không có cái log tiếng Việt thế
    Toàn tiếng Anh không sợ ăn tạ ak 8-x
  3. culicuiga

    culicuiga Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Vỉa Hè
    tiếng mọi chứ tiếng anh gì :| cái changelog thì copy mà ko đọc. cái changelog đó xài google translate đó =.=
    lần sau làm việc gì thì nên có đầu óc 1 tí
    1 cmt của 1 mem bên playdota
  4. Jin Axl

    Jin Axl > Draw 2 Life Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Over the rainbow
    Giờ đến mức DotA Imba cũng có AI cơ à ? =))
    Để cái thread này sống vài hôm xem thế nào.
  5. nickgibaygio

    nickgibaygio Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Beyond Infinity
    Map mới chủ yếu là fix lỗi nhỉ, mà có map rồi cũng chả có ai có vì ít người biết down nên vẫn phải chơi cái cũ chán ơi là chán=((!!!
  6. Nighter


    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    ui dời tưởng map mới
    hóa ra map cũ ,từ 20/7
  7. squall1999

    squall1999 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    xài map cũ quen rồi vì đa số hàng net dow xong lại mất nên họ toàn host map cũ cho tiện. Map cũ thấy có mỗi cái linken bị bug là khó chịu thôi

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