Giúp em xin cheat của "need for speed most wanted" với

Thảo luận trong 'Hướng dẫn | Hỏi đáp game' bắt đầu bởi chutuoc_xiii, 4/8/06.

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  1. chutuoc_xiii

    chutuoc_xiii Youtube Master Race

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  2. baoanh

    baoanh Mega Man

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    Need for Speed - Most Wanted

    Update by: Nayan
    Submitted by: Haspa

    Enter one of the following codes at the main menu

    Code Result
    iammostwanted - Unlocked cars
    givemethegto - Releases the GTO
    iammostwanted - Unlocks all cars
    burgerking - Unlocks Burgerking Challenge in the Challenge series
    castrol - Unlocks a Ford GT with Castrol decals

    Submitted by: conner54

    To an extra $10,000 in career mode have a Need For Speed Underground
    career game saved on your hard drive.
    After the prologue you will get $10,000.

    Quick start:
    Pay close attention to your tachometer when launching from the start
    line. Grab a perfect launch to gain a few precious seconds. When the
    needle turns blue drop the clutch and hold on.

    Nitrous and grip:
    Hitting nitrous torques the chassis back, giving the rear tires immensely
    more weight under the new acceleration. The end effect is that you will
    go straight. If you find your tail sliding out or are about to spin out
    of control, hit your nitrous. You will be surprised at how fast you will
    get straight again. This is a great trick in combination with Speedbreaker.
    With the correct timing, there is no corner you cannot take at any speed.

    Blacklist milestones:
    Submitted by: Harry Chong

    Blacklist milestones are things you need to do to rack up your bounty so you
    can challenge the next person on the Blacklist. Check out these so you know
    what you need to do to rack up the points. Once the milestones are completed,
    you must work on racking up the points. The best way to do this is to cause
    as much major damage as possible by taking out police cars, traffic, and
    crashing through shops (for example the donut shop and others you will notice
    in the later levels). Try to rack up as much bounty and escape before your
    status has reached level 4. If your status is already level 4, then choose a
    different car for awhile until the status goes down before returning to your
    favorite car. Once your status hits level 4, it is harder to get into cool
    down mode to find somewhere to hide. Avoid getting caught, as you will lose
    the bounty you have racked up during the chase.

    Don't Get Busted:
    Submitted by: spike_hacker_inc

    When the cops are after you and some how you get caught, before the message
    on the screen says "Busted" quickly press "Alt" + "F4". This will exit the
    game immediately
    Not giving it enough time to save, all your game saves will still be present.
    And it would be as if nothing ever happened.

    Ford GT 40 variations:
    Submitted by: Bluenose

    As soon as you unlock the Ford GT, go to "My Cars" and select it.
    Do not put any extra parts on the car. Go to "Visual", select "Vinyls",
    choose the stripe vinyls, and pick Stripe 1. Keep both stripe colors
    white and select that vinyl. You should notice the the car looks exactly
    like the 2005 Ford GT 40, with the white double fat stripes, and the stripe
    on the side skirt with the words "Ford GT". For the 2002 Ford GT, the car
    should be black with two white stripes. For the 2002 GT 40, the car should
    goldenrod with two black stripes.

    Submitted by: Dragoi Ovi

    If you got a flat tire but only one the car will not stop at all and you
    can finish the pursuit belive me it works thats how I finished Most Wanted
    but it worked on the right front tire I dont knou about the other tires but
    with a flat tire the car goes madd.

    Submitted by: karijuana

    when u defeat a blacklist rival it's hard to guess which marker is pinkslip
    wich gives u the rivals car here's the way I discovered :first select the
    left marker if it's (get out of jail for free) or (cash bonus)then pinkslip
    is on the far right if it's (impound strike) or (pick any car from impound)
    then pinkslip is in the middle marker oh one more thing if u R afraid of
    gettin busted just turn autosave off and save before u engage in apersuit
    and simply load if u get busted

    Submitted by: eishf2000

    When in heat level 4, try hitting on as many SUVs at top speed, keeping your
    eyes ahead. The SUVs just hit and run soon after you are down to speed 0.
    If you get to hit 'em with nitro on, you are bound to get higher bounty.
    Trust me, I have made >400000 bounty in just 3 mins using this strategy.

    Try hitting on SUV roadblocks (hit on the ass) as much as possible,
    raising bounty. Watch out for spikes. Once you hit successfully, go
    straight through. The cars following you will be stuck there fo a long time.

    Submitted by: venkatesh

    This is not really a cheat but a trick. When you run out of money in nfsmw
    go to safe house,select blacklist,select race events,and play the race you
    find easy as many times as you want to raise your money.
    The same way to get more bounty go to safe house select blacklist,select
    race events,select the race where you have to ride more than specified mph
    (I think its photoshoot) play the race until you get enough bounty. i feel
    this easier than others.

    Submitted by: BIG BAD WOLF

    when in career mode,load the allais no 3(if you have created one).
    start the presuit and the heat won`t go over x2.

    Submitted by: CyBorG

    A very easy way to complete the game is by downloading the nfsmw
    black edition files. with this u can specify the amount of money
    n bounty u want and u have all 18 bonus cars including the awesome
    BMW M3 GTR be4 defeating Blacklist racer#15 Sonny

  3. chutuoc_xiii

    chutuoc_xiii Youtube Master Race

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