HD được viết ra trong lúc game vẫn còn "nóng" nên nếu có gì sai sót ,các bạn PM mình sẽ sửa lại sau Bạn có thể dùng khóa "Ctrl F" và đánh khóa cần tìm VD : Ctrl F + sdq --> 1 sidequest Thank to : -Gamefaqs -other website 1.Sidequest............[sdq] 2.Doppleganger..........[dpg] 3.The One Sin...........[tos] 4.Lost Weapons..........[lsw] 5.Animals..............[ans] 6.Monsters.............[mst] 7.Keywords.............[kyd] 8.Ryu Books............[ryb] 9.Crimson VS...........[cms] .HACK//G.U. VOL2 REMINISE 1.Sidequest [sdq] ============================== []=====================[] Salvador Aihara []=====================[] Đầu tiên , bạn cần đọc và trả lời tất cả các tin nhắn được gửi đến ,đặc biệt là từ S.A. (trong phần Community Forum tại box [News]), nó nằm trong này Chú ý : quest chỉ có thể bắt đầu khi bạn gần cuối game Nào, chúng ta bắt đầu nhé : Buớc 1 : Tìm người tên Kazubolo đứng gần Junk Shop trong Dol Dona, nói chuyện với hắn ,sau đó log out và check [News] forum để lấy HD tiếp. (nếu ko gặp hắn ta ,bạn cần phải logout và vào lại đến khi gặp hắn) Buớc 2: Đến Lumina'scloth ,hắn đứng phía sau Arena ...nơi mà gặp Endrance ở Vol 1, nói chuyện và log out để check [News] forum . Bứơc 3 : Giờ đây hắn đứng gần trạm Blacklist PKers NPC, (trong Mac Anu ),tìm hắn và nói chuyện ,bạn sẽ nhận được Wallpaper và the Keyword: Nurse Carnival. 2.Doppleganger..........[dpg] Làm sao để gặp Dopp ? Bạn cần tìm địa điểm có từ "FIELD sau đó đứng đợi trong vòng 5-10' rồi chạy quanh tất cả khu vực để tìm Dopp (bạn sẽ thấy dấu mũi tên enemy màu đỏ ,đó là hắn) Theo ý kiến nhiều người thì gặp con này là hên xui với HP của Dopp, riêng tôi khi gặp nó chỉ có khoảng 2300- 3000 HP ...có chiêu Auto regen 47 HP và có thể change weapon hệt như HASEO. Cách đánh : 1. Bạn có thể tìm khu vực nào có lucky animal có khả năng hỗ trợ tấn công ,( vào trận làm enemy mất 1/2 HP) ,sau đó để dành AWAKEN từ trứơc và giáng 1 cú là die liền) 2.Kày lv "tối cao" cho cả team với những đồ ngon nhất nhưng tôi gợi ý mang party như sau : HASEO ,ATOLI, SABUKO rồi dùng DIVINE AWAKEN cho 1 chiêu với Đk : 86hits+ --> Chỉ với 1 chiêu Dopp về trời. 3.Vừa vào game , đi tìm Dopp và đánh ngay ... GIẢI THƯỞNG : Lần 1 : Forgetten Shadow và được Heine's Invasion,Heine's Shadow (với điều kiện bạn load VOl1 với OWN's KING) -Heine's Invasion P-ATK: 22 Raging Hit: Incrase critical hit rate by 25% Body Grasp: Absorb 25% of regular attack damage as HP. Mourning Chaos: Add confusion to regular hits. -Hein's Shadow: P-ATK: 50 Past Invite: Half the target's HP. Mind Grasp: Absorbs 25% of regular attacks damamge as SP. Mourning Bind: Add charm to regular hits. Lần 2 : Moonlight Faith và lấy được Heine's Zero! Mind Grasp: Absorbs 25% of regular attacks damamge as SP. Past Invite: đánh enemy còn 10% HP 3.The One Sin [tos] Chú ý : Cần làm quest này trước khi clear game ,và chỉ có thể hoàn thành quest khi đã clear game. Đầu tiên , để kích hoạt quest , vào forums và đọc topic 'Strange Event NPC' ,sau đó , log in và log out để check lại forum, nhớ Reply topic 'Ancient Egg' này...sau đó log in và log out lại để lấy keywords. The World Buớc 1 : =================================== Theta Chaotic Fortified Guard =================================== Area Level: 57 AIDA/Avatar Battle: No Monsters/Bosses: Morgul (896 HP) My Level(s): Haseo (76), Alkaid (74), Atoli (73) Key Items: Nucleus of Light Type: Dungeon Lucky Animal: None Bật map lên và chạy thẳng đến cuối hang...xem cutsence và đánh nhau. Buớc 2 : Lại tiếp tục logout ra và Reply new message trong 'Strange Voices'thread, rồi lại login và logout lại để lấy keywords trong này. ====================================== Theta Raging Scheming Conclusion ====================================== Area Level: 79 AIDA/Avatar Battle: No Monsters/Bosses: Morgul (896 HP) My Level(s): Haseo (100), Pi (95), Endrance (98) Key Items: Type: Dungeon Lucky Animal: No Vẫn như lần trước, dễ dàng tìm và đánh bọn chúng.Quay lại town và logout và check mail. Buớc 3 : Bạn cần phải clear game....sau đó vào forum và check topic để có quest "the sin one" . ========================================== Theta Clouding Invincible Huge Being ========================================== Area Level: 83 AIDA/Avatar Battle: No Monsters/Bosses: My Level(s): Haseo (100), Endrance (100), Pi (100) Key Items: Type: Dungeon Lucky Animal: No Đầu tiên , đánh 1 trận dễ dàng với boss The One Sin . Sau đó trở ra check mail và quay lại khu vực này để đánh với boss The One God Eater thật sự. The One Sin Attacks: Uses magic, Firewall, charged hit. Special: Photon Beam The One God Eater Attacks: Same as above. Special: Same as above. Sau trận đấu lấy được Rainbow Scale (armor lv 100) Decrease all 25% từ MAG ,ATT 4.Lost Weapon [lsw] Đây là vũ khí mà bạn phải dùng Alder'Key để mở seal và đánh [Sealed Beasts]để lấy được nó. First Phase Scythe - Haseo's Lost Weapon - Ticking Death Required Adler's Keys: 5 Keys Guardian: Death Eater - Level 75 - 3,212 HP Ticking Death's Stats: Ticking Death - Scythe Level 75 - Hold and Release - Rarity 5 công dụng P-ATK: +44 M-ATK: +10 Alchemize Bonus: None Fire: +5 Water: +5 Wind: +15 Earth: +5 Light: +5 Dark: +15 Ability: Soul Crush (Uses 3 Slots) - Absorb 25% of regular attack damage as HP and SP with a 50% chance per regular attack. Second Phase Staff - Atoli's Lost Weapon - Dancing Haze Required Adler's Keys: 10 Keys Guardian: Mirage Banisher - Level 77 - 3,518 HP Dancing Haze's Stats: Dancing Haze - Staff Level 75 - Rarity 5 công dụng P-ATK: +9 M-ATK: +10 Alchemize Bonus: None Fire: +10 Water: +20 Wind: +10 Earth: +10 Light: +20 Dark: +10 Ability: Dazzling Melody (Uses 3 Slots) - Absorb 25% of regular attack damage as SP. Prevents spells from being interrupted by non-arts attacks. Third Phase Bayonet - Kuhn's Lost Weapon - Silent Jade Required Adler's Keys: 15 Keys Guardian: Propogate Stopper - Level 79 - 3,824 HP. Silent Jade's Stats: Silent Jade - Bayonet Level 75 - Rarity 5 công dụng P-ATK: +21 M-ATK: +12 Alchemize Bonus: None Fire: +5 Water: +15 Wind: +5 Earth: +5 Light: +15 Dark: +5 Ability: Green Gift (Uses 3 Slots) - Increase critical hit rate by 25%. Increase arts damage by 25%. Fourth Phase - Fourth Epitaph User's Lost Weapon - ??? Required Adler's Keys: 50 Keys Chưa lấy được ở VOL2 Fifth Phase Grimoire - Sakubo's Lost Weapon - Infinite Spiral Required Adler's Keys: 30 Keys Guardian: Scheme Breacher - Level 85 - 4,589 HP Infinite Spiral's Stats: Infinite Spiral - Grimoire Level 75 - Rarity 5 công dụng P-ATK: +8 M-ATK: +19 Alchemize Bonus: None Fire: +10 Water: +10 Wind: +10 Earth: +20 Light: +10 Dark: +20 Ability: Mutual Stratagy (Uses 3 Slots) - Increase elemental hit rate of attack spells by 25%. Increase attack spell damage by 25%. Sixth Phase Blade - Endrance's Lost Weapon - Tempting Rose Required Adler's Keys: 25 Keys Guardian: Tempt Rejecter - Level 83 - 4,385 HP Tempting Rose's Stats: Tempting Rose - Blade Level 75 - Rarity 5 công dụng P-ATK: +20 M-ATK: +10 Alchemize Bonus: None Fire: +5 Water: +5 Wind: +15 Earth: +5 Light: +5 Dark: +15 Ability: Charming Smile (Uses 3 Slots) - Add charm to regular attacks. Increase chance to rengeki. Seventh Phase Gauntlets - Pi's Lost Weapon - Stained Wing Required Adler's Keys: 20 Keys Guardian: Avenge Preventer - Level 81 - 4,119 HP Stained Wing's Stats: Stained Wing - Gauntlets Level 75 - Rapid Attacks - Rarity 5 công dụng: P-ATK: +14 M-ATK: +12 Alchemize Bonus: None Fire: +15 Water: +5 Wind: +5 Earth: +5 Light: +15 Dark: +5 Ability: Innocent Revenge (Uses 3 Slots) - Add paralysis to regular attacks. Increase critical hit rate by 25%. Eigth Phase Bayonet - Ovan's Lost Weapon - ??? Required Adler's Keys: none Chưa lấy được ở phần này
5.Animals..............[ans] Lucky và Unlucky Animals giờ tìm khó hơn phần trước ,nhưng nhờ có radar [ Zefie's Average Level Tool] dò nên bạn dễ nhận biết hơn về tên của chúng . Chúng được chia làm 2 loại mà bạn có thể gặp được trong 2 khu vực là FIELD và DUNGEON. List được chia theo số number (1 và 0) ở đầu và cuối . Trong đó,phía đầu là dòng cuối mà bạn đến chia theo tỉ số bình quân lv của party. VD : Party của bạn có lv là 55, 56, 57, thì trung bình của chúng sẽ là 56 ,vì vậy Hence the value sẽ là [6], cũng như vậy tương tự với dòng cuối bạn sẽ có value là [5]. F.W = Fate Worm G.B = Gold Bird Sleip = Sleipnir T-T.F = Two-tailed Fox Gane = Ganesha Levi = Leviathan H.W = High Wolf M.C = Malice Cat Tsutsu = Tsutsuga M.R = Moon Rabbit Oury = Ouryu Totet = Totetsu Chime = Chimera Teng = Tengu D.G = Dark Goat Q.L = Qi Lin Bảng chart animal Công dụng của 1 số animal : Animal Name | Description -------------------+-------------------------- -Gold Bird :tăng khả năng lấy hòm xịn -Moon Rabbit : tất cả member nhận 400 EXP -Leviathan : nhận được 5 items -Sleipnir : giúp trong 5 battles (Giảm 1/2 HP/SP của địch thủ ) -Tsutsuga : Cứu khỏi bị "Game Over" 3 Times -Ganesha : Max HP/SP cho bạn trong 5 battles -High Wolf : đưa bạn quyền chọn item -Fate Worm : cho 10,000 GP -Totetsu : tăng khả năng lấy hòm xịn -Kudan : nhận được 300 EXP -Tengu : nhận được 4 items -Chimera : giúp trong 4 battles (Giảm 1/2 HP/SP của địch thủ) -Qi Lin : Cứu khỏi bị "Game Over"" 2 Times -Tohkoh : Max HP/SP của bạn trong 4 battles -Baku : đưa bạn quyền chọn item -Ouryu : cho 8,000 -Nue : Summons King Chim Chim! -Two-tailed Fox : xin 5% of money từ bạn -Malice cat : Max HP/SP sẽ bị chia nửa trong trận tiếp -Dark Goat : Max HP/SP sẽ bị chia nửa trong trận tiếp battle -White Malice Cat : Max HP/SP sẽ bị chia nửa trong area tiếp
Monsters [mst] Ogre [Lv1-10] Goblin Rookie: Delta Submissive Tragedy’s 1000 Oaks Drops: Health Drink Gun Giant: Delta Buzzing Aster's Bum Drops: Health Drink, Revival Medicine, Spin Kouga [Lv11-20] Wight Ride: Lord of the Dead Quest Vol 1 Drops: Antidote Soda Goblin Mage: Delta Upfront Blazing Camellia Drops: Spirit Drop, Sub Robe Gigamouth: Delta Essential Bustling Generation Drops: Loose Kimono Goblin Guard: Delta Creeping Wrath’s Two Wings Drops: Health Drink, Spin Corpse [Lv21-30] Goblin Abyss: Delta Piling Returning Hand Song Drops: The Death, Element Baiyan/Xinzhu Poisoned Dead: Lord of the Dead Quest Vol 1 Drops: The Death Gurugon: Gurugon Quest Vol 1 Drops: Nothing Baz Giant: Delta Graceful Humbling Holy Relic Drops: Revival Medicine, Spin Ban Mu [Lv31-40] Living Corpse: Lord of the Dead Quest Vol 1 Drops: Antidote Soda [Lv41-50] Apititer: Delta Counting Blazing Berserker Drops: ????? Goblin Knight: Delta Counting Blazing Foot Stone Drops: Health Drink, Blade Sun [Lv51-60] Goblin Sage: Theta Dawning Wrath’s Two Wings Drops: Spirit Drop, Element Crest (Element based on field element) Giga Bazooka: Theta Buzzing Vane Two Wings Drops: Healing Serum, revive Rain, Spin Ribs Morgul: Theta Chaotic Fortified Guard (Abyss Quest Vol 2) Drops: Antidote Soda [Lv61-70] Goblin Nemesis: Theta Buzzing Returning Phoenix Drops: The Emperor, Fire Ji Vi , Fire Storm Steam Goblin: Theta Halberd Daybreak’s Belladonna Drops: Healing Serum, Tidal Wave [Lv71-80] Mono-Grosser: Theta Essential Doomed Pure Bred Drops: Loose Guardian [Lv81-90] Maxima Bazooka: Theta Dreaming Doomed Generation Drops: Healing potion, Healling,Storm, Spin Fang [Lv91-100] Duster Goblin: Theta Galloping wrath’s Pure Bred Drops: Healing Potion, Elemental attack item (Element based on field element) Demon [Lv11-20] Angelic Gore: Delta Truthful Marble’s Bum Drops: Health Drink, Spin Man Que [Lv31-40] Fat Lancer: Delta Agonizing Blazing Camellia Drops: Mantis Nail, Wrath Yantie Holy Eater: Delta Counting Wrath’s Two Wings Drops: Health Drink, Healing Serum, Spin Axe [Lv41-50] Cernunnos - Lord of the Dead Quest Vol 1 Drops- Black Mail Gaze Knight: Delta Dawning Red Plum’s Berserker Drops: Mantis Nail, Wrath Yantie [Lv51-60] Heavens Doom: Theta Buzzing Wrath’s Phoenix Drops: Healing Serum, Healing Potion, Spin Indigo [Lv71-80] Solid Eye: Theta Graceful Wrath’s Belladonna Drops: Shark Tooth, Wrath Tulong Mirage Banisher: Lost Ground Drops: Nothing Death eater: Lost Ground Drops: Nothing Propogate Stopper: Lost Ground Drops: Nothing [Lv81-90] Avenge Preventer: Lost Ground Drops: Nothing Tempt Rejecter: Lost Ground Drops: Nothing Scheme Breacher: Lost Ground Drops: Nothing Sea Monster [Lv21-30] Spear Fish: Delta Rising Loves Gate Drops: Tidal Wave [Lv31-40] Lancer Marine: Delta Counting Wrath’s Two Wings Drops: Tidal wave [Lv81-90] Sea Trident: Theta Counting Wrath’s Bum Drops: Tidal Wave, Water Dragon, Drop Snake [Lv91-100] Azul Sachem: Theta Spring’s Wrath’s Two Wings Drops: Healing Potion, Seal Ji Vi, Fairy Drop Supernatural [Lv1-10] Zan Bezel: Delta Wealthy Daybreak’s Globe Drops: Tornado Vak Bezel: Delta Submissive Tragedy’s 1000]Oaks Drops: Fire Storm [Lv11-20] Gan Bezel: Delta Truthful Marble’s Bum Drops: Earth Spike Rue Bezel: Delta Creeping Vane Camellia Drops: Tidal Wave [Lv 31-40] Zan Juggler: Delta Saddened Humbling Bulwark Drops: Tornado, Wind Piney Vak Juggler: Delta Saddened Joyous Shadow Drops: Fire Storm, Fire Piney [Lv 41-50] Gan Juggler: Delta Counting Joyous Shadow Drops: Earth Spike, Earth Piney Rue Juggler: Delta Protected Love’s Bum Drops: Tidal Wave, Water Piney [Lv 61-70] Lei Zin: Theta Troubled Her Antithesis Drops: Light Arrow, Spirit Drop, Light Fairy Zan Zin: Theta Warm Doomed Generation Drops: Hurricane Razor, Spirit Drop, Wind Fairy [Lv 71-80] Rue Zin: Theta Paling Leading Phoenix Drops: Water Dragon, Spirit Drop, Water Fairy Ani Zin: Theta Bequeathed Insatiable Mysteries Drops: Air Stroke, Spirit Drop, Dark Fairy Gan Zin: Theta Paling Doomed Belladonna Drops: Earth Rain, Spirit Drop, Earth Fairy [Lv 81-90] Vak Zin: Theta Saddened Aster’s Phoenix Drops: Fire Barrel, Spirit Drop, Fire Fairy Avian [Lv11-20] Chickie: Delta Overjoyed Wrath’s Berserker Drops: Smoke Screen Trainee Owl: Delta Screaming Aster's Bulwark Drops: Sub Robe Raven Claw: Delta Croaking Military Whicker Drops: Health Drink [Lv31-40] Chickie Dada: Delta Coiling Friend’s Whiplash Drops: Smoke Screen Scalvenger: Scalvenger Quest Vol 1 Drops: Nothing Hermit Owl: Delta Counting Cupid’s Bum Drops: ????? [Lv41-50] Black Raptor: Delta Freezing Bustling Whicker Drops: Health Drink, Healing Serum [Lv51-60] Lady Guard: Theta Clever Genius’s Moon River Drops: Healing Serum, Healing Rain, Drop Ji Vi [Lv61-70] Sorceror Owl: Theta Halberd Daybreak’s Belladonna Drops: Armadillo Crest, Sub Mantle Chickie Mama: Delta Essential Wrath’s Dagger Drops: Smoke Screen, Speed Talisman [Lv71-80] Hell Vulture: Theta Paling Red Plum’s Generation Drops: Healing Potion, Revive Rain [Lv91-100] Ignis Tail: Theta Galloping Wrath’s Pure Bred Drops: Healing Storm, Revival Medicine, Blaze Dragon(robe) Plant [Lv1-10] Onion Mash: Delta Submissive Tragedy’s 1000]Oaks Drops: ????? [Lv11-20] Crumple Tree: Delta Great Cursed Inlaws Drops: ????? [Lv21-30] Truffle: Delta Piling Red Plum’s Twin Rocks Drops: Health Drink [Lv31-40] Elder Growth: Delta Piling Red Plum’s Twin Rocks Drops: Vigil Vest [Lv51-60] Hanger Berry: Theta Buzzing Doomed Pure Bred Drops: ???? [Lv61-70] Entowal: Theta Buzzing Doomed Pure Bred Drops: Desert Rose Leaf, Dream Fur [Lv71-80] Funger Hat: Theta Piling Bustling Pure Bred Drops: Healing Serum, Radiant Amalgam [Lv91-100] Forest King: Theta Galloping Aster’s Dagger Drops: Desert Rose Leaf, Dream Lionel Demon Beast [Lv1-10] Rue Fang: Delta Buzzing Wrath’s Puddle Drops: Health drink, Tidal Wave Gan Fang: Delta Starting Bustling Holy Ground Drops: Health Drink, Earth Spike Bravo Nose: Delta Wealthy Dusk's Bum Drops: Healing Rain Vak Fang: Delta Truthful Forbidden 1000]Oaks Drops: Health Drink, Fire Storm Zan Fang: Delta Truthful Forbidden 1000]Oaks Drops: Health Drink, Tornado [Lv11-20] Ani Fang: Delta Spectating Cloudless Hand Song Drops: Air Stroke Lei Fang: Delta Soulful Swift Alga Grass Drops: Light Arrow [Lv21-30] Zan Ziger: Delta Paling Grey Gate Drops: Tornado, Wind Altair Rue Ziger: Delta Rising Cursed metal Doll Drops: Tidal Wave Water Altair [Lv31-40] Ani Ziger: Delta Thrilling Doomed Two Wings Drops: Air Stroke, Dark Altair Don Elephant: Delta Counting Heretic’s Frog Lake Drops: ????? Vak Ziger: Delta Saddened Returning Shadow Drops: Fire Storm, Fire Altair Gan Ziger: Delta Counting Gambler’s 1000]Oaks Drops: Earth Spike, Earth Altair Lei Ziger: Delta Cheering Exposed Generation Drops: Light Arrow, Light Altair [Lv51-60] Shadowless Dog - Gathering Shadows Quest Drops- Nothing Mighty Nauman: Theta Buzzing Bustling Pure Bred Drops: Healing Serum [Lv61-70] Strange Head: Theta Buzzing Wrath’s Dagger Drops: Dry Buddha [Lv81-90] Olin Pack: Theta Counting Wrath’s Bum Drops: Fountain Dragon [Lv91-100] Giga Mammoth: Theta Roaring Aster’s Phoenix Drops: Healing Storm Mecha Beast [Lv1-10] Wild Kettle: Delta Buzzing Wrath’s Puddle Drops: Turtle Shell, Rough Shell [Lv11-20] Knuckleman: Delta Knuckleman Quest Vol 1 Drops: Nothing Buster Kettle: Delta Creeping Wrath’s Two Wings Drops: Rough Defense, Turtle Shell Steam Shell: Delta Rough Song Dusks Hand song Drops: Turtle Shell, Rough Mail [Lv41-50] Metal Fist: Delta Counting Blazing Foot Stone Drops: Rough Meta # Rain: (Steam Scientist Quest) Drops: Nothing # Cloud: (Steam Scientist Quest) Drops: Nothing [Lv51-60] Death Kettle: Theta Blazing Multiple Buttercup Drops: Armadillo Shell, Rough Steel # Rain Cloud: (Steam Scientist Quest) Drops: Nothing [Lv71-80] Process Gear: Theta Paling Leading Phoenix Drops: Armadillo Shell, Rough Iron Gobtank 75: Theta Dreaming Swift Belladonna Drops: Speed Talisman, Wrath Fisher [Lv81-90] Bowler Head: Theta Roaring Swift Belladonna Drops: Nothing [Lv91-100] Chain Whip: Theta Spring’s Doomed Belladonna Drops: Nothing Gobcannon 77: Theta Galloping Doomed Two Wing Drops: Speed Talisman, Rush Fisher Dragon [Lv1-10] Lizard Hunter: Delta Truthful Marble’s Bum Drops: Blade Thorns [Lv21-30] Lizard Assassin: Delta Piling Military Shadow Drops: Blade Thread Drygon: Delta Blurry Cursed Camellia Drops: Fire Mouse Skin, Simple Fire Bell Fever Horse: Delta Graceful Wrath's Shadow Drops: Fire Mouse Skin, Fire Legged [Lv41-50] Blaze Drake: Delta Roaring Wrath’s berserker Drops: Fire Mouse Skin, Simple Fire Bell Dryas: Delta Roaring Doomed Snow Caps Drops: Wing of Lufu, Simple Wind Bell [Lv51-60] Elite Lizard: Theta Buzzing Wrath’s Fast Horse Drops: Wrath Luer [Lv61-70] Meggido Hydra: Theta Essential Wrath’s Fast Horse Drops: Blast Leaf, Fire Seigen [Lv71-80] Long-Lived: Theta Essential Doomed Pure Bred Drops: Healing Serum, Weird Black Tea, Demon Suit [Lv81-90] Dardeus: Theta Counting Bustling Pure Bred Drops: Thunder Deer Hoof, Simple Light Comb [Lv91-100] Long-Lived-Lord: Theta Galloping Swift Two Wings Drops: Healing Potion, Strange Coffee, Demon Suit Crustacean [Lv21-30] Hecatonfoot: Delta Graceful Aster's Pure Bred Drops: Naja Defence Ruby Cutter: Delta Piling Red Plum’s Twin Rocks Drops: Knight Blood Carrie: Delta Rising Cursed Metal Doll Drops: Health Drink [Lv31-40] Mad Jaws: Delta Disputing Gray Tiny Beast (Crab Monster Quest Vol 1) Drops: Nothing Great Jaws: Crab Monster Quest Vol 1 Drops: Nothing [Lv41-50] Carrianne: Delta Counting Red Plum’s Shadow Drops: Health Drink Ruby Cutter: Delta Piling Red Plum’s Twin Rocks Drops: Knight Blood Horned Archelon: Delta Protected Bustling Weed Eater Drops: Naja Alloy Fate Crab: Delta Dawning Wrath’s Two Wing’s Drops: Delta Knight Blood, Broad Wings [Lv51-60] Tick Mask: Theta Buzzing Vane Pure Bred Drops: Wrath Luer [Lv61-70] Scorpio ‘17: Theta Warm Bustling Generation Drops: Absorb Iron Carrizabeth: Theta Essential Wrath’s Dagger Drops: Healing Serum, Healing Potion [Lv71-80] Face Bug: Theta Paling Wrath’s Phoenix Drops: Wrath Rivet [Lv81-90] Scissor Byte: Theta Dreaming Wrath’s Pure Bred Drops: Knight Soul, Broad Sheaf Hash Chase: Theta Decadent Pocketed Slacker Drops: Absorb Amalgam Bison Tortoris: Theta Paling Doomed Belladonna Drops: Absorb Amalgam Undead [Lv61-70] Anchor Bind: Theta Warm Doomed Generation Drops: Revival Medicine, Revive Rain, Dark Kuajie [Lv71-80] Druk: Theta Thrilling Aster's Pure Bred Drops: Healing Serum, Paralysis Leaf, Demon Suit [Lv91-100] Titan Dead: Abyss Quest Drops: Nothing Massacre Mummy: Theta Galloping Swift Two Wings Drops: Paralysis Leaf, Dark Heaven Blind Pain: Theta Roaring Doomed Two Wings Drops: Revival Medicine, Healing Storm, Drain Fenlong Demon Stone [Lv71-80] Hell Charm: Theta Buzzing Doomed Pure Bred Drops: Fire Barrel, Fire Huawen Living Tower: Theta Piling Bustling Pure Bred Drops: Spirit Drop, Spirit Rain [Lv91-100] Gimmick Torch: Theta Roaring Swift Belladonna Drops: Healing Potion, Healing Storm, Fire Fenlong Break Pillar: Theta Spring’s Wrath’s Belladonna Drops: Water Dragon, Water Dielin Angel [Lv71-80] Heavenly Ray: Theta Unselfish Wrath’s Pure Bred Drops: Fairy Drop, Healing Rain, Light Tulong ??? [Lv41-50] Kite: Vol 1 Final Boss Drops: Nothing [Lv81-90] Ovan: Final Boss Volume 2 Drops: Nothing [Lv91-100] The One Sin Drops: Flickering Scale [The One] God Eater Drops: Rainbow Scale
7.Keywords[kyd] ---------- 1st Word ---------- [ ] Buzzing -Topics [ ] Elegant – (B-S rank any level 5 area) [ ] Forgotten – (B-S rank any level 2 area) [ ] Essential - Knuckleman Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Screaming - Animal Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Chasing - Crown Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Creeping - Art Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Dancing - Bounty Hunter Test Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Hidden - Story [ ] Wealthy -Topics [ ] Peaceful - Story [ ] Submissive - Story [ ] Great - Story [ ] Blurry -Story [ ] Gallant - Story [ ] Lazy - Story [ ] Sneering - Story [ ] Pulsating - Story [ ] Delicious - Story [ ] Setting - Story [ ] Disputing - Crab Monster Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Crying - Maze of the Bird Monster Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Coiling - Underground Exploration Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Rising - Gurugon Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Choosing - Topics (LotD) (Volume 1) [ ] Heartless - Topics (LotD) (Volume 1) [ ] Entwined - Topics (LotD) (Volume 1) [ ] Endless – Lord of the Dead Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Sacred -Topics [ ] Upfront -Topics [ ] Fly Away - Topics [ ] Heavenly - (B-S rank any level 3 area) example [ ] Truthful - Topics [ ] Halberd - Mail or (B-S rank any level 11 area) [ ] Warm - Topics [ ] Rough Song - Topics [ ] Unseeing - Mail or (B-S rank any level 12 area) [ ] Harvesting - (B-S rank any level 14 area) [ ] Croaking - Topics [ ] Overjoyed - Topics [ ] Graceful - Topics [ ] Paling – (B-S rank any level 23 area) [ ] Agonizing - Topics [ ] Piling - Mail or (B-S rank any level 21 area) [ ] Restful – (B-S rank any level 22 area) [ ] Wandering - (B-S rank any level 20 area) [ ] Unknowing - (B-S rank any level 19 area) [ ] Obstructed – (B-S rank any level 24 area) [ ] Saddened - (B-S rank any level 31 area) [ ] Counting - Mail [ ] Dreaming – (B-S rank any level 30 area) [ ] Decadent - (B-S rank any level 33 area) [ ] Playing – (B-S rank any level 28 area) [ ] Beloved - Topics [ ] Fattening - (B-S rank any level 32 area) [ ] Unending – (B-S rank any level 29 area) [ ] Roaring - Topics [ ] Spring's – (B-S rank any level 38 area) [ ] Concealed – (B-S rank any level 42 area) [ ] Protected - Topics [ ] Closed - (B-S rank any level 40 area) [ ] Freezing - Mail or (B-S rank any level 41 area) [ ] Immovable - (B-S rank any level 39 area) [ ] Dawning - Mail or (B-S rank any level 43 area) [ ] Starting - Start with it [X]Courageous - Only for Tutorial (Volume 1) [ ] Galloping - (Story) [ ] According – (Story) [ ] Severe – (Story) [ ] Burning – (Seeker of Karma Quest) [ ] Excusing – (Story Mail) [ ] Clever – (Story Mail) [ ] Troubled - (Story Mail) [ ] Lingering - (Story Mail) [ ] Secret - (Story Mail) [ ] Ephemeral - (Story Mail) [ ] Growing - (Story Mail) [ ] Aesthetic – (Story Mail) [ ] Discerning – (Story Mail) [ ] Thinking – (Story) [ ] Misjudged – (Story Mail) [ ] Airy – (Steam Scientist Quest) [ ] Standing – (Cat Smiles Silently Quest) [ ] Wonderful – (The Silent Chim Quest) [ ] Blowing – (Gathering Shadow Quest) [ ] No Face – (Masquerade Quest) [ ] Pursuing – (Goblin Bike Quest) [ ] Sticking – (Mushroom Hunter Quest) [ ] Chaotic – (Topics) [ ] Raging – (Abyss Topic) [ ] Clouding – (Abyss Quest) [ ] Bequeathed – (Story Mail) [ ] Blazing – (Topics) [ ] Spectating – (Topics) [ ] Refined - (B-S rank any level 51 area) [ ] Feeble - (B-S Rank any level 53 area) [ ] Soulful – (Topics) [ ] Confusing – (Topics) [ ] Tranquil – (Topics) [ ] Tearing - (B-S Rank any level 58 area) [ ] Unselfish – (Topics) [ ] Thrilling – (Topics) [ ] Radiant - (B-S Rank any level 67 area) [ ] Petitioning - (Topics) [ ] Wailing - (B-S Rank any level 68 area) [ ] Dejected – (Topics) [ ] Cheering - (B-S Rank any level 78 area) [ ] Deep - (B-S Rank any level 81 area) [ ] Serene – (Topics) [ ] Winding - (B-S Rank any level 93 area) [ ] Adoring – (Topics) [ ] Foolish - (B-S Rank any level 98 area) [ ] Passing – (Mail after Goblin Quest) [ ] Competing - (Crimson Vs Topic) [ ] Returning – (Abyss Mail) ---------- 2nd Word ---------- [ ] Wrath’s - Topics [ ] Swift - Topics [ ] Black - Topics [ ] Ruined - Topics [ ] Honor - (B-S rank any level 6 area) [ ] Marble’s - Topics [ ] Military - Topics [ ] Aster’s – Mail or (B-S rank any level 4 area) [ ] Bustling – (B-S rank any level 16 area) [ ] Vane - Topics [ ] Daybreak’s - Topics [ ] Kourin’s - Topics [ ] Humbling - Topics [ ] Heretic’s - Topics [ ] Dusk’s - Topics [ ] Sunshine’s – (B-S rank any level 35 area) [ ] Nirvana’s – (B-S rank any level 45 area) [ ] Cupola - Topics [ ] Friend’s - Topics [ ] Forbidden - Story [ ] Idling - Knuckleman Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Retuning - Animal Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Cupid’s - Crown Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Fortune’s - Art Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Mourning - Bounty Hunter Test Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Medium’s - Topics [ ] Leading - Story [ ] Tragedy’s- Story [ ] Cursed - Story [ ] Obsessive - Story [ ] Season’s - Story [ ] Advice’s - Story [ ] Failing - Story [ ] Unlimited - Story [ ] Past’s - Story [ ] Eternity’s - Story [ ] Gray - Crab Monster Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Gambler’s - Maze of the Bird Monster Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Destiny’s – Underground Exploration Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Love’s – Gurugon Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Superior – Topics (Lotd) (Volume 1) [ ] Starting - Topics (Lotd) (Volume 1) [ ] Joyous - Topics (Lotd) (Volume 1) [ ] Corpse’s – Lord of the Dead Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Blazing - Topics [ ] Discord’s – (B-S rank any level 26 area) [ ] Red Plum’s – Mail or (B-S rank any level 49 area) [ ] Doomed - Topics [ ] Your - Start with it [X]Engaging - Only for Tutorial [ ] Subtle – (Story) [ ] Floating – (Story) [ ] Unclean – (Story) [ ] Fallen – (Seeker of Karma Quest) [ ] Illusion’s – (Story Mail) [ ] Genius’s – (Story Mail) [ ] Her - (Story Mail) [ ] Aching - (Story Mail) [ ] Mind’s - (Story Mail) [ ] Time’s - (Story Mail) [ ] Evenings - (Story Mail) [ ] Hardship’s – (Story Mail) [ ] Neighboring – (Story Mail) [ ] Innocent – (Story) [ ] Precept’s – (Story Mail) [ ] Engine’s – (Steam Scientist Quest) [ ] Calming – (Cat Smiles Silently Quest) [ ] Opaque – (Silent Chim Quest) [ ] Sea Sand’s – (Gathering Shadow Quest) [ ] Infinite – (Masquerade Quest) [ ] Expert’s – (Goblin Bike Quest) [ ] Natural – (Mushroom Hunter Quest) [ ] Fortified – (Topics) [ ] Scheming – (Abyss Topic) [ ] Invincible – (Abyss Quest) [ ] Insatiable – (Story Mail) [ ] Daylight’s – (Topics) [ ] Fighter’s – (Topics) [ ] Spiral’s - (B-S Rank any level 52 area) [ ] Fence’s – (Topics) [ ] Multiple – (Topics) [ ] Eternal - (B-S Rank any level 64 area) [ ] Setting – (Topics) [ ] Fruitless – (Topics) [ ] Cloudless - (B-S Rank any level 73 area) [ ] Maiden’s – (Topics) [ ] Genesis’s – (Topics) [ ] Exposed – (Topics) [ ] Deity’s – (Topics) [ ] Pocketed - (B-S Rank any level 80 area) [ ] Caesar's – (Topics) [ ] Grieving - (B-S Rank any level 95 area) ---------- 3rd Word ---------- [ ] Two Wings - (B-S rank any level 50 area) [ ] Phoenix - (B-S rank any level 36 area) [ ] Hand Song - Topics [ ] Pure Bred - Topics [ ] Fast Horse - Topics [ ] Belladonna – (B-S rank any level 18 area) [ ] Bum – Topics or (B-S rank any level 15 area) [ ] Generation – Mail or (B-S rank any level 7 area) [ ] Nemesis - Topics [ ] Alga Grass - Topics [ ] Old World - Knuckleman Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Princess - Animal Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Phantom - Crown Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Paradise - Art Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Masquerade - Bounty Hunter Test Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Holy Ground - Story [ ] Dead Wood – (Story) (Vol 2 word) [ ] Radiation – (Topics) (Vol 2 Word) [ ] Bulwark - Story [ ] Camellia – Story or (B-S rank any level 37 area) [ ] Freedom - Story [ ] 1000 Oaks - Story [ ] In-Laws - Story [ ] Slacker - Story [ ] Drunkard - Story [ ] Exile - Story [ ] Empire - Story [ ] Metal Doll - Story [ ] Weed Eater - Story [ ] Night Moon - Story [ ] Tiny Beast - Crab Monster Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Footsteps - Maze of the Bird Monster Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Whicker - Underground Exploration Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Gate – Gurugon Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Offerings - Topics (Lotd) (Volume 1) [ ] Pilgrim - Topics (Lotd) (Volume 1) [ ] Venom Fang - Topics (Lotd) (Volume 1) [ ] March - Lord of the Dead Quest (Volume 1) [ ] Ocean - Topics [ ] Fountain - (B-S rank any level 44 area) [ ] Life Boat - (B-S rank any level 47 area) [ ] Bodhi Tree - Topics [ ] Snow Lamp - (B-S rank any level 10 area) [ ] Cathedral - Topics [ ] Puddle - Topics [ ] Tide Road – (B-S rank any level 9 area) [ ] Frog Lake - Topics [ ] Blue Cloud - Topics [ ] Scud - Topics [ ] Gold Bird - (B-S rank any level 27 area) [ ] Dark Tree - (B-S rank any level 1 area) [ ] Vagabond - Topics [ ] Pinwheel – (B-S rank any level 13 area) [ ] Evergreen - (B-S rank any level 46 area) [ ] Malt Town - Topics [ ] Ignorance - (B-S rank any level 17 area) [ ] Globe - Topics [ ] Snow Caps - Topics [ ] Foot Stone - (B-S rank any level 48 area) [ ] Twin Rocks – Mail or (B-S rank any level 34 area) [ ] Holy Relic - Topics [ ] Cat’s Eye – (B-S rank any level 8 area) [ ] Whiplash - Topics [ ] Crawl Tree – Mail or (B-S rank any level 25 area) [ ] Fortune - Topics [ ] Resort - Topics [ ] Cassiopeia - Topics [ ] Shadow - Start with it [ ] Berserker - Bounty Hunter Quest Email [X]Daydream - Only for Tutorial [ ] Desert – (Story) [ ] Eradication – (Story) [ ] Grey Dance – (Story) [ ] Seven Sins – (Seeker of Karma Quest) [ ] Route – (Story Mail) [ ] Moon Raven – (Story Mail) [ ] Antitheses - (Story Mail) [ ] Love - (Story Mail) [ ] Surpassed - (Story Mail) [ ] Memoir - (Story Mail) [ ] Mind Trip - (Story Mail) [ ] Aster’s – (Story Mail) [ ] Vampire – (Story Mail) [ ] Life – (Story) [ ] Symphony – (Story Mail) [ ] Waltz – (Steam Scientist Quest) [ ] Western – (Cat Smiles Silently Quest) [ ] Yin Beast – (Silent Chim Quest) [ ] Hot Wind – (Gathering Shadow Quest) [ ] Resident – (Masquerade Quest) [ ] Biker – (Goblin Bike Quest) [ ] Fungus – (Mushroom Hunter Quest) [ ] Guard – (Hidden CharacterTopic) [ ] Conclusion – (Abyss Topic) [ ] Huge Being – (Abyss Quest) [ ] Battlefield - (Story Mail) [ ] In Heat – (Story Topic) [ ] Dragonbein – (Story) [ ] Hades (Story) [ ] Sacrament – (Story Mail) [ ] Mysteries – (Story Mail) [ ] Volcano –( B-S Rank any level 91 area) [ ] Dude - (B-S Rank any level 70 area) [ ] Kappa - (B-S Rank any level 85 area) [ ] Clepsydra – (Topics) [ ] Small Flag - (B-S Rank any level 87 area) [ ] Runner – (Topics) [ ] Ceremony - (B-S Rank any level 96 area) [ ] Pillow - (B-S Rank any level 61 area) [ ] Dagger - (B-S Rank any level 54 area) [ ] Casket - (B-S Rank any level 56 area) [ ] Buttercup – (Topics) [ ] White Wolf - (B-S Rank any level 75 area) [ ] Facet - (B-S Rank any level 60 area) [ ] Magnified – (Topics) [ ] War Maiden – (Topics) [ ] Cloak – (Topics) [ ] Myosotis - (B-S Rank any level 55 area) [ ] Arrows – (Topics) [ ] Cuckoo (B-S Rank any level 63 area) [ ] Drama – (Topics) [ ] Knife Edge - (B-S Rank any level 97 area) [ ] Orion - (B-S Rank any level 82 area) [ ] Starlit Sky - (B-S Rank any level 57 area) [ ] Royal Edict - (B-S Rank any level 66 area) [ ] Hazy Moon – (Topics) [ ] Rash Action – (Topics) [ ] Moonlight – (End Mail) [ ] Windup Box – (End Mail) [ ] Magician – (End Mail) [ ] Hunt – (End Mail) [ ] Scarab – (End Mail) ___________________________ 8.Ryu Books............[ryb] Ryu Book I - Battle ------------------- Battle Win --- 1 điểm Sneak Attack --- 3 điểm Rengeki --- 2 điểm Awakening --- 3 điểm cho sử dụng Ryu Book II - Party ------------------- Trade --- 18 điểm cho 1 lần trade Party group --- 5 điểm cho mỗi lần bạn "nâng cấp" team của bạn. Present --- 10 điểm cho gilf Present cost --- 1 per 100G Ryu Book III - Box ------------------- Open beast god box --- 30 điểm mỗi lần mở. Open normal chest ---3 điểm mỗi lần mở. Open trap box --- 20 điểm mỗi lần mở. Small boxes\those strange things you kick --- 2 điểm mỗi lần mở. Ryu Book IV - Item ------------------- Weapon - 12 điểm cho từng loại. Armor - 18 điểm cho từng loại. Accessory - 18 điểm cho từng loại. Item - 6 điểm cho từng loại item . Ryu Book V - Exploring ------------------- Play Time --- 5 điểm cho 30 minutes Field Tranfer --- 35 điểm khi vào. Shrine Transfer --- 35 điểm khi vào. Cavern Transfer --- 35 điểm khi vào. Ryu Book VI - Arena ------------------- Arena battle - 7 điểm cho mỗi lần đăng kí. CounterHit - 7 điểm cho mỗi lần thành công. WP gain - 1 điểm cho 1 wp. Ryu Book VII - Monster ------------------- Ghost Type --- 15 điểm cho từng loại. Demon Type --- 35 điểm cho từng loại. Sea Beast --- 60 điểm cho từng loại. Natural Type --- 25 điểm cho từng loại. Bird Type --- 30 điểm cho từng loại. Plant Type --- 40 điểm cho từng loại. Devil Beast --- 20 điểm cho từng loại. Machine Type --- 35 điểm cho từng loại. Dragon Type --- 35 điểm cho từng loại. Shelled Type --- 35 điểm cho từng loại. ??? Type --- 25 điểm cho từng loại. Ryu Book VIII - Bike------------------- Bike use - 15 điểm cho 1 minute Run Over an enemy - 80 điểm khi mà abuse được địch thủ.
9.Crimson VS...........[cms] Crimson là gì ? Đây là 1 dạng đấu bài mà bạn kiếm được từ những trận đấu mà bạn chiến thắng. (bạn ko thể tự ý sử dụng được bài mà chỉ chọn lựa được bài vào để chế độ auto và xem kết quả) Card Gồm có edit card : bạn có thể lựa chọn bài mà bạn thích để đăng kí thi đấu. Tutorial Đây là 1 dạng tổng kết các qui luật ,nguyên tắc để bạn nắm rõ về dạng game này. Tips Watch Your Record: Khi bạn thắng bạn có quyền xem những lá bài mà bạn lấy được và điểm số của bạn trong top-hit . Rank Cards Bạn nên quan tâm hơn đến phần này : Champion: Haseo at Dawn Rank 1: ??? Rank 10: Baptism of Smile Rank 25: Impenetrable Barrier Rank 50: Grim Reaper Rondo Champion Fight -------------------- Khi bạn đạt đến rank 1 ,bạn có quyền thách đấu với champion . Đây là tactic của tôi ,bạn có thể tham khảo. 1st card: Bland Self (No. 75) 2nd card: Impenetrable Barrier (No. 65) 3rd card: Order Upheld (No. 76) General: Endurance the Exquisite (No. 20) (còn tiếp) MinhHiệp@copyright