hoi chut ve digimon 3

Thảo luận trong 'Hướng dẫn | Hỏi đáp game' bắt đầu bởi xathulance, 15/8/05.

  1. xathulance

    xathulance Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    City of Emptiness
    co ai biet con digimon trong giong dracula cam theo 2 cay sung ma danh nhau voi con gllantmon trong doan phim dau la con gi ko. :D neu biet thi chi voi
  2. xathulance

    xathulance Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    City of Emptiness
    co ai biet ko , chi tui voi, cai con cam 2 cay sung danh nhau voi con ky si rong trong doan dau tro choi digimon 3 do . :D
  3. squall-leonheart

    squall-leonheart The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    WelcomeTo Ca Mau
    -trời ơi hỏi gì hoài vậy con đó thì tui biết tên gì chứ gập nó ở đâu thì no biết (hình như không có con đó đâu bạn ^_^ ) bạn cứ chơi và quên con này đi còn hỏi gì khác thì hỏi lun đi hen
  4. xathulance

    xathulance Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    City of Emptiness
    tui chi can biet ten thui, neu biet thi chi tui di
  5. xathulance

    xathulance Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    City of Emptiness
    Không ai biết để chỉ tôi sao ,xin gíup giùm tui sẽ hậu tạ. :D
  6. ngoalongvietnam

    ngoalongvietnam Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ngọa Long Cương
    Ơrêka! Tôi nhớ tên con đó rồi!!! Con đó tên là Beelzemon. Con này có trong Digimon Rumble Arena đó bạn ! Game song đấu Digimon ấy mà. Chắc bạn chơi rồi chứ nhỉ. Cùng là PS game mà. Con này rất mạnh! À mà trò đó bạn chơi đến đâu rồi nhỉ? Đến khúc 2 thế giới riêng biệt chưa? Có con đào đất chưa? Mà bạn định hậu tạ mình gì đây?Hihi
  7. xXxDomonxXx

    xXxDomonxXx Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Flame Of Recca
    Hix mình cũng từng chơi Digimon rồi , mình mới tìm được chiếc tàu ngầm àh còn con đào đất thì chưa bạn giup mình được ko . Lúc mình ở tp gió thì gặp thằng bạn mới lúc đầu nó đi chung với mình đến trung tâm pokemon đó nó nói là nó đi tìm lucky mouse gì đó từ lúc đó mình hết biết đi đâu luôn . Nếu bạn biết chỉ giúp mình nhé . cám ơn nhiều
  8. ngoalongvietnam

    ngoalongvietnam Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ngọa Long Cương
    bạn ơi. Mong bạn thông cảm cho. Mình chơi trò đó cách đây...1.5 năm rồi. mình chỉ còn cục save thôi. Trò đó mình chơi đến 1 quãng rất xa ( nhưng chưa về nước ). Rồi năm học lớp 9 mình bận học( thi TN)=> mình kô biết phải chơi tiếp như thế nào => bỏ luôn cái game mà mình rất thích do kô còn nhớ phải đi đâu . Vậy Bạn ở đâu mình copy save cho. Nếu bạn ở SG thì tốt quá nhỉ?
  9. xathulance

    xathulance Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    City of Emptiness
    Tui về nước từ lâu rồi .Còn 1 điều tui muốn hỏi là :sao con Exveemon bên digimon2 va 3 khác nhau dữ vậy , hay chúng là 2 con khác nhau . Ai biết thì trả lơì tôi vơí
  10. noname1991

    noname1991 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Exveemon thì chỉ có 1 con thôi,chắc là 2 bản thì hình khác nhau đó,còn Beelzemon đó thì hơi khó đó,mình chỉ rồi nhớ hậu tạ nghen :D :D :D :
    Bắt đầu với Guilmon:
    Guilmon lv.40->Gallantmon
    Gallantmon lv.10->Grizzmon
    Grizzmon lv.50->Grapleomon
    Grapleomon lv.20(Dark Tolerance phải là 160 hoặc hơn)->Devimon
    Devimon lv.50->Myotismon
    Myotismon lv.99->Malomyotismon
    Malomyotismon lv.40 + Gallantmon lv.40 ->Beelzemon
    Nếu làm như trên thì có thể là 1 tuần hoặc hơn,nếu bạn có Artmoney thì sẽ dễ hơn,chưa tới 1 ngày là xong :D :D :D :D
  11. xathulance

    xathulance Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    City of Emptiness
    Hậu tạ nè : :D
    Cách lấy Herculeskabuterimon:
    1) grankuwagamon ( tất cả chỉ số đều 999)

    2)Sau đó sẽ có Snimon,train lên 99 sẽ có okuwamon

    3)train okuwamon lên lv 99( metal tolerance=999) sẽ có Kurisarimon

    4)train Kurisarimon len 50 sẽ có infermon

    5)train infermon lên 99 sẽ có apokarimon

    6)train apokarimon lên 99 (dark tolerance=999) sẽ có herculeskabuterimon

    7)train herculeskabuterimon lên 99 sẽ có tuyệt chiêu cực mạnh 9999(giải quyết trùm cuôí trong chưa đầy 5 phút) :devil:
  12. xathulance

    xathulance Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    City of Emptiness
    Tôi mơí tìm được cái này thú vị lắm nè :
    Bảng tiến hoá của các digimon:

    . Agumon

    *Greymon : Agumon Lv.5
    Growlmon : Greymon Lv.20
    Kyubimon : MetalGreymon Lv.20, Spirit 300
    Ex-veemon : MetalGreymon Lv.30, Ice 320
    Hookmon : WarGrowlmon Lv.30
    Grizzmon : MetalGarurumon Lv.30, Defense 400
    Dinohumon : WarGreymon Lv.20
    Stingmon : WarGreymon Lv.30, Speed 260
    Angemon : Kabuterimon Lv.20, Int. 300
    Devimon : MagnaAngemon Lv.30, Dark 250
    Kabuterimon : Stingmon Lv.50

    MetalMamemon : WarGreymon Lv.10
    Digitamamon : Metal Garurumon Lv.20
    Angewomon : MagnaAngemon Lv.20
    Armormon : Hookmon Lv.50
    Wargrowlmon : Growlmon Lv.40
    Kyukimon : Dinohumon Lv.50
    GrapLeomon : Grizzmon Lv.50
    Taomon : Kyubimon Lv.40
    MagnaAngemon : Angemon Lv.50
    *MetalGreymon : Agumon Lv. 20
    SkullGreymon : Greymon Lv.50, Dark 130
    Paildramon : Ex-veemon Lv.5, Stingmon Lv.5
    Myotismon : Devimon Lv.40

    Cannondramon : Armormon Lv.99
    Gallantmon : WarGrowlmon Lv.99
    GuardiAngemon : Kyukimon Lv.99
    Marsmon : GrapLeomon Lv.99
    Sakuyamon : Taomon Lv.99
    Seraphimon : MagnaAngemon Lv.99
    *WarGreymon : Agumon Lv.40
    BK WarGreymon : SkullGreymon Lv.99
    Impelrialdramon : Paildramon Lv.50
    MaloMyotismon : Myotismon Lv.99
    MetalGarurumon : MetalMamemon Lv.40
    MegaGargomon : Metal Garurumon Lv.99
    Rosemon : Angewomon Lv.40
    Phoenixmon : Rosemon Lv.99
    Beelzemon : Gallantmon Lv.40, MaloMyotismon Lv.40
    Omnimon : WarGreymon Lv.40, Metal Garurumon Lv.40
    Impelrialdramon-FM : Impelrialdramon Lv.99
    Impelrialdramon-PM : Impelrialdramon-FM Lv.40, Omnimon Lv.40
    GranKuwagamon : Kabuterimon Lv.40, Impelrialdramon Lv.40
    Diaboromon : BK WarGreymon Lv.99, GranKuwagamon Lv.99

    . Guilmon

    *Growlmon : Guilmon Lv.5
    Stingmon : Growlmon Lv.30, Thunder 80
    Angemon : WarGrowlmon Lv.20, Spirit 180
    Kyubimon : Angewomon, Spirit 200
    Grizzmon : Gallantmon Lv.10
    Devimon : GrapLeomon Lv.20, Dark 160
    Ex-veemon : Gallantmon Lv.20, Wind 300
    Greymon : Gallantmon Lv.30, Fire 280
    Dinohumon : MetalGreymon Lv.20, Strength 400
    Hookmon : Dinohumon Lv.20
    Kabuterimon : Stingmon Lv.40

    MetalMamemon : Growlmon Lv.20, Defense Lv.20
    Digitamamon : WarGrowlmon Lv.30, Dark 120
    Angewomon : WarGrowlmon Lv.40, Water 140
    Armormon : Hookmon Lv.50
    *WarGrowlmon : Guilmon Lv.20
    Kyukimon : Dinohumon Lv.50
    GrapLeomon : Grizzmon Lv.50
    Taomon : Kyubimon Lv.40
    MetalGreymon : Greymon Lv.40
    MagnaAngemon : Angemon Lv.50
    SkullGreymon : Greymon Lv.50, Dark 160
    Paildramon : Ex-veemon Lv.5, Stingmon Lv.5
    Myotismon : Devimon Lv.50

    Cannondramon : Hookmon Lv.99
    *Gallantmon : Guilmon Lv.40
    GuardiAngemon : Kyukimon Lv.99
    Marsmon : GrapLeomon Lv.99
    Sakuyamon : Taomon Lv.99
    WarGreymon : MetalGreymon Lv.99
    Seraphimon : MagnaAngemon Lv.99
    BK WarGreymon : SkullGreymon Lv.99
    Impelrialdramon : Paildramon Lv.50
    MaloMyotismon : Myotismon Lv.99
    MetalGarurumon : MetalMamemon Lv.40, Machine 190
    MegaGargomon : MetalGarurumon Lv.99
    Rosemon : Angewomon Lv.40
    Phoenixmon : Rosemon Lv.99
    Beelzemon : Gallantmon Lv.40, MaloMyotismon Lv.40
    Omnimon : WarGreymon Lv.40, MetalGarurumon Lv.40
    Impelrialdramon-FM : Impelrialdramon Lv.99
    Impelrialdramon-PM : Impelrialdramon-FM Lv.40, Omnimon Lv.40
    GranKuwagamon : Kabuterimon Lv.40, Impelrialdramon Lv.40
    Diaboromon : BK WarGreymon Lv.99, GranKuwagamon Lv.99

    . Kotemon

    *Dinohumon : Kotemon Lv.5
    Greymon : Dinohumon Lv.20
    Ex-veemon : Greymon Lv.10
    Stingmon : GuardiAngemon Lv.10
    Kyubimon : GuardiAngemon Lv.20
    Angemon : Taomon Lv.30, Wind 200
    Growlmon : Taomon Lv.50, Fire 200
    Devimon : Digitamamon Lv.20
    Hookmon : Growlmon Lv.20
    Grizzmon : Growlmon Lv.30, Speed 280
    Kabuterimon : Stingmon Lv.40

    MetalMamemon : Kyukimon Lv.20, Machine 140
    Angewomon : Taomon Lv.20, Water 360
    Digitamamon : Taomon Lv.40, Intelligence 280
    Armormon : Hookmon Lv.50
    Taomon : Kyubimon Lv.40
    GrapLeomon : Grizzmon Lv.50
    WarGrowlmon : Growlmon Lv.50
    *Kyukimon : Kotemon Lv.40
    MagnaAngemon : Angemon Lv.50
    MetalGreymon : Greymon Lv.40
    SkullGreymon : Greymon Lv.50, Dark 140
    Paildramon : Ex-veemon Lv.5, Stingmon Lv.5
    Myotismon : Devimon Lv.40

    Cannondramon : Armormon Lv.99
    Gallantmon : WarGrowlmon Lv.99
    GuardiAngemon : Kotemon L.40
    Sakuyamon : Taomon Lv.99
    Marsmon : GrapLeomon Lv.99
    Seraphimon : MagnaAngemon Lv.99
    WarGreymon : MetalGreymon Lv.99
    BK WarGreymon : SkullGreymon Lv.99
    Impelrialdramon : Paildramon Lv.50
    MaloMyotismon : Myotismon Lv.99
    MetalGarurumon : MetalMamemon Lv.40, Machine 200
    MegaGargomon : MetalGarurumon Lv.99
    Rosemon : Angewomon Lv.40
    Phoenixmon : Rosemon Lv.99
    Beelzemon : Gallantmon Lv.40, MaloMyotismon Lv.40
    Omnimon : WarGreymon Lv.40, MetalGarurumon Lv.40
    Impelrialdramon-FM : Impelrialdramon Lv.99
    Impelrialdramon-PM : Impelrialdramon-FM Lv.40, Omnimon Lv.40
    GranKuwagamon : Kabuterimon Lv.40
    Diaboromon : GranKuwagamon Lv.99, BK WarGreymon Lv.99

    . Kumamon

    *Grizzmon : Kumamon Lv.5
    Kyubimon : Grizzmon Lv.20, Spirit 80
    Devimon : Marsmon Lv.10
    Angemon : Myotismon Lv.20, Wind 280
    Ex-veemon : Kyubimon Lv.10
    Greymon : WarGrowlmon Lv.20, Fire 200
    Dinohumon : MetalGreymon Lv.30
    Growlmon : Marsmon Lv.20, Strength 480
    Stingmon : Marsmon Lv.30, Speed 400
    Hookmon : Kabuterimon Lv.20
    Kabuterimon : Stingmon Lv.50

    Digitamamon : Grizzmon Lv.30, Intelligence 80
    MetalMamemon : GrapLeomon Lv.20, Machine 150
    Angewomon : Angemon Lv.20, Water 280
    Armormon : Hookmon Lv.50
    WarGrowlmon : Growlmon Lv.50
    Kyukimon : Dinohumon Lv.50
    *GrapLeomon : Kumamon Lv.20
    MetalGreymon : Greymon Lv.40
    Taomon : Kyubimon Lv.40
    MagnaAngemon : Angemon Lv.50
    SkullGreymon : Greymon Lv.50, Dark 160
    Paildramon : Ex-veemon Lv.5, Stingmon Lv.5
    Myotismon : Devimon Lv.50

    Cannondramon : Armormon Lv.99
    Gallantmon : WarGrowlmon Lv.99
    GuardiAngemon : Kotemon L.40
    Sakuyamon : Taomon Lv.99
    *Marsmon : Kumamon Lv.40
    Seraphimon : MagnaAngemon Lv.99
    WarGreymon : MetalGreymon Lv.99
    BK WarGreymon : SkullGreymon Lv.99
    Impelrialdramon : Paildramon Lv.50
    MaloMyotismon : Myotismon Lv.99
    MetalGarurumon : MetalMamemon Lv.40, Machine 200
    MegaGargomon : MetalGarurumon Lv.99
    Rosemon : Angewomon Lv.40
    Phoenixmon : Rosemon Lv.99
    Beelzemon : Gallantmon Lv.40, MaloMyotismon Lv.40
    Omnimon : WarGreymon Lv.40, MetalGarurumon Lv.40
    Impelrialdramon-FM : Impelrialdramon Lv.99
    Impelrialdramon-PM : Impelrialdramon-FM Lv.40, Omnimon Lv.40
    GranKuwagamon : Kabuterimon Lv.40
    Diaboromon : GranKuwagamon Lv.99, BK WarGreymon Lv.99

    . Monmon

    *Hookmon : Monmon Lv.5
    Ex-veemon : Hookmon Lv.20
    Angemon : Armormon Lv.40, Wind 120
    Kyubimon : Angewomon Lv.10, Spirit 200
    Greymon : Cannondramon Lv.10
    Dinohumon : MetalGreymon Lv.20, Strength 250
    Growlmon : Kyukimon Lv.20, Speed 320
    Grizzmon : Growlmon Lv.20, Defense 460
    Stingmon : MetalGreymon Lv.30, Thunder 200
    Devimon : SkullGreymon Lv.20, Spirit 300
    Kabuterimon : Stingmon Lv.40

    *Armormon : Monmon Lv.20
    WarGrowlmon : Growlmon Lv.50
    Kyukimon : Dinohumon Lv.50
    MagnaAngemon : Angemon Lv.50
    GrapLeomon : Grizzmon Lv.50
    Taomon : Kyubimon Lv.40
    MetalGreymon : Greymon Lv.40
    SkullGreymon : Greymon Lv.50, Dark 300
    Paildramon : Ex-veemon Lv.5, Stingmon Lv.5
    Myotismon : Devimon Lv.5

    *Cannondramon : Monmon Lv.40
    Gallantmon : WarGrowlmon Lv.99
    GuardiAngemon : Kotemon L.40
    Sakuyamon : Taomon Lv.99
    Marsmon : GrapLeomon Lv.99
    Seraphimon : MagnaAngemon Lv.99
    WarGreymon : MetalGreymon Lv.99
    BK WarGreymon : SkullGreymon Lv.99
    Impelrialdramon : Paildramon Lv.50
    MaloMyotismon : Myotismon Lv.99
    MetalGarurumon : MetalMamemon Lv.40, Machine 200
    MegaGargomon : MetalGarurumon Lv.99
    Rosemon : Angewomon Lv.40
    Phoenixmon : Rosemon Lv.99
    Beelzemon : Gallantmon Lv.40, MaloMyotismon Lv.40
    Omnimon : WarGreymon Lv.40, MetalGarurumon Lv.40
    Impelrialdramon-FM : Impelrialdramon Lv.99
    Impelrialdramon-PM : Impelrialdramon-FM Lv.40, Omnimon Lv.40
    GranKuwagamon : Kabuterimon Lv.40
    Diaboromon : GranKuwagamon Lv.99, BK WarGreymon Lv.99

    . Patamon

    *Angemon : Patamon Lv.5
    Stingmon : MagnaAngemon Lv.20, Thunder 100
    Greymon : MagnaAngemon Lv.30, Fire 140
    Hookmon : Seraphimon Lv.10
    Growlmon : MetalMamemon Lv.20
    Dinohumon : Growlmon Lv.20
    Ex-veemon : Growlmon Lv.30, Wind 320
    Grizzmon : Growlmon Lv.40, Strength 240
    Devimon : Armormon Lv.30, Dark 300
    Kyubimon : Armormon Lv.40, Spirit 300
    Kabuterimon : Stingmon Lv.40

    Digitamamon : Angemon Lv.20, Spirit 200
    Angewomon : Angemon Lv.30, Intelligence 180
    MetalMamemon : Armormon Lv.20, Machine 140
    Armormon : Hookmon Lv.50
    GrapLeomon : Grizzmon Lv.50
    Taomon : Kyubimon Lv.40
    Kyukimon : Dinohumon Lv.50
    MetalGreymon : Greymon Lv.40
    WarGrowlmon : Growlmon Lv.50
    *MagnaAngemon : Patamon Lv.20
    SkullGreymon : Greymon Lv.50, Dark 220
    Paildramon : Ex-veemon Lv.5, Stingmon Lv.5
    Myotismon : Devimon Lv.50

    Cannondramon : Armormon Lv.99
    Gallantmon : WarGrowlmon Lv.99
    GuardiAngemon : Kotemon L.40
    Sakuyamon : Taomon Lv.99
    Marsmon : GrapLeomon Lv.99
    *Seraphimon : Patamon Lv.40
    WarGreymon : MetalGreymon Lv.99
    BK WarGreymon : SkullGreymon Lv.99
    Impelrialdramon : Paildramon Lv.50
    MaloMyotismon : Myotismon Lv.99
    MetalGarurumon : MetalMamemon Lv.40, Machine 200
    MegaGargomon : MetalGarurumon Lv.99
    Rosemon : Angewomon Lv.40
    Phoenixmon : Rosemon Lv.99
    Beelzemon : Gallantmon Lv.40, MaloMyotismon Lv.40
    Omnimon : WarGreymon Lv.40, MetalGarurumon Lv.40
    Impelrialdramon-FM : Impelrialdramon Lv.99
    Impelrialdramon-PM : Impelrialdramon-FM Lv.40, Omnimon Lv.40
    GranKuwagamon : Kabuterimon Lv.40
    Diaboromon : GranKuwagamon Lv.99, BK WarGreymon Lv.99

    . Renamon

    *Kyubimon : Renamon Lv.5
    Stingmon : Kyubimon Lv.20, Strength 80
    Growlmon : Stingmon Lv.20, Defense 80
    Ex-veemon : Taomon Lv.20, Wind 120
    Devimon : Sakuyamon Lv.10
    Angemon : Sakuyamon Lv.30, Wind 150
    Grizzmon : Myotismon Lv.20, Strength 300
    Hookmon : Kyukimon Lv.20
    Dinohumon : Grizzmon Lv.20
    Greymon : Grizzmon Lv.30, Defense 280
    Kabuterimon : Stingmon Lv.40

    Angewomon : Kyubimon Lv.30, Spirit 160
    MetalMamemon : Taomon Lv.30, Machine 100
    Digitamamon : Sakuyamon Lv.20, Intelligence 400
    Armormon : Hookmon Lv.50
    Kyukimon : Dinohumon Lv.50
    MagnaAngemon : Angemon Lv.50
    WarGrowlmon : Growlmon Lv.50
    GrapLeomon : Grizzmon Lv.50
    *Taomon : Renamon Lv.20
    MetalGreymon : Greymon Lv.40
    SkullGreymon : Greymon Lv.50, Dark 250
    Paildramon : Ex-veemon Lv.5, Stingmon Lv.5
    Myotismon : Devimon Lv.50

    Cannondramon : Armormon Lv.99
    Gallantmon : WarGrowlmon Lv.99
    GuardiAngemon : Kotemon L.40
    *Sakuyamon : Renamon Lv.40
    Marsmon : GrapLeomon Lv.99
    Seraphimon : MagnaAngemon Lv.99
    WarGreymon : MetalGreymon Lv.99
    BK WarGreymon : SkullGreymon Lv.99
    Impelrialdramon : Paildramon Lv.50
    MaloMyotismon : Myotismon Lv.99
    MetalGarurumon : MetalMamemon Lv.40, Machine 200
    MegaGargomon : MetalGarurumon Lv.99
    Rosemon : Angewomon Lv.40
    Phoenixmon : Rosemon Lv.99
    Beelzemon : Gallantmon Lv.40, MaloMyotismon Lv.40
    Omnimon : WarGreymon Lv.40, MetalGarurumon Lv.40
    Impelrialdramon-FM : Impelrialdramon Lv.99
    Impelrialdramon-PM : Impelrialdramon-FM Lv.40, Omnimon Lv.40
    GranKuwagamon : Kabuterimon Lv.40
    Diaboromon : GranKuwagamon Lv.99, BK WarGreymon Lv.99

    . Veemon

    *Ex-veemon : Veemon Lv.5
    Stingmon : Ex-veemon Lv.30
    Devimon : Paildramon Lv.25, Dark 160
    Growlmon : Paildramon Lv.30, Fire 90
    Greymon : Paildramon Lv.35, Defense 200
    Kyubimon : Paildramon Lv.40, Ice 200
    Angemon : Paildramon Lv.45, Intelligence 230
    Dinohumon : Impelrialdramon Lv.20
    Hookmon : Impelrialdramon Lv.35, Machine 160
    Grizzmon : Impelrialdramon Lv.45, Defense 200
    Kabuterimon : Stingmon Lv.40

    MetalMamemon : Paildramon Lv.20, Machine 100
    Angewomon : MagnaAngemon Lv.20
    Digitamamon : Impelrialdramon Lv.20, Intelligence 300
    Armormon : Hookmon Lv.50
    WarGrowlmon : Growlmon Lv.50
    Taomon : Kyubimon Lv.40
    GrapLeomon : Grizzmon Lv.50
    MetalGreymon : Greymon Lv.40
    Kyukimon : Dinohumon Lv.50
    SkullGreymon : Greymon Lv.50, Dark 190
    *Paildramon : Veemon Lv.20, Stingmon Lv.5
    Myotismon : Devimon Lv.50

    Cannondramon : Armormon Lv.99
    Gallantmon : WarGrowlmon Lv.99
    GuardiAngemon : Kotemon L.40
    Sakuyamon : Taomon Lv.99
    Marsmon : GrapLeomon Lv.99
    Seraphimon : MagnaAngemon Lv.99
    WarGreymon : MetalGreymon Lv.99
    BK WarGreymon : SkullGreymon Lv.99
    *Impelrialdramon : Veemon Lv.40, Paildramon Lv.50
    MaloMyotismon : Myotismon Lv.99
    MetalGarurumon : MetalMamemon Lv.40, Machine 200
    MegaGargomon : MetalGarurumon Lv.99
    Rosemon : Angewomon Lv.40
    Phoenixmon : Rosemon Lv.99
    Beelzemon : Gallantmon Lv.40, MaloMyotismon Lv.40
    Omnimon : WarGreymon Lv.40, MetalGarurumon Lv.40
    Impelrialdramon-FM : Impelrialdramon Lv.99
    Impelrialdramon-PM : Impelrialdramon-FM Lv.40, Omnimon Lv.40
    GranKuwagamon : Kabuterimon Lv.40
    Diaboromon : GranKuwagamon Lv.99, BK WarGreymon Lv.99

    Tất nhiên là còn nhiều con legendary digimon nữa ,tui sẽ tìm và post lên tiếp :D
  13. xathulance

    xathulance Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    City of Emptiness
    Có biết chỗ lấy metal power s ko chỉ tui với, nhớ nói là lấy của con gì và ở đâu nha !
  14. noname1991

    noname1991 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Muốn có Metal power S thì đến Dum Dum Factory ở Amaterasu server,tìm con Machinedramon mà đánh,con đó hình như là con rồng có 2 cánh tay máy đó màu nâu đỏ đó.
    Tui cho thêm list các chiêu của mấy con thú nè,đầy đủ luôn:

    Pepper Breath
    Tech Description: Shoot small fire balls
    MP Cost: 30

    Pyro Sphere
    Tech Description: Shoot fire balls at the enemy
    MP Cost: 30

    Hot Head
    Tech Description: Slash with sword and fire attack
    MP Cost: 20

    Bear Fist
    Tech Description: Punch the enemy in the chest
    MP Cost: 20

    Swing Swing
    Tech Description: Aim for weak point with slingshot
    MP Cost: 20

    Boom Bubble
    Tech Description: Shoot inhaled air at once
    MP Cost: 30

    Diamond Storm
    Tech Description: Create ice leaves and shoot
    MP Cost: 30

    Vee Head Butt
    Tech Description: Strong head butt
    MP Cost: 22



    Air Blast
    Tech Description: Shoot air balls
    MP Cost: 20
    Level Learned: 5
    Level Loaded: 25

    Small Heal
    Tech Description: Heal some of your HP
    MP Cost: 16
    Level Learned: 10
    Level Loaded: 40

    Double Guard
    Tech Description: Increase your defense power
    MP Cost: 42
    Level Learned: 15
    Level Loaded: 75

    Mega Tornado
    Tech Description: Tornado against an enemy
    MP Cost: 30
    Level Learned: 45
    Level Loaded: 99

    Hand of Fate
    Tech Description: Punch the enemy with wind attacks
    MP Cost: 42
    Level Learned: 60


    Dark Matter
    Tech Description: Evil fireball with dark damage
    MP Cost: 20
    Level Learned: 10
    Level Loaded: 45

    Evil Poison
    Tech Description: Magic with damage and poison
    MP Cost: 18
    Level Learned: 20
    Level Loaded: 80

    Armor Break
    Tech Description: Decrease enemy's defense
    MP Cost: 39
    Level Learned: 35
    Level Loaded: 90

    Stun Shock
    Tech Description: Magic with damage and paralysis
    MP Cost: 18
    Level Learned: 55
    Level Loaded: 99

    Touch of Evil
    Tech Description: Drain enemy's HP with claw
    MP Cost: 40
    Level Learned: 70


    Heat Cutter
    Tech Description: Slash and fire damage
    MP Cost: 18
    Level Learned: 5
    Level Loaded: 15

    Frost Cutter
    Tech Description: Slash with ice damage
    MP Cost: 18
    Level Learned: 10
    Level Loaded: 30

    Small Heal
    Tech Description: Heal some of your HP
    MP Cost: 16
    Level Learned: 25
    Level Loaded: 75

    Double Power
    Tech Description: Increase your attack power
    MP Cost: 42
    Level Learned: 40
    Level Loaded: 99

    Lizard Dance
    Tech Description: Slash enemy multiple times
    MP Cost: 40
    Level Learned: 60


    Air Blast
    Tech Description: Shoot air balls
    MP Cost: 20
    Level Learned: 10
    Level Loaded: 35

    Ice Blow
    Tech Description: Shoot icicles with ice damage
    MP Cost: 20
    Level Learned: 20
    Level Loaded: 55

    Small Heal
    Tech Description: Heal some of your HP
    MP Cost: 16
    Level Learned: 40
    Level Loaded: 75

    Tech Description: Cure poison on yourself
    MP Cost: 8
    Level Learned: 50
    Level Loaded: 99

    Vee Laser
    Tech Description: Shoot a laser from the chest
    MP Cost: 60
    Level Learned: 60


    Flame Ball
    Tech Description: Shoot small fire balls
    MP Cost: 20
    Level Learned: 5
    Level Loaded: 25

    Triple Fire
    Tech Description: Shoot three fire balls
    MP Cost: 25
    Level Learned: 15
    Level Loaded: 35

    Double Power
    Tech Description: Increase your attack power
    MP Cost: 42
    Level Learned: 30
    Level Loaded: 75

    Flame Lance
    Tech Description: Launch fire beam
    MP Cost: 48
    Level Learned: 45
    Level Loaded: 99

    Nova Blast
    Tech Description: Shoot a fire ball from the mouth
    MP Cost: 60
    Level Learned: 60


    Lightning Slash
    Tech Description: Thunder damage
    MP Cost: 18
    Level Learned: 5
    Level Loaded: 15

    Tech Description: Wind damage
    MP Cost: 18
    Level Learned: 10
    Level Loaded: 35

    Hammer Rush
    Tech Description: Damage from rapid blows
    MP Cost: 30
    Level Learned: 25
    Level Loaded: 75

    Spinal Tap
    Tech Description: Sometimes paralyzes the enemy
    MP Cost: 18
    Level Learned: 40
    Level Loaded: 99

    Maul Attack
    Tech Description: If attacked first counter
    MP Cost: 35
    Level Learned: 60


    Double Power
    Tech Description: Increase your attack power
    MP Cost: 42
    Level Learned: 5
    Level Loaded: 35

    Double Guard
    Tech Description: Increase your defense power
    MP Cost: 42
    Level Learned: 10
    Level Loaded: 15

    Picking Claw
    Tech Description: Attack and steal items
    MP Cost: 18
    Level Learned: 25
    Level Loaded: 99

    Counter Alert
    Tech Description: Counterattack during pose
    MP Cost: 48
    Level Learned: 45
    Level Loaded: 75

    Plasma Blade
    Tech Description: Slash with electrified blade
    MP Cost: 40
    Level Learned: 60

    #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# HOOKMON

    Wing Buster
    Tech Description: Huge damage vs. Bird Digimon
    MP Cost: 18
    Level Learned: 5
    Level Loaded: 15

    Bug Buster
    Tech Description: Huge damage vs. Insectoid Digimon
    MP Cost: 24
    Level Learned: 10
    Level Loaded: 30

    Big Shot
    Tech Description: Big damage if it hits
    MP Cost: 20
    Level Learned: 25
    Level Loaded: 99

    Fish Buster
    Tech Description: Huge damage vs. Marine Digimon
    MP Cost: 30
    Level Learned: 40
    Level Loaded: 75

    Captain Cannon
    Tech Description: Shoot the arm cannon
    MP Cost: 38
    Level Learned: 60


    Engergy Leech
    Tech Description: Magic that drains HP
    MP Cost: 18
    Level Learned: 5
    Level Loaded: 25

    Venom Stab
    Tech Description: Deadly poison damage
    MP Cost: 36
    Level Learned: 15
    Level Loaded: 50

    Hammer Rush
    Tech Description: Damage from rapid blows
    MP Cost: 30
    Level Learned: 35
    Level Loaded: 90

    Energy Drain
    Tech Description: Magic that drains many HP
    MP Cost: 72
    Level Learned: 60
    Level Loaded: 99

    Electro Shocker
    Tech Description: Fire thunder balls from the mouth
    MP Cost: 90
    Level Learned: 70


    Thunder Bolt
    Tech Description: Create a thunder ball and fire
    MP Cost: 20
    Level Learned: 5
    Level Loaded: 35

    Ice Blow
    Tech Description: Shoot icicles with ice damage
    MP Cost: 20
    Level Learned: 15
    Level Loaded: 45

    Thunder Gemini
    Tech Description: Create two thunder balls and fire
    MP Cost: 30
    Level Learned: 25
    Level Loaded: 75

    Ice Shower
    Tech Description: Shoot numerous icicles
    MP Cost: 48
    Level Learned: 55
    Level Loaded: 99

    Dragon Wheel
    Tech Description: Shoot fire balls from 9 tails
    MP Cost: 60
    Level Learned: 60


    Poison Bites
    Tech Description: Poison damage
    MP Cost: 18
    Level Learned: 10
    Level Loaded: 25

    Energy Leech
    Tech Description: Magic that drains HP
    MP Cost: 18
    Level Learned: 15
    Level Loaded: 45

    Panic Bites
    Tech Description: Confusion damage
    MP Cost: 18
    Level Learned: 35
    Level Loaded: 75

    Venom Stab
    Tech Description: Deadly poison damage
    MP Cost: 36
    Level Learned: 55
    Level Loaded: 99

    Spiking Strike
    Tech Description: Stab enemy with the spike
    MP Cost: 36
    Level Learned: 60


    All the following below are the ultimate digvolutions and the moves
    they learn.


    Tech Description: Cure poison on yourself
    MP Cost: 8
    Level Learned: 15
    Level Loaded: 35

    Divine Rain
    Tech Description: Water damage from magical rain
    MP Cost: 30
    Level Learned: 20
    Level Loaded: 50

    Tech Description: Cure paralysis on yourself
    MP Cost: 8
    Level Learned: 30
    Level Loaded: 99

    Celestial Arrow
    Tech Description: Divine arrow with thunder attack
    MP Cost: 44
    Level Learned: 70


    Bug Buster
    Tech Description: Huge damage vs. Incectoid Digimon
    MP Cost: 24
    Level Learned: 5
    Level Loaded: 15

    Big Shot
    Tech Description: Big damage if it hits
    MP Cost: 20
    Level Learned: 10
    Level Loaded: 35

    Fish Buster
    Tech Description: Huge damage vs. Marine Digimon
    MP Cost: 30
    Level Learned: 25
    Level Loaded: 50

    Dino Buster
    Tech Description: Huge damage vs. Dinosaur Digimon
    MP Cost: 40
    Level Learned: 45
    Level Loaded: 80

    Dramon Buster
    Tech Description: Huge damage vs. Dragon Digimon
    MP Cost: 48
    Level Learned: 60
    Level Loaded: 90

    Justice Strike
    Tech Description: Shoot all firearms
    MP Cost: 78
    Level Learned: 70


    Hypno Gas
    Tech Description: Magic puts the enemy to sleep
    MP Cost: 40
    Level Learned: 10
    Level Loaded: 50

    Soul Snatcher
    Tech Description: Magically drain the soul
    MP Cost: 50
    Level Learned: 30
    Level Loaded: 80

    Hypno Nebula
    Tech Description: Magic that puts enemy to deep sleep
    MP Cost: 60
    Level Learned: 55
    Level Loaded: 99

    Nightmare Syndromer
    Tech Description: Dark attack by firing dark balls
    MP Cost: 90
    Level Learned: 85


    Lightning Slash
    Tech Description: Thunder damage
    MP Cost: 18
    Level Learned: 5
    Level Loaded: 15

    Whirl Wind
    Tech Description: Wind damage
    MP Cost: 18
    Level Learned: 10
    Level Loaded: 30

    Soul Charge
    Tech Description: Save Chi to power up next blow
    MP Cost: 19
    Level Learned: 25
    Level Loaded: 60

    Speed Up
    Tech Description: Increase your speed
    MP Cost: 48
    Level Learned: 40
    Level Loaded: 90

    Cyclone Turbine
    Tech Description: Multiple round house kicks
    MP Cost: 80
    Level Learned: 70


    Heat Cutter
    Tech Description: Slash and fire damage
    MP Cost: 18
    Level Learned: 5
    Level Loaded: 15

    Frost Cutter
    Tech Description: Slash with ice damage
    MP Cost: 18
    Level Learned: 10
    Level Loaded: 30

    Burn Slash
    Tech Description: Slash with a flame blade
    MP Cost: 32
    Level Learned: 20
    Level Loaded: 50

    Cold Slash
    Tech Description: Slash with a ice blade
    MP Cost: 32
    Level Learned: 40
    Level Loaded: 80

    Big Shot
    Tech Description: Big damage if it hits
    MP Cost: 20
    Level Learned: 60
    Level Loaded: 90

    Blade Twister
    Tech Description: Slash multiple times with wind
    MP Cost: 80
    Level Learned: 70


    Air Blast
    Tech Description: Shoot air balls
    MP Cost: 20
    Level Learned: 5
    Level Loaded: 15

    Small Heal
    Tech Description: Heal some of your HP
    MP Cost: 16
    Level Learned: 10
    Level Loaded: 35

    Mega Tornado
    Tech Description: Tornado against an enemy
    MP Cost: 30
    Level Learned: 25
    Level Loaded: 60

    Mega Heal
    Tech Description: Heal much of your HP
    MP Cost: 74
    Level Learned: 40
    Level Loaded: 80

    Mega Protection
    Tech Description: Increase allies' defense powers
    MP Cost: 84
    Level Learned: 50
    Level Loaded: 90

    Gate of Destiny
    Tech Description: Open a gate and discard enemies
    MP Cost: 112
    Level Learned: 70


    Flame Ball
    Tech Description: Shoot small fire balls
    MP Cost: 20
    Level Learned: 5
    Level Loaded: 25

    Flame Lance
    Tech Description: Launch fire beam
    MP Cost: 48
    Level Learned: 10
    Level Loaded: 45

    Triple Fire
    Tech Description: Shoot three fire balls
    MP Cost: 25
    Level Learned: 15
    Level Loaded: 50

    Magic Missile
    Tech Description: Shoot missiles with magic
    MP Cost: 56
    Level Learned: 35
    Level Loaded: 80

    Rising Fire
    Tech Description: Column of fire on the enemy
    MP Cost: 60
    Level Learned: 60
    Level Loaded: 90

    Giga Destroyer
    Tech Description: Launch organic missiles
    MP Cost: 90
    Level Learned: 70


    Metal Attack
    Tech Description: Machine damage
    MP Cost: 26
    Level Learned: 5
    Level Loaded: 25

    Magic Missile
    Tech Description: Shoot missiles with magic
    MP Cost: 56
    Level Learned: 15
    Level Loaded: 55

    Mechanical Bash
    Tech Description: Strong machine damage
    MP Cost: 48
    Level Learned: 35
    Level Loaded: 80

    Slow Down
    Tech Description: Decrease enemy's speed
    MP Cost: 41
    Level Learned: 45
    Level Loaded: 90

    Twin Missile
    Tech Description: Shoot two missiles with magic
    MP Cost: 64
    Level Learned: 60
    Level Loaded: 99

    Energetic Bomb
    Tech Description: Fire machine energy balls
    MP Cost: 78
    Level Learned: 70


    Dark Fear
    Tech Description: Throw evil flame against enemy
    MP Cost: 48
    Level Learned: 10
    Level Loaded: 30

    Black Dart
    Tech Description: Fire numerous evil thorns
    MP Cost: 70
    Level Learned: 25
    Level Loaded: 50

    Armor Off
    Tech Description: Large decrease in enemy's defense
    MP Cost: 78
    Level Learned: 40
    Level Loaded: 60

    Confuse Gas
    Tech Description: Magic that confuses the enemy
    MP Cost: 40
    Level Learned: 65
    Level Loaded: 90

    Soul Snatcher
    Tech Description: Magically drain the soul
    MP Cost: 50
    Level Learned: 80
    Level Loaded: 95

    Grisly Wing
    Tech Description: Decrease enemy's attack power
    MP Cost: 90
    Level Learned: 85


    Metal Attack
    Tech Description: Machine Damage
    MP Cost: 26
    Level Learned: 5
    Level Loaded: 15

    Ice Shower
    Tech Description: Shoot numerous icicles
    MP Cost: 48
    Level Learned: 10
    Level Loaded: 40

    Mega Tornado
    Tech Description: Tornado against an enemy
    MP Cost: 30
    Level Learned: 25
    Level Loaded: 60

    Speed Up
    Tech Description: Increase your speed
    MP Cost: 48
    Level Learned: 55
    Level Loaded: 90

    Tech Description: Cure paralysis on yourself
    MP Cost: 8
    Level Learned: 65
    Level Loaded: 99

    Desperado Blaster
    Tech Description: Rapid-fire 2 energy waves
    MP Cost: 84
    Level Learned: 70


    Flame Ball
    Tech Description: Shoot small fire balls
    MP Cost: 20
    Level Learned: 5
    Level Loaded: 25

    Dark Matter
    Tech Description: Evil fireball with dark damage
    MP Cost: 20
    Level Learned: 15
    Level Loaded: 80

    Triple Fire
    Tech Description: Shoot three fire balls
    MP Cost: 25
    Level Learned: 35
    Level Loaded: 55

    Black Thorn
    Tech Description: Dark damage with evil thorns
    MP Cost: 60
    Level Learned: 45
    Level Loaded: 90

    Dark Shot
    Tech Description: Launch organic missiles
    MP Cost: 90
    Level Learned: 70


    Thunder Gemini
    Tech Description: Create two thunder balls and fire
    MP Cost: 30
    Level Learned: 5
    Level Loaded: 15

    Ice Shower
    Tech Description: Shoot numerous icicles
    MP Cost: 48
    Level Learned: 10
    Level Loaded: 35

    Electro Bolt
    Tech Description: Large thunder ball against enemy
    MP Cost: 48
    Level Learned: 25
    Level Loaded: 65

    Snow storm
    Tech Description: Snow spirit inflicts ice damage
    MP Cost: 60
    Level Learned: 45
    Level Loaded: 80

    Thunder Field
    Tech Description: Strengthen thunder, weaken metal
    MP Cost: 100
    Level Learned: 55
    Level Loaded: 90

    Tech Description: Huge damage to ghouls
    MP Cost: 80
    Level Learned: 70


    Picking Claw
    Tech Description: Attack and steal items
    MP Cost: 18
    Level Learned: 5
    Level Loaded: 15

    Counter Alert
    Tech Description: Counterattack during pose
    MP Cost: 48
    Level Learned: 10
    Level Loaded: 35

    Mega Protection
    Tech Description: Increase allies' defense powers
    MP Cost: 84
    Level Learned: 25
    Level Loaded: 50

    Mega Strength
    Tech Description: Increase allies' attack powers
    MP Cost: 84
    Level Learned: 45
    Level Loaded: 80

    Speed Up
    Tech Description: Increase your speed
    MP Cost: 48
    Level Learned: 60
    Level Loaded: 90

    Atomic Blaster
    Tech Description: Burn the enemy with fire laser
    MP Cost: 90
    Level Learned: 70

    All the following below are the mega digvolutions and the moves they


    Dark Elmental
    Tech Description: Engulf with evil fire column
    MP Cost: 120
    Level Learned: 5
    Level Loaded: 15

    Darkness Chaos
    Tech Description: Huge damage with evil flame
    MP Cost: 180
    Level Learned: 20
    Level Loaded: 40

    Black Scewer
    Tech Description: Pierce with numerous dark matter
    MP Cost: 200
    Level Learned: 35
    Level Loaded: 70

    Confuse Nebula
    Tech Description: Massive confusion magic blow
    MP Cost: 90
    Level Learned: 50
    Level Loaded:

    Soul Plunder
    Tech Description: Destroy enemy with a spell
    MP Cost: 160
    Level Learned: 60
    Level Loaded:

    Blast Mode
    Tech Description: Multiple shots to the enemy
    MP Cost: 250
    Level Learned: 99


    Flame Breath
    Tech Description: Engulf the enemy with fire breath
    MP Cost: 72
    Level Learned: 10
    Level Loaded: 25

    Dark Fear
    Tech Description: Throw evil flame against enemy
    MP Cost: 48
    Level Learned: 20
    Level Loaded: 40

    Giga Fire
    Tech Description: Magic attack shoots 3 fire balls
    MP Cost: 90
    Level Learned: 35
    Level Loaded: 60

    Black Dart
    Tech Description: Fire numerous evil thorns
    MP Cost: 70
    Level Learned: 50
    Level Loaded: 80

    Fire Field
    Tech Description: Strength fire, weaken ice
    MP Cost: 100
    Level Learned: 70
    Level Loaded: 90

    Terra Destroyer
    Tech Description: Throw massive dark matter
    MP Cost: 140
    Level Learned: 85


    Fish Buster
    Tech Description: Huge damage vs. Marine Digimon
    MP Cost: 30
    Level Learned: 15
    Level Loaded: 35

    Dino Buster
    Tech Description: Huge damage vs. Dinosaur Digimon
    MP Cost: 40
    Level Learned: 25
    Level Loaded: 50

    Dramon Buster
    Tech Description: Huge damage vs. Dragon Digimon
    MP Cost: 48
    Level Learned: 40
    Level Loaded: 75

    Pinpoint Shot
    Tech Description: Huge damage if it hits
    MP Cost: 54
    Level Learned: 60
    Level Loaded: 90

    Devil Shot
    Tech Description: Huge damage vs. Evil Digimon
    MP Cost: 56
    Level Learned: 80
    Level Loaded: 99

    Dynamo Cannon
    Tech Description: Huge damage against Machines
    MP Cost: 136
    Level Learned: 85

    Deadly Poison
    Tech Description: Fire venomous foam with magic
    MP Cost: 90
    Level Learned: 10
    Level Loaded: 30

    Paralyze Shock
    Tech Description: Magic that completely paralyzes
    MP Cost: 90
    Level Learned: 20
    Level Loaded:

    Confuse Nebula
    Tech Description: Massive confusion magic blow
    MP Cost: 90
    Level Learned: 40
    Level Loaded:

    Hypno Nebula
    Tech Description: Magic puts enemy to deep sleep
    MP Cost: 60
    Level Learned: 55
    Level Loaded:

    Cable Crusher
    Tech Description: Powerful and evil magic attack
    MP Cost: 270
    Level Learned: 90


    Speed Up
    Tech Description: Increase your speed
    MP Cost: 48
    Level Learned: 15
    Level Loaded: 35

    Counter Strike
    Tech Description: Strong counterattack during pose
    MP Cost: 96
    Level Learned: 25
    Level Loaded: 65

    Snapping Claw
    Tech Description: Attack and quickly steal items
    MP Cost: 54
    Level Learned: 50
    Level Loaded: 99

    Mega Boost
    Tech Description: Increase allies' speed
    MP Cost: 96
    Level Learned: 75
    Level Loaded: 90

    Final Purification
    Tech Description: Beam counterattack from shield
    MP Cost: 140
    Level Learned: 85

    #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# GRANKUWAGAMON

    Venom Stab
    Tech Description: Deadly poison damage
    MP Cost: 36
    Level Learned: 10
    Level Loaded: 20

    Energy Drain
    Tech Description: Magic that drains many HP
    MP Cost: 72
    Level Learned: 30
    Level Loaded: 60

    Confuse Stab
    Tech Description: Massive confusion damage
    MP Cost: 64
    Level Learned: 50
    Level Loaded: 75

    Impact Rush
    Tech Description: Huge damage from rapid blows
    MP Cost: 60
    Level Learned: 65
    Level Loaded: 85

    Dimension Scissors
    Tech Description: Slash thru space and destroy
    MP Cost: 200
    Level Learned: 90


    Burn Slash
    Tech Description: Slash with a flame blade
    MP Cost: 32
    Level Learned: 15
    Level Loaded: 45

    Cold Slash
    Tech Description: Slash with an ice blade
    MP Cost: 32
    Level Learned: 30
    Level Loaded: 55

    Mega Heal
    Tech Description: Heal much of your HP
    MP Cost: 74
    Level Learned: 40
    Level Loaded: 65

    Hammer Rush
    Tech Description: Damage from rapid blows
    MP Cost: 30
    Level Learned: 50
    Level Loaded: 75

    Pinpoint Shot
    Tech Description: Huge damage if it hits
    MP Cost: 54
    Level Learned: 70
    Level Loaded: 99

    Golden Ripper
    Tech Description: Slash enemies with swords
    MP Cost: 140
    Level Learned: 85


    Mega Heal
    Tech Description: Heal much of your HP
    MP Cost: 74
    Level Learned: 5
    Level Loaded: 15

    Mechanical Bash
    Tech Description: Strong machine damage
    MP Cost: 48
    Level Learned: 25
    Level Loaded: 60

    Tech Description: Snow spirit inflicts ice damage
    MP Cost: 60
    Level Learned: 50
    Level Loaded: 80

    Sylph Storm
    Tech Description: Powerful gust of wind
    MP Cost: 72
    Level Learned: 70
    Level Loaded: 90

    Mega Crusher
    Tech Description: Fire a massive ball
    MP Cost: 150
    Level Learned: 85


    Heaven Hit
    Tech Description: Strong thunder damage
    MP Cost: 32
    Level Learned: 10
    Level Loaded: 30

    Mega Boost
    Tech Description: Increase allies' speed
    MP Cost: 96
    Level Learned: 20
    Level Loaded: 55

    Full Heal
    Tech Description: Heal almost all of your HP
    MP Cost: 120
    Level Learned: 45
    Level Loaded: 70

    Counter Strike
    Tech Description: Strong counterattack during pose
    MP Cost: 96
    Level Learned: 60
    Level Loaded: 85

    Giga Heal
    Tech Description: Heal much of allies' HP
    MP Cost: 188
    Level Learned: 75
    Level Loaded: 99

    Giga Crusher
    Tech Description: Fire the ultimate laser cannon
    MP Cost: 180
    Level Learned: 90


    Auto Recover
    Tech Description: Gradually heal your HP
    MP Cost: 82
    Level Learned: 10
    Level Loaded: 40

    Impact Rush
    Tech Description: Huge damage from rapid blows
    MP Cost: 60
    Level Learned: 20
    Level Loaded: 60

    Erase Magic
    Tech Description: Cure all ailments on allies
    MP Cost: 37
    Level Learned: 30
    Level Loaded: 70

    Soul Plunder
    Tech Description: Destroy enemy with a spell
    MP Cost: 160
    Level Learned: 50
    Level Loaded:

    Final Heal
    Tech Description: Heal almost all of allies HP
    MP Cost: 240
    Level Learned: 85
    Level Loaded:

    Omega Blade
    Tech Description: Sword move destroys evil
    MP Cost: 280
    Level Learned: 99


    Dark Elemental
    Tech Description: Engulf with evil fire column
    MP Cost: 120
    Level Learned: 10
    Level Loaded: 35

    Crimson Cloud
    Tech Description: Fire numerous evil flashes
    MP Cost: 150
    Level Learned: 20
    Level Loaded: 55

    Deadly Poison
    Tech Description: Fire venomous foam with magic
    MP Cost: 90
    Level Learned: 30
    Level Loaded: 70

    Paralyze Shock
    Tech Description: Magic that completely paralyzes
    MP Cost: 90
    Level Learned: 45
    Level Loaded: 80

    Dark Field
    Tech Description: Strength dark, weaken thunder
    MP Cost: 100
    Level Learned: 75
    Level Loaded: 99

    Melting Blood
    Tech Description: Unleash dark energy
    MP Cost: 210
    Level Learned: 90


    Heaven Hit
    Tech Description: Strong thunder damage
    MP Cost: 32
    Level Learned: 15
    Level Loaded: 45

    Vacuum Cannon
    Tech Description: Strong wind damage
    MP Cost: 48
    Level Learned: 25
    Level Loaded: 55

    Brain Freeze
    Tech Description: Paralyzes the enemy
    MP Cost: 52
    Level Learned: 40
    Level Loaded: 80

    Tech Description: Save Chi to maximum for next blow
    MP Cost: 49
    Level Learned: 65
    Level Loaded: 99

    Tech Description: Blast a wave to knock out enemy
    MP Cost: 148
    Level Learned: 85


    Mechanical Bash
    Tech Description: Strong machine damage
    MP Cost: 48
    Level Learned: 5
    Level Loaded: 25

    Magical Cannon
    Tech Description: Shoot giant missiles with magic
    MP Cost: 72
    Level Learned: 20
    Level Loaded: 60

    God Bombard
    Tech Description: Most powerful missile magic
    MP Cost: 120
    Level Learned: 50
    Level Loaded:

    Mega Break
    Tech Description: Large decrease in enemy's speed
    MP Cost: 82
    Level Learned: 75
    Level Loaded:

    Giant Missile
    Tech Description: Fire all body missiles
    MP Cost: 200
    Level Learned: 90


    Mechanical Bash
    Tech Description: Strong machine damage
    MP Cost: 48
    Level Learned: 10
    Level Loaded: 25

    Twin Missile
    Tech Description: Shoot two missiles with magic
    MP Cost: 64
    Level Learned: 15
    Level Loaded: 55

    Magical Cannon
    Tech Description: Shoot giant missiles with magic
    MP Cost: 72
    Level Learned: 45
    Level Loaded: 80

    Metal Field
    Tech Description: Strength metal, weaken dark
    MP Cost: 100
    Level Learned: 70
    Level Loaded: 90

    Metal Wolf Claw
    Tech Description: Ice breath. Magic attack.
    MP Cost: 150
    Level Learned: 85


    Flame Breath
    Tech Description: Engulf the enemy with fire breath
    MP Cost: 72
    Level Learned: 10
    Level Loaded: 25

    Flame Sphere
    Tech Description: Magic that creates huge flames
    MP Cost: 180
    Level Learned: 30
    Level Loaded: 55

    Giga Fire
    Tech Description: Magic attack shoots 3 fire balls
    MP Cost: 90
    Level Learned: 35
    Level Loaded: 70

    Tech Description: Continuous fire columns
    MP Cost: 200
    Level Learned: 60
    Level Loaded: 85

    Tech Description: Paralyze with Grey Sword
    MP Cost: 250
    Level Learned: 99


    Full Heal
    Tech Description: Heal almost all of your HP
    MP Cost: 120
    Level Learned: 10
    Level Loaded: 30

    Final Heal
    Tech Description: Heal almost all of allies HP
    MP Cost: 240
    Level Learned: 40
    Level Loaded: 70

    Erase Magic
    Tech Description: Cure all ailments on allies
    MP Cost: 37
    Level Learned: 65
    Level Loaded: 80

    Auto Recovery
    Tech Description: Gradually heal your HP
    MP Cost: 82
    Level Learned: 75
    Level Loaded: 99

    Crimson Flame
    Tech Description: Revive all allies with max HP
    MP Cost: 200
    Level Learned: 90


    Grand Wave
    Tech Description: Magical tidal wave against enemy
    MP Cost: 72
    Level Learned: 10
    Level Loaded: 30

    Erase Poison
    Tech Description: Cure all poison on allies
    MP Cost: 12
    Level Learned: 20
    Level Loaded: 55

    Erase Paralysis
    Tech Description: Cure all paralysis on allies
    MP Cost: 12
    Level Learned: 25
    Level Loaded: 60

    Water Field
    Tech Description: Strengthen water, weaken fire
    MP Cost: 100
    Level Learned: 50
    Level Loaded: 80

    Tech Description: Cure all ailments on yourself
    MP Cost: 20
    Level Learned: 70
    Level Loaded: 90

    Thorn Whipping
    Tech Description: Poison enemy with thorn whip
    MP Cost: 130
    Level Learned: 85


    Electro Bolt
    Tech Description: Large thunder ball against enemy
    MP Cost: 48
    Level Learned: 5
    Level Loaded: 25

    Tech Description: Snow spirit inflicts ice damage
    MP Cost: 60
    Level Learned: 15
    Level Loaded: 35

    Lighting Bolt
    Tech Description: Huge thunder ball against enemy
    MP Cost: 72
    Level Learned: 40
    Level Loaded: 80

    Giga Freeze
    Tech Description: Engulf the enemy with huge ice
    MP Cost: 72
    Level Learned: 50
    Level Loaded: 90

    Ice Field
    Tech Description: Strength ice, weaken wind
    MP Cost: 100
    Level Learned: 65
    Level Loaded: 99

    Tech Description: Magic attack against ghouls
    MP Cost: 150
    Level Learned: 85


    Mega Tornado
    Tech Description: Tornado against an enemy
    MP Cost: 30
    Level Learned: 5
    Level Loaded: 15

    Mega Heal
    Tech Description: Heal much of your HP
    MP Cost: 74
    Level Learned: 20
    Level Loaded: 45

    Sylph Storm
    Tech Description: Powerful gust of wind
    MP Cost: 72
    Level Learned: 35
    Level Loaded: 65

    Giga Heal
    Tech Description: Heal much of allies HP
    MP Cost: 188
    Level Learned: 55
    Level Loaded: 99

    Wind Field
    Tech Description: Strengthen wind, weaken water
    MP Cost: 100
    Level Learned: 75
    Level Loaded: 95

    Seven Heavens
    Tech Description: Fire 7 balls against evil Digimon
    MP Cost: 100
    Level Learned: 85


    Flame Lance
    Tech Description: Launch fire beam
    MP Cost: 48
    Level Learned: 5
    Level Loaded: 25

    Flame Breath
    Tech Description: Engulf the enemy with fire breath
    MP Cost: 72
    Level Learned: 35
    Level Loaded: 75

    Rising Fire
    Tech Description: Column of fire on the enemy
    MP Cost: 60
    Level Learned: 45
    Level Loaded: 65

    Twin Missile
    Tech Description: Shoot two missiles with magic
    MP Cost: 64
    Level Learned: 60
    Level Loaded: 90

    Giga Fire
    Tech Description: Magic attack shoots 3 fire balls
    MP Cost: 90
    Level Learned: 80
    Level Loaded: 99

    Terra Force
    Tech Description: Throw a huge energy ball
    MP Cost: 140
    Level Learned: 85
  15. xathulance

    xathulance Donkey Kong

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    City of Emptiness
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