Players Guide - Thông tin người chơi

Thảo luận trong 'Kingdom Hearts Text Game' bắt đầu bởi Vaan0605, 8/8/08.

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  1. Vaan0605

    Vaan0605 Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    ^ Player :

    (Vi phạm 0 lần)

    Nick GameVN : Vaan0605

    Nick Name : Ben - Ben

    Avatar :


    Level : 62 | P : 22010/37405

    ^ Status :

    (0 Point)

    HP : 12000 + 2100
    MP : 25000 + 2350
    Str : 0 + 6
    Def : 120 + 21
    Mag : 510 + 47
    Mag Def : 0 + 39

    ^ Items :

    @ Munny :

    - 52221 Munnies

    @ Items :

    - Potion x 13
    - Hi - Potion x 7
    - Ether x 5
    - Hi - Ether x 13
    - Phoenix Down x 22
    - Elixir x 8
    - Mega-Elixir: x3
    - Fragment of Death No. 1
    - Fragment of Death No. 2
    - KHTG Tournament Cup I
    - Snow Man
    - Ifrit Toy

    @ Materials :

    - Dark Stone x 5
    - Dark Crystal x 6
    - Dense Stone x 10
    - Energy Shard x 1
    - Lucid Gem x 2
    - Lucid Crystal x 1
    - Twilight Shard x 3
    - Orichalcum x 1
    - Blazing Shard x 5
    - Power Shard x 5
    - Serenity Shard x 5
    - Serenity Stone x 9
    - Power Stone x 3
    - Blazing Stone x 9
    - Frost Shard x 1
    - Lightning Gem x 1
    - Energy Stone x 1
    - Orichalum+
    - Thunder Shard x18

    Summon Badge: Jake Long

    * Moggle Point :

    ^ Ability :
    * AP : 11/12

    # Support Ability

    - Guard (AP : 2) (Equip)
    - Compo Plus (AP : 3) (Equip)
    - Compo Plus (AP : 3) (Equip)
    - Combo Plus (AP : 3) (Equip)
    - Berserk (AP : 3)

    # Action Ability

    - Slash (AP : 1)
    - Sonic Blade (AP : 5)

    ^ Magic :

    Magic Fire :

    Magic Cure :
    Magic Blizzard :
    Magic Thunder :
    Magic Aero :

    Magic Gravity:
    Magic Reflect:
    ^ Equipment :

    @ Weapons :

    - Kingdom Key ( + 1 Mag )
    - Star Seeker ( + 3 Mag )
    - Photon Debugger ( + 4 Mag - + 4 Str - + 4 Def )
    - Hero's Crest ( + 6 Mag | + 6 Str | + 2 Def )
    - Mysterious Abyss ( + 0 Mag | + 0 Str | + 10 Def )
    - Metal Chocobo ( + 7 Mag | + 0 Str | + 7 Def )
    - Bond of Flame: Str: +3| Mag: +8 | Def: +5 | Magdef: +3 Ability Bonus: Double damage all fire magic.(Equip)

    @ Armor :

    - Champion Crown (+ 2 Def)
    - Ifrit Breath: Def: +5| Mag:+5 Ability Bonus: Immune all Fire Attack.

    @ Accessories :

    - Protect Ring (+ 5 Def) (Equip - Cladius McCloud)
    - Attack Ring (+ 5 Str) (Equip - RaXoS)
    - Pearl Necklace (+2 All Stat) (Equip)
    - Unname Ring (+ 2 All Stat) (Equip)
    - Omega Eye (+ 6 Mag) (Equip)
    - 1 Thundara Ring: Def +2| Magic Def: +5 Ability: Thunder Coat. Reduce 20% (x0.2) Damage by Thunder Element. ( Giảm 20% Damage gây bởi bất cứ phép Thunder nào)
    1 Blizzard Lord’s Ring: Mag +8| Mag def: +8. Ability: Ice Imps: Sightly Boost Ice attack (Damage for ice element magic x1.5).
    1 Volcanic Lord’s Ring: Mag +8| Mag Def: +8. Ability: Lord of Fire: Reduce 50% MP Cost when using Fire element magic.

    @ Set :

    - Phil Set (+ 3 Str | + 2 Def | + 3 Mag | + 500 Munny) (Equip)

    ^ Party :

    * Name : Aurora

    Player 1 : Vaan0605
    Player 2 : RaXoS
    Player 3 : Claudius Mccloud
  2. RaXoS

    RaXoS Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:

    (Vi phạm 0 lần)

    Nick GameVN : RaXoS

    Tên Nhân Vật : Kai

    Avatar :


    Level : 50 | P : 9809/21541

    ^ Status :

    (0 Point)

    HP : 14000 + 1300
    MP : 0 + 550
    Str : 440 + 30
    Def : 140 + 13
    Mag : 0 + 11
    Mag Def : 0 + 2

    ^Items :

    @ Munny :

    - 26471 Munnies

    @ Items :

    - Hi - Potion x 6
    - Hi - Ether x 5
    - Elixir x 3
    - Megalixir x 15
    - Snow Man

    @ Materials :

    - Dark Stone x 5
    - Dark Crystal x 4
    - Dense Stone x 10
    - Energy Shard x 4
    - Lucid Gem x 2
    - Lucid Crystal x 1
    - Mythirl Shard x 5
    - Twilight Shard x 5
    - Orichalcum x 1
    - Blazing Shard x 5
    - Power Shard x 5
    - Serenity Shard x 5
    - Serenity Stone x 9
    - Power Stone x 3
    - Blazing Stone x 9
    - Frost Shard x 1
    - Lightning Gem x 1
    - Energy Stone x 1
    - Orichalum+

    @ Moggle Point : 50/500

    ^ Ability :

    * AP : 7/20

    # Support Ability :

    - Guard (AP : 2) (Equip)
    - Compo Plus (AP : 3) (Equip)
    - Compo Plus (AP : 3) (Equip)
    - Berserk (AP : 3)

    # Action Ability :

    - Slash (AP : 1)
    - Sonic Blade (AP : 5) (Equip)

    ^ Magic :

    Magic Fire :

    Magic Cure :
    Magic Blizzard :
    Magic Thunder :[/COLOR]
    Magic Aero :

    Magic Gravity:

    ^ Equipment :

    @ Weapon :

    - Kingdom Key ( + 1 Str )
    - Star Seeker ( + 3 Str )
    - Photon Debugger ( + 4 Mag - + 4 Str - + 4 Def )
    - Hero's Crest ( + 6 Mag | + 6 Str | + 2 Def ) (Equip)
    - Mysterious Abyss ( + 0 Mag | + 0 Str | + 10 Def )

    @ Armor :

    - Champion Crown (+ 2 Def) (Equip)

    + Accessories :

    - Protect Ring (+ 5 Def) (Equip)
    - Attack Ring (+ 5 Str) (Equip)
    - Unname Ring (+ 2 All Stat) (Equip)
    - Omega Bone (+ 6 Str) (Equip)

    @ Set :

    - Phil Set (+ 3 Str | + 2 Def | + 3 Mag | + 500 Munny) (Equip)

    ^ Party:

    * Name : Aurora

    Player 1 : Vaan0605
    Player 2 : RaXoS
    Player 3 : Claudius McCloud
  3. AWT


    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    ^ Player :

    (Vi phạm 0 lần)

    Nick GameVN : AWT

    Nick Name : Eternity

    Avatar :


    Level : 69 | P : 15527/49355

    ^ Status :

    (0 Point)

    HP : 12300 + 4400
    MP : 30250 + 650
    Str : 0 + 9
    Def : 123 + 44
    Mag : 605 + 13
    Mag Def : 4 + 58

    ^ Items :

    @ Munny :

    - 110862 Munnies

    @ Items :

    - Hi Ether x 19
    - Elixir x8
    - Mega-Elixir x3
    - Ether x6
    - Potion x7
    - Hi-Potion x12
    - X-Potion x1
    - Phoenix Down x 20
    - Fragment of Death No. 1 đến No.6
    - Snow Man
    - Shiva Toy

    @ Materials :

    -Bright Shard x7
    - Bright Gem x 2
    - Bright stone x2
    - Bright Crystal x1
    - Dark Stone x 3
    - Dark Crystal x 1
    - Dense Shard x 5
    - Dense Stone x 10
    - Energy Stone x 5
    - Frost Shard x 3
    - Frost Crystal x1
    - Lucid Shard x 1
    - Lucid Stone x2.
    - Lucid Crystal x 1
    - Power Shard x 8
    - Power Stone x 5
    - Orichalcum x 1
    - Serenity Shard x 5
    - Serenity Stone x 3
    - Twilight Shard x 5
    - Twilight Stone x 3
    - Orichalum+ x1
    - Thunder Shard x9
    - Lightning Stone x5
    - Gale Stone x4.
    - Spirit gem x2
    - Blazing Shard x5.

    Summon Badge: Magic Bot

    * Moggle Point :

    ^ Ability :
    * AP : 14/20

    # Support Ability

    - Guard (AP : 2) (Equip)
    - Compo Plus (AP : 3) (Equip)
    - Combo Plus (AP : 3) (Equip)
    - Combo Plus (AP : 3) (Equip)
    - Berserk (AP : 3) (Equip)

    # Action Ability

    - Slash (AP : 1) (Equip)
    - Sonic Blade (AP : 5)

    ^ Magic :

    Magic Fire :
    Magic Cure :
    Magic Blizzard :
    Magic Thunder :[/COLOR]
    Magic Aero :

    Magic Gravity:
    Magic Reflect:

    Magic Cure Burn
    Magic Cure Frozen Solid
    Magic revive
    ^ Equipment :

    @ Weapons :

    - Kingdom Key ( + 1 Mag )
    - Hidden Dragon ( +3 Mag )
    - Green Dawn ( + 3 Str | + 5 Mag | + 4 Def )
    - Pumpkin Head ( + 5 Mag | + 1 Str | + 3 Def )
    - Hero's Crest ( + 6 Mag | + 6 Str | + 2 Def )
    - Mysterious Abyss ( + 0 Mag | + 0 Str | + 10 Def ) (Equip)
    - Diamond Dust ( +4 Str| +8 Mag| +4 Def | +4 Magdef) Ability Bonus: Ice Boots - Double Damage with Ice Magic. (Equip)
    - Mercury Rose (+ 8 Mag | + 5 Str | + 5 Def) Ability Bonus: Blessing Hand (+5% HP khi dùng phép các phép hệ Cure)

    @ Armor :

    - Champion Crown (+ 2 Def)
    - Gaia Belt (+ 20 Def | + 20 Mag Def) (Equip)
    - Shiva Crown: (Mag +10) Ability Bonus: Immune all Ice attack.

    @ Accessories :

    - Unname Ring (+ 2 All Stat)
    - 1 Thundara Ring: (Def +2| Magic Def: +5) Ability bonus: Thunder Coat. Reduce 20% (x0.2) Damage by Thunder Element.
    - Protera Chain x1 (Accessory): Def+6 | MagDef+6 Ability: Guard Ability reload time reduce 1 turn. (Thời gian Reload của Guard giảm 1 turn) (Equip)
    - Protega Chain (Accessory): Def+7 | MagDef+7 Ability bonus: CounterGuard Ability reload time reduce 1 turn. (Thời gian Reload của CounterGuard giảm 1 turn)
    -Aerora Ring x1: Mag: +3| MagDef: +3 Ability Bonus: Wind Coat. Reduce 20% (x0.2) Damage by Wind Element. ( Giảm 20% Damage gây bởi bất cứ phép wind nào)
    -Thundaga Ring: Mag:+2| Def +4| Magic Def: +6. Ability: Thunder Imps: Sightly Boost Thunder attack (Damage for thunder element magic x1.5). (Equip)
    -Thundaja Ring: Mag: +4| Mag def: +8. Ability: Lord of Lightning: Reduce 50% MP Cost when using Thunder element magic.
    -Aeroga Ring: Def: +5| Mag Def: +8. Ability: Wind Imps: Sightly Boost Wind attack (Damage for wind element magic x1.5).
    -Blizzaja Ring: Mag: +6| Mag def: +6. Ability: Lord of Ice: Reduce 50% MP Cost when using Ice element magic. (Equip)
    -Phoenix Ring: Def:+2| Mag Def: +2. Ability: Auto Life (Auto Revive one time with 50% HP And 30%MP) (Equip)
    - 1 Blizzard Lord’s Ring: Mag +8| Mag def: +8. Ability: Ice Imps: Sightly Boost Ice attack (Damage for ice element magic x1.5) (Equip).
    - 1 Volcanic Lord’s Ring: Mag +8| Mag Def: +8. Ability: Lord of Fire: Reduce 50% MP Cost when using Fire element magic.

    @ Set :

    - Phil Set (+ 3 Str | + 2 Def | + 3 Mag | + 500 Munny) (Equip)

    ^ Party :

    * Name : P.T.P

    Player 1 : AWT
    Player 2 : Yoshika
  4. Claudius McCloud

    Claudius McCloud Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:

    (Vi phạm 0 lần)

    Nick GameVN : Claudius Mccloud

    Tên Nhân Vật : James

    Avatar :

    Level : 59 | P :14712/34370

    ^ Status :

    (0 Point)

    HP : 12000 + 1700
    MP : 27500 + 1000
    Str : 0 + 12
    Def : 120 + 17
    Mag : 555 + 20
    Mag Def : 0+ 2

    ^ Items :

    @ Munny :

    - 80891 Munnies

    @ Items :

    - Hi Potion x 3
    - Hi-Ether x6
    - Phoenix Down x 4
    - Potion x 5
    - Ether x 3
    - Elixir x5
    - Megalixir x 16
    - Snow Man

    @ Materials :

    - Dark Stone x 5
    - Dense Stone x 5
    - lucid Gem x 2
    - Lucid Crystal x 1
    - Orichalcum x 1
    - Blazing Shard x 5
    - Power Shard x 5
    - Serenity Shard x 5
    - Serenity Stone x 9
    - Power Stone x 3
    - Blazing Stone x 9[
    - Frost Shard x 1
    - Lightning Gem x 1
    - Energy Stone x 1
    - Orichalum+
    - Thunder Shard x11

    @ Moggle Point : 0/500

    ^ Ability :

    * AP :8/20

    # Support Ability

    - Guard (AP : 2) (Equip)
    - Compo Plus (AP : 3) (Equip)
    - Compo Plus (AP : 3) (Equip)
    - Berserk (AP : 3)

    # Action Ability

    - Slash (AP : 1)
    - Sonic Blade (AP : 5)

    ^ Magic :

    Magic Fire :

    Magic Cure :
    Magic Blizzard :
    Magic Thunder :
    Magic Aero :

    Magic Gravity:
    Magic Reflect:

    ^ Equipment :

    + Weapon :

    - Kingdom Key (+3 Mag)
    - Photon Debugger (+ 4 Mag - + 4 Str - + 4 Def)
    - Hero's Crest ( + 6 Mag | + 6 Str | + 2 Def )
    - Mysterious Abyss ( + 0 Mag | + 0 Str | + 10 Def )
    - Guardian Soul: Str: +4| Mag: +4| Def: +8 | Magdef: +8. Ability Bonus: Guard ability reload in 1 turn. (Equip)

    @ Armor :

    - Odin Armor: Def: +10 Ability bonus: Status Immune - Chống mọi stt có hại. (Equip)

    @ Accessories :

    - Unname Ring (+2 All Stat) (Equip)
    - Omega Eye (+ 6 Mag) (Equip)
    -Thundara Ring: Def +2| Magic Def: +5. Ability: Thunder Coat. Reduce 20% (x0.2) Damage by Thunder Element. ( Giảm 20% Damage gây bởi bất cứ phép Thunder nào)

    - 1 Blizzard Lord’s Ring: Mag +8| Mag def: +8. Ability: Ice Imps: Sightly Boost Ice attack (Damage for ice element magic x1.5).
    - 1 Volcanic Lord’s Ring: Mag +8| Mag Def: +8. Ability: Lord of Fire: Reduce 50% MP Cost when using Fire element magic.

    @ Set :

    - Phil Set (+ 3 Str | + 2 Def | + 3 Mag | + 500 Munny) (Equip)

    ^ Party:

    * Name : P.T.P

    Player 1 : Vaan0605
    Player 2 : Roxas777
    Player 3 : Claudius Mccloud
  5. Takeuchi Rio

    Takeuchi Rio Phenomenon Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Nick GVN: Takeuchi Rio

    Tên nhân vật: Yoshika

    Ảnh đại diện: [​IMG]

    Level : 60 | P : 14155/35867

    ^ Status :

    (0 Point)

    HP : 16700 + 1300
    MP : 1750 + 600
    Str : 360 + 45
    Def : 167 + 13
    Mag : 35 + 12
    Mag Def : 10 + 2

    ^ Items :

    @ Munny :

    - 177758 Munnies

    @ Items :

    - Potion x 4
    - Hi - Potion x 5
    - Mega - Potion x 20
    - Ether x 5
    - Hi - Ether x 8
    - Elixir x 3
    - Fragment of Death No. 1
    - Fragment of Death No. 2
    - KHTG Tournament Cup I
    - Snow Man
    - Bahamut Toy

    @ Materials :

    - Bright Gem x 2
    - Dark Stone x 3
    - Dark Crystal x 3
    - Dense Shard x 2
    - Dense Stone x 10
    - Energy Stone x 1
    - Frost Shard x 3
    - Lucid Shard x 1
    - Lucid Crystal x 1
    - Orichalcum x 1
    - Power Shard x 5
    - Power Stone x 3
    - Serenity Shard x 5
    - Serenity Stone x 3
    - Twilight Shard x 5
    - Twilight Stone x 3
    - Orichalum+
    - Balzing Crystal x2
    - Serenity Stone

    Summon Badge: Magic Pot

    * Moggle Point :

    ^ Ability :
    * AP : 17/22

    # Support Ability

    - Guard (AP : 2) (Equip)
    - Combo Plus (AP : 3) (Equip)
    - Combo Plus (AP : 3) (Equip)
    - Berserk (AP : 3) (Equip)

    # Action Ability

    - Slash (AP : 1) (Equip)
    - Sonic Blade (AP : 5) (Equip)
    - Blaze Sword (AP : 3)

    ^ Magic :

    Magic Fire :

    Magic Cure :

    Magic Blizzard :

    Magic Thunder :

    Magic Aero :

    Magic Gravity:

    Magic Reflect:

    ^ Equipment :

    @ Weapons :

    - Kingdom Key ( + 1 Str )
    - Hidden Dragon ( + 3 Str )
    - Blue Twilight ( + 5 Str | + 3 Mag | + 4 Def )
    - Hero's Crest ( + 6 Mag | + 6 Str | + 2 Def )
    - Mysterious Abyss ( + 0 Mag | + 0 Str | + 10 Def )
    - Fatal Crest ( Str: +8| Mag: +4| Def: +4 | MagDef: +3) Ability Bonus: Tự động gây trạng thái Defend Down Lv.1 cho 1 đối thủ(Equip)

    @ Armor :

    - Champion Crown (+ 2 Def)
    - Bahamut Wing (+ 10 Str) Ability Bonus: Status Boots: Lên một cấp cho bất cứ stuts nào mà bạn gây ra cho đối thủ.(Equip)

    @ Accessories :

    - Protect Ring (+ 5 Def) (Equip)
    - Pearl Necklace (+ 2 Status) (Equip - AWT)
    - Pearl Necklace (+ 2 Status)
    - Attack Ring (+ 2 Str) (Equip)
    - Attack Ring (+ 2 Str) (Equip)
    - Unname Ring (+ 2 All Stat) (Equip)
    - Omega Bone (+ 6 Str) (Equip)
    - Fira Ring (+2 Mag | +2 MagDef). Ability Bonus: Fire Coat:Reduce 20% (x0.2) Damage by Fire Element. ( Giảm 20% Damage gây bởi bất cứ phép Fire nào)

    @ Set :

    - Phil Set (+ 3 Str | + 2 Def | + 3 Mag | + 500 Munny) (Equip)

    ^ Party :

    * Name : P.T.P
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