Start the game with the -dev command line parameter. Then, press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + ~ during game play to display the console window. Enter one of the following console codes to activate the cheat function. Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + ~ again to close the console window for code activation. Code Result --------------------------------- FOW_Toggle - Toggle Fog of War ON/OFF ee_bigheadmode(1) - Big Head Mode ON ee_bigheadmode(0) - Big Head Mode OFF taskbar_hide Hide - Taskbar taskbar_show - Show Taskbar statgraph() - Enable Statgraph statgraph_channel("fps") - Show FPS (statgraph must be enabled) setsimrate(#) - Set Game Speed (#=speed, 10=normal) abortgame - Quit game restart - Restart game FOW_RevealAll - Remove Fog