màu thì đổi,bản tính vẫn vamp như xưa,có khi còn khát máu hơn,anh em chớ mừng vội. p/s:ảnh của mèo sao có hai cái tạ thế kia???
vampire cuối cùng cũng hiểu dc thế lào nà nữ tính rồi, bravo What do u mean/:)? I painted my house not mean i don't like blood any more.
I'll enjoy a single life What about sis chan?U can't leave her alone. P/S:My new avatar:D,i think it's better.
In the future may be u'll have a daughter and....u won't ever buy a doll for her? I'll enjoy a single life
Not exactly what I have in mind, but thanks for the pic anyway If u want,i'll fix it May be I just innorge them In the future may be u'll have a daughter and....u won't ever buy a doll for her?
Who know?I just can't control myself.I never speak English a lots like that I'm the starter May be i should send u some doll pictures on your birthday,is this good idea? May be I just innorge them
House of English, isn't it? :-o Who know?I just can't control myself.I never speak English a lots like that:| This remind me of killer dol :|So....i have nothing to say. May be i should send u some doll pictures on your birthday,is this good idea?
Dolls always give me thrill n scary feeling may be because I watched horror n scary movie too much.This chance is one step closer to a teenager with you Well....i think u can't scare this doll: http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii22/hero_in_moon/47fc5a4d_kdf_070612-1.jpg but Noob doesn't like the doll very much. I don't like doll very much,either.But i love D.O.D ^^ Anyway, share Zhou's pic, will ya? Sr,i forgot it^^ http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii22/hero_in_moon/Zhou.jpg P/S:I changed my avatar,hope it's better^^
Dolls always give me thrill n scary feeling may be because I watched horror n scary movie too much.This chance is one step closer to a teenager with you