Pre-Order Dragon’s Crown For A 64-Page Art Book In North America [IMG] Pre-ordering Dragon’s Crown from participating stores will get you a...
Sony Japan launches ‘Panopticon’ countdown site [IMG] Sony Computer Entertainment Japan has launched a new teaser site for something called...
Sony announces new indie games for PlayStation platforms Counterspy is a PlayStation 3, PS Vita, and mobile 2D cover-based shooter set during...
--------------------------------------------------------------- Go Home, You Are Drunk!:8cool_amazed:...
Soul Sacrifice (PSV) in Final Week Before Launch - USA - [IMG] Soul Sacrifice (PSV) added 9,776 pre-orders for a grand total of 41,108. Expect...
Quell Memento trailer Behold the Bow-Wielding Elf in Dragon's Crown...
Jacob Jones and the Bigfoot Mystery Teaser Trailer
Soul Sacrifice pre-order extras trailer
Spanish retailer lists Rayman Legends for PS Vita [IMG] Spanish retailer FNAC is listing Rayman Legends for PS Vita. The Ubisoft...
Dragon’s Crown - Dwarf Character
16GB PlayStation Vita Memory Card [IMG] Thẻ 16gb cho ps vita đang giảm giá 50% từ 59.99$->29.99$ trên ai muốn mua thì...
Retailer lists Call of Duty 2013, Disney Infinity for PS Vita Spanish retailer Zmart has posted listings for two new PS Vita games. [IMG] The...
Over My Dead Body Lego Marvel Super Heroes Lego Marvel Super Heroes is...
Đang bay vào hn và mang theo 1 thùng lifebuoy.:8cool_amazed:
Frobisher Says Mega Fun Pack DLC Trailer Who want this...:cuteonion28:
PS Vita system software update (v.2.10) showcase The update will be released later this evening in North America and sometime on April 10th in...
PS Vita v2.20 update to add folders [IMG] The next PlayStation Vita system software update, version 2.20, is set to arrive in the next couple of...
Ragnarok Odyssey Ace Will Be Available In English This Summer. [IMG] While Ragnarok Odyssey Ace has not been confirmed for North America, you...
Tsutaya's latest game sales rankings are out for the week of April 1 - 7. [IMG]
Nhìn game nay là cứ mong có patapon 4....:cuteonion33:
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