No seriously guys, GVN is so cool. Really! People really should go to gamevn more, like discussing games, writing guides. Or fanfic. Or learn...
Best *delete* him.
Or just delete him.
Most games have their own forum nowaday, and for general game discussion/guides gamefaqs is a whole lot better. (but seriously who read guide in...
5th class spammer member? With 2k posts count? >.> Is this a bug or modern spammers are that good?
These are sans actually... Also you can't change your html tags yourself?
You didn't seem to understand. I'm the one who stockpiled gold before new year and sell them all 1 day after Ngày thần tài.
Not sure if that's a (pretty good) sarcasm or you're just ignorant...
Happy new year to you guys! I just sold my fucking stack of gold for a shitload of money. Now I'm rich again thanks whoever thought out ngày thần...
The facebook name feels a lot like zombie apocalypse, Each day you see another friend of yours turn into one of "them", one after another. Some...
HOLY SHIT GVN GOT AN UPGRADE!! srsly who uses gvn anymore??
Vãi bind skill cả shift 7 shift 8 shift F5, thanh niên này tay to phải biết =)
Hey thanks FE, that make me feel a lot better :) Somehow I ended up getting terrible diarrhea this morning, and believe it or not with a more...
Just some rantings from depression. When I was in high school & university I kept a code that whenever someone ask me to lend them some money, I...
Qua bao thăng trầm mình vẫn cần bán acc có bạn nào đang muốn chơi thì liên hệ nhé hu hu T_T
Mình ở HN đang muốn bán lại acc mới mua vì đám bạn muốn chơi game khác. Game time còn đến 3/7: [IMG] Vừa mới mua của hungwar 1410k muốn bán lại...
I still remember asking for sex consultancy here once... Once.
Heh, getting back here suddenly got me so nostalgic. Been almost 10 years since. 2004 I were still a boy just entering high school. Went here,...
I'm not sounding very smart here but isn't it customary in the North to consider the beginning of winter the moment when weather start getting so...
Dãn cách tên bằng dấu phẩy(,).