Thank you very much man!!!! You're the best! HK417 with sights please! :D How's the FAL?
Thanks for the reply, waiting for full response to it.
..... Can u still compile it in different anims?
What do you mean? o_O? I don't know about that kinda stuff.
Dude! Can u please convert this? This is a serious MUST HAVE. DSA FAL on Mr. Brightside's Animations. ( Galil Version pls, because its a m4a1. )...
Dude, you guys play sven coop? with or w/o steam? I WANT TO KNOW HOW you guys played it w/o steam.
uh... where is it? I can't find it in the skins section.
What's the game you're playing? :)
Weapon's(m14ebr) Progress mate? :D
Im just asking if its good enough to be used, it has high crit.
Hmmmm... How would a CK75 sounds?
Do you have any pistol suggestions for my level? Im 17 Im very interested in a Lock 19 because 357 ammo is expensive but I have a large amount of...
Kolt Python + Mesa ACR + melee? something like this?
ummm what will you suggest for a build?
this Assault rifle + SMG + Melee.
I have Kevlar now :3 So much money, but I really do need 5.5mm rifle ammo for my mesa ACR. and it costs so much. :(
Thx man! This really helps me in looting stuff and of course. Selling, Buying and Scrapping stuff too! This really saves me money and I gain more...
Thx for reply. I hope this model can be decompiled, cuz it looks really awesome.
Can u convert mr.Brightside's m14 ( gamebanana ) w/o sil, scope and just for the ak47? ( w/...
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