This is not map bug. It's CSO-NST standart .wad files error. To Fix this error you must: USE ONLY ORIGINAL Counter-Strike Online .wad files!!! All...
Fuuuuuuuuck))))) lol:) [IMG]
There is an invisible wall and boss stacked=) I create waypoints for this map by myself and boss always moves.
I used CSO .wad files from chinese client for CSO-NST. ---------- Post added at 05:57 ---------- Previous post was at 05:51 ----------...
There is a hs_hellfire fixed (i remove startup breakable door, couse sometimes it doesnt open) with waypoints for Human Scenario....
I do not understand anything in Vietnamese, but understood how nst_create_points works=))) random=))) ---------- Post added at 19:58 ----------...
))) And there is zs_ and hs_ 32 spawn points added maps. zs_lostcity zs_2gate zs_trap hs_mosque hs_hellfire hs_desertorm...
sontung0, okay i'll do it. About update from 1010 to 1011 2nd. I'll have an 1011 updated CSO-NST but i need only .cfg Human Scenario bot...
sontung0 hello) I can't download full update 1011 2nd cause i didn't have enough money to pay for traffic. 1 megabyte costs 0.2 cents( It's very...
Yeah, of course i'll do it right now.
oknoproblem, can you post only way for the bots, without map files? I Really wanna to play on hs_mosque map) Ok and there is a hs_mosque and...
Hello! I spread the map to hs_desertstorm with the addition of spawn point: the map of their 16 - 8 for 8 for terrorists and counter terrorists....
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