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Pác nào có hemmm?? Đang tập tành ọp ẹp ^^
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Buy lyn touch! trade chaos Sword acc 10x with ninja chaos 10x pm: ToLanHuong , II__Billy__II yahoo: [email protected] ,...
1) Acc swordsman 106 couple with healer 99 Swordsman 106: - 100k honor - Robe 10x supeme def 10x4 [8] 5 fire - Gear 10x: def 10x4...
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II__Billy__II .....................SOF
Hiện mình vừa mua 1 case cấu hình như sau: + CHip intel cỏe i3 2100 + Mainboard INTEL, Intel DH61WW Express Chipset + 2 thanh ram 2gb + HDD...
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