(>* 0*)>TREE OF SAVIOR<(*^ *<) - Mở rộng Thị trấn Klaipeda

Thảo luận trong 'Thảo luận chung' bắt đầu bởi nhockpro269, 15/11/13.

  1. hồ thế quang vũ

    hồ thế quang vũ Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Mình thì cứ làm quest làm quest và làm quest ^^. Làm và mở hết map :). leve mà không đủ làm quest thì cắn card exp :). giờ leve 119 :) card mà cắn đủ thì lên 140 :). Được cái làm Quest nó cho strat vcl :). Hôm qua leve 112 đánh quái 125 tốt những vì tất cả các quét < 120 điều hết nên phải cắn card lên 119 đí làm Q tiếp :). À, tiền thể cho em hỏi là kinh nghiệm từ quái chênh lệch như thế nào ? đánh quái vượt leve có bonus thêm gì không ? Cám ơn
  2. 20 cm 30 phút

    20 cm 30 phút Youtube Master Race GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Bác hướng dẫn cụ thể giúp mình với.
  3. ZzRaizZ

    ZzRaizZ Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    mob hơn lv thì ko bonus exp
    mình hơn mob lv thì exp giảm từ từ
    nhiêu thì ko nhớ rõ lắm nhưng chênh hơn 20 lv thì còn 20% thì phải
  4. hsm4ever

    hsm4ever Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    có ai có auto hay bot gì không cho mình xin. Đang làm cái enclopedia đánh mấy trăm con quái mỗi loại cho achievement phê quá. Thấy bọn nó bot ầm ầm mà sao google không ra nhỉ.
  5. cowboypro

    cowboypro Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Lv 98 có nên cắn card lv 5 hay đi dun và lam Q tiếp a e nhỉ (mới đến map 85) đến tầm lv bn thì nên để card lại nhỉ
  6. hồ thế quang vũ

    hồ thế quang vũ Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    google mà còn ra boss thì có mà game nay giải tán sớm
  7. Vampire_Hunter13

    Vampire_Hunter13 Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cho xin IGN để mình gửi qua cho :)
    Trong thư mục addon có cái file addonloader.lua, mở lên thêm mấy dòng
    trong đó đoạn lkchat/lkchat.lua là đường dẫn tới file .lua của addon muốn dùng. Ở đây mình ví dụ là addon lkchat.
    Nhớ là thêm dòng dofile vào ngay sau mấy dòng dofile có sẵn nhé.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 26/5/16
  8. I_M_TOMMY

    I_M_TOMMY Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Garden of sinners
    Lên được Wiz3 thật là một trời một vực :2onion16:
  9. kidofgod

    kidofgod Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    IGN: TeeJii
    Server: Varena [SEA]

    bác share cho mình bot với nhé ;))
  10. I_M_TOMMY

    I_M_TOMMY Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Garden of sinners
    Acc Steam mà có game bản quyền bot xong bị VAC ban thì đừng có mà lên đây kể lể.
  11. trungkonno12

    trungkonno12 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Bó tay với các bác, bot vs auto làm gì, nói thẳng là tinh thần phá game cao vãi :-(||>
  12. Vampire_Hunter13

    Vampire_Hunter13 Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ok, để mình vào lại con Diev bên Varena report 1 cái cho vui :-)/\:-)
  13. FeiTianYu

    FeiTianYu The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    American Temple
    cho mình hỏi , giờ game không cho new user download nữa à, mình bị block region hay phải fake ip download
    mình ở Đài Loan
  14. Vampire_Hunter13

    Vampire_Hunter13 Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Không cho người chơi mới tải về nữa, những ai có sẵn game trong library steam thì vẫn chơi bth.
  15. nhockpro269

    nhockpro269 Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Tạm thời ko cho người chơi mới tải game trên Steam để phía IMC xử lý các vấn đề kỹ thuật cho Server, khi nào hoàn thành họ sẽ mở server free trở lại.. Có thể sẽ mất khoảng tầm vài tuần hoặc 1 tháng.
  16. ZzKuBongzZ

    ZzKuBongzZ Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ha Noi, Vietnam
    Biết ngay mà =)))) &[]
  17. korro0403

    korro0403 Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
  18. Vampire_Hunter13

    Vampire_Hunter13 Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    26/05/2016 - KTOS Live Maintenance

    The following errors have been fixed:

    1. Fixed the bug where casting ground spells would inflict damage on the enemy when the next round started in Team Battle League.
    2. Fixed a bug when the character walked away from the companion, the AI would stop working.
    3. Fixed a bug with [Toy Hammer] where it wasn't exploding when reaching the appropriate stacks.
    4. Fixed a bug where some attacks that hit twice caused infinite explosions when equipped with [Toy Hammer].
    5. Fixed a bug where changing a Guild members position in the Guild whilst at war caused the position to apply to all other members.
    6. Fixed a bug where the Monster [Cockatrice] was not dropping any items.
    7. On the Map [Tenant's Farm], Root Tree Crystal's now spawn at regular intervals.

    1. Fixed a bug with the Retreating Shot buff disappearing.
    2. Fixed a bug where canceling [Kneeling Shot] with the jump key caused the skill to cost 0 SP when cast again.
    3. Fixed a bug where using [Skyliner] whilst channeling Rush caused the [Rush] cool-down to not be applied.
    4. Fixed a bug where [Divine Might] Was not increasing the level of [Fade].
    5. Fixed a bug where the location of the deployment for the skill [Jolly Roger] was different on party members screens.
    6. Fixed the problem where it was not possible to craft Simony Scrolls, whilst also talking to the Warehouse NPC.
    7. Fixed a bug where it was possible to change the direction of [Gravity Pole] in Mouse Mode.
    8. Fixed a bug where the player would still stay alive with 0 HP whilst channeling [Hell Breath].
    9. Fixed a bug where cancelling the channel effects of [Hell Breath] caused the effect to be maintained and still deal damage.
    10. Fixed the bug where you could retain the 'level-up' buff effect when under the effects of [Melstis]
    11. 아이템 어웨이크닝 던전에서 첫 웨이브의 몬스터 레벨이 간혹 랜덤으로 설정되는 문제가 수정됩니다.

    1. Namu Temple Ruins [The first Epitah (1)] : IF you were interupted whilst crafting the shovel, it was no longer possible to obtain the Flat Stone item.
    2. Vilna Forest [Altar of Vilna Forest (2)] : NPC Great Priest of the Village ‘Shaking Cultivation' location has changed to 'Uskis Arable Land' (Display Bug)

    [UI & Graphics]
    1. Fixed a bug where in certain locations, hair accessories & character hair was not visible.
    2. Fixed a bug where sometimes the character would not be displayed correctly in the Inventory Window.
    3. Damage numbers have been changed so that they don't appear obstructed by the environment.
    4. Fixed a bug where you couldn't see a character's equipped [Lens] whilst in the Lodge.
    5. Fixed a bug with the camera not moving with the character in some scenarios.
    6. Fixed a bug when warping in the same area caused the screen to appear cropped.
    7. Fixed a bug where [Swordsman] type characters sprinting whilst riding a Companion caused the character to appear as though they are visually sprinting on top of their companion.
    8. Fixed a bug where non-participants in Battle League were displaying the score 13111 Pts by default.
    9. Fixed a bug where some items weren't displaying their duration properly in the tool-tip.
    10. Fixed a bug where you could fire invisible arrows whilst under the [Cloaking] state.
    11. Fixed a bug when using [Cloaking] the characters face and hair turned white.

    Updates have taken place in the information below:

    1. The event, 「Field Bosses Attack!」 has begun. (Event Duration: 05/26 ~ 06/09)
    - At a specified time, Bosses will spawn at a given location.
    - By helping to defeat monsters that invade the cities, players will be rewarded with treasure chests and server-wide rewards.
    - More information about this can be found at the [Event Page].

    ※ The reward applies to the whole server, but doesn't apply inside the Cross-Server Mission / Dungeons.

    2. The Cross-Server Guild Battle Mode has been added.
    - This is a 'BETA' version of the system, so the rewards for winning haven't been included yet.
    - There are plans to reward the strongest guild at a later date.

    3. The Trading System will change.
    - Tokens are no longer required to trade with other players.
    - Trading with players who don't have Token Benefits will cause the equipments to become untradable afterwards.
    - Please consider making use of the trading future, in case of further changes to trading in the future.

    4. Chat has been improved.
    - Chat Rooms Font & Colour will change.
    - Fixed a problem with having certain emoticons without having used the item for it.
    - The chat windows will change so that time-stamps will be displayed. ( TN: This was Removed last patch )
    - Changes have been made to the chat buttons to help users distinguish chat types.
    - Chatting will no longer obscure the team name in chat if it has a large amount of characters.
    - The colour of item links in chat will change for simplicity.

    5. 'Targeted Skill Speed' has been added to the Options Menu.
    - By increasing the slider in the options, you can control the sensitivity of targeted spells.
    ※ ( TN: a higher value means the targeting reticle will move faster, basically a sensitivity option )

    6. Loading screens have been updated with Tips providing relevant information about changes to Trading, Chat.
    7. The waiting time before starting a Team Battle League Match has changed to 1 minute.
    8. When casting [Cloaking], your appearance will be translucent to allies.
    9. Iron Skin: Reflect Attribute has had its icon updated.
    10. The 'Staggering' Debuff (Caused by Umbo Blow/Guarding) tool-tip will be updated.
    11. The debris has changed when hitting [Ice Wall] with a [Gust] Skill.

    12. Some Skill Tool-tips have been updated.
    ※ (TN: There is a table, it doesnt import nicely here. update soon )

    [New TP Items]
    1. 2 Premium hairstyles have been added to the TP Store.
    - Noble Dandy Cut (M) / Braided Pony Tail (F) - (198TP Ea.)

    2. 2 Coloured Lenses have been added to the TP Store.
    - Crimson Lens / Black Lens - ( 49 TP Ea.)

    Some skills will receive the following changes:

    [Swordsman Classes in General]
    - Whilst sprinting, you now also gain a 30% Resistance to negative status ailments.
    - The Attack Power gained from the STR stat will be increased by 30%

    - Skyliner: Skills animation time has been decreased, and can also now be canceled.

    - Pouncing: Skills hit range has been increased, Damage will also apply a little bit faster.

    [Schwarzer Reiter]
    - Retreat Shot: Using basic attacks during Retreat Shot will now properly end the skill & further attacks become basic attacks again. ( TN: You can no longer use both at the same time. )

    Source: http://tos.nexon.com/community/tosnotice/view.aspx?n4ArticleSN=363
    Translation by Gwenyth @TOS Forums.
    nhockpro269 thích bài này.
  19. korro0403

    korro0403 Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    tóm tắt patch trên

    [All Swordsman Series Classes]
    - Increase harmful debuff resistance by 30% when dashing (running)
    - STR state gives 30% bonus physical attack
    nhockpro269 thích bài này.
  20. nhockpro269

    nhockpro269 Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
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