(>* 0*)>TREE OF SAVIOR<(*^ *<) - Mở rộng Thị trấn Klaipeda

Thảo luận trong 'Thảo luận chung' bắt đầu bởi nhockpro269, 15/11/13.

  1. o0hoangsea0o

    o0hoangsea0o Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    mithrill giờ bán đầy chợ
    all hail botter =))
  2. nhockpro269

    nhockpro269 Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Chưa bao giờ yêu botter đến thế =))=))
  3. korro0403

    korro0403 Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    craft xong max peta + sissel gói gọn trong 8m :-(||>
  4. enbeen

    enbeen Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hồ Chí Minh
    Đù móe, mình mang cân tiểu ly ra so sánh mới chọn gung ho, h nó chơi thế ko lẽ reset skill =))
  5. o0hoangsea0o

    o0hoangsea0o Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    trước buff thì gungho ngon hơn giờ thì rõ ràng là contren =))
  6. ™Thần Long™

    ™Thần Long™ T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Mới đi rush 90 với ông nhokpro , móa hên vãi đái , double arde bác ơi :9cool_sweet_kiss::9cool_sweet_kiss:
  7. nhockpro269

    nhockpro269 Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Ông đc 2 cây adre liền???
  8. o0hoangsea0o

    o0hoangsea0o Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    2 thì phải chia 1 thôi :-ss
  9. Azeto

    Azeto Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    giữa tháng rồi mà chưa thấy động tĩnh gì của bọn IMC cho cái balance patch để khổ dâm reroll cleric full sup, high con full spr :-(||>
  10. ™Thần Long™

    ™Thần Long™ T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    mở luôn 3 cube ra 2 cây :1cool_byebye: đang kẹt tiền vs lại sắp hết token :9cool_pudency:
  11. nhockpro269

    nhockpro269 Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Mua token sớm ko lại tăng giá đấy
  12. boyXHD

    boyXHD Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    Token còn 86 ngày, từ lúc chơi game mua đúng có 3 cái hồi 300k còn đâu là vẫn còn lúc nạp pack đầu
  13. enbeen

    enbeen Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hồ Chí Minh
    Token giờ nó giữ tầm 700~750 rồi
    Nếu thăm chợ mà ko thấy giá đó thì đừng mua, chờ 1 thời gian sẽ có người set giá
  14. Ginta1992

    Ginta1992 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cứ nerf buff tùm lum ngta nản cũng phải
  15. nhockpro269

    nhockpro269 Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    14/07/2016 - KTOS Live Maintenance

    The following errors have been corrected.

    [General Errors]
    1. Fixed problem with certain Guild Hideout settings causing users to instantly move to the Character-Selection Screen.
    2. Lord Hamondale's Bracelet's SP bonus was not applying.
    3. Fixed an error where the players hair would fall out causing them to go bald when they wear the Braid Ponytail using the Light Salmon Hair dye.

    [Quest Errors]
    1. Farewell, My Friend (1): Fixed the error where it was possible to get the Boss Card from this Quest.
    - Quest bosses no longer drop cards and should not be obtained via quest scenarios.

    [Skill Errors]
    1. The damage on some skills were dealing twice the normal amount unintentionally.

    - Rush:
    - Fixed error where the skill damage was doubling itself.
    - Hellbreath:
    - Fixed error where the skill damage was doubling itself.

    - Psychic Pressure:
    - Fixed error where the skill damage was doubling itself.

    - Blood Sucking:
    - Fixed error where the skill damage was doubling itself.

    The game has been updated with the following.

    1. Vakarine, Laima, Zemyna, Gabija Servers will be merged into one server.
    - (TN: The server will be named Vaivora from now on.)

    ※ Please check the information below ! It's very important.

    [Name Changes]
    - You can't use existing names when registering a new Team Name.
    - Players with Duplicate team names as a result of the merge have been given a [ Team Name Change Voucher].
    - Duplicate Guild Names have been given a [Guild Name Change Voucher] to each of their guild's leaders.
    - The items given out are one-time uses and will expire afterwards, please use these items with care.
    - For further information regarding the Server Merge Please read the Pinned announcement.
    ( TN: To explain the result of the merge, Duplicate names have been given a suffix of the server they originated from. i.e the 2nd 라그나로크 became; 라그나로크_라이마, 라그나로크_제미나 etc. )

    [Character & Team Level Caps]
    - The maximum amount of character slots is scheduled to be increased to 30. (4 Regular Free Slots still.)
    - 07/28(Thu) The Team Level cap will be increased.
    - 08/11(Thu) Until this scheduled date, players will be able to freely play all their characters on the Vaivora server.
    - ※ 08/11(Thu) Connecting before this scheduled date, If you have more characters than the current slot capacity allows for,you may have been asked to delete some characters in order to access the game.

    [Cross-Server Guild Battle Ranking]
    - Fixed Guilds with name changes not being reflected in the Guild Battle UI.
    - Guild Battle rewards will remain unaffected by the server merge and the rewards will still be payed out as intended.

    2. The tool-tips on some skills have changed.

    - Reincarnate:
    (Old) By manipulating time, you can let a monster appear at the same location where it was defeated.
    (New) By manipulating time, you can let a monster appear at the same location where it was defeated. This must be used in a close range with a monster in order for the skill to take effect.

    - Divine Machine Arrow:
    (Old) - Duration of 10s.
    (New) - Duration of 1.5s

    - Effigy:
    (Old) - Deals bonus damage on the 3rd attack.
    (New) - Continuous use deals bonus damage that applies on every 3rd cast.

    3. For 2 weeks, The [Cola Event] will take place. (14/07/2016 ~ 27/07/2016)
    1) On the 14/07 patch, all Saviors will get a free Skill Reset Potion!
    - All Saviors will be paid 1 Skill Reset Potion. (Please collect them ASAP! they expire on 27/07/2016)

    2) Attendance check for 30 mins of playing, earn up to 10 mil of Silver & Items~!
    - When your team has stayed connected to the game for at least 30 minutes consecutively, you will become eligible for monthly rewards.
    - There's a daily silver jackpot item that's given, there's also a chance at getting a Stat Reset Potion !

    3) For the duration of the event, enjoy an experience buff~!
    - During peak hours, characters will be able to earn additional experience

    4) For the duration of the event [Character Name Changes] have been discounted~!
    - Character name changes will cost 1TP (Originally 9TP). (Discount is available until 28th July)

    4. New Experience items have been added to the game.
    - You'll be able to create new & more powerful EXP Tomes by combining existing ones together.
    - Klaipeda / Orsha Item dealers will sell the crafting recipes to create these new items.
    - x4 EXP Tome: [ Requires 4 'EXP Tome'], and is created with the item [Recipe- x4 EXP Tome].
    - x8 EXP Tome: [ Requires 2 'x4 EXP Tome'], and is created with the item [Recipe-x8 EXP Tome].

    5.‘Golden Hand Talent’ Title has been added.
    - The Saviors Fan Arts that received the most votes will receive rewards.
    - 07/07 - Rewards have been given out for fan art images. Right-Click to use them from your inventory to also obtain the Achievement Title.

    6. You now have a delay when trying to Change Channel/ Character Select / Log Out when in Combat Mode.
    - When attempting to do so otherwise, a window will open with a 10 second counter. The counter resets back to 10 seconds if you attack anything.

    ※ ( TN: I have tested that buffs and casting spells on the floor are fine, however the timer will reset if your persistent ground spells come into contact with an enemy unit and deal damage. CC that deals no damage will not reset the timer ~ i.e Telekinesis without moving target or Sleep works too. )

    The following skills have been rebalanced.

    - Concentrate:
    - On top of the Regular bonus, Further damage given is now added to the calculation with the formula:
    ※ (STR * 0.04 + DEX * 0.02) * (Skill Lv - 1)

    - Restrain:
    - Stun Chance effect: The chance for a stun to occur has been changed to 6% per Level. ( Previously 4% )

    - Skyliner:
    - Now has 3 Overheat charges. ( Previously 0 Overheat)
    - Cooldown is now 15 seconds. ( Previously 0s )

    - Moulinet:
    - Hitbox Width is increased to 20. ( Previously 15)
    - Hitbox length increased to 45. ( Previously 40 )

    - Stomping Kick:
    - Fixed an error where AOE Attack Ratio was not being applied to the skill.

    - Pistol Shot:
    - This skill now has 2 Overheat charges.

    - Cyclone:
    - The duration of the skill is now ((2.5 + Skill Lv) * 0.3)s, Previously ((2 + Skill Lv) * 0.5)s

    - Physical Link:
    - Cooldown is now 22 Seconds. ( Previously 20s )

    - Joint Penalty:
    - Cooldown is now 22 Seconds. ( Previously 15s )
    - Hit Count limit is now (Skill Lv * 10)

    - Hangman's Knot:
    - Cooldown is now 15 Seconds. ( Previously 10s )
    - Debuff duration is now ((1 + Skill Lv) * 0.2 )Seconds.

    - Frost Cloud:
    - This skill now only affects up to (10 + Skill Lv)Targets.

    - Steady Aim:
    - Damage increase is now (5 + Skill Lv)% , (Previously (3 * Skill Lv)%)
    - Now lasts 10 Seconds. ( Previously 15s )

    - Astral Body Explosion:
    - Fixed an error where AOE Attack Ratio was not being applied to the skill.

    - Out of Body:
    - Hitbox Width Increased to 15. ( Previously 10 )
    - Hitbox Range Increased to 50. ( Previously 30 )

    Source Post: http://tos.nexon.com/community/tosnotice/view.aspx?n4ArticleSN=414
    Translation by Gwenyth @ToS Forums.
  16. Azeto

    Azeto Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    nhìn event của ktos mà thèm =P~
    event nó liên tục như thề mà còn phải gộp sever trong khi itos chả có cái vẹo gì mà mãi ko có nổi một cái update tử tế may là dạo này ko add thêm loading screen :))
  17. nhockpro269

    nhockpro269 Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đc cái storage để nhét ống heo cũng ko tồi ;))
  18. enbeen

    enbeen Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hồ Chí Minh
    Cái restrain buff thành 6% mỗi lv thì hơi bị ngon đấy, mà ko biết cơ chế hoạt động trong pvp của nó thế nào, có giống pve ko?
  19. o0hoangsea0o

    o0hoangsea0o Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    game bên kr toàn thế
    cứ event nối event mà đồ event rất hay bao gồm đồ cash, thậm chí còn có cho cả cash :@)
  20. Azeto

    Azeto Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ờ đúng quên mất cái đấy :))
    mong tuần sau nó merge code update luôn như bên ktos để còn có nghị lực cumback :))

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