Borderlands : Phiêu lưu vùng biên

Thảo luận trong 'Thảo luận chung' bắt đầu bởi Mr.Zero, 27/10/09.

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  1. Masterchiefs

    Masterchiefs Space Marine Doomguy

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    Bi giờ có ai chơi ko này , có thì PM Yahoo nhé :D
  2. AzuReTemple

    AzuReTemple The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

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    TP HCM
    ok đọc xong cái change log :)) như vậy là sẽ fix 1 số bug ngon như thả nhìu con bloodwind :(( nhưng tăng thêm nhìu thứ cho bảng skill :)) đang chơi con sniper nên chỉ quan tâm mấy cái này

    p/s : tí nữa sẽ up + cài cái gamespy chiến onl thử xem :x :x
  3. Mrphung

    Mrphung シェンムー Ryo Hazuki Winner Game Award 2024 Lão Làng GVN Sorcerer

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    Chơi luôn đi :D Mà bạn dùng patch mấy đấy?
  4. Stormtrooper

    Stormtrooper Dragon Quest

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    Ai chơi qua GG Europe Room đi, hiện chưa patch gì, mà lại còn dính bsod nữa :((
  5. Vu2009

    Vu2009 Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    @Thang CT
    Bác sang box rpg nhé
    em dùng patch 1.3.1 ko biết có chen vào được ko nhỉ:(
  6. *Dinh_Bang*

    *Dinh_Bang* Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    San Siro Stadium
    Có con lv 5x, có coop được không nhỉ, lâu không chơi mốc meo quá :-s
  7. Thang CT

    Thang CT Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    5x thì thôi ráng đợi tháng 9 lôi cái CRAPtrap revolution về coop luôn, nó k tăng lv cap nên cứ để đấy :>
  8. meteora1194

    meteora1194 Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

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    The Grid
    Các bác cho mình xin link patch 1.3.1 mediafire hay torent được không?Thanks:D
  9. Masterchiefs

    Masterchiefs Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Có cheats Borderlands nè các tình yêu :D

    Cheat Codes:
    Submitted by: RM

    Edit the "WillowGame.ini" file in the directory: "\..\Borderlands\WillowGame\Config".
    Change the value of the following lines in that file to activate the cheats.

    Effect Effect
    Cannot drop below 1 health point - Set "bDemiGodMode" to "true"
    Weapon slot capacity - Set "WeaponReadyMax" to 2 to 4
    Increase maximum inventory - Set "InventorySlotMax_Misc" to a higher number
    Shoot own teammates - Set both entries of "bIgnoreFriendlyFire" to "false"
    NPCs can damage each other - Set "bIgnoreNPCFriendlyFire" to "false"
    Bosses do not regain health after dying - Set "bBossesRegenHealthOnReset" to "true"
    Resurrect all players when someone dies - Set "bResurrectAllPlayersWhenOneDies to "true"

    Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the number of Gamerscore points:

    Unlockable How to unlock
    Paid in Fyrestone (5 points) - Complete 5 missions in the Arid Badlands.
    Made in Fyrestone (15 points) - Complete all missions in the Arid Badlands.
    Paid in New Haven (10 points) - Complete 5 missions in the Rust Commons.
    Made in New Haven (20 points) - Complete all missions in the Rust Commons.
    Speedy McSpeederton (10 points) - Race around the Ludicrous Speedway in under 31 seconds.
    You call this archaeology? - Apply an elemental artifact.
    Ding! Newbie (5 points) - Earn level 5.
    Ding! Novice (10 points) - Earn level 10.
    Ding! Expert (20 points) - Earn level 20.
    Ding! Hardcore (30 points) - Earn level 30.
    Ding! Sleepless (40 points) - Earn level 40.
    Discovered Skag Gully - Discover Skag Gully.
    Discovered Sledge's Safe House - Discover Sledge's Safe House.
    Discovered Headstone Mine - Discover Headstone Mine.
    Discovered Trash Coast - Discover Trash Coast.
    Discovered The Scrapyard - Discover The Scrapyard.
    Discovered Krom's Canyon - Discover Krom's Canyon.
    Discovered Eridian Promontory - Discover Eridian Promontory.
    Ding! Champion (50 points) - Earn level 50.
    Pandora-dog Millionaire - Earn $1,000,000.
    Fence (25 points) - Sell 50 guns to a shop.
    Duel-icious - Win a duel against another player.
    Group LF Healer (25 points) - Rescue a groupmate from death in a co-op game.
    Weapon Aficionado (20 points) - Reach proficiency level 10 with any weapon type.
    Duelinator (35 points) - Win a duel without taking damage.
    Facemelter (25 points) - Kill 25 enemies with corrosive weapons.
    1.21 Gigawatts (25 points) - Kill 25 enemies with shock weapons.
    Pyro (25 points) - Kill 25 enemies with incendiary weapons.
    Master Exploder (15 points) - Kill 25 enemies with explosive weapons.
    Fully Loaded (10 points) - Rescue enough Claptraps to earn 42 inventory slots.
    Truly Outrageous (15 points) - Kill an enemy with the Siren's action skill.
    Careful, He Bites (15 points) - Kill 15 enemies with the Hunter's action skill.
    Reckless Abandon (15 points) - Kill 15 enemies with the Berserker's action skill.
    Down in Front! (15 points) - Kill 15 enemies with the Soldier's action skill.

    Gain Levels:
    In the first scene, when you're getting the tour with the scrap robot, follow him
    all the way through to the small campsite with the car up on the lift next to the
    burning tires. Collect all the loot (guns, money) along the way and kill all of the
    guys. Once everyone is dead simply pause the game and go to exit. It will save your
    character (level & loot) and start you at the very beginning upon loading your game.
    You can repeat this as many times as you'd like!

    Reload Quickly:
    Watch your reload animation. As soon as the cartridge is removed (or rounds are being
    inserted), perform a melee and the gun will finish reloading. Do this to save time and
    possibly your life.

    Claptrap locations:
    The Claptraps can be found at the following locations:

    1. Sledge's Safehouse
    2. The Lost Cave
    3. New Haven
    4. Tetanus Warren
    5. Earl's Scrapyard
    6. Krom's Canyon
    7. Old Haven
    8. Trash Coast
    9. The Salt Flats
    10. Crimson Fastness

    Critical hits:
    It is important to try to get critical hits on enemies so you kill them quicker and get
    additional XP. To get a critical hit on a human, shoot it in the head. If you use a sniper
    rifle, it will usually kill them instantly. For a Skag, shoot it in the face when its mouth
    is open. This varies depending on the type. For the pups, shoot them while they roar at you.
    For adults, quickly shoot them while they jump at you. For the spitters, shoot their mouths
    while they fire their poison projectile at you. Critical hits are easiest at close range
    with a shotgun or scattergun.

    Item Storage using an Alternate Character:
    An effective, but annoying, way to store your extra stuff is to create an alternate character
    that is only for holding your extra stuff. Just create a new character, load a co-op game
    with both your main character and your new level 1 character and give them the items you want
    to put up. Log back in to your level 1 character and give the items back to your main character
    when you need them. This can be really useful when you find weapons and items that are above
    your level, or are saving them to give to a friend's character.

    Duplicate Items:
    To make a copy of any item you'll need a cooperative partner in a multiplayer game. Simply
    drop what you want to make a copy of on the floor, exit the game without saving, leaving
    your friend free to grab it. When you return, you'll have your copy of the weapon still,
    and your friend can hand you the other. This works on all guns, shields, and class mods,
    and can be done as many times as necessary.

    Easy Escape After Defeating Sledge:
    After you've defeated Sledge (and collected the artifact), exit and save your game. When
    you start you're game again you'll begin at the save point at the very beginning of the
    mission. This way you don't have to backtrack on foot and you'll save a lot of ammo too.

    Berserker Speed Exploit:
    Make sure you're in a fight with more than one enemy and your health is extremely low
    (10-20). Activate Berserker just before you enter Fight For Your Life! Mode, then kill
    someone to gain a Second Wind. If done properly, you should be able to run as fast as
    Brick can in Berserker mode AND you'll be able to fire your weapons. Note: you're not
    able to sprint while using this, but why would you need to anyway?
    Activating his Berserker mode again and finishing it, OR dying will cancel the effect.

    Extra item space:
    Create a new "bank" character for use in Co-op mode. When you want to store an item,
    start a Co-op game with your main character and the "bank" character. Transfer the items
    to be stored to the "bank" character until you need them, then transfer them back.

    New Haven: Secret vendor:
    Notice the garage door across from the normal weapons vendor in New Haven. There is a
    hidden vendor behind it. To get the door to open, try fast travelling to the gun machines
    in New Haven, Rust Commons West, and Middle of Nowhere. Return to New Haven and the garage
    door might be open.

    "Bandit Treasure" quest:
    Fast travel to Old Haven and follow the left wall after you get in to reach a pile of dead
    bandits. Notice the glowing bandit or glowing key nearby that starts the quest.

    Unlimited guns and money:
    Find a respawning weapons case. For example, in New Haven, there are five weapon crates
    that respawn every time you load the game. Three are on the roofs (above the truck stop,
    west staircase over the bar, and above the west gate -- jump from canopy). The repaired
    claptrap opens another crate behind some steel plates, and there is one more weapon crate
    north east behind a junk hill under a large canvas canopy. Note: There are a few bandits
    and aliens that spawn here. Collect the contents of the crates, quit the game, resume and
    collect them again. Repeat this until you get your desired weapon and sell the excess
    guns to get as much money as desired.

    Treacher's Landing: Barrel scene:
    Go to Treacher's Landing, then the secret dock in the southeast. Shoot the yellow barrel
    to the right of the dock. Then, shoot the green barrel in the far trash pile to the east
    of the boat. Shoot one of the blue barrels on the boat. Finally, shoot the red barrel in
    the water to the left of the boat.

    Pulp Fiction reference:
    The names of the ships in "That Sinking Feeling" mission are Righteous Man, Great Vengeance,
    and Furious Anger. Each of those names is found in the biblical lines quoted by Samuel L.
    Jackson's character in Pulp Fiction.

    Demigod Mode (Invincibility):
    Go to My Documents\My Games\Borderlands\WillowGame\Config\ and open WillowGame.ini. Search
    for "bDemiGodMode" (without quotes) and change it to bDemiGodMode=true. You'll take damage,
    but you'll stay on at least 1 health no matter how long you're getting attacked for.

    Easy 20,00 EXP:
    As soon as you are able to get a vehicle, find a safe place away from enemy spawn points
    and find a way to keep the trigger held down (tape? rubber band?). Just walk away for a
    few hours and after you have unloaded 100,000 shots from the vehicle you will get 20,000

    Quick Money and Items:
    Want purple and orange items without having to kill a single enemy? Once you get to "New
    Haven," head to the save/transport post near "Scooter" and save your game. Then, there
    are 2 red chests and 3 silver chest in town...4 of them on rooftops, and one that the
    claptrap rescue opens for you. Just loot them all, keep what you want, sell what you don't
    want and then save your game. Log off, then log back in to repeat the process. Check all
    the vending machines each time as they will offer great items as well.

    Here is a rundown of the loot route from at the save/transport post near Scooter:

    -=Red Chest #1 =- On the roof of the building directly right of the save post. Go to the
    side with the yellow barrel, jump few times and you are there.

    -=Silver Chest #1 =- From the save post, turn directly left and go up the stairs, keep going
    in the same direction, cross the wood plank and then jump the railing to the other building.
    Turn a slight right around the corner.

    -=Red Chest #2 =- from Silver Chest#1...some tricky jumps, but not too hard. Simply look out
    to the red tarp hanging over a little platform and make a running jump to land on the tarp.
    Then turn around till you see the Red Chest, make another jump (not too high or you will
    get caught on the red tarp over the chest and fall off).

    -=Silver Chest #2 =- After completing the Claptrap Rescue this Silver Chest will be in a
    little shed across the courtyard from the Bounty Board (you just have to crouch to get
    in there).

    -=Silver Chest #3 =- From the save post go forward and go up the stairs where the dollar
    sign and arrow are. Hop on top of the washing machine, then on top of the roof with
    the big antenna. The Silver Chest is behind it.

    Defeating "The Destroyer" Boss:
    This creature is from another dimension and is massive with a health level to match. This
    creature is a mountain of flesh with several tentacles that can re-spawn as the battle
    progresses. It has a blue-lighted cave that seems to be its eye. Most of the tentacles have
    large glowing orbs about halfway down their length. Shooting the orbs will destroy the
    tentacles. Start the battle by running toward the creature and then hiding behind a pillar
    that is located to the right or left just out of range for the tentacle's reach. From here,
    take out all but one tentacle that you can see easily from that point. Destroy the ones you
    cannot see easily by peeking around and taking shots at the orbs, but return to your hiding
    point. This pillar will shield you from missile-like attacks, and later from the eye that
    shoots a beam weapon. If you get reduced to zero health, you can take out one of the orbs on
    the tentacle that you can see easily to be revived before you get killed and have to respawn.
    It is like killing another enemy. This is the reason why you must keep one tentacle. If you
    do get killed, the creature recovers all health but you will respawn in front of the creature.
    Once again, you can run to your pillar of protection hiding place. A few times in the battle,
    the tentacles will spawn and you have to take them out again. The tentacles are the source
    for the missile-type weapon it attacks with. As you reduce the number of tentacles it also
    reduces the about of missiles flying at you. With the tentacles nearly gone, you can now focus
    your attack at the mouth/tongue and its eye for the critical shot. Continue this process when
    the tentacles respawn. Having weapons that have unlimited ammunition or having ones that
    create ammo is very useful with the large amount of health level that this Boss has.

    Unlimited pistol ammunition:
    The pistol that regenerates ammuntion can be use to gain ammo for any pistol. Equip the
    regenerating pistol to build up ammunition, then switch to any other pistol.

    Easy experience:
    Successfully complete the game. Make sure you are about level 40 with your first character.
    Start a split screen game with a new character that you want to level up quickly. Find a
    location with lots of enemies that are easy to kill (for example, the lost cave with the
    crabs and leveled up Skags). Make sure your high level character was saved in the area you
    wish to go to, and load them as the host with the other character as the second player.
    Leave them by the new-u station and go to town with your high level character. Your other
    character will gain levels almost instantly. This begins to slow down about the mid to high
    level 20s, but you will be able to level them up to about level 35 relatively quickly. When
    start a single player game with the lower character, you will start out with an extremely
    high level character and be able to play through the game easily and collect more loot.
    This is a great way to make many different characters.

    A sci-fi / action RPG from acclaimed developer Gearbox, Borderlands
    combines the best in first-person action with player customization
    and vehicular combat for incredible layers of gameplay depth. The
    game features a groundbreaking content generation system allowing
    for near-endless variety in missions, environments, enemies, weapons,
    item drops and character customization. Borderlands allows for multiple
    players to share the same game experience simultaneously online in co-op
    gameplay. Players can freely join or leave each other's games at anytime,
    or choose to play in the full single-player mode. The game also boasts
    lifelike character animations, impressive real-time physics, and customizable

    * Choose from an arsenal of hundreds of thousands of weapons, each with their
    unique manufacturers, specifications and advantages. A revolutionary new
    content generation system provides for near infinite tools of destruction.
    * Borderlands is built from the ground-up to be an exciting and intuitive co-
    operative multiplayer experience that rewards players for executing advanced
    strategies and tactical maneuvers
    * Players earn experience and gain proficiency in a number of specialties as
    they do battle with enemies
    * Get behind the wheel of and engage in intense vehicle-to-vehicle combat,
    complete with extensive damage modeling and spectacular explosions
    * Experience the action and creativity derived from the pedigree of one of
    gaming’s most innovative and respected developers.
  10. Hiendaoduc

    Hiendaoduc ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    Cái willowgame.ini dễ hiểu mà, vào đấy chỉnh là xong tất :)) Mà cần mỗi cái DemiGod là ổn >:)
    Dạo này coop với mấy ông bạn toàn đi crawmerax, đi mãi chán quá rồi :-< Bao giờ mới có Claptrap Revo :-<
  11. Mrphung

    Mrphung シェンムー Ryo Hazuki Winner Game Award 2024 Lão Làng GVN Sorcerer

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    Mà ai chỉ hộ cách coop qua hamachi cái, hình như lập host rồi còn phải copy ID của đứa host vào đâu thì mơi nhìn thấy room được đúng không? Hồi coop ArmA2 cũng phải làm thế nhưng Borderland thì chẳng biết điền ID vào đâu :( Mà mọi người add nick gamespy của nhau coop cho nhanh, cái gg của tớ chẳng hiểu sao chẳng add friend được nữa :(

    Btw, ai muốn coop qua gg thì vào room Asia nhé, đang host 1 cái ở đó.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 29/8/10
  12. AzuReTemple

    AzuReTemple The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    TP HCM
    cái gamespy để chơi onl là gamespy arcade phải ko mọi người , có đóng phí kìa :-ss
  13. Stormtrooper

    Stormtrooper Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ko phải, Hamachi là giả mạng LAN, vào server Hamachi xong rồi lập phòng ở LAN rồi tìm trong đó, tương tự với Garena. Mà LAN thì sao add friend đc 8-}
    Đóng phí là dạng khác, chứ nếu connect bt thì chỉ cần đăng kí 1 cái tài khoản (free) là ok.
  14. Mrphung

    Mrphung シェンムー Ryo Hazuki Winner Game Award 2024 Lão Làng GVN Sorcerer

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    Ý tớ là add friend rồi chiến bằng internet luôn, đỡ phải qua LAN :D
  15. AzuReTemple

    AzuReTemple The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    TP HCM
    à :| lên trang chủ của gamespy arcade down cai link 2.05 ko dc mới kinh :| ai có link qăng cho cái đi

    mà cái game spy này là onl chính thức hay 1 dạng giả lan như garena ?

    ý mà có 2 loại là arcade với 3d , mình xài cái nào nhỉ :|
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 29/8/10
  16. Vu2009

    Vu2009 Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    bác lên gamespy đăng ký cái nick là được.Gamespy là chơi online chơi lag lắm,hôm qua vừa thử chơi lan qua garena thấy ổn định hơn nhiều
  17. AzuReTemple

    AzuReTemple The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    TP HCM
    mới tham quan khu zombie . khá là đã ;;) mà ghét nhất bọn eater cứ tấn công là thấm :| mà cái dlc này mặc định là lv 25 ? hay là tại tui lv 25 sẵn nên quái ở đó tính từ 25 lun ???

    bảng đầu tiên làm hết nhiệm vụ của thằng crazy earl rồi thì đi đâu nữa nhỉ ??
  18. Thang CT

    Thang CT Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    đi lang thang thì để ý góc trên bên phải, bọn npc hay gọi cho biết ở đâu có nhiệm vụ mới. k thì mở lên xem còn nv nào đã nhận mà chưa làm thì cứ làm tiếp, chẳng bao giờ bị kẹt đâu.
  19. Mrphung

    Mrphung シェンムー Ryo Hazuki Winner Game Award 2024 Lão Làng GVN Sorcerer

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    Hẹn nhau coop mãi mà cuối cùng chẳng ai chơi :-w
  20. *Dinh_Bang*

    *Dinh_Bang* Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    San Siro Stadium
    Chú ThangCT coop giết Crawmerax không :-w Thêm vài bác trên này nữa, lâu không chơi :">
Trạng thái chủ đề:
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