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Thảo luận trong 'Thảo luận chung' bắt đầu bởi pow, 22/10/11.

  1. cuopbien1985

    cuopbien1985 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Game Việt Nam... bao giờ mới có cái ra hồn để chơi
  2. akano123

    akano123 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Mới có update 4gb, có đồng chí nào biết change log ở đâu k
  3. LT_water

    LT_water Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đang kiên trì update và sau đó là tiếp tục kiên trì chờ file Eng... =.=!
  4. darkbool1992

    darkbool1992 Sonic the Hedgehog GameOver Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    hix đang update, gần 4GB cái map Aftermatch :9cool_too_sad:
  5. takamuro2506

    takamuro2506 Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Sài Gòn
    haiz ....! chán vãi hà .... mẹ cái lịch học làm h chả có thời gian thở tý nào @@
    lâu này còn chả buồn mở máy lên nữa ... đi học về là bay lên gường thăng tới sáng lại lết đi làm :(
  6. DVN

    DVN Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Bình thường mình down max speed mà hôm nay origin lẹt đẹt có 2xx KB/s =(
  7. Tommy_VC

    Tommy_VC Battlefield Veteran

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cho update rồi à, xong cái AC 3 là chắc vừa đúng lúc ra dlc
  8. DiegoM

    DiegoM Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    down từ 6g đến giờ mới đc 50% àh. chán ghê :((
  9. solowing

    solowing Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Speed kiểu này chắc sáng mai mới xong,đằng nào cũng đang chơi nốt cái Farcry 3 nên không vội.
    Ah mà đây chỉ mới là update không hay có kèm cả map Aftermatch rồi?
  10. Tommy_VC

    Tommy_VC Battlefield Veteran

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    4gb mà không kèm map mới thì nó update làm gì
  11. opera5387

    opera5387 Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    800kbs suốt 20p đồng hồ, cứ từ từ thôi. Anyway, FarCry 3 năm nay phải công nhận là Ubi làm tốt thật, dự là tay to Best Shooter rồi vào vòng đấu chính GOTY.
  12. LT_water

    LT_water Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    tình hình lúc này là down chưa đc 100kbs... Hãi ơi là hãi...
  13. akano123

    akano123 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Tình hình là check folder thì chưa thấy có map của aftermath :( , mới down dc 40%, k biết về sau có k

    Full changelog và k hề có đề cập đến map aftermath, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
    Các bác nhớ đọc kĩ kẻo lại bảo changelog của ps3

    [SPOIL]We have been busy making some welcome fixes for our PlayStation 3 players, fine tuning a lot of weapons based on your feedback, and tweaking some gameplay mechanics. This update goes live November 27 on consoles, and no later than December 4 on PC. Full details below, including how to download this essential multiplayer update once it is live on your platform.

    1) Addressed “input lag” on PS3
    If you have been experiencing “input lag” playing Battlefield 3 on PlayStation 3, we now believe we have significantly improved this situation for all players.

    2) Improved audio stability on PS3
    The audio dropouts reported by some PlayStation 3 gamers playing Battlefield 3 should now be fixed for the majority of players .

    3) Weapons balancing
    Based on detailed community feedback and data analysis we have made some minor weapon tweaks to recoil and accuracy. The goal of these tweaks, and the overall goal in Battlefield 3, is to give each weapon a unique feel and competitive performance to other weapons of a similar type.

    M416: First shot and horizontal recoil slightly increased. This should make the choice between M16 and M416 more interesting again.

    L85A2: Slightly reduced horizontal recoil.

    AUG: first shot recoil slightly decreased to increase weapon controllability.

    FAMAS: Slightly reduced horizontal recoil.

    G53: Vertical recoil reduced to make this weapon more controllable.

    QBZ-95B: Slightly reduced horizontal recoil.

    LSAT: Hip accuracy has been increased to highlight the weapon’s role as a highly mobile LMG.

    Type88 LMG: Recoil has been decreased to make it a viable option when compared to the M249.

    M5K: Increased horizontal recoil and decreased vertical recoil to focus this weapon as a high damage, low control PDW.

    UMP45: Decreased fully automatic fire to differentiate this weapon from the PP2000.

    MP412: Increased its accuracy to better distinguish it from the .44 Magnum.

    M26: Increased aimed accuracy to be in line with the other shotguns.

    4) Weapons bug fixes
    Fixed the MTAR’s range not being correctly reduced when equipped with the sound suppressor.

    Fixed a bug where suppressive fire had reduced effect on the M16 and M5K when compared with other weapons.

    Fixed a bug where the M5K’s Flash Suppressor had no effect on accuracy.

    Fixed the L86A2 Heavy Barrel’s hip accuracy penalty being far larger than other weapons.

    Fixed an issue with the Mk3 shotgun’s ACOG being low resolution.

    5) M-COM disarm fix
    Fixed an issue where M-COM stations couldn’t be disarmed from the left side while standing up.

    6) Alborz Mountains rock fix
    Rocks and stones collision tweaked on Armored Kill maps. Players should no longer be able to exploit a collision issue that allowed them to hide inside rock formations.

    7) Operation Shield/Alborz Mountains Tank Superiority area fix
    Tank Superiority visual combat areas fixed on Operation Shield and Alborz Mountains. There was earlier a 10×10 meter patch on the mountain that became out of combat for US. This was technically already fixed server side, however this will update the actual visuals to be correct.

    8) Death Valley collision fix
    Collision tweaked on the railroad tunnel roof. This fix prevents players from being able to hide inside the railroad tunnel roof.

    9) Sharqi Squad Rush spawn fix
    Players would sometimes spawn out of combat if spawning shortly after the first M-COM explodes on Squad Rush on Sharqi Peninsula. With this fix, spawn points have been moved back to prevent this from happening.

    10) Alborz Mountains Squad Rush fix
    Cameras were incorrect in the spawn menu, pointing to old locations and not where you would actually spawn in. This has now been fixed.

    11) Gunship balancing changes
    We have now removed the gunship FLIR view (the position is still available, just not the black/white view) and decreased the damage radius of cannon explosions. This was done because of balancing reasons. Previously it was too easy for the gunner to get visual contact on enemy soldiers on the maps, and the splash damage is reduced to make it harder to kill infantry from the cannon seat.

    12) Mobile Artillery spawn bug fixed
    Two players can no longer spawn into the Mobile Artillery. This was a spawn-in-menu bug on the Operation Shield map which has now been fixed.

    13) Tweaked hard to get medals
    Looking at the persistence system, we could see that a number of the hard to get medals were actually too hard to achieve (in our opinion based on our intended design). While we never meant for all medals to have an equal distribution, the hardest ones were still intended to be more achievable than they have proven to be so far. Therefore, we have slightly decreased the prerequisites to achieve a number of the hardest to get medals in the game. One positive side effect (if you like playing Recon) is that we will likely see a slight bump in the Recon kit’s average Score Per Minute overall.

    How to download the latest update (Multiplayer Update 5)
    Patch goes live: November 27
    How to download patch once it is live: When starting the game, the patch will automatically download. It is mandatory to accept this download if you want to play the game.

    Patch goes live: November 27
    How to download patch once it is live: When starting the game, you will get a popup notifying you that Multiplayer Update 5 is available. It is not mandatory to accept this, but we advise you to do so. Otherwise, you can find Multiplayer Update 5 both on Xbox Live Marketplace and in our in-game store as a manual download.

    Patch goes live: No later than December 4
    How to download patch once it is live: As soon as you start your Origin client, the latest game update will automatically start downloading (unless you’ve disabled the option “Automatically keep my games up to date”, in which case it will start downloading when you try to run the game). In Battlelog, you will be notified from the Game Manager. Once you acknowledge the update, it will start downloading within the Origin client.[/SPOIL]

    Thêm 1 cái log nữa
    [SPOIL]Server update change list

    We’ve seen a lot of interesting discussions in the community on which order you want the weapons to appear in Gun Master mode – Now we are giving server admins the choice to decide between six different presets, each bringing a twist to this popular game mode in Close Quarters and Aftermath. The available weapon progressions are: Normal (default), Normal Reversed, Light Weight, Heavy Gear, Pistols Only, Snipers Heaven, US Arms Race, RU Arms Race and EU Arms Race.

    Normal Reversed reverses the gun order but keeps the knife as the ending of the match. Light Weight is for players who love to play with PDW’s for a really fast paced round. Heavy Gear was added for the Assault and Support players out there wanting to only play with their favorite weapons – and to add a big bang we introduced the C4 just before the final knife kill requirement! Pistols Only is added for the pistol lovers, which also results in a bit of a slower paced version of Gun Master than the other lists. Snipers Heaven is for the skilled snipers out there wanting to prove their aim going from slow to medium paced games, ending with the new crossbow weapon that we’re bringing in from our latest expansion pack Aftermath. US Arms Race, RU Arms Race, and EU Arms Race all have unique weapon progressions focused only on weapons manufactured in each respective region.

    We hope you will enjoy these new Gun Master options. Let us know what you think in the comments below!

    It is now possible to Quick Match into Hardcore and Infantry Only servers on PC.

    Servers where the number of players drop below 4 will go back to a pre-round state. Note that you will not lose any progression because of this – the current round will end, but a Battle Report will be sent as normal before the server goes into the pre-round state.

    We now limit the number of times you can get scores for arming and disarming M-COM stations to 6 times per 180 seconds. This is to prevent people from taking turns on arming/disarming the M-COM stations to artificially boost their stats.

    Matchmaking – How does it work?
    There has been some confusion as to how our Quick Match matchmaking system works. We’ll try to clear that up below.

    For your server to receive players from the Quick Match matchmaking system it needs to fulfill these requirements:

    1) The server max player count must not differentiate more than 25% from any preferred game mode player count in your rotation. For example: A server that has Conquest Large (64 players) and Tank Superiority (24 players) in the same rotation cannot fulfill this requirement and will therefore not receive players from the Quick Match matchmaking system.

    2) You need to be running the Normal preset on a console server and Normal, Hardcore or Infantry only on PC servers.

    3) Game mode ticket count must be between 50% and 1,000%.

    PC players can check if their server will receive matchmaking traffic with the RCON command: serverinfo (the last Boolean tells you whether it’s enabled or not). In addition to being match-makeable, your server will also need to have at least one player joined for the matchmaking system to send any Quick Matching players to it.

    PC client update live
    Today, we also rolled out the latest game update for PC. This is the same game update that console players received last week, featuring a number of tweaks and fixes. You can see the full change list in this earlier News post.[/SPOIL]

    Fix mcom chỉ đc arm 6 lần trong 3 phút, thế thì 2 bên đang giành nhau, đang arm thì ăn limit số lần thì coi như thua ah, fix toàn ba cái j đâu k
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 3/12/12
  14. DiegoM

    DiegoM Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    mới 71% còn 2 tiếng :(.....................
  15. LT_water

    LT_water Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    nói rồi, cái này nó update kiểu như torrent, đc bao nhiêu lưu vô HDD hết nên mệt cứ tắt máy ngủ, mai rảnh thì resume lại ok ko lỗi gì hết... chính mà down cái kiểu như IDM mới sợ ấy, stop cái rồi kéo lại nhiều khi hư luôn... Tóm lại, cứ từ từ, ko cần nóng...
  16. opera5387

    opera5387 Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Trong đây có ai nhận order gói game của THQ ko ?!?! Đang muốn hốt mớ game bundle của nó về cho đẹp acc steam.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 3/12/12
  17. solowing

    solowing Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Có muốn mua lắm nhưng không có visa hay credit card nên không mua qua paypal được.
    Ai hảo tâm mua hộ với để tui gửi xìn?
  18. Eazy.

    Eazy. The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    mai mấy giờ A.Match bắt đầu active thế?
  19. didoka_702

    didoka_702 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    tốn 1$ thôi thì pải?
    nếu thế ai cần tui mua giùm cho.đc thì trả pp ko thì thôi.bữa nào về VN chầu cafe cũng okie :D
    cái Saint row hình như pải trả 6$ thì pải :-?
  20. Kronpas1997

    Kronpas1997 Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Didoka ời, ở nhật bủn có gì gọn gọn nhẹ nhẹ vác về được không? Có bà đồng nghiệp này giáng sinh về đang nghiên cứu xem mua gì đem về.

    btw có dùng yahoo không, add tớ kronpas nhé.

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