Game: Terrain Chess Terrain Chess © Februari 2000 by Rob LeRoy I wrote this in the matter of one extremely caffeinated night, after having come up with the idea after playing, of all things, gldoom - I fell in some water, and, having been tinkering with a different game in Zillions for hours beforehand, thought to myself "Boy, it would stink if my pawns fell in water or something." I then went and wrote out this chess variant, typically the same except for the fact that the board now sports several types of terrain. Below is a game I played of it with Zillions which has most everything shown, terrain-wise. The terrain types are as follows: Nothing - A normal square, before anything has landed on it. It does nothing. Grass - Grass, a harmless terrain type left behind by pawns, and sometimes the King. Mud - A thick brown ooze of dirt and water, left behind by Knights. Water - A large puddle, left behind by Bishops. Ice - A small patch of ice, left behind by the Queen. Void - The absence of all matter, left behind by the Rook. The above types of terrain are left behind on the square that the corresponding piece has just vacated. The terrain types have these effects on pieces: Grass - None Mud - Any sliding piece (Queen, Bishop, Rook) stops their slide at a patch of mud. Water - Only the Rook and Knight can land on a patch of water. The Knight, however, cannot leap _over_ water. Ice - Only the Queen and Bishop may land on ice. Void - Only the King may land on the Void, but the Rook may slide past it. The only exception to these rules is the King - if the King is on a normal unterrained square, it leaves behind Grass, otherwise it leaves whatever is already there. I haven't played this one with other people that much, so please e-mail me if you find any bugs at all. :) You should extract the downloaded zip file preserving path names. Download Terrain Chess Now!
Game: Terror Chess Terror Chess © 2000 by Brian Wong Be afraid, be very afraid... Terror Chess is a Large Chess Variant played on a 11x11 board. All the standard chess pieces in Terror Chess move in the same way they do in normal chess. The additional pieces of the Cardinal, Marshall, and Terror are all well known chess variant pieces. I have graphically depicted the Terror in consistent manner as the Marshall and Cardinal, which makes Terror Chess very easy to learn and play for anyone who already knows standard chess. The idea behind Terror Chess came to me after playing some other large chess variants which used the Marshall and Cardinal with the standard chess set. Games like Capablanca's Large Chess thus have pieces representing all dual combinations of the three basic piece movement types: bishop movement, knight movement, and rook movement. Terror Chess adds in the Terror, which combines all three movement types. Please send me any bug reports or thoughts about the game. I have only played this against Zillions at this time, and would be glad to have some opponents for testing purposes. Brian Wong, January 2000 [email protected] You should extract from the downloaded zip file preserving path names. Download Terror Chess Now!
Game: The Epic Created by K. Franklin, March 2002. A contest between players of the two historical board games, Chess & Checkers. Notable modifications: Captures must be made first - both sides. Win by Checkmate(Captured King also) or Elimination of all opponent's pieces. Sliding Chess Pieces may only capture if opponent is on adjacent square. Only Checkers may continue it's captures during a turn. note: Modifications such as seven rows only or capturing for Sliding Pieces made to allow for an even 'playing field' so to speak. Download The Epic Now!
Game: Three Checks Chess Implemented by Andreas Kaufmann, July 2003. Object: Checkmate the opponent's King or check the opponent's King three times. Other rules are the same as in standard Chess. Ý The game is more tactical then standard chess, sacrifices are very common, there are a lot of traps in the opening. Two checks is already a big advantage and may worth more then a piece. Ý Three Checks Chess is mentioned in Pritchard's book 'Popular Chess Variants'. Karpov is said to excel in this chess variant. The game can be played online on Also you can view a lot of sample games there. Please note: Three Checks Chess requires Zillions of Games version 2.0 (or higher)! Download Three Checks Chess Now!
Game: 3D Chess Created by W. D. Troyka, September 2000 3D Chess is played in a 4x4x4 cube. The rules of regular chess apply, subject to the following: Diagonal and knight motion take place in the horizontal plane or the two vertical planes defined by the horizontal plane's rows and columns; In addition to regular horizontal motion, pawns move up (down for black), capture up and to the left or right, and promote on the opponent's king row; No castling, en passant, or two-square pawn moves; Stalemate is a loss. For more three dimensional chess variants, check out Updated 01/20/01 Added variant, added music and sound effects, and improved graphics. Download 3D Chess Now!
Game: 3D Hexagonal Chess Invented and implemented by L. Lynn Smith, May 2001. This is a chess variant played both on a hexagonal field and within three dimensions. Because of the futuristic look of this game, the pieces have been given space combat names. The Scout is the pawn of the game, able only to move one orthogonal from level to level. It attacks only the hexes which surround the move destination of the forward level. By the way, Scouts do not promote. The Fighter is the knight. It leaps one orthogonal level then two adjacent hexes in one direction, or two adjacent hexes in one direction then one adjacent hex. The Cutter is the bishop. It moves from level to level by sliding to the adjacent hexes of the next orthogonal hex. On the level it slides from hex to hex by the connecting radiating lines. The Destroyer is the rook. It slides from level to level by the next adjacent orthogonal hex and slides upon the level from hex to hex which are squarely adjacent. The Dreadnaught is the queen. It combines the power of the Cutter and Destroyer. The BattleStation is the king. It steps like the Cutter and Destroyer. The object of the game is to checkmate the BattleStation. SHIELDS ON FULL!! CHARGE LASERS!! WE HAVE INCOMING!! Send comments to: [email protected] Download 3D Hexagonal Chess Now!
Game: 3D Shogi Invented and implemented by L. Lynn Smith, February 2003. 3D Shogi is played within a 9x9x3 array of cells. Each player begins the game with a force of forty-eight men: twenty-seven Pawn, four Lance, four Knight, two Rook, two Bishop, four Silver, four Gold and a King. Pieces may promote when moving within or from the far three ranks of each level. Pawns and Lances must promote on the last rank. Captured pieces become part of the captor's force, and may be re-introduced at any other turn. Such may be to any vacant cell on the playing field, with the following restrictions: -Pawns may not be placed on the same file with another friendly Pawn. -Pawns may not be placed on a cell which results in the immediate mate of the opponent King. -Pawns, Knights and Lances may not be placed on cells which do not allow for a future move. Movement of un-promoted pieces: The PAWN steps one forward orthogonal. It promotes to TOKIN. The LANCE slides forward orthogonal. Upon promotion, it assumes the power of GOLD. The KNIGHT leaps one forward othogonal then either one forward diagonal or forward triagonal. Upon promotion, it assumes the power of GOLD. The ROOK slides orthogonal. It promotes to DRAGON. The BISHOP slides diagonal. It promotes to HORSE. The SILVER steps one diagonal on the level, triagonal or forward orthogonal. Upon promotion, it assumes the power of GOLD. The GOLD steps one orthogonal, forward diagonal, side diagonal and forward triagonal. The KING steps one orthogonal, diagonal or triagonal. Movement of promoted piece: The TOKIN steps orthogonal, forward diagonal, side diagonal and forward triagonal. The DRAGON steps diagonal or slides orthogonal. The HORSE steps orthogonal or slides diagonal. The game is won by checkmating the opponent King. Download 3D Shogi Now!
Game: 3D Xiang Qi Invented and implemented by L. Lynn Smith, February 2003. 3D Xiang Qi utilizes a 5x10x5 playing field. On each level there is a gap called the 'River' between the fifth and sixth rank of points. Occupying the second, third and fourth level of each players' side of the field is a 3x3x3 cube of points called the "Imperial Palace". The SOLDIER steps one forward orthogonal. After crossing the "River", it may also step one left, right, up or down orthogonal. The HORSE steps one vacant orthogonal then one diagonal. The ELEPHANT steps two diagonal. It may not jump over pieces or cross the "River". The CHARIOT slides orthogonal. The CANNON slides orthogonal through vacant points. By jumping the first piece encountered, it captures the next. The MANDARIN steps diagonal within the "Imperial Palace". The GENERAL steps orthogonal within the "Imperial Palace". The General may not be moved so that it is directly across from the opponent General with no other intervening pieces. The game is won by either checkmate of the opponent General or stalemate of the opponent. A player may lose by three-time repetition of position. The variant introduces a new piece: The UNICORN slides triagonal and can cross the "River". Updated 05/03/03 added variant introducing the Unicorn Download 3D Xiang Qi Now!
Game: Tim's 3D Chess Invented and implemented by Tim 0'Lena, November 2001. The board is a cube, five spaces on a side. There is no pawn double-step, no en passant, and no castling. Win is by checkmate; stalemate is a draw. I designed this 3D chess game with the following ideas in mind: Preserve the concept of the Pawn being a front line of defense. In 2D, a line of Pawns stands between your pieces and the enemy. In this variant, a wall of Pawns performs this function. I didn't like set-ups in which the armies begin diagonally opposed (for example, Raumschach). Keep the board isometric. Use a cubic playing field. 5x5x5 seems to be the best size for a cubic field. Try to use the standard set of pieces. Use two Kings instead of one and require that they BOTH remain safe. This reduces drawishness and makes the endgame more like orthodox chess, meaning that the advantage of a Pawn or Rook may be enough to win. I believe that KKQ can force mate against KK. Use only standard pieces extended to 3D - no unusual pieces. Use full 3D movement. Allow the King and Queen to use the 3D diagonal. Questions, comments, flames: tolena AT earthlink DOT net. Updated 07/20/02 modified notation; added description Download Tim's 3D Chess Now!
Game: Tim's 4x8x4 3D Chess Invented and implemented by Tim 0'Lena, July 2002. Created in 1999-2001 by Tim O'Lena while attempting to develop a logical and playable 3D chess game. I designed this 3D chess game with the following ideas in mind: Preserve the concept of the Pawn being a front line of defense. In 2D, a line of Pawns stands between your pieces and the enemy. In this variant, a wall of Pawns performs this function. I didn't like set-ups in which the armies begin diagonally opposed (for example, Raumschach). Use two Kings instead of one and require that they BOTH remain safe. This reduces drawishness and makes the endgame more like orthodox chess, meaning that the advantage of a Pawn or Rook may be enough to win. I believe that KKQ can force mate against KK. Use only standard pieces extended to 3D - no unusual pieces. Use full 3D movement. Allow the King and Queen to use the 3D diagonal. The ZRF for this game borrows graphics from Robert Koernke's QuadLevel Chess ZRF. In fact, my ZRF was generated by modifying the QuadLevel ZRF. I was unaware of QuadLevel Chess when I came up with mine. In fact, I was also unaware of the Zillions of Games software. The differences are: This variant allows the King and Queen to use the 3D diagonal. This seemed the most natural and logical. My set-up has a King side and Queen side like Orthodox chess. Again, this seemed the most natural and logical. Each opening move has a unique effect in this set up. In QuadLevel, the upper King and Queen are swapped thus giving the set-up point symmetry; each opening move has a twin. I do not use a change-in-distance rule. Pieces have full 3D freedom. My first impression was that, while castling is a good idea in orthodox chess, it didn't seem necessary for 3D. However, after playing QuadLevel chess, the 3D castling grew on me and it is incorporated here. I have also included a variant with no castling. Questions, comments, flames: tolena AT earthlink DOT net. Updated 07/20/02 corrected castling notation Download Tim's 4x8x4 3D Chess Now!
Game: Tishai © 1997, 2000 James Ernest, John Bollinger, and Cheapass Games ( Implemented by Kyle Riff, November 2000. Used with permission. Enter a magical new world that’s exactly like Chess. The sword called Tishai was made to destroy a hostile race of demons who invaded the kingdom of Farnac. After it served its purpose, this magical sword became the focus of a civil war, between the King who asked for the sword, and the Wizard who created it. Tishai is a simple Chess variant, with new rules for every piece, and a unique game objective: capture both of your opponent’s Rooks, and the sword (and the kingdom) are yours. Download Tishai Now!
Game: Toe-to-Toe Chess Designed and Implemented by Peter Aronson, January 2003. Toe-to-Toe Chess is loosely based on Burmese Chess (Sittuyin). It is a game of placement as well as movement and capture. The Pawn lines start at right in front of each other, and there are plenty of short range pieces to slug it out. While the Pawn line starts on the board, the other pieces start off the board, and are placed in the following sequence: Black places 2 pieces; White places 4 pieces; Black places 4 pieces; White places 4 pieces; Black places 2 pieces. Following that, each player alternatively swaps two of their pieces with each other (including Pawns). This stage is repeated three times. Then regular play starts. The pieces are as follows: King: steps 1 square in any direction to a safe square; General: moves one or two spaces in any direction; Chariot (Rook): slides vertically or horizontally up to 4 squares; Knight: jumps 1 square orthogonally plus 1 square diagonally; Elephant: steps 1 square diagonally or straight ahead; Pawn: steps forward 1, captures diagonally, can jump over a piece in front of it, promotes on 8th rank to any previously captured piece, but requires extra move to promote. A longer, more detailed description of Toe-To-Toe Chess can be found at Download Toe-to-Toe Chess Now!
Game: Toroidal Byzantine Chess Invented by Anatoly Khalfine and colleagues, 2000 (its present form) Implemented by Anatoly Khalfine and Ernst Saperow, January 2002 Toroidal Byzantine Chess ( is a no more than old Byzantine Chess played on toroidal rather than cylindric board. It appeared in 1999 or 2000 among the graduates of Moscow Aviation Institute as a variation of Byzantine or Circular Chess. (Both of them are also presented in "Zillions of Games"). The game as implemented is on a very large (600x600) board, so you will need to have your display properties set to at least 1024x768 to play. Updated 03/02/02 a few text corrections Download Toroidal Byzantine Chess Now!
Game: (Toroidal) Byzantine Chess in Rectangular Development Implemented by Anatoly Khalfine and Ernst Saperow, February 2002 This implementation of Byzantine Chess ( represents the relevant circular implementation ( in the form of compact rectangular development convenient for printing diagrams and playing on small displays. The left and right edges of the rectangular are glued so that it forms closed round board. The rectangular development of the circular implementation ( of Toroidal Byzantine Chess ( is added as the alternative variant. It differs from the old Byzantine Chess only by geometry its board. Torus shaped board has no edges implying that the borders of rectangular diagram are glued, namely, left with right and top with bottom, respectively. The game is arranged on a small domain and does not requirs large display, resolution of 640x480 is enough. Updated 07/06/02 revised; new variant added Download (Toroidal) Byzantine Chess in Rectangular Development Now!
Game: Torus Chess Created by Koksal Karakus, April 2001 This is the version of my Besiege Chess, played on a torus shaped board. The lower and upper edges (painted in red) are glued together; so are the left and right edges (painted in blue). So if you come to one edge with, say, your bishop, you can continue your path in the other edge. All of the pieces play as their counterparts in usual chess except a small difference for the pawns. Here, since the board is rotated 90 degrees pawn movement changed respectively. So, the inner pawns move inwards, outer pawns move outwards, all pawns capture diagonally in the direction of their movement, can promote when they arrive to the column that the opponent pieces start the game. A Pawn captures by moving one square leftwards (or rightwards) and diagonally. If a Pawn reaches the far column that the opponent's pieces start from, it promotes, changing into a Knight, Bishop, Rook, Queen or a General. The additional piece, General, can move as a queen or a knight. Since there is practically no edges at the board, it is really hard to checkmate the opponent king. Don't forget the bishops, queens and the generals have unusual covering of the board squares. Download Torus Chess Now!
Game: Towers Designed and implemented by Peter Aronson, September 2001. The goal of Towers is to capture the opposing Castellan by intervention (getting between) or interception (surrounding), or to move your Castellan to your opponent's red square. A player with no legal moves also loses. This game was synthesized from a number of sources: description of the obscure Thai and Malay games of Mak-yek and Apit-sodok from Murray's A HISTORY OF BOARD GAMES OTHER THAN CHESS, Vuthy Tan's description of the game of Rek from his article "Cambodian Chess Games", the Japanese game of Hasami Shogi, the old Viking game of Hnefatafl, and a little bit of Checkers. The piece graphics are from David Howe's Alfaerie set. The game often revolves around long series of forced captures. It is often necessary to consider where a sequence will end up before starting one. Careless play results in very short games. Updated 12/14/02 bug fixed (regarding Castellan movement again) Download Towers Now!
Game: Trans-Dimensional Chess Developed and implemented by L. Lynn Smith, November 2001. Trans-Dimensional Chess is a game played in a gridwork of twenty 3x3x3 cubic fields. The object of the game is to checkmate the opponent's King. The specific rules for this game, being quite intricate, are available in a .txt file named 'Trans-DimensionalChess.txt', included with this implementation. Select the 'Empty Trans-Dimensional Field' in Variant to familiarize yourself with the movement of the various pieces. I wish to acknowledge the works of V. R. Parton, as a great contribution to the field of 3D Chess. Updated 06/28/03 streamlined code; fixed minor errors Download Trans-Dimensional Chess Now!
Game: Transfer Chess Implemented by Karl Scherer, April 2000 Each of the two players plays an two boards simultaneously. One player (BLUE) owns the white pieces on the left board and the black pieces on the right board. The second player (RED) owns the black pieces on the left board and the white pieces on the right board. Objective: Checkmate one of the opponent's Kings. The transfer.zrf file holds three variants: Transfer Chess: Captured pieces can be 'transferred', i.e. dropped in the next move (or later) on the other board. Swap Chess: Like Transfer Chess, but only one piece can be transferred from one board to the other. Parallel Chess: Each player has two boards, but not pieces can be swapped. The tricky bit is that you can choose at any time at which board to move. However, your opponent does not have to reply at the board where you moved! He can keep on playing on the other board! Updated 5/20/00 Reduced board size to fit on 800x600 monitors. Download Transfer Chess Now!
Game: Transparent Chess Invented and implemented by Karl Scherer, December 2000 Object: Checkmate the opponent's King. Some or all pieces are treated as transparent. When a piece is transparent, then a Rook, Bishop or Queen can go right through it and land on any empty square behind it. Variant 1: All pieces are transparent. Variant 2: Only friendly pieces are transparent. Variant 3: Only enemy pieces are transparent. Apart from this, all standard chess rules apply. For more freeware as well as real puzzles and games see my home page Download Transparent Chess Now!
Game: Transpose Chess Created by Koksal Karakus, March 2001 Transpose Chess is the usual chess, but the board is transposed. In this variant pawns are put on columns instead of rows, just as the board is turned 90 degrees. Note that, kings do not face each other, because in that case, as the white queen would make a pressure on g3, this would favor white indeed. All the rules in FIDE chess apply, except castling and en passant. Do not forget that white pawns go upwards, black pawns go downwards. There are also some major variants of chess applied to Transpose Chess, as Extinction Chess, Kinglet Chess, Knightmate Chess etc. For questions and comments: [email protected] or take a look at my web page at Download Transpose Chess Now!