
Thảo luận trong 'Turn Based Strategy' bắt đầu bởi Kronpas1997, 21/9/03.

  1. Terminator II

    Terminator II Youtube Master Race

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    Hà Nội
    Tôi chơi Civ3 duoc may nămm rồi, bây giờ toàn DEITY, huge map, Rome,/(conquest khó hơn hẳn), nhưng mới biết diênz dàn này. Ai có thắc mắc gi tôi giải vao chỗ thích cho!

    Hhehhe :hug:
  2. Kidsmart1981

    Kidsmart1981 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Bạn có biết tại sao ở bản Civ3 Conquest (Với default Rules), không hề nhìn thấy Army nào của máy:D. Mặc dù army ở C3C được cải tiến rất nhiều...:P
    Spam chút cho cái topic này ko chìm xuống.
  3. Kronpas1997

    Kronpas1997 Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    chớ bốc phét là đánh được deity của conquest.
    Chưa cần bác giải thích, trả lời hộ câu hỏi trên đã. Nếu đúng thế thật, cho cái build order xem bác chơi thế nào mà ăn được com deity???
    Máy không dùng army cũng đúng thôi. Nó có khởi đầu hơn hẳn mình, tức lúc nào cũng chiếm lợi thế -> nếu có vớ được thằng leader thì cũng cho đi xây Wonder, tội gì đầu tư vào army cho phí ra. Còn người đấu máy hơn nó mỗi cái điều quân, được cái army là mừng như bắt được vàng, còn hỏi nữa :))
    Chưa bao giờ để comp xây được Academy nên không biết nó có tạo army không.
    mà nói thật, máy mà còn thêm army nữa thì thua miẹ nó cho rồi.
    Nói thế đúng không bác KID??? :D
  4. LacLac

    LacLac Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Cái này không phải nói chuyện chơi giỏi hay dỡ, mà là nói đến cảm giác trước game đó mà. Tôi chơi PTW cũng chỉ dám chơi Emperor thôi, chơi deity thử một lần lâu lắm không chờ nổi, mà chắc cũng không thắng nỗi máy. Conquest thì tìm hoài chưa thấy.
  5. BachLong

    BachLong Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hey chào các bạn! tớ cũng đang chơi bản PTW đây. lâu lâu lấy ra chơi lại cũng khó ra phết. chắc phiên bản mới nâng cấp AI thì xin thua quá. hic.

    Híc theo tớ thì vụ quan trọng nhất trong thời trung cổ và phong kiến là bành trướng lãnh thổ và xây được Cái Tử cấm thành--tiếng anh quên mất-để có được thủ đô thứ hai đấy, bạn nào có cao kiến về vụ này không? vị trí chiến lược? thời điểm? các xây sao cho nhanh?...vì việc chọn lựa này phải khá cẩn thận chỉ xây được một lần duy nhất, không thể đổi vị trí như thủ đô được.

    và bạn nào cho tớ lại cái link bản pacth mới với
  6. Terminator II

    Terminator II Youtube Master Race

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    Hà Nội

    conquét kho ho nhieu nhat la deity!
  7. Terminator II

    Terminator II Youtube Master Race

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    Hà Nội

    Conquest khong dung leader de rush wonder dc!
  8. lanhdiendiemla

    lanhdiendiemla Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

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    Mineral Town
    Trong conquest bọ chúng diploma "cáo" hơn trong cicilIII nhiều rất khó lưà được bọn nó..lắm lúc chúng nó cứng đầu quá phát bực nó thà chết chư không đáp ưng yêu cầu của mình
  9. LacLac

    LacLac Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hôm trước chơi lại PTW, cấp Emperor. Về lực lượng đã là bá chủ rồi, chuẩn bị vượt biển đi thịt mấy tên kia mà bị thua nó cái Space!
  10. Kidsmart1981

    Kidsmart1981 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Thông tin....tóm tắt về Civilization4!!!
    Some of us have been working on a consolidation of the various ideas presented in this forum. The initial section will be contained here and the other sections will be added when they become available. To give credit for these ideas would be more than any of us could handle. Many of these ideas were posted more than once, as well. For individual threads regarding these ideas, see Ybbor's sticky. If you feel something was left out, please PM us or let us know in another thread. This thread is for the consolidation only.

    Economics: See Ybbor's sticky and Trade-Peror's Unified Economic Theory v. 2

    Troop morale: Troops at lower morale would not attack in certain instances; a veteran unit would be needed in the stack to give the conscript unit the will to fight. For the concepts of siege and surrender, morale could affect when a city would fall regardless of the owning player’s desire that the troops try to hold out. In the current hp system the average hp of the units could be totaled and that could be the number of turns that the force would be willing to hold out until surrender occurred involuntarily.

    Supply/Logistics/Operating Range:

    Some people have expressed the desire to model the effects of logistics and operational range for units. The basic idea is that units further away from a "supply base" (city, fortress, friendly territory, etc) would suffer some ill effect (loss of HP, degraded A/D/M, etc). The extent of the effect might further be a function of the unit, tech level, terrain, time away from base, if it is hostile foreign terrain, etc. There are many ways to implement it but the basic idea is to prevent (or make difficult) units operating in locations and distances that, logistically speaking, would be implausible in real life.

    Supply 1: A unit would have a set number of turns that it could operate without tracing a supply source. Failure to be ‘in supply’ would cause degradation of performance.

    Supply 2. Units would need to take supply units with them if they ventured beyond a certain distance from friendly territory. Units could not operate out of supply.

    Early Age units get longer times for operating without supply; sources would be friendly territory or military outposts. Supply units would be added. Terrain effects would apply. Naval units would have an operational range, as well. Possibly make the upkeep cost for units that are far away from the civ cost more
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    Terrain bonuses could be unit specific as well as attacker/defender specific.
    The basic idea is that cavalry and tanks, although nice to have in any army, are best used in open terrain where they can use their movement and (in the case of tanks) range to best effect. As a consequence, terrain combat effects would be modified.

    I. Terrain bonuses/penalties: (Possibilities)
    Mounted and tracked units would have penalties in forest, jungle, marsh and cities whether attacking or defending. Foot infantry would have bonuses in forest, jungle, marsh and cities when attacking mounted or tracked units (not including Mechanized Infantry). Mounted and tracked vehicles would have an attack bonus on flat terrain against vulnerable units. Such vulnerable units would include warriors, archers, longbowmen, medieval infantry, (possibly) musketmen. The following would be immune to this bonus against mounted units due to their specific attack types: spearmen, pikemen, all shooting units that are riflemen or greater.
    Archers and other shooting types would gain extra defense bonuses on ‘high’ terrain, including mountains, hills and cities with walls. This would simulate the better range for these units to shoot.

    Cities would retain their defensive bonus. Thus, if the city size defines the defense bonus, then the highest size the city ever attained would be remembered by the computer and used for the purpose of city size for defending units.

    II. Terrain bonuses/penalties:
    A. The basic ideas are: Early Age units would be assumed to be assembling either on the open battlefield or behind city walls. The terrain benefits for defense would probably remain as they are now (i.e. only the defender would benefit from hills, mountains, forest etc.). If one side had cavalry and the other side did not, then a bonus for the cavalry might be applied for flat lands in non-city combat.
    B. When heavily armored units, such as knights or swordsmen, start coming into the picture, some bonuses might apply based on the climate (guys in heavy armor tire out faster in the jungle, that is probably why the Zulu only carried shields for defense).
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    For more modern units, the idea of stealth and terrain has been suggested. Certain units would be capable of hiding in certain terrain types and bonuses/penalties would likely apply to more circumstances. Infantry would hide in most places while tanks or mechanized infantry might only be allowed in areas more appropriate to such vehicles, squares could be limited on how many units hide, territory would need to be friendly or recently friendly.

    For hiding in terrain the following might apply:
    A. Hidden units automatically get a zone of control attack that comes from ‘somewhere’ with the recipient not knowing where the attack comes from.
    B. Hidden units would get an attack and defense bonus but not outside their own territory.
    In all cases concerning hidden units, the owning player would not actually ‘know’ if his units were successfully hidden (until they were attacked and destroyed, of course). He would always believe that the units hid successfully.

    Guerillas: The guerilla unit would be a particularly important unit for the hiding ability. Two suggestions of guerilla units have been proposed, however this is dealing only with the idea of modern insurgents.
    1. Guerilla units would be capable of hiding in the areas in which they were created.
    2. Guerillas would have lower a/d values but would have some form of ability to attack without suffering loss. This could take the form of a low bombard that comes from “nowhere”, thus not revealing the hidden location, or it could be a stealth attack with the guerilla unit having a retreat capability along with a user-directed following move.
    3. Guerilla units would (possibly) pop up in cities* where there are resistors or somewhere just outside such cities.
    4. Guerilla units that are inside cities could do stealth attacks on installations in the cities and would have the option of making direct attacks on the occupying power.
    Options on Guerillas
    1. Guerillas could be created purposely by a civ whether or not that civ actually has any people of their own ethnicity in the city. The civ would have to know the ethnicity of people in the city and specify the nationality of the guerilla unit he wishes to create. (This might require that the creating civ research the city first!) If a civ attempts to create a guerilla of a nationality that does not exist in the city, the cost in materials is lost.
    2. The guerilla unit would still be controlled by whichever nationality it conforms to.
    3. Guerillas could be created in cities in which the creator is not at war with the city owner.
    4. Guerillas would have to have a separate creation route (possibly cash only).
    5. Guerilla units could be created by special operations forces. A new unit, Special Ops, would be created. This unit would be hidden and would have ‘radar’ capability. It could search for expatriate workers (those that are not the same nationality as the owning player) and turn them into guerillas.
    6. If a Civ loses its last city the remaining troops would do one of the following: become ‘barbarian’ units, become guerilla units that attempt to retake one of their civ’s cities, join the conqueror as conscripts, join a rival civ as conscripts.
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    Automatic Upgrade:
    An idea for eliminating the ancient age units in modern age was the following:
    All units would automatically upgrade when the tech tree created units two techs ahead for that civ. Any unit that is upgraded this way would lose one hp in the upgrade, and would be upgraded to the next level. Units could still be upgraded the standard way (in a city with a barracks) and would not lose hp. They would also be upgraded fully if done the standard way (not one tech behind).

    For example, a veteran spearman would be upgraded to a regular pikeman when gunpowder was discovered by that civ. The regular pikeman would be upgraded to a conscript musketman upon discovery of either nationalism or replaceable parts. A conscript musket man would be disbanded either when replaceable parts was discovered (if the civ also knew nationalism) or when motorized transport was discovered.
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    List of other request ideas that are mostly self-explanatory:

    1. Sell/loan units.
    2. Make the quantity of units a civ can support population dependent
    3. Make units obsolete at certain points (probably when an advanced tech is discovered)
    4. Have air transport units (instead of the airlift capability of airports)
    5. Give submarines ‘hidden nationality’ as well as ‘hidden unit’ status.
    6. Allow 3D battles to be fought out as an option.
    7. Require resources to upkeep units (i.e. if you lose your oil, your tanks don’t move).
    8. Allow great leader admirals to form armadas.
    9. Have a prospector unit that finds mineral resources.
    10. Allow a curragh to carry a scout unit (or explorer) only.
    11. Have a military academy as a small wonder for units to train (presumably from conscript to regular to veteran)
    12. Allow spy satellites that could recon areas anywhere on the map.
    13. As in Civ2, allow pillaging units the option of what to pillage.
    14. Allow worker units to be converted (drafted) into weak conscript units.
    15. Have a “Rally all of XYZ unit to this square” command. This would be to wake all units of a given type (cavalry for instance) and have them make their way to the designated spot. This would, presumably be only for those ground units capable of getting there (also for sea units).
    16. Allow a rock/paper/scissors system in the editor (we already know that Firaxis opposes doing this in the regular game).
    17. Allow barbarian units that get created to be units that correspond to techs that all players already own. This would allow barbarians in the Medieval period to possibly be pikemen, Medieval infantry, knights, etc.
    18. Make different types of units have different costs. Initial thoughts are: Foot infantry cost 1, horse adds +1, armor adds +1 (knights, swordsmen, etc), firearms adds +1, soft vehicle movement adds +1, armored vehicle movement adds +2, range bombardment (i.e. greater than 0) adds +1, launching capacity adds +1 (examples would be carriers and submarines) or +1 per two units, nuclear reactor adds +1, extra armor adds +1 or +2.
    19. Have a history of battle for each unit.
    20. Have a history of combat casualties for each civilization.
    21. Have attack helicopters.
    22. Have helicopters capable of launching from carriers (presumably those in 21, since troops are not carried on carriers in Civ)
    23. Bring back armor and firepower variables.
    24. Make units whose techs are in advanced ages have a x2 or x1.5 bonus in a/d values for each age in which they outclass their opponent.
    25. Allow ‘flavor’ units. In other words, have multiple icons for each unit type so that Eastern Asian swordsmen don’t look the same as European ones.

    Submarines: One school of thought is that submarines should be completely rethought; the other school of thought is that tweaking the current system would be sufficient.

    1. A Submarine would have a ‘zero bombard’ value and would attack based on certain triggers.
    A. Submarines would have readiness levels (peace, hostility, total war). In peace the submarine would be seen if a unit tries to enter its square. In war, the submarine would be seen by neutrals or friendlies but would attack enemies. In total war, the submarine would attack any non-friendly (i.e. not allied) units.
    B. Subs would attack the first unit entering (if a stack entered then the sub would attack the weakest unit entering) and then jump to an open square (other than the one the fleet or ship just came from). This attack would be a one-shot attack before the jump.
    C. If any combat ship that has sonar that entered the sub’s square then tried to enter the square the sub escaped to, the sub would be seen and could be attacked normally.
    D. If more than one submarine was in the square, then the next submarine would get to make an attack and so on, until all submarines had left the square.
    E. The ship or fleet attempting to enter the square of a hostile submarine would not get to enter until all submarines had left, and then there would be a one-key delay (i.e. when trying to enter a sub’s square, the sub would pop up, make it’s attack and then disappear, but your unit would not have entered the square yet).
    F. If a sub has nowhere to retreat, it is seen, however, if there are other submarines in the same square, they would get to stealth attack any ship that tried to attack the sub by any means other than bombardment.
    2. Allow subs to have a designated operational depth (I am personally against this idea).
    A. Submarines would either be on the surface, at periscope level or below the seas. If the latter, then they could not attack and would not be detectable.
    B. Submarines at periscope level would get a bonus to their defense against an enemy attack.
    C. This idea requires that units from different civs (even opposing ones) could stack in the same square.

    Sea Movement: have sea and coastal movement be greater for all ships but have an operational range.

    Allow coastal/sea/ocean interception by naval vessels within a certain range. Have reconnaissance aircraft assist in interception chance (in the later ages).

    Make oceans cost more movement points and then have later-era ships ignore the movement cost.
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    More on units in general:

    Drop UU’s and create a variable combat value for each unit that a civilization gets, once it gets the capacity to produce the unit.
    1. Instead of the standard values being 1’s, the combat and bombard values would be 10’s (for a base). Thus a warrior would be a 10/10/1 instead of a 1/1/1 for a/d/m.
    2. Each civ would gain a variable (up to +/- 20%) to each attack and defense value. The initial thoughts are that a variable of 1-10 would be rolled. A 1 would be –20%, a 2 would be –10%, a 9 would be +10%, a 10 would be +20%, all other values would retain the nominal combat value.
    3. This would allow for the variances that are seen in units even today, where some modern tanks are clearly better than others. At the worst, the variable would allow a 3/2 combat edge for one of the participants. (i.e. and 8 warrior against a 12). Such differences would lend a lot of individual flavor to the game and probably not unbalance the combat in any significant way.
    4. This would allow for the player to create his own feel of having a Unique Unit as a unit that happened to get good values.
    5. Allowing a player to ‘re-research’ the technology or ‘upgrade research’ the technology could allow the player to gain some of the losses he suffered from a ‘bad roll’ or possibly allow him to maximize the unit (although allowing a player to maximize a unit with the current Ancient Age units and tech costs might be unbalancing).
    6. If this system is adopted, the player should be allowed to name his class of unit as well as the individual unit itself (thus, if a civ got a 12/12/1 warrior, he might call them Chasqui Warriors—particularly if he had the Incas).
    7. If a civilization were to ‘steal’ the tech, then a penalty might be imposed on the roll variable (perhaps a –1 or –2) to reflect that they would not have understood the tech quite as completely.
    8. If UU’s were also included in this variable system, they would be able to be tweaked in a much greater way (instead of going from 2 attack to 3 attack, the UU might go from 20 attack base to 28 attack base).
    9. Allow ½ techs to improve unit values. Basically, the civilization could ‘re-research’ a particular technology and gain a bonus to one of the unit’s statistics.
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    Have fishing colonies. Instead of having fish (and whales) in the city radius, these bonus items should be out at sea (or ocean) and fishing fleet units would need to go find them. Once found, the fishing fleet unit would be turned into a colony that would provide its benefits either to a designated city or to the civilization as a whole. These colonies could be attacked (but only upon a DoW and doing so should be a major reputation/AI attitude) and traded to other civs.
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    Railroad Movement: Two ideas
    1. Allow units to get a fixed movement on railroads (presumably map-size dependant), thus any unit might move 20 on rail lines.

    2. Create land carriers. This would include trucks, railroads and possibly armored personnel carriers. These would act similarly to the current "Transports" ship unit.
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    Air Combat: several different ideas have been suggested, most having to do with fighter aircraft being able to attack other fighter aircraft when bombers are intercepted.
    More combat ideas
    Have units have multiple a/d values for the units that they fight. Thus land units would have different a/d values against foot, mounted and air attacks. Sea units would have different a/d values against submarine, surface ships and aircraft.

    More combat ideas

    Have units have multiple a/d values for the units that they fight. Thus land units would have different a/d values against foot, mounted and air attacks. Sea units would have different a/d values against submarine, surface ships and aircraft.

    The following quote comes from Soren Johnson's notes for his slides. It was referring to Civ IV:

    Multiplayer: we have a working mp system already and have been playing 4+ hour games after work
    Fan content: we are keeping all game data in xml which will ensure that almost nothing will be hard-coded. Further, we are integrating Python into the code-base so that the more algorithmic parts of the game (map generation, combat, triggers/events, AI, etc.) can be scripted by the modding community.

    What we are really excited about is being able to use the Civilization franchise as leverage to create an umbrella game system. The time pressure of Civ3 didn’t give us a chance to experiment with accessibility, fan-content, and multiplayer. Civ4 is very much a maturation of the franchise – we hope to see a corresponding qualitative difference in the size of our audience.

    Chi tiết tại:
  11. Kronpas1997

    Kronpas1997 Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

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    Bác kid kiếm được mấy cái screen shot lên đây ko? Ngại đọc quá, có post về đây thì cũng biên tập lại cho ngắn bớt đi chứ. Mà tóm lại là civ4 sẽ cố gắng hết mức có thể để giống thật chứ jề?
  12. Kidsmart1981

    Kidsmart1981 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Đúng vậy....Civ4 sẽ hướng tới một game giống thực nhất....một "real - smart - AI".
    Còn về screen shot....làm gì đã có, trên kia chỉ là những điểm chính mà các nhà phát triển đang cài đặt và thử nghiệm trên hệ thống Python (Python là một ngôn ngữ rất thích hợp cho cài đặt và giải quyết các bài toán về trí tuệ nhân tạo...)...còn chính thức civ4 sẽ như thế nào thì chưa ai chắc được :o (sản phẩm vẫn chưa định hình cụ thể!!!)...chắc phải đầu 2006 mới phát hành ::)
  13. qwelam85

    qwelam85 Dragon Quest

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    Vui ghê gặp đúng dân CIV đây rùi.
    Tại hạ 1 fan của CIV2 Time of .... gì gì đó ( chơi lâu lắm rùi tưởng quên 2001), khoái chơi quân phép thuật, hoặc chơi quân bạch tuộc của phần ko gian.
    Đi ngang qua box TBS mới bít có người chơi CIV giống mình, cảm hứng cũ đến và giờ vác thử CIV3 Stand về chơi, chơi xong thì thử PTW, ngồi đọc 18 trang của topic làm nóng hết cả ngưòi hehe, lâu lắm rùi mới nggồi đọc lâu thế.
    Sở thích chơi China ( nhà + ngưòi giống VietNam quá, toàn chuyển hết tên sang Vietnamese hết hihi). Khoái chế độ Republic, bọn này mà phát triển công nghệ với happy cho dân thì tuyệt.
    Ưu điểm: phát triển kinh tế nhanh, công nghệ dẫn đầu( no hardest), ko cho thằng nào cả( tụi nó toàn sang xin), dân đông, TP nhiều, scout khá.
    Nhược điểm: Ngoại giao tồi ----> toàn bị bọn nó quây vào làm thịt lý do đơn giản bọn nó xin tiền ko cho, trao dổi công nghệ toàn đồ đểu ko đổi, xin viện binh thì lúc nó bị đánh mình sang cứu cả tập đoàn, lúc mình bị dập nó cho 2 thằng sang ----> ko cứu, kéo quân sang hội đồng luôn.
    Quân đội kém : Quân nó đông với cả rải rác lại buid TP như điên, quân cạnh thủ đô nó đông lém, có trận chiến nhau 100 turn ko mới xong, thường mình thắng.
    Củ chuối đoạn là máy đéo dám chiến thằng mạnh nhất toàn quay sang chơi mình, chơi ko lại thì bị thằng to đùng kia luộc.
    Tất cả là trong CIV 2 nên có gì lạc hậu mong các bác thông cảm hihi.

    Cho hỏi một tí, đang chơi thử, CIV3, cho worker vào city thấy biến mất luôn ko hiểu ko lấy ra như CIV2, ko biết xem tổng số nông dân có thể có với số lính trong City ở đâu. Lâu rùi ko chơi các bác chỉ giúp.
  14. Kidsmart1981

    Kidsmart1981 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    hichic..đang bận..trả lời một câu thôi nhá!
    Mỗi một unit tong Civ3 có một chỉ số gọi là "pop cost", mặc đinh thì woker(1), setler(2), other(0)...mỗi unit nếu có khả năng join in...khi "vào thành phố" sẽ làm tăng dân của thành phố đó lên một lượng bằng pop cost của nó....và "ko thể lấy ra".
    Còn tổng số dân của tp có thế xem trong city view(con số bên ngoài là đại lượng quy đổi)
    Tạm vậy đã nha.....chúc civing vui vẻ:D
  15. ROSE

    ROSE Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Lâu lắm mới có người chơi CV3. Đây là 1 số bài viết về CV3 ở gameforviet mà trước đây tôi viết. Các bạn có thể vào tham khảo và cho ý kiến (nick của tôi bên đó là NHH).
    Nếu có thời gian rảnh tôi sẽ cãi tiếp.
  16. Kidsmart1981

    Kidsmart1981 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    To Rose:
    - The first, welcome....
    - Những kiến thức Civing của you bên đó đã trở lên quá lạc hậu rồi, những lỗi ngớ ngẩn đó đã được fix từ những patch đầu tiên.
    Bây giờ đã là Civilization3 Conquest 1.22f(bản mở rộng thứ 2....).
    - Nếu you thích tham gia thảo luận thi hãy quay lại chơi đi (với patch mới nhất)....còn những kiến thức như thế đã trở lên trẻ con và lạc hậu rồi. Còn nếu ko chơi thì đừng có nói gì!!! :cool:
    ................Have fun with Civing....................... is the best:D
  17. Kidsmart1981

    Kidsmart1981 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Hot news :whew: :-/
    (Thông tin từ by Thunderfall)

    Atari sells Civilization franchise (!)

    Atari reported smaller than expected operating loss for the first half of its 2004/05 year and also revealed that they have sold the rights to the Civilization franchise for 15.5 million euros (or $22.3 million USD) to pay back debts. They didn't disclose the identity of the buyer. Atari is the publisher of Civilization III and its two expansion packs.

    Additional info from HomeLAN Fed:
    HomeLAN contacted Atari corporate PR represenative Nancy Bushkin over the phone this morning who confirmed that the Atari will no longer be publishing any more Civilization games, although it still retains the rights to sell its previous Civ games through October 2005. Bushkin would not reveal who Infogrames/Atari sold the Civ franchise to HomeLAN saying, "That's up to that party to disclose that." A couple of years ago, Atari announced a multi-year deal with Firaxis to publish a number of their games, including more Civilization games, and Bushkin said today they still have a good relationship with Firaxis but would not reveal future publishing plans with the developer, other than the upcoming Xbox version of their just released PC title Sid Meier's Pirates. HomeLAN has contact Firaxis Games for comment but has not yet received an answer to our inquiries on this matter.

    Let's hope the buyer is Firaxis! It certainly seems likely considering the fact that Firaxis bought back the rights to several classic Sid Meier games from Atari last year.

    And some debates here:
  18. qwelam85

    qwelam85 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Mấy hôm may chơi thử CIV PTW, mới thử Warlord thu mà đã chật vật rùi, tụi nó, 8/10 nước quây vào muốn thịt mình, đánh một thằng thì 3-4 thằng quây vào, chịu ko nổi, bị nó cấm vận kinh tế thê thảm, tuy dẫn điểm (trong historygraph) nhưng chỉ sau thằng Persian 20 điểm, Aicập 80, Đức 120, ... Ba thằng này cầm đầu 1 lũ quây mình, chúng lập liên minh phòng thủ, thằng này bị dập là chúng rủ cả lũ vào cứu, cứu song sang quây mình, hiện đang cầm cự lên đời vác máy bay đi dập tụi nó.

    Song khó quá các bác ơi, tụi nó đông lém, lại xây đường sắt đến sát biên giới của em, lũ tàu chiến chó chết ở ngoài biển đang bắn đểu các mỏ vàng, 4 mặt thì 3 mặt giáp công. Vừa hoà bình thằng này, thằng khác đã rủ nó xông vào quây mình tiếp, tại em với nó đang dành nhau biên giới. Hiện ác liệt nhất là biên giới với Đức, nó mà lên tăng thì ko bít sao nữa, thằng mạnh nhất tiếp tục dồn quân vào, cứ đà này thì toe mất tụi nó đang buôn bán sầm uất còn mình thì lại khổ sở thế này.
    Hiện nó chỉ thua em 2 công nghệ, em đang cày nhà máy công ngiệp ---> ô nhiễm tùm lum ra, hiện đang nghiên cứu nhà máy thuỷ điện, sau là dầu hoả, đủ tài nguyên chiến lược để chiến bọn nó.

    Bác nào có kinh nghiệm giúp với!
    Cho hỏi luôn kinh nghiệm phát triển ban đầu: Từ công nghệ nào---> công nghệ nào??
    Kinh tế ban đầu phát triển như thế nào, xây worker phát triển kinh tế hay settler mở rộng diện tích??. Chọn chế độ nào tốt nhất khi đó, chế độ nào chiến tranh là tốt nhất??? Quan trọng là ngoại giao, làm thế nào để buôn bán+ hợp tác tốt đây.
    Kinh ngiệm quân sự của các bác như thế nào??? Đời ( trung cổ hay hiện đại, chắc chắn ko thể chờ đến tương lai rùi) nào tấn công thì tốt ??? Cách tấn công như thể nào thì tốt, chia nhiều huớng tấn công hay một lũ xông lên???...

    Mong học hỏi thêm!! Thank
  19. LacLac

    LacLac Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Bạn hỏi nhiều vấn đề quá, chưa trả lời ngay một lúc được đâu.

    Nói chung bạn nên xem trọng công việc ngoại giao, đàm phán. Phải chịu khó và làm mặt dày mới được.

    Khi bắt đầu có chiến tranh thì lập tức phải bắt đồng minh, có thiệt cũng phải làm. Nếu không thì sau vài turn là bọn chúng liên kết với nhau đập bạn. Có thể kích cho chúng nó đánh nhau, sau đó thì mình hoà khi đã chiếm được một vài thành.
  20. Kronpas1997

    Kronpas1997 Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Xin đồng minh, chắc chắn là bị thiệt, mà chúng nó cũng có thằng dễ có thằng khó, kiếm google mà tra 'agressive level' (hình như thằng China hiếu chiến nhất thì phải).

Chia sẻ trang này