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Thảo luận trong 'Giao lưu Ngoại Ngữ' bắt đầu bởi Adonis1707, 26/11/05.

  1. chipnii

    chipnii Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Freundschaft ist wie eine Spur, die im Sand verschwindet, wenn man sie nicht beständig erneuert.
    (Weisheit aus Afrika)

    Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Ich hoff dass wir noch Freunden sind :)
  2. NIZ

    NIZ Blue Wind

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Was meinst du? :(
    Es tut mir Leid,zur Zeit bin ich beschäftig :(
    Herzlichen Glückwunsch nachträglich,Schatzt :-*
  3. thief_fighter

    thief_fighter Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The world god only knows
    ich muss diese Seite auf Englisch übersetzen, hat aber nicht genug Zeit. Falls ihr Zeit habt, bitte mir helfen
    Nur 1 oder 2 Sätze ist auch ok

    Vielen Dank :)
  4. chipnii

    chipnii Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Wann brauchst du es?

    @Senpai: nichts und danke :P
    Ich weiß, dass, wenn deine gf zurückkommt, du schrecklich beschäftigt überzeugt sein wirst, haha ;))
  5. thief_fighter

    thief_fighter Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The world god only knows
    bis Ende August :(
    momental muss ich noch andere Dokumente übersetzen, also kümmern ich darum nach dem ich mit andere Dokumente fertig bin
  6. NIZ

    NIZ Blue Wind

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Eigentlich nichts :P
    Ich muss noch ET 2 Klausur schreiben,deswegen habe ich keine Zeit,haizzz.
  7. chubengudan

    chubengudan Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    morning everybody xD
    nächste woche ist wieder Schule ey... hab ich i-wie kein Bock drauf :P
    udn wie läuft bei euch ^^ ? :P
  8. chipnii

    chipnii Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    @thief-fighter: tut mir leid, ich hab nicht so viel Zeit, deswegen kann ich nur die Häfte des Dokument übersetzen. Außerdem gibt es im Dokument auch ein paare Rechtschreibfehler, manchmal versteh ich irgendwie nicht
    [spoil]For 150 million dollar of investments incentives
    Reasons for the location decision of BMW in America / Region prefered by foreign investors

    With its decision to build an assembly plant for approximately 2000 employees near the airport of Greenville-Spartanburg, South Carolina, BMW has selected itself a region, which is particularly preferred by foreign investors. During the past fifteen years more and more foreign companies not least have been drawn by the good
    traffic facilities (airport of Atlanta), the quality of life and the high leisure value of the employees and the favorable tax conditions of not only South Carolina, but also Georgia and North Carolina.
    Nevertheless, South Carolina has with a corporation tax between 5 and 6 percent the lowest rate of taxation in the south east America.

    During past fifteen years the political fathers have endeavored so active around foreign investments, which gets it the highest portion of foreign investments per capita today in comparison to the remaining federal states. German investors stands on top. Among the rest, BMW hits on the Hoechst AG which has ventured the jump to Spartanburg already in the 16th, Robert Bosch Corp followed in 1985, Bertelsmann AG came in 1986, Adidas the USA settled in 1988. [/spoil]

    @Senpai: na, wie war die Klausur? :D

    @chubengudan: ich auch nicht...nur noch einpaare Tage und dann ist wieder Schule =((
  9. thief_fighter

    thief_fighter Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The world god only knows
    Vielen Dank ^^

    P.S seid Ihr noch Schüler/Schülerin?
  10. chipnii

    chipnii Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Macht nichts :D
    ja bin ich :D
  11. thief_fighter

    thief_fighter Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The world god only knows
    bin neu hier,
    freut mich, dich kennenzulernen. :)

    ich studiere momentan an der HS Pforzheim
  12. chipnii

    chipnii Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    ich freue mich auch ;)
    was heißt HS?
    warum must du das Dokument übersetzen?
  13. thief_fighter

    thief_fighter Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The world god only knows
    HS = Hochschule, Pforzheim ist in der Nähe von Karlsruhe und Stuttgart

    ich muss viele Dokumente übersetzen, ppt Folien machen usw... da ich als studentische Hilfskraft an der Hochschule arbeite

    ich bin fast mit andreren Dokumente fertig, morgen arbeite ich mit diesem Dokument
  14. chipnii

    chipnii Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Aso, ich weiß weil mein Freund auch im Institut der FH arbeitet =D
    Dann viel Erfolg =x
  15. thief_fighter

    thief_fighter Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The world god only knows
    danke ^^
    leider kein Lust mehr :(
  16. chipnii

    chipnii Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    die Lust, keine Lust =x
    aber wieso? bist du zu müde oder was?
  17. thief_fighter

    thief_fighter Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The world god only knows
    na ja, wenn du über 50 Seite übersetzen muss, zumal nicht deine Muttersprache, irgendwann hast du keine Lust mehr
    endlich bin ich mit dem andere Seite fertig...
    nun, BMW in Amerika...
    vielen Dank nochmal, deine Übersetzung ist super
  18. chipnii

    chipnii Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    sehr gerne dir zu helfen ;)
    und du solltest nicht so spät ins Bett gehen, es ist nicht gut ;)
  19. thief_fighter

    thief_fighter Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The world god only knows
    es wurde zur Gewohnheit :(
    jetzt kann ich nicht früher als 5 ins Bett gehen... auch während des Semester und Prüfungszeit
    manchmal habe ich gar kein Schlaf, wenn ich Vorlesung um 8 habe

    anbei die fertige Version, ich habe einige Dinge geändert
    For 150 million dollar of investments incentives
    Reasons for the location decision of BMW in America / Region: preferred by foreign investors
    With its decision to build an assembly plant for approximately 2000 employees near the airport of Greenville-Spartanburg, South Carolina, BMW has selected itself a region, which is particularly preferred by foreign investors. During the past fifteen years more and more foreign companies have been drawn by the good traffic facilities (airport of Atlanta), the quality of life, the recreational and leisure value for the employees and the favorable tax conditions of not only South Carolina, but also Georgia and North Carolina (Charleston). However, South Carolina has the lowest tax rate in southeast America with a corporate tax between 5 and 6 percent.
    During past fifteen years the political fathers have so active engaged in foreign investments that it get the highest share of foreign investments per capita today in comparison to the remaining federal states, with German investors stand on top. BMW encounter among others the Hoechst AG, which has already ventured to Spartanburg in the sixties, Robert Bosch Corp followed in 1985, Bertelsmann AG came in 1986 and Adidas USA settled down in 1988.
    There are three essential factors that affected BMW’s decision for Spartanburg. First, it’s a convenient and favorable location on the Interstate 85 between Atlanta and Charlotte. Moreover, there’re numerous suppliers such as Bosch and the tire manufacturer Michelin, who have already settled in Spartanburg before BMW, and can fall back on BMW. There’re more than 600 suppliers with 67 000 employees altogether that work for the auto industry in South Carolina.
    The deciding factor for the location in South Carolina is unquestionably the tax benefits, which has enticed BMW to Spartanburg. The details, which have not yet been officially confirmed till now, reveal an investment and tax incentives of nearly 150 million U.S. dollars. The incentives should include 30 million U.S. dollars for the purchase and preparation of the company grounds, 10 million U.S. dollars for the connecting roads, 50 million U.S. dollars subsidies for water and wastewater disposal over the next 20 years plus tax credits for each employee. In addition, the state also provides free apartments and subsidized office space. Finally, the state is obliged to expand the runway of the Spartanburg airport for the Jumbo jets.
    BMW is said to have also negotiated with the state of Nebraska; however South Carolina’s offer in order to secure the 648 million U.S. dollars BMW investment which serves as a "crown jewel", was too attractive in comparison to Nebraska’s offer.
  20. chipnii

    chipnii Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Gut gemacht! :D
    Du sollst genug schlafen, sonst ist es nicht genug für deine Gesundheit ;)

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