[DOTA2]Update 7.38 - Dòng nước lạc trôi

Thảo luận trong 'Thư giãn' bắt đầu bởi shuri711, 15/8/19.

  1. I3lacKnight

    I3lacKnight C O N T R A Winner Game Award 2024 Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    pudge scale vô tận về late, chim dam cực khủng, bat rider dư sức nướng hết đám support
    daggeroftime thích bài này.
  2. lehmanbear

    lehmanbear Kỹ sư gọi bưởi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ko thấy con pudge trận trước nó cắn chết con TB full đồ à?
  3. FallenTear

    FallenTear Godslayer Κράτος ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Xem ra Liquid bị lắc 2 trắng roài.
  4. Nekomiya~

    Nekomiya~ Let's Nanonano happily~ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    Sec thua mẹ game 1 luôn ạ
  5. FallenTear

    FallenTear Godslayer Κράτος ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Early WD ăn đc nhiều mạng quá, nó lên shard + blink sớm vl.
    Trong 2 3 combat Secret đánh như rắn mất đầu, ko hard CC - ko focus nổi đc 1 ai.

    Mà ppy đấm mấy ông trong team hay soa mà break lâu dữ vậy nhỉ.

    Dm sv hay bị cc gì mà thức cả đêm để rồi game 3 hoãn sang ngày mai !bem2
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 17/9/22
  6. zerkuhot

    zerkuhot Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Vũng Sình
    secret vs into the breah mai mới đánh ạ :v
  7. otaku_14111

    otaku_14111 T.E.T.Я.I.S Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Crystalis đúng là dạng carry chim mồi như Matum phiên bản yếu hơn, farm chậm vãi linh hồn. Hôm qua cầm Naga khá xanh mà 25p net hơn con thứ 2 có chút xíu.!bung2
    Ngay cả khi team ép địch như ép mía vẫn ko farm dc trong khi rừng thì bỏ trống!choang
  8. Hellmarch

    Hellmarch Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Crystal nó farm chậm, mà vào combat quyết định cũng éo tốt
  9. ngdinhluat

    ngdinhluat The Lone Traveler from Vault 101 Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    Nhìn tụi polar nó giã T1 như này thì giấc mơ TI với người Việt thật quá xa vời
  10. thanhtungtnt

    thanhtungtnt シェンムー Ryo Hazuki Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Balamb City
    Thằng Ana đánh cùi đi nhiều lắm rồi. Đang ko lại đi chọn đánh mấy bài lạ hoắc làm gì nhỉ? Cứ chọn mấy con carry thuần, chơi thường xuyên có phải dễ hơn không? Cụ Topson gánh còng lưng, nhưng chắc chắn ko gánh nổi Ana.
  11. ngdinhluat

    ngdinhluat The Lone Traveler from Vault 101 Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    Đánh carry thuần 2 game ko làm được gì, đi lane auto thua, phải vào rừng farm, mà farm chậm vãi luôn, map sense giờ cũng kém, chết lẻ rõ nhiều. Coi như chấp người.
    Mình nghĩ ana vấn đề lớn nhất luôn ở tâm lý. Sau TI 9, nghỉ lâu quá quay lại mất hết tự tin rồi
  12. lifesyle

    lifesyle Geralt of Rivia CHAMPION ✧Phantom Assassin✧ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    !sacsua vãi combat
  13. FallenTear

    FallenTear Godslayer Κράτος ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Ultra Kill by Ana kìa :)); game vẫn là căng
  14. lifesyle

    lifesyle Geralt of Rivia CHAMPION ✧Phantom Assassin✧ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ta thì thấy quá tự tin thì đúng hơn . Nhiều pha đáng lẽ quay về nhưng cứ dive như đúng rồi .

    Trận void nãy cứ dive thẳng vô bên kia như đúng rồi xong chết .
  15. FallenTear

    FallenTear Godslayer Κράτος ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Rồi xong, enigma bkb blackhole thẳng PA + OK luôn :4cool_hungry:
  16. ngdinhluat

    ngdinhluat The Lone Traveler from Vault 101 Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    Gege, T1 thua team từ div2, lại còn là đội hình cũ méo đăng ký kịp vòng loại
  17. otaku_14111

    otaku_14111 T.E.T.Я.I.S Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Kick 23savage for this? !wait
  18. ngdinhluat

    ngdinhluat The Lone Traveler from Vault 101 Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    Kick gabbi và karl mà, 23 nó muốn rời chứ ai kick
    otaku_14111 thích bài này.
  19. thanhtungtnt

    thanhtungtnt シェンムー Ryo Hazuki Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Balamb City
    Có mâu thuẫn trong team rồi. Đcm ana cứ đánh dở như hạch, trận nào cũng chết 3-4 mạng (số ít), mà cả 3 4 trận đều vậy, toàn thấy Topson nó gánh. Topson nó cay 1, cả team cay 10.
  20. otaku_14111

    otaku_14111 T.E.T.Я.I.S Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Faith_Bian thông báo là sau TI11 nghỉ luôn rồi !khoc
    Phân tích của Faith_Bian ở GF TI10, coppy trên reddit nên ae nào ko đọc dc tiếng anh thì quăng vào gg dịch:
    First, let’s address the elephant in the room: the finals. I found out from friends as well as occasionally going on the internet that many fans were unable to accept the fact that we lost and chose to believe that the games were fixed. I thought about it and honestly it is quite understandable, since I do not want to even go back and watch the replays myself because there were too many stupid mistakes from our gameplay and decisions. Some suggested to me to make an analysis of the games which may help with all the hate, which I thought would be a good idea, however as mentioned before I do not want to watch the replays. I still want to do it however, so I’ll do a writeup from what I remember.

    Let’s talk about what we prepared before the match. Just as y’ said on his post, for the first game we wanted to pick io if it was available, and that’s how we planned our bans as well. What we did differently than planned however was to second pick our pos 1. Before we’ve always second picked our mid hero to keep our teamfights strong during midgame, then picking the carry on 23 or 16/17. Because lycan/ursa combo is not very ideal, plus the fact that we needed to address there naga pick, there was a lot of pressure on our last pick. We had a choice between void spirit and pango and we decided to go with the pango as NTS wanted to try it. Since our picks were based around counterpicking rather than synergy between heroes (for example ame saw ET and tide so he wanted to pick ursa, we picked lycan after seeing them pick lion on 15) we needed to play well individually to win, which unfortunately we did not. After the loss we all knew we made a lot of mistakes. However, at the time I thought that this was within expectations from our discussions before the match started. We knew that they had an advantage going into the finals as Spirit was already warmed up and in the zone since they had just played a bo3, and they had a lot less on their mind compared to us. We all agreed that we lost game 1 because we performed poorly individually and that there was nothing wrong with out strategy of picking io first. And so we decided to do the same thing for g2.

    What went wrong with g2 was that we failed to pick our heroes around the strengths of io. I take a lot of responsibility for this loss. Spirits first two phases of bans and picks as well as third phase bans were within expectations for us. We had our io/lesh which we were comfortable playing into their bane/mag. After they had picked willow on 15, we knew there was a strong possibility that they would pick morph next since yatoro’s morph is quite good, so we picked the morph/shaker combo following xiao8’s suggestion. Even though it wasn’t our best choice here, it was still fine as long as it won us the game. Where the mistake happened was the np last pick, which meant that io would be pos 5, which was the way we were most unfamiliar with playing the hero. What the prophet pick gave us was that if we played well as 4, we would be able to get a huge lead early-mid game, then once morph shaker combo comes online we would be able to easily finish the game. So why did I say this was my fault? Firstly, we only picked prophet after I had agreed to it. I did not have my current understanding of io/shaker support duo at the time, so I thought prophet would be fine playing together with them. Secondly, we did not play the prophet/shaker lane very well, and luna got an early level 3, meaning that we were no longer able to apply much pressure to her. Lesh also was not strong enough after laning stage to come top to push with us. Lesh did not have an ideal lane due to us as well, as the bane in our lane was able to leave the luna alone and help control runes for their mid. This had a big effect on our early mid game, which meant we were not able to play to our heroes’ timings, especially on my prophet. I only realised this after watching the replays and ame pointed out that luna got to level 3 way too easily.

    G3 was probably the game with the most pressure for us. We were playing from 2-0 down, so we needed to be confident in ourselves from right at the beginning during bans/picks. Just before the game started, we huddled as a group and xiao8 encouraged us by saying that “We are already backed into a corner, so do not be afraid and just play your best.” We then said as a team: ‘three two one lets go!’ to cheer ourselves up, which really did help a lot. The match started, and we decided we wanted second pick. The draft went as we thought it would, they first picked mag then we picked rubick undying. They then picked willow, and everything up till second phase picks was well within expectations. When we were picking on 15, I don’t remember if it was ame who suggested picking spec or someone else, I just remember thinking that picking spec here required a lot of confidence, as ame had told me a few days ago that he thought the hero was trash. They then picked PA disruptor, and we all instantly thought of bloodseeker. We knew from experience that BS was a great pick into PA. However, I was quite reluctant as I didn’t like the hero as the offlane, since it’s quite hard to find farm the pos3 BS played more of a supporting role in the team, nevertheless in the end I decided to trust my team. After seeing their invoker last pick, we hesistated a bit picking tinker, though after a boost of confidence from xiao8 we decided to go ahead with the tinker last pick. There was a lot of pressure on us, as if we didn’t play well early game, our counterpicks would not be as effective lategame against a PA superbuffed by mag/voker. However, our support duo did very well early game, and we purposefully took and initiated fights in bot lane only, and we came out early game ahead. Afterwards everyone played well, and we were able to take game 3.

    G4 was very easy and comfortable for us, and the results showed that as well. We knew they would choose second pick and prepared accordingly. We gained back a lot of confidence after the third game. Xiao8 suggested for us to pick mag, then to play around the luna which we were already incredibly comfortable with. Every lane went well, and we all played well individually.

    Now finally game 5. We were all in a high and quite emotional after coming back 2-0 down, and we realised this while prepping backstage, getting ready to go on stage. Our strategy was still to first pick mag if available. We also considered what to do if they didn’t let us pick mag, or let us pick it but counterpicking, or letting us pick tiny on purpose, making us choose between mag and tiny. We had discussed this beforehand, and we agreed to prioritise tiny over the mag. We confidently picked the tiny, and after seeing them pick mag bane, we picked the lycan as well. The only thing wrong with the rest of the draft was that we probably shouldn’t have banned naga, since unlike the ursa in g1, tiny deals with naga fairly well. Coming out of the draft and into early game, we were quite confident. We had lycan+tiny, NTS on his kunkka, as well as supports that we were comfortable playing, which we had also picked according to enemy lineup as well. IIRC we had a tiny lead early game as well, having killed their TB before the lycan was even level 6. With the other two lanes going fine as well, I started to ease up with the nerves a little. As long as we didn’t throw, this game should be in the bag. Perhaps I relaxed a bit too much as a series of mistakes happened afterwards. We smoked botside and went towards top, but managed to catch no one, and tiny also got caught out bot. I got a bit nervous again. We then realised that we were unable to control the ember during fights, so we were unable to confidently take fights and push our advantage. Even though it seemed like we had the better map control, we knew this won’t last for long. Suddenly, we were in a terrible situation, it started as a stalemate, then we started getting picked off and we were slowly losing map control… honestly, I don’t remember much. I only know we tried lots of things to try and get our control back, but unfortunately nothing changed. In my opinion, we lost this game at that smoke previously mentioned. We simply lost too much of our map control because of it. I remember supporting the smoke play, and that someone said that tiny might get caught. I said ‘nah I don’t think they would be there’ then immediately after tiny was dead. There were other more minor mistakes as well, such as our skywrath not silencing the ember in time mid and let him escape, as well as taking a bad teamfight near their bot tier 2. In the end, we lost simply because we did not play well, what else can we say other than they were the better players. Taking off our headsets in the final game I self-deprecatingly said to xinq that ‘you’re now also the fireworks god’.

    That’s all I have to say about the games. Looking back now, I’m sorry that we were unable to live up to the expectations of our fans. We were also unhappy with the results. During these five games, it felt as if we had fell off a cliff, but managed to desperately hang onto the edge, slowly climb back up, only to lose our balance on the last step and fall back down. Though I guess results like these is what keeps eSports exciting and is what keeps me motivated to get to the top. Right now, watching team spirit from the bottom of the cliff, I’m reminded of myself at ti6, though they’ve been through much more than we did, and is a lot stronger. I truly respect and admire their performance throughout TI10.

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