Elder Scroll Online Là Game Tệ Nhất Mà Mình Từng Chơi

Thảo luận trong 'Thảo luận chung' bắt đầu bởi CuonTheoChieuMua, 15/6/15.

  1. fatbuddy

    fatbuddy Youtube Master Race GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Bỏ tiền 59.99 Đô La mua game,
    mà chất lượng game như sh*t ấy, game B2P éo gì mà chất lượng thua xa mấy game F2P :5cool_bad_smelly:

    Cũng thấy lạ là mấy MMORPG của Mỹ toàn copy ăn theo mô hình của WOW.

    Nếu ESO có quest hay như WOW thì không có gì để phàn nàn.
    Đằng ESO quest đã dở tệ, nhà phát hành lại tạo đủ trò để hút máu.

    Mấy MMORPG Châu Âu hiếm có game nào bắt chước mô hình của WOW lắm.

    Đa số mấy MMORPG của Mỹ hay Korean đa số bắt chước WOW, ví dụ như ESO, WildStar, Ragnarok online 2, Aion.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 17/6/15
  2. VladimirPutin

    VladimirPutin C O N T R A

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    Hà Nội
    bỏ tiền ra mà ko chịu tìm hiểu trc, đến lúc bị hớ rồi thì chê như kiểu dc thuê ấy :6cool_surrender:
  3. IceMage

    IceMage Mega Man

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    Hà Nội
    thôi cứ để bạn ý thỏa bực dọc đê, nếu mà mua thật thì 60$ cũng ko ít, tiền đó lên stream canh me hốt được ối game ngon :))
  4. fatbuddy

    fatbuddy Youtube Master Race GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Seriously. Why do you think there are people grinding and finding any way to get exp in your game? Because your rewards suck. I am not a grinder , I hate repeating content over and over but I understand why players getting frustrated with you.

    You lack enough rewarding solo / group end game content that rewards good amounts of exp.

    If your content already in the game like dungeons /trails or made repeatable solo / group quests at VR14 and PVP more rewarding for exp, then people WOULD PLAY EVERYTHING IN YOUR GAME! People would not feel the need to find the "best grind spot for exp!11!!!" because they would not need to.

    It would bring a bit of life to content not usually played as much and people would play all parts of the game, not stick to just one only and grind over and over repeating the same thing because thats the best way to get exp....

    I fail to see how this conclusion escapes you?

    It would even buy you some time and lengthen the content you already have while we wait for new expansions / content in 6+ months etc?

    I fail to see a downside to this? Give exp reward boosts not to mobs, but to end rewards for trails / dungeons / pvp quests / repeatable solo and group quests.Edited by Troneon on March 8, 2015 8:59AM


    Personally I find ESO is perfect for the casual, lore loving gamer. Not so much for someone who loves MMO's in general. The phrase 'the game only starts at max level' has been true for just about every other MMO out there, where I believe in ESO you'd find yourself disappointed if you rush through the content since there really isn't much replay value.

    I've been playing since early access and dinged level 18 last night, me and my friends are explorewhores and take in everything. I guess what I am trying to say is that it is totally understandable that the game might just be way too slow for your and thousands of other players' liking.


    What were they thinking? It doesn't feel like The Elder Scrolls, it looks like something from 2003, the quests are boring, the animations are poor, the combat is crap, it is so linear, there is no open world sandbox like TES games have...

    Just sh*t as f*ck.

    Well I spent £55 on the fucking game, got a few hours out of it and have no desire to continue, one of the worst "MMOs" I've ever played. People say you cannot judge an MMO in that time, but I've played them all and I know how this one is going, then I have to look at what makes it Elder Scrolls... nothing, it is as much Elder Scrolls as SWTOR is KOTOR.... fuck all.

    If you're going to make an MMO as well, at least make it feel like you're in a populated world, you feel so isolated.

    What is up with that prison tutorial? Had voice acting without the mouth animating, lots of running down a corridor for no reason, lots of running to an objective and press E... for some reason that is meant to be fun? Then talking to NPCs as an excuse to make you press E on something else. The worst intro to any MMO ever, my friend uninstalled before he even made it out lol, I almost did too.

    welcome to the cash grab that was ESO....

    make a game that graphically resembles TES but has none of the heart or soul, put the TES name on it..... cash your massive check.

    the game is a joke. if it would have had any other name on it... it would have been just any other MMO. because it has the TES name attached, it needed to be a lot more.

    I find it funny how much the existence of this game pisses people off

    Never seen so many nerds rage over a game before
  5. fatbuddy

    fatbuddy Youtube Master Race GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ESO bản đồ hướng dẫn các vị trí grinding leveling, Làm quest lên level lâu hơn grinding, phần thưởng từ quest ít hơn grinding, vì quest toàn di chuyển xa rất là mệt mỏi

    Bang hội Ebonheart dành cho Nord, Con thằng lằn Argonian, và Dark Elf

    Khu vực Stonefall dành cho level 1 - 16



    Khu vực Deshaan, level 16 thì đánh mấy con zombia level 17



    Cold harbor: Level 47 – 50


    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 17/6/15
  6. fatbuddy

    fatbuddy Youtube Master Race GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Bang hội Aldmeri Dominion dành cho High Elf, Wood Elf, Khajiit


    Auridion: Level 1 – 20

    Bỏ qua phần tutorial, Cày zone 1 đến khi lên level 8

    Cày zone 2 đến khi lên level 10

    Cày zone 3 đến khi lên level 20


    Greenshade: Level 20-31


    Malabal Tor: Level 31-34


    Reapers March: Level 34 -44

    Zone 1 cừ cày cho tới khi lên level 40, sau đó chạy qua cày cuốc bên Zone 2


    Cold harbor: Level 44 – 50
  7. fatbuddy

    fatbuddy Youtube Master Race GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Bang hội Daggerfall Covenant dành cho Orc, Breton, và Redguard

    Cày cuốc ở Zone 1 cho tới khi level 10 , sau đó chạy qua Zone 2 cày tiếp cho tới khi level 16

    Glenumbra: Level 1 – 16


    Stormhaven: Level 16-25

    Cày ở Zone 1 cho tới khi level 20, sau đó chạy qua Zone 2 cày tiếp cho tới khi level 25


    Rivenspire: Level 25-30


    Alik’r Desert: Level 30 -38


    Bangkorai: Level 38 -44


    Cold harbor: Level 44- 50

  8. Ice_water

    Ice_water Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nhìn là biết seeder :1cool_look_down:
  9. ZzRaizZ

    ZzRaizZ Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    vãi tự hào vãi luôn đó chứ
    VN dc bọn seeder nước ngoài để mắt đến :4cool_beauty:
  10. fatbuddy

    fatbuddy Youtube Master Race GameOver

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  11. [Gustav]Lovely

    [Gustav]Lovely Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Topic kiểu gì mà 1 người chửi còn 1 người post game guide là thế nào :5cool_ops:.
  12. fatbuddy

    fatbuddy Youtube Master Race GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ESO chỉ được coi là hay đối với dân fanboy của dòng TES nhưng cũng thuộc dạng "hai lúa" chưa từng đụng tới MMORPG.

    Dù sao thì Beauty is in the eye of the beholder :9cool_sweet_kiss:

  13. fatbuddy

    fatbuddy Youtube Master Race GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Trong tương lai MMORPG của Mỹ có lẽ sẽ xuống cấp kể cả chất lượng và nghệ thuật ( art style ), ESO là một điềm báo. Vì nhà sản xuất game Mỹ chỉ quan tâm đến việc kiếm được lợi nhuận, sự sáng tạo sẽ đi xuống, thay vào đó sẽ chọn cách ăn toàn hơn là bắt chước WOW, copy WOW, ăn theo mô hình của WOW, WOW clone.

    Thay vào đó MMORPG của Nga, Châu Âu , Đức, Hy Lạp, Thụy Điển , Ba Lan sẽ tạo ra thời kỳ phục hưng của MMORPG

    Renaissance of MMORPG

    Dạo này thích mấy game của Ba Lan vì phong cách tăm tối lạnh lẽo , Witcher, Witcher 2, Witcher 3,

    Gloria Victis

  14. StuWolf

    StuWolf Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Silvermoon City
    mình test alpha cái game đc gần 4 tiếng thì quit, dự là kiểu gì cũng fail

    hoá ra fail thật.
  15. fatbuddy

    fatbuddy Youtube Master Race GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Chơi ESO cảm thấy gò bó mau chán ,không có cảm giác tự do như Skyrim
  16. fatbuddy

    fatbuddy Youtube Master Race GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Quá nhiều người bất mãn về dịch vụ hỗ trợ khách hàng của ESO


    I understand there are numerous threads already regarding this issue but it's still not been resolved so another thread won't do any harm.

    As the title says, 5 days on and I'm still waiting for my ESO PLUS benefits and Imperial Edition perks. It's getting to the point now where I'm feeling like I've been robbed. I'm not one for overreacting with regards to this type of problem as I understand launch weeks can be pretty overwhelming. But this is absolutely unacceptable. I have PAID €100 in total to play this game(eso plus, imperial edition) and I'm getting nothing more than what someone who paid €60/€70 gets.

    I get treated like a moron with such disrespect from the customer care who reply to my email query with a typical copy paste *** reply.

    Edited by Karlybop on June 16, 2015 7:05PM

    I refuse to accept an issue as straight forward as subscribing to a game can be this big of a problem for them to resolve. My biggest problem is the customer care side of things though. Spending €100 on their product and they can't even treat me like a human being.

    me too here, they made the worst game experience with those issues, my pvp is too slow without mount I had to adapt a race because I can;t make imperial e there is still more...

    Please fix it asap because as I can read somebody got fix the problem in 1 phone call, we don't. I just received a MACRO not related to the issue from the tech supp and then..no answer from days

    Same here I paid €130 for the imperial edition on disk and I still can't access any of the imperial edition content or the explorers pack either i'v sent emails but they just act like I'm not doing something right or my Internet may be slow, I just hope they fix it soon

    Same situation here, still no imperial & explorer items and still no crowns from eso+. , i sincerely hope the delay with giving me my eso+ items will be reflected come renewel day next month in that it renews on the date i actually get the items and not the date i bought.

    I sent a support ticket in over this issue using the support section (top of this page)

    Requests for screenshots:
    - Proof of purchase (i bought digitally hence a screenie) and if its a preorder proves i should have explorer pack. If it was store bought they say a photo of the receipt is acceptable long as its clear
    - Showing i bought the imperial edition and not the standard
    - My character select or create screen to show I dont already have the Imperial edition. Again they say a photo is fine as long as its clear.

    Reasons they need the screenies is they cant access our psn account details. Makes sense to me.......asking to prove I dont already have Imperial perks.......seems silly to me!
  17. fatbuddy

    fatbuddy Youtube Master Race GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nhiều người chơi ESO cảm thấy bất mãn vì game quá chán, lại không được refund :8cool_cry:


    The 45 Minutes I have been able to play the game over the last 3 days have been fun. Too bad I have had to login 30 times to get that 45 minutes of playtime. Oh, and the last two nights I haven't even been able to login! What a poor, poor launch! I want my money back!

    Fanboy của ESO phản đối Refund :3cool_shame:

  18. [Dra]

    [Dra] Donkey Kong Lão Làng GVN

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    Thanatos Tower!
    lâu lâu được cái thread hài vl =))
  19. [S]on[D]hl

    [S]on[D]hl Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    tóm lại là ?
    1 đoạn chửi , 1 đoạn guide , xong lại 1 đoạn chửi
  20. fatbuddy

    fatbuddy Youtube Master Race GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Video hướng dẫn cài đặt ADDONS cho ESO


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