[Game]Brave Frontier - Welcome to the land of waifus and husbandos

Thảo luận trong 'Thảo luận chung' bắt đầu bởi nickgibaygio, 22/7/15.

  1. Vic3bie

    Vic3bie The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Vẫn cảm thấy đúng đắn khi chơi ở gb mặc dù rate như *beep* :6cool_sure::6cool_sure::6cool_sure:
  2. phuc1991

    phuc1991 Mega Man

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    Hà Nội
    Ít ra ko phải cắm mặt vào mớ giun dế là mừng rồi
    Vẫn ko hiểu sao hồi bé mình cày hết đc FF7 8 = tiếng nhật :5cool_sweat:
  3. star_fragment

    star_fragment Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    vì hồi đó éo có nhiều sự lựa chọn nên kiên trì nhẫn nại vãi cả ra
  4. nickgibaygio

    nickgibaygio Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Beyond Infinity
    Lin: Senpaaaaai! It's the second anniversary!! (using 'senpai' here because I don't think English speakers address their seniors with 'Upperclassman/Senior')
    Lin: Second anniversary for 'Brave Frontier'!!
    Lin: Ah, ahem. Eh... Hailing from Akras Summoners' Hall,
    Lin: Grand Gaia Survey Office, Combat Support Division's...
    Lin: Lin Merylham!
    Lin: Ehehe, I got so happy that I just cried out♪
    Lin: Two years, you know, two years! Isn't that incredible?
    Lin: Senpai did great during these two years!
    Lin: As expected of the senpai I'm so proud of!!
    Lin: I'm also working hard as senpai's support!
    Lin: Senpai's adventure is far from over!

    Lin: Kyahh! My clothes again---!
    Lin: I don't have any more change of clothes!!
    Lin: Kyahh! My clothes are getting more and more tattered!
    Lin: I can't take any more of this!
    Lin: I'm sorry senpai!!

    If Seria is in party
    Lin: Seria, please treat senpai more nicely!

    If Karl is in party
    Lim: Karl, please help senpai out!

    If Lugina is in party
    Lim: Lugina! Don't bully senpai!

    If Grah is in party
    Lim: Master Grahdens, don't push yourself too hard!

    If Orn is in party
    Lim: M-master Orn! I-I shall return to work!!

    Unknown conditions (I'm assuming status ailments)
    Lim: Kyahh! The wriggly-wriggly from that time!!
    Lim: Kyahh! The shocking feel again!!
    Lim: Kyahh! Senpai's clothes again!? (reference to her GQ)

    Lim: Hmm? Eh? It's acting weird... (most likely talking about her beam gun)
    Lim: Kyahh!? I'm sorry senpai!!

    Mandragora #1: Kishaa!
    Mandragora #2: Kishaaaaa.
    Mandragora #3: Kishaa! Kishaa!
    Alvnera: The forest is getting lively for some reason.
    Alvnera: The Mandragora's are also making a racket.
    Alvnera: Was there perhaps, some celebration?

    Mandragora #1: Kishaa!
    Mandragora #2: Kishaa!
    Mandragora #3: Kishaa!
    Alvnera: I shall relay their words.
    Alvnera: 'Congratulations for the second anniversary!', he says.
    Alvnera: 'It's all thanks to everyone. Thank you.', he says.
    Alvnera: 'We'll be counting on you from now on too.', he says.
    Alvnera: 'Shikyaaa...', ah, my apologies.

    Unknown conditions, perhaps if you accidentally kill off the Mandragora's first
    Alvnera: The living creatures of the forest...!
    Alvnera: Even if it's in the midst of a celebration,
    Alvnera: I'll deliver judgment upon those who bring harm to the great earth!!

    Karl: Oh, I knew it would be a piece of cake for you! (that Felneus was his summoned monster)
    Karl: I was just wondering how much stronger have you become, you see.
    Paris: *Chuckle* It's no wonder with your level of ability.
    Karl: Sorry for testing you!
    Seria: You couldn't even make an antidote back then...
    Lugina: It's all thanks to my training ain't it!

    Paris: I don't think it's all thanks to a man like this...
    Lugina: Whaddya say!?
    Seria: Well, he had to get a little better with all that experience.
    Karl: ...Yeah. A lot has happened.
    Karl: It's only natural that you've gotten stronger!

    Lugina: Hah! I haven't had enough yet!
    Seria: You didn't do a single thing, did you...
    Lugina: Keep your eyes peeled for my achievements!
    Lugina: Hah! Good timing!
    Lugina: I'll show you my true powers!
    Paris: I can't afford to lose too.
    Paris: In order to walk on the path I decided for myself!
    Karl: Haha, everyone's in good spirits!
    Karl: Counting on you from now on as well, buddy!
    Seria: Well, I don't want to lose to Lugina!

    If Karl gets defeated first
    Seria: Karl! What are you doing losing to someone like this guy!
    Lugina: What a sorry state for the leader of squad 2-4!
    Paris: S-Summoner Karl! Take a rest!!

    If Seria gets defeated first

    Karl: Take a rest for now, Seria!
    Lugina: Tch, not as good as what she boasts!
    Paris: Hey! You're pushing yourself too hard!!

    If Lugina gets defeated first
    Karl: Eh, where did Lugina go?
    Seria: Retreating early on, as expected of Lugi-kun♪
    Paris: Phew, it finally quieted down...

    If Paris gets defeated first
    Karl: Don't push yourself too hard, Paris, take a rest!
    Seria: Hey! You didn't hold back, did you?
    Lugina: Hah, as expected, she was only that good!

    If Karl gets poisoned
    Karl: Poison huh... I'm sure I have that with me...
    *Karl uses "Childhood Friend's Special Antidote"*
    Karl: Phew, trust this one to work the best♪

    If Grah is in party
    Karl: Don't push yourself too hard with your age, Gramps.
    Lugina: An Elder Summoner coming all the way to observe, as expected of me!

    If Lin is in party
    Karl: Do a proper job at supporting him, Lin!
    Seria: Lin, you'd better not be spreading some weird rumors again!

    If Tilith is in party
    Karl: Thank you for always helping him out, Goddess!
    Seria: Tilith is, my, p-precious...!
    Paris: Master Tilith!? ...Noel's mischief, huh.

    If Orn is in party
    Seria: Master Orn, please give us some special training!
    Lugina: To think I would get the chance to go against Orn directly!

    If ??? is in party (either Karl or Lugina)
    Lugina: An impostor again? You lack creativity!!

    If Eriole is in party
    Paris: Master Eriole... I...!

    If Tesla is in party
    Paris: Master Tesla... I....

    Unknown conditions, presumably if you don't take down Felneus within a certain number of turns
    Karl: Oh, finally our turn to act huh...
    Karl: We thought of checking out your powers again...
    Karl: But those two couldn't stand waiting and came out on their own...
    Lugina: Damn you! Don't take your own sweet time!
    Seria: I can't possibly lose to an idiot, you idiot!
    Paris: You guys are so immature...
    Paris: Would it kill you to be a little more patient?
    Lugina: Shuddup! It's this guy's fault!!
    Seria: I knew this idiot hasn't grown at all!
    Seria: I'll beat some sense into this guy!!

    Orn: Second anniversary? ...Hmph, you've became meek.
    Orn: I'll beat that weakness back into shape!
    Grahdens: Well, well, isn't it fine for today?
    Grahdens: Second anniversary is a day worth celebrating over, isn't it?

    Orn: Soft! You're too soft, Grahdens!
    Orn: That's why you've gone soft!
    Orn: An enemy won't wait for you!
    Grahdens: You're really a serious guy...
    Grahdens: Even though it's fine on a day like this...

    Grahdens: Falling on deaf ears huh...
    Grahdens: Can't be helped. Will you play along with Orn?
    Grahdens: Oh, I'll follow up so it'll be fine. (Grahdens will heal your team)
    Grahdens: Hey, get a hold on yourself! (Grahdens will heal your team)
    Grahdens: Geez, I wish he'd cool down for awhile... (Grahdens will cast ATK/DEF down on Orn)
    Grahdens: Hmm, Orn is serious... this is bad. (Grahdens will cast 50% mitigation on your team)
    Grahdens: Will you celebrate the second anniversary along with me?

    If Seria is in party
    Orn: Seria, I must train you all over from scratch! (500% STBB on Seria)
    Grahdens: Oh Seria, try not to go too wild with the celebrations.

    If Lugina is in party
    Orn: Lugina, do you think you are able to fight on equal terms with me? (500% STBB on Lugina)
    Grahdens: Lugina, be careful not to overeat.

    If Karl is in party
    Orn: Karl, huh... I know about your powers but...
    Orn: You are...
    Orn: I won't lose to the likes of a demon god! (500% STBB on ???)
    • note: I'm not entirely sure if this line was aimed at Karl or Tilith. He doesn't do the 500% STBB on one of them
    Grahdens: Karl, you've grown too.

    If Paris is in party
    Orn: Paris, why have you come here! (500% STBB on Paris)
    Grahdens: Paris, don't hold back.

    If Tilith is in party
    Grahdens: Tilith will celebrate along with us, right?

    If ??? is in party (...Eriole? idk)
    Grahdens: To think we would face our sins in a form like this...

    If Orn is defeated
    Grahdens: To be capable of making Orn fall back, as expected of you.
    Grahdens: Then you shall be my opponent next.

    ※somehow figured out their lines by splitting the skills into 4 sections (they were placed nicely in order), but I'm not entirely sure of the orders the lines come in so I'll just throw all of them out here.

    Maxwell: I pray...
    Maxwell: I shall display my powers for this once...
    Maxwell: I must create a new world with my powers...

    Cardes: My path has closed...
    Cardes: Even so, I will carve open a path...
    Cardes: I shall open my own path with my own powers...
    Cardes: I shall remove my obstacles with my own powers...

    Zevalhua: You are a real fool, aren't you...
    Zevalhua: You are the one who was able to make me come to my knees, aren't you...
    Zevalhua: That power stored inside of you...
    Zevalhua: Does that truly belong to you...

    Afla Dilith: I shall display my powers...
    Afla Dilith: We shall see to your worth...
    Afla Dilith: Not yet... not yet enough...
    Afla Dilith: Is your worth only of that level...

    If Tilith is present
    Maxwell: Goddess... I shall end you with my curse...

    If Kanon is present
    Maxwell: One who goes against me... I shall deliver judgment upon you.

    If Zebra is present
    Cardes: My Disciple. Are you going against me?

    If Toora is present
    Cardes: Foolish and weak disciple who disobeyed me...

    If Edea is present
    Cardes: The wretched one who sealed me...

    If Mare is present
    Zevalhua: My Disciple, Mare, for what reason are you going against me...

    If Alpha is present
    Zevalhua: Let's settle the fight from that time right here.

    If Zurg is present
    Afla Dilith: Are you going against your master, Zurg?

    If Tazer is present
    Afla Dilith: I shall take back the power you robbed from me.

    ※Afla Dilith does something called "Force Endless". 132 hits, 1000% BB modifier, 400% damage distribution. No idea what the conditions are (likely if you don't kill any of them within a certain number of turns), but I assume it will wipe you unless you happened to pull up UBB mitigation, etc. It's supposed to signify all 4 of them using Endless together, hence the 400% distribution (and the name could be translated as "Fourth Endless" as well).

    Here's what he says when he uses it
    Afla Dilith: This was all you had, huh...
    Afla Dilith: Behold, this is our true power...

    Tilith: Brave Frontier, congratulations to the second anniversary~~♪
    Tilith: *chuckle* Were you surprised?
    Tilith: I've come to celebrate together with you too♪

    Tilith: Second anniversary, huh~... Thinking back upon it...
    Tilith: Meeting you on that grass plains that day,
    Tilith: we embarked on an adventure to save the world♪

    Tilith: To do that with such a pretty goddess
    Tilith: is a pretty rare thing!
    Tilith: *chuckle* Aren't you happy~~~?

    Tilith: You are the summoner that I'm so proud of♪ (she says 'you are my summoner that...' here, but it sounds weird in English)
    Tilith: As well as my precious partner!
    Tilith: That's why, I'll be counting on you from now on as well♪
    Tilith: We'll be together from now on♪

    Tilith: Alright, now that I've conveyed what I wanted to say...
    Tilith: I think I'll show you my powers from here♪
    Tilith: Yep, yep, as expected of my summoner!

    Tilith: However, Tilith-chan is strong~♪
    Tilith: That's why, hurry up and make me into a ★6 or ★7~!
    Tilith: Hey! Are you even listening!?
    Tilith: Muh~~! Tilith-chan is angry~~~!!
    Tilith: Geez~! That was horrid~~!!
    Tilith: *wail* Stupid, stupid~~~!

    If Seria is present
    Tilith: Let's get along from now on as well, Seria!

    If Karl is present
    Tilith: Let's get along from now on as well, Karl-kun♪

    If Lugina is present
    Tilith: Lugi-kun, don't fall into the hole head-first♪ (a reference to some point in the story?)

    If Paris is present
    Tilith: I want to have a good talk with Paris one of these days♪

    If Grahdens is present
    Tilith: Grah gramps~ It's the pretty goddess Tilith-chan♪

    If Ark is present
    Tilith: Ark, I wonder if your battle will end someday...

    If ??? is present (...Orn?)
    Tilith: Eh!? Why are you here~!?

    FH ss 20 quotes/conversations. Cơ mà khúc Karl spoil vãi thế ~.~
    phuc1991, vivi_eiko and [LS] like this.
  5. ryan2714

    ryan2714 Idol dzú bơm Silicon ớ ớ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Em Lin lại bị xé rách quần áo à =))
  6. beosocola

    beosocola Space Marine Doomguy Lão Làng GVN

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    Nhựt Bổn
    Fr ko có ai có Zenia bookmark lại vậy :-(||>
  7. handoi1560

    handoi1560 Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    vừa dùng thử friend zenia bá vãi ra mọi người ah :((
  8. MrBobby

    MrBobby Dragon Quest

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    Mỗi lần nó rate up thì không nên vào forum đọc bài, quá nhiều cám dỗ... :9cool_pudency::9cool_pudency:
  9. Gaunhoidam

    Gaunhoidam Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Thằng em còn 7 gem kêu sum dùm, Tridon Anima :6cool_beat_shot:, trong khi mình chỉ có Breaker :6cool_beat_brick:
  10. kaz11

    kaz11 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Vừa làm về đã có nhà mới luôn, xúc động vãi :8cool_cry:. Mà thím nickgi để #1 buồn tình thế :5cool_big_smile:

    Thím muốn tham khảo team trên thì mượn fr raaga là đủ rồi, không cần phải zenia đâu.
  11. Gaunhoidam

    Gaunhoidam Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Trên fanpage bảo đí là thông tin ban đầu có thể bị thay đổi, cũng đúng tự nhiên dời 1 ngày

    Hi vọng buff ultor chứ thấy phé quá
  12. Vic3bie

    Vic3bie The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Vậy còn phế :6cool_surrender::6cool_surrender::6cool_surrender:
  13. Gaunhoidam

    Gaunhoidam Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    SBB y chang 6s dc buff:6cool_beat_shot:

    Cho cái atk buff 2 turn thì ngon :4cool_beauty:
  14. beosocola

    beosocola Space Marine Doomguy Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nhựt Bổn
    Thế còn các mốc máu để skip qua cái remove buff là bao nhiêu thế bác :1cool_byebye:
  15. [LS]

    [LS] cô hồn GameVN Lady Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Orn: Karl, huh... I know about your powers but...
    Orn: You are...
    Orn: I won't lose to the likes of a demon god!

    chắc chắn là anh ấy rồi. :4cool_beauty:
  16. SeaQueen

    SeaQueen Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nhà mới, hèn gì chiều h éo thấy notice
  17. vivi_eiko

    vivi_eiko Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

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    Hà Nội
    Spoil lồ lộ luôn =)) giờ chỉ là một là dịch sai, hai là Karl 100% là quỷ rồi, chả biết anh là con cháu của vị nào thôi ;))
  18. handoi1560

    handoi1560 Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    tại sao lại gọi là demon god mà ko phải là demon thôi nhỉ ?? hay là con lai? tại vì trước thằng gì cũng bảo Karl ko nên được sinh ra trên đời (thằng trong GQ cho karl lên 6* đấy) nếu là Demon thôi thì đâu cần phải nói thế vì cùng loài mà :))
  19. vivi_eiko

    vivi_eiko Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

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    Hà Nội
    Chắc kiểu con ông cháu cha hàng khủng, không phải con trưởng phòng hay gì mà con của tổng giám đốc luôn :-"
    Cũng có thể là lai giữa God vs Demon không chừng, trc cũng có Kira là lai God vs Demon thì phải :-?
  20. handoi1560

    handoi1560 Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    hay là Demon trước qua rape tụi god :)) rồi đẻ ra Karl mà ko kịp mang theo là bị đuổi đi rồi nhỉ :-?:-?
    chung quy qua phần này chắc sẽ đề cập tới thân thế của anh Karl luôn và có lẽ mai mốt phải đánh với ảnh 1 chập chứ chả chơi, trước thằng kia có nói là sau này không chừng Karl sẽ đánh với tụi summoner mà :))

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