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Thảo luận trong 'Giao lưu Ngoại Ngữ' bắt đầu bởi Hank Williams, 23/12/03.

  1. ipridian_elf

    ipridian_elf Voyage perdu

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    Fishing game ... uhhh .. try asking in the "Library" Box of GameVN .. I've never played one fishing game in SNES however .. my apologies ::( ...
  2. Constant

    Constant Mario & Luigi

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    Sydney - Australia
    __ Poor U :D ! I think u can play one game about fishing becase it very fun ! 1 year ago i played one game fishing but i don't know name :D ! In SNES can fun for u !
  3. slinly

    slinly Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    @IE: I think you should play all kind of games such as RPG, tactics, fighting, puzzle, fishing, racing, mini games, games for kid :D...etc
    And you'll find somes interesting in it ;;)
    However, I'm a girl but I like to play games, I played a lot of games on Snes, Playstation, Playstation 2 and some games on PC such as Gunbound :D
    I find out my interesting and have a lots experiences when I play it ;;)

    _Seiken Densetsu 3: I broke it 2 days :D, I chose Duran, Haweye and Carlie. I found out all ultimated weapon, armor, classic changed :D
    But I had some places where i couldn't go on such as Dark Castle on the right in the map.
    so who can tell me how can I join in Dark Castle or that place is the final place of another characters :-/
  4. ipridian_elf

    ipridian_elf Voyage perdu

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    Yes ... the Dark castle is the place for another char .. but you have Duran as your 1st char ... it's weird .. normally he should have gone there .. oh no, wait .. try to choose Carlie as the 1st one .. I think that's it ...

    And I personnally don't like racing, mini games, puzzle, fighting, fishing, games for kid that much .. ;)) ;)) ... that leaves me with just RPG and tactics game all day .. ^^
  5. rongtrang70411

    rongtrang70411 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    oh ! my god ! i don't known what can i do in this room ? it seems so hard for me to talk about game by my English .
  6. kefka

    kefka Mayor of SimCity

    Tham gia ngày:
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    TP Hồ Chí Minh
    I think 1 magic user would be enough since it cost @#$@#$@#$ stupid wait time when casting a spell , Carlie is wise choose since she got heal *all* at her 1st change class , But I think get the paladin is better since he also have heal *all* at 2 nd class change
    I didnt finish that game , kindda bored from it at midway

    Finally, I found a guy who play Gun Bound here ^^ , want to competite with me ? My nick is : jindosu ^^
  7. slinly

    slinly Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    You're wrong, guy. If you don't want to wait her spell that you can press the ~ button.
    It's very useful when you play snes game :D
    If someone used to play this game so can you teach me which class changes are the best ;;) for Anglela, Kevin, Lise, Duran, Hawkeye, Carlie :D
  8. kefka

    kefka Mayor of SimCity

    Tham gia ngày:
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    TP Hồ Chí Minh
    I didnt know that, press ~ button on the key board ??? I once get the magician and the priestess, it's was completly suk when sitting there do nothing , waiting for the mage finish her casting and then same thing happened with the bishop ...
  9. ipridian_elf

    ipridian_elf Voyage perdu

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Yes .. the ~ (Tilde) button for ZSNES is in fact used to accelerate the spells ... but in another way, it accelerates frames-skipping ! and thus accelerate all other things !! .. You don't want to loose your char in a one-sided combat don't you ;) ?

    I got Hawk, Lisa and Carlie first .. then I tried Kevin, Duran, Hawk (all guys team .. it sucked sooo much without good magic) ... then last thing was Duran (just chose him for the 3rd last storyline), Hawk (my fav) and Carlie (I can't win without a healer) ...
    At the end, I ended up not playing with Angela .. so I chose a really hilarious ;)) team .. Angela, Carlie, Lisa ... no good melee (Lisa's just a little bit slow) ... and I was beaten at my 5th minute .. :)) :))

    ahh .. the good ol' times ... how I miss SD3 so much ... gotta play it again tonight ;)
  10. Lang

    Lang Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    i dun know what're are u talking about :D but i want to ask how do you think about PSP , the new handled ^^
  11. ipridian_elf

    ipridian_elf Voyage perdu

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    We were talking about ZSNES .. more generally about SNES .. an old but great gaming system ... anyway ... PSP .. what's that ? ^^
  12. kl2991

    kl2991 Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
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    chỗ đóa đóa
    I have a question. have PSP appeared in store in VN ? I'd like to get one, you know, I can playing games, watching DVDs...
  13. Lang

    Lang Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Of coz it appeared in store in Vietnam ^^
    You want to buy 1 PSP ^^ same here and maybe Thursday i will go to MIMI to buy it ( i hope i wont go to Hoi Dong Ky Luat or my teacher phone to my house and meet my mother) . Price for each PSP in Vietnam is 7tr6 T_T ( value pack ^^)
    If u want , buy it now :D and if i still lucky , i will buy one and play game with u :D ( if u lived in Ho Chi Minh city ^^)
    P/S: i cant believe IE dun know what's PSP ? SNES is old great gamming sytem ( agreed) i played it when i was very young ( and my favor. game is Contra and Mario)
  14. slinly

    slinly Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    PSP means Play Station Portable.
    It's a mini Play Station same as gameboy.
    You can take it everywhere and it's very expensive.
    I won't waste money into this thing.
    I will wait the price lower and buy it in the net (second hand goods ^^)
    I love games but now, I haven't enough time to play it due i should do my mission :((
    Alomost people think Snes game is a old game and not as good as some new game on PS, PSP, PS2, PC...
    It's a stupid mind. If someone used to play some famous game on Snes, they won't thinking about.
    I'm very angry who say snes game not good X(
  15. ipridian_elf

    ipridian_elf Voyage perdu

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    yup .. go SNES .. I dunno what PSP's like ... but I'm sure that it will just rip your money off ;)) ... portable games aren't really good these days .. just look at the rockman serie for GBA for example .. ::( it's a shame for the gaming community ::( and especially for Nintendo ...
  16. Lang

    Lang Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    I think it's pretty good man , i see the graphic of PSP ( like PS2 , can hear mp3, watch film ; div or mp4 of coz with high memory stick) i often go away from home so i need something to kill time :D
  17. ipridian_elf

    ipridian_elf Voyage perdu

    Tham gia ngày:
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    I will rather spend 299 USD on an iPod to "kill time" than PSP-shopping :D .. or maybe with that money a HDD would be better ... gaming system which are the top are in my opinion PC, SNES and Nintendo64 :;)
  18. kl2991

    kl2991 Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
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    chỗ đóa đóa
    I think the best way to play game anywhere is buy a Gameboy. it's very very cheap, $100. I think it's suitable for you. forget SNES or Nin 64, they're too OLD.
  19. ipridian_elf

    ipridian_elf Voyage perdu

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Gameboy is old too you know ? .. And what does age makes ? Difference ? None. How can you rate this thing is old or not, new or not ? Look at Platon, Ciceron, Augustin, Aristote ... they sure are old, maybe over 2000 years now ... but their existence haven't been erased .. yet. I think gaming can be compared to this ... nothing's old nor new. It's just human thinking and mentality which makes something old or new. As for me, SNES isn't a tiny bit old ::) .. believe it or not, I just discovered it recently ... And Nintendo64 can't be rated on its age .. it was the first time I could play at 4 on a same game ... wonderful experience ! .. and it will still remain so ::)
  20. Lang

    Lang Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    So u a crazy fan of SNES ^^ and i'm crazy fan of sony and microsoft
    You like to spend ur money to buy IPod , i think u like hearing music ^^ but i;m not , i like to spend my time with game , with internet especially game online ( i have many friend by game online) and u think i should buy HDD ^^ ( u know man , my mother give me money to buy PSP and my father promised to give me money to buy new PC :D) that;s why i buy PSP , if not i will buy new PC
    If u are a fan of SNES ->fan of nintedo (think so :D) so why you dun buy Nintendo DS ( just 4tr5 ^^) and u can play many games that u like ( Mario SNES 64 ^^)

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