Games Talk and Support

Thảo luận trong 'Giao lưu Ngoại Ngữ' bắt đầu bởi Hank Williams, 23/12/03.

  1. ngocbich15

    ngocbich15 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Love World
    Now i'm so tired of doing everyday the same the same.Let me know some of games that you know:((,interesting,nice screen ^^,or story is look like Fnail Fantasy
  2. Darkblade

    Darkblade Youtube Master Race

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    Hà Nội
    Kinda funny, 1/4 of people who posted here are gameover, and not a single soul here talks about games (well, there is one, but he asks about Pokemon, so that doesn't count)

  3. Black Mckenzie

    Black Mckenzie Mineral Town

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    Mineral Town
    U should try Manga carta :Tear Of Blood ......It's great...interesting ,nice screens ....but bad music....All just like FF

    .....Why don't u try 4 HM :x
  4. Poseidal

    Poseidal Legend of Zelda

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    Troy Horse
    *Playing Soul Calibur 3*. This game is cool, i can't wait to create my own KOSMOS.
    And the enemy AI is freakin' high, i mean they're super cheap.
  5. minhhiệp

    minhhiệp Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

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    i agree
    no no ,too kool for me,not only u !!:'>
    BTW ,trying to find ROGUE GALAXY and WILD ARMS ALTAR CODE F....but no everywhere in HN has it :((
  6. Black Mckenzie

    Black Mckenzie Mineral Town

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    Mineral Town
    Hey....anyone know "The Movies "...It released for PC...and console still now TBA....

    It's cool ...but too difficult to play ....
  7. Sarevok

    Sarevok T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    I bought Rogue Galaxy in HN yesterday
  8. Rociel

    Rociel シェンムー Ryo Hazuki

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hồ Chí Minh
    Hey u guys,im playing Digree of Cerberus FF7 and Shin Onimusha now....It really coollllll!!!!BTW,they still Japan version.
    About Rogue Galaxy...I think it really good than Kingdom Hearts 2.Graphic good,weapon system good and secrets ....

    BTW,Im playing DOA 4 Online on my X360.The gametag is RapidDark Lord,if anyone have X360 + play DOA4 then meet me online for versus ... it coollllll :hug:
  9. kefka

    kefka Mayor of SimCity

    Tham gia ngày:
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    TP Hồ Chí Minh
    Oh well, I am just old fashion guy, when I play SNES, people play LAN PC games, when I get my own PC, people talking about PSP 2, game cube and XBOX :))
    But the fact is that my love of games is not as strong as it used to be :x, dunno why, maybe I getting old a little too fast in these recent years.
  10. kirasue

    kirasue Donkey Kong

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    now playing Pokemon: Fire Red and it does cost a lot of time. Yesterday, I played it from noon (or what, don't remember) till 5am this morning O_O and not hav not finished yet. I hav to study...T_T and im getting stressed again ::(
    end of this year, im gonna buy a PS3 if possible.
  11. Rociel

    Rociel シェンムー Ryo Hazuki

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    Hồ Chí Minh
    Dont think to buy PS3 for now....let's complete all great game on PS2 first...PS3 still far away and until to that time I will to play good game on my X360.

    Ahhhh....Shin Onimusha was complete now,cost 70h play time.It's a good game!!Oh yeah,Dirge of Cerberus is good game too.Do u guys play this game yet?Let's try it./
  12. Kronpas1997

    Kronpas1997 Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

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    not only PS3.. just an x360 is too high too reach :((.
    Well, i m still fan of Strategy game. A high end PC s still my choice for now :))
  13. Rociel

    Rociel シェンムー Ryo Hazuki

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    Hồ Chí Minh
    BTW,waiting for next game on PS2.Let me see .... Tales Legendia (US),Drakengard 2 (US),Grandia 3 (US).MS Saga: New Dawn (US).That's it!!!!

    High End 4 PC huh?Um...still in my calc.
  14. tommyvicecity

    tommyvicecity C O N T R A GameOver Lão Làng GVN

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    I save money for upgrading my PC so that it can play all games!!!!!!. Never waste my money to buy a console because of a simple problem: The Emulator was made for what???? :devil:!!!!!

    Hey PS2 game, waiting for me!!! What's the hell??? The emulator for PS2 hasn't finished??? :-w. Poor guy!!!!
  15. NhiếpPhongls

    NhiếpPhongls Guest

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    well,what kind of game u want to play,i mean game online or game offine.Since i knew about game online,game offline is too boring for me to play.Some of games online i have played :Mu,pristontale,GB,Vo Lam truyen ky (who can transfer these words into English for me pls :D) silkroad .
  16. Atachi

    Atachi The Boy From Nowhere

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    Sunset Boulevard
    To any mothers out there Happy mothers day, all you lame ass geeks out there get off pc for 10minutes, off your ass and tell your mother happy mothers day.
  17. maithinh

    maithinh Dragon Quest

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    That will be fallout if you ask me, I've played these series and that's fantastic, it reflected your actual life quite good, but shame, no more version will be released anymore. If you can, give it a try.
  18. 7X7X7X

    7X7X7X T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    when ...? :o
  19. Eden_FFVIII

    Eden_FFVIII Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Game World
    oh I don't understandable you . I'm fool when show topic
  20. ngocbich15

    ngocbich15 Donkey Kong

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    Love World
    Sorry but..........:((
    Who has played "Ragnarok VN":((
    Who can tell me the place where I can train to level up quickly:((
    Crusader Shield,that is so terrible:((
    This morning,woke up...........and connected to server vRO,and Unknown packet was the result I received:((,and all my friends can't bot:(.(I donot like it because this is summer:((,I have many things to do than sitting on the desk to play games all the day:((.I would rather have a nightmare than do nothing:((.What a waste of time:((
    Now >_<,help me plz>_<,or I need a Priest or Mage,hunter
    I will be glad to invite you play Ragnarok:'> :'>
    Sure things.Since I have known games online,I find game offline boring:))

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