Hayate no Gotoku! The third absolute defense line

Thảo luận trong 'Anime và Manga' bắt đầu bởi XzeddyX, 22/9/09.

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  1. kylanbac91

    kylanbac91 Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm Lão Làng GVN Sorcerer

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    Omega Dungeon
    Hayate chết mẹ đi cho rảnh :((
  2. ichi512

    ichi512 Youtube Master Race Lão Làng GVN

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    ôi nó điên à

    có thật nó phát biểu câu đáy ko vậy ????=((
  3. leonscottkennedy

    leonscottkennedy Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

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    Chứ còn ai vào đây, thế là fan Maria, Hina, Nagi bớt đi 1 đối thủ nặng ký rồi. À mà cũng chưa chắc, sau khi nghe câu đó xong A-tan đỏ mặt kài.
  4. Arisato Minato

    Arisato Minato Sith Lord Revan

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    Tawi Tawi Base
    Thằng nào dịch đoạn này đi cắt chym chết mịe đi cho xong :-w
    Dịch sai bét làm thiên hạ nó hiểu nhầm cả :-w
  5. cristal

    cristal C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đà Nẵng
    Câu này ở đâu ra thế :-w
    Spoil nội dung chính, đọc mỏi mắt quá :|
    [spoil]Hayate tells Athena that he's not here to fight with her. Athena asks him to then hand over the stone. Hayate says that he can't. Athena says that she's not asking him to hand the stone over, but is ordering him to.

    Chapter 255 [The First Word]

    Athena pushes Hayate into corner, and there comes flashback. Sakuya asks about what Isumi meant by 'the stone will bring destruction of the world'. Isumi says that she doesn't know very well either. She says that there's a castle where the god's power is sealed. She says it was written that the stone uses the explosion of one's burdened emotions (can't find better word for that) to open the way to the castle. Hayate and Sakuya ponders about what she said. Back to the present, Hayate thinks 'The castle where the god's powers are sealed?'.

    Athena tells Hayate that he has gotten stronger past 10 years, enough to think about something else during the fight, and she says that she's happy. She then tells him that but he shouldn't think that he's the only one who has gotten stronger. Athena says that Hayate is restraining his powers so that she does not get hurt. Athena tells Hayate that even if he fights back with all his might like Isumi, his sword won't be able to reach her. Athena tells him to hand over the stone. Hayate says that it's impossible.

    Athena says that then she will use direct methods. If Hayate, who has opened the way once, has the stone, it doesn't matter. She says that Sanzenin Mikado must have given Hayate the stone for that reason as well. Athena points at the giant stone above and asks Hayate if he knows what it is. Of course, Hayate doesn't know. Athena tells him that it's the replica of the stone. A failed one. She says that the more power she pours into that stone, the more monsters in mythology like the one Hayate encountered comes to life. Like in this castle, or in the town nearby... like at a party in some hotel...

    Miki and Lisa are chatting merrily that the party is very enjoyable. Athena threatens Hayate to either hand over the stone, or open the way or defeat her. Hayate asks her why does she have to do something like that to get the stone.[/spoil]
  6. [H]eart

    [H]eart Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Giết,giết ngay thằng nào dịch câu này b-(b-(b-(b-(b-(b-(b-(b-(b-(
  7. cristal

    cristal C O N T R A

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    Tuy là spoil nhưng coi là Raw luôn được rồi đấy ;))
    Mới lấy tay trái đỡ kiếm mấy trang trước thế mà trang cuối chả thấy tí máu nào cả =))
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 9/1/10
  8. Lirenn

    Lirenn Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    quả này không end với a-tan mình thề đốt sạch đống truyện ở nhà :-L
  9. ichi512

    ichi512 Youtube Master Race Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ơ thế hóa ra lừa tình à :-w
    chém chết thằng dịch đoạn này đi b-(b-(

    vậy đoạn đó là như nào :-o
  10. leonscottkennedy

    leonscottkennedy Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

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    Ờ thì nếu đúng thì chắc thế này:
    Thank you for taking care of me. I'm very grateful to you.
    (Cám ơn em đã chăm sóc tôi, tôi thật sự biết ơn em).
    Còn việc không có máu thì bác quên là Hayate có khả năng hồi phục vết tương nhanh chóng sao ?
  11. Doko Demo Doa

    Doko Demo Doa C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    Nhìn kỹ lại đi...........................
  12. S.H.U

    S.H.U Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

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    Đúng là đỡ bằng tay trái và không thấy tý huyết nào cả :)) . Dồn lên não rồi chăng:))
  13. leonscottkennedy

    leonscottkennedy Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

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    Nếu để ý kĩ thì thấy ku Hayate hồi phục vết thương nhanh ngang ngửa với Wolverine đấy. Chắc là do sức mạnh được giải phóng nhờ A-tan.
  14. fidodaica

    fidodaica The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    chà, chờ mãi không thấy mem việt mình dịch chap 254 nhỉ, sốt ruột quá trời
    mà ai có link down anime pót mấy tập tôi down về coi thử cái nào :))
  15. Doko Demo Doa

    Doko Demo Doa C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
  16. Pokokichi2

    Pokokichi2 T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    Here, there, and...
    Moe đấy chứ :">
  17. yuu123

    yuu123 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Giờ mới đọc chap 252, con Nagi khôn vãi. Ông nội nó kêu ai cướp đc hoặc phá vuơng ngọc thì sẽ thành người thừa kế. Mà con Nagi phá chứ ai =)). Ko những ko lo ko đc thừa kế mà còn cưa đc biết bao anh ko để ý =)) cả thằng Hayate nữa, end sẽ epic lắm đây :))
  18. leonscottkennedy

    leonscottkennedy Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

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    Hà cái ấy thì chưa chắc. Lỡ khúc cuối cùng quất quả Hayate chết 1 phát là vui cả lảng =)).
  19. mathusalem

    mathusalem Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    co tieng anh ne` anh em doc di cho mau'

    Chapter 255


    Hayate: I...
    Hayate: didn't come here to fight you.

    Athena: Is that so?
    Athena: Then will you give me the stone?

    Hayate: I...
    Hayate: I can't do that...

    Hayate: Because the stone...
    Hayate: has already been...

    Athena: But Hayate.
    Athena: I'm not asking you to give me the King's Jewel.
    Hayate: Eh?

    Left margin: He wants to save Athena...!! But does she want to be saved...!?


    Athena: I'm ordering you to give it to me.
    Text above title in bottom left: Athena...is serious!!
    Title: Chapter 255 "One Word"

    Right margin: Volume 22 goes on sale 1/16!! The special version "Including Katsura Hinagiku's Live Photograph" goes on sale at the same time!!


    Hayate: A-tan!?

    Athena: Oh, dear.
    Athena: Do you really have the focus to spare needed to speak?

    Athena: You should hand over the stone before you get hurt, Hayate!!

    Hayate: Kh...!!
    Hayate: At this rate...!!

    Sakuya: Hey, there's something I want to ask you...


    Sakuya: Isumi-san, you said yesterday that that stone would destroy the world.
    Sakuya: What did you mean?

    Isumi: I...
    Isumi: don't know the details myself...

    Isumi: But...
    Isumi: It is written that that stone opens a path.
    Sakuya: It opens a path?

    Isumi: It opens the path to the Royal Garden Palace...
    Isumi: in which the power of a god is sealed.

    Isumi: It is written...
    Isumi: that the path to the palace is opened...
    Isumi: using an explosion of people's negative emotions.

    Sakuya: People's...negative emotions?

    Hayate: The Royal...
    Hayate: Garden Palace?


    Hayate: The palace in which the power of a god is sealed?
    Hayate: A god?

    Athena: So you have focus to spare to get lost in thought.

    Athena: I'm glad, Hayate...
    Athena: You truly have gotten strong in the past 10 years.

    Athena: It means that putting all that effort into teaching you was worthwhile.
    Hayate: A...-tan...

    Athena: But...

    Athena: If you think...
    Athena: you're the only one who got stronger...


    Athena: You're sorely mistaken!!

    Hayate: Gh!!


    Hayate: Gh...

    Athena: It looks like you were holding back...
    Athena: so that you wouldn't hurt me.

    Athena: Even if you had gone all out against me...
    Athena: just like with that young lady...
    Athena: your sword would have been unable to reach me.

    Athena: Well, after coming this far, I'm sure even someone as slow to catch on as you has already figured that out.
    Athena: So could you hurry up and hand over the stone?

    Hayate: I told you...
    Hayate: I can't do that.

    Athena: Oh, I see.


    Athena: Then I'll use a more direct approach.
    SFX: *snap*

    SFX: *slam*
    SFX: *slam*

    Hayate: Eh?

    Athena: With someone like you who has already opened the path once, there shouldn't be a problem as long as you have the stone.
    Athena: I'm sure this is why Sanzenin Mikado gave you the stone.

    Athena: Hayate...
    Athena: Do you know what that is?
    Hayate: Eh?

    Athena: It's a replica of the King's Jewel.
    Athena: But it was a failure.
    Athena: The more power I put into it, the more legendary monsters like the one you defeated are created.
    Athena: The more power it gets, the more it makes.
    Athena: In this castle...
    Athena: In the city nearby...


    Athena: Or in the party hall of a certain hotel.

    Hayate: A-tan!!?


    Risa: Man, parties sure are fun.
    Izumi: Yeah. We need to have more later.

    Izumi: I can't wait.

    Athena: C'mon, this is no time to hesitate, Hayate!!
    Athena: Hurry up and hand over the stone or open the path!!

    Athena: Or...
    Athena: Defeat me, I suppose.

    Hayate: Kh...!! Why...!!
    Hayate: Why are you going so far for the stone...!?


    Hayate: Didn't you...
    Hayate: want to leave that palace!?

    Athena: Want to...
    Athena: leave the palace...?

    Hayate: That's right!!
    Hayate: You didn't want to stay in that palace...
    Hayate: where you were lonely, heart-broken, and always alone!!

    Athena: Always...
    Athena: alone...

    Hayate: That's right! So...
    Hayate: why do you need the stone that let's you go back there!?

    Athena: Sh...
    Athena: Shut up!!!


    Hayate: Back then, we couldn't leave the palace together!
    Hayate: We were young and there were things we couldn't forgive!!

    Hayate: But now...
    Hayate: we're both outside the palace!!

    Hayate: So you...
    Hayate: don't need the stone anymore!!

    Athena: D...!!
    Athena: Don't speak for me!!

    Athena: Who ever said...
    Athena: that I wanted to leave the palace with you!!


    Athena: I kicked you out because I came to hate you!!
    Athena: At that time...!!

    Athena: I only let you live...
    Athena: because our swords happened to break...!!
    Athena: I was actually trying to kill you...!!

    Hayate: No!!
    Hayate: You saved me back then!!

    Athena: What proof do you have of that...!?

    Hayate: Here's proof...!!


    Athena: Eh?

    Hayate: Even though I attacked at full strength...
    Hayate: the swords didn't break.

    Hayate: Since the swords didn't break...
    Hayate: with our full strengths after 10 years...


    Hayate: Even by mistake...
    Hayate: they wouldn't have broken...
    Hayate: back then from the strength of children.

    Hayate: You rigged them somehow.
    Hayate: You...

    Hayate: did something...
    Hayate: to make them break.

    Hayate: So that even if you were possessed by something...
    Hayate: and lost control of yourself...
    Hayate: you wouldn't hurt me if I made a mistake.

    Hayate: You protected me.
    Hayate: Even if it meant you would be alone...
    Hayate: you let me escape from that mysterious palace.

    Hayate: So...
    Hayate: I wanted to tell you something.


    Hayate: Thanks...
    Hayate: for protecting me...
  20. [H]eart

    [H]eart Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter Lão Làng GVN

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    Chap sau sẽ quyết định vận mạng của thằng hayate,nó mà dám làm atan đau lòng tập 2 là chết với ta :-w
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