Hulk và Goku đánh nhau????

Thảo luận trong 'Thư giãn' bắt đầu bởi eyeshin21, 13/10/12.

  1. thichdua0000

    thichdua0000 Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Cho sephiroth vào thì còn nói chuyện chứ squall ăn sao dc
  2. alucard92

    alucard92 Chrono Trigger/Cross Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    đâu kệ tui
    ko hẳn, trong marvel vs capcom, các cặp đấu đc xếp dựa trên sự tương đồng chứ ko dựa sức ngang nhau hay ko

    dante với deadpool giống nhau ở chỗ:

    cùng sử dụng súng và kiếm
    mặt đồ đỏ
    tên bắt đầu bằng chữ D
    combo súng+kiếm kết hợp
    tưng tửng

    với lại MvsC là 1 universe khác rồi, char nào cũng đc làm cho cân bằng nhau hết, thế nên chris redfield trong RE cũng có thể hạ đo ván Hulk. Và do xếp theo đặc diểm chung hay trái ngược nhau nên nhiều cặp đâu so ra là biết kết quả liền như Magneto với Chun li

    Wolverine and Ryu: Wolverine and Ryu are rivals due to the fact that both have much in common. Both are fierce warriors; both have spent time in Japan where they learned martial arts skills; both have mentored other characters; both are determined at their goals (Ryu to become the ultimate fighter and Wolverine to repair his troubled life and do right); and both have darker sides that they must overcome. Additionally, both are among each company's most popular characters. Ryu is one of Capcom's most popular characters and is a part of Street Fighter, one of the most successful fighting game series, while Wolverine is one of Marvel's most popular superheroes and part of the X-Men, one of Marvel's most successful properties.
    Iron Man and Morrigan: Iron Man and Morrigan are likely rivals due to several similarities. For example, both are irresistable to the opposite sex-- most men find Morrigan attractive, while Iron Man is a constant chick magnet. As far as abilities go, both seem to use weaponry very commonly, with Iron Man using repulsors or transmitting additional weapons such as cannons and missiles to his frame while Morrigan can shape her wings to mimic modern weaponry, including a missile battery as well as having had access to a large beam cannon. Also, both can fly and both have appeared in many of the Marvel vs. Capcom games.
    Hulk and Chris: Hulk and Chris can easily be seen as rivals. Chris Redfield is constantly fighting zombies and monsters, and Hulk is a giant green abomination who is a constant target by the government. Therefore, it's easy to see Chris trying to take down The Hulk and vice versa if they crossed paths.
    Deadpool and Dante: Deadpool and Dante are very similar, and therefore are rivals in the Marvel/Capcom universe. Both are mercenaries with a liking for guns and swords; both wear red and black (Dante wears a red coat and black shirt while Deadpool wears a red and black suit and mask); both can teleport and heal at an accelerated rate; both are wisecrackers; and both of their names begin with the letter "D".
    Captain America and Felicia: Captain America and Felicia are rivals as both have their own hopes and dreams. Felicia's dream is to be a famous pop star, while Captain America's dream is for a better future for America. However, the focus of their dreams could also put them at odds. Whereas Captain America's dream is broad and positive for a whole nation, Felicia's is focused on herself. Both fighters are also American.
    Dr. Doom and Chun-Li: Dr. Doom and Chun-Li both loved their deceased parents dearly, and their death has made them what they are today. Chun-Li has grown strong and works for Interpol in hopes of finally bringing her father's killer and Shadaloo leader, M. Bison, to justice. Dr. Doom has become a powerful sorcerer and incredibly knowledgeable scientist, increasing his knowledge in both fields in order to avenge his mother's death.
    Super Skrull and Trish: Super Skrull and Trish were both artificially created beings, Trish being created by Mundus to lure out, then destroy Dante, Super Skrull being created by the Skrull Empire to take out the Fantastic Four. Both have not been able to complete their original tasks for various reasons (Trish was saved twice by Dante, Super Skrull was defeated numerous times by the Fantastic Four). They are put at odds as rivals because Trish now decides to fight for good and works alongside Dante in the demon-slaying business, while Super Skrull continues to battle the Fantastic Four until he succeeds in defeating them. Also, they both have powers that come from the main antagonists of the series.
    Thor and Amaterasu: Thor and Amaterasu are both gods with the responsibility of protecting their respective worlds (Amaterasu being the guardian of Nippon, Thor being the guardian of Asgard). Both can also control various elements of nature using their divine weapons: Amaterasu using the Celestial Brush, Thor using Mjolnir.
    Dormammu and Viewtiful Joe: Dormammu and Viewtiful Joe have similarly powerful fire-based attacks. Both fighters are also far stronger in their respective dimensions (Viewtiful Joe in Movieland, Dormammu in the Dark Dimension). Viewtiful Joe makes it his job to defeat any and all evildoers, while Dormammu doesn't hesitate to destroy anybody who opposes him.
    X-23 and Tron: X-23 and Tron are both teenage anti-heroines: Tron commits constant acts of thievery but has also shown some proper morals, while X-23 was trained to be a cold blooded assassin meant to take on any task, but now seeks to turn her life around with the help of the X-Men. Tron has vast knowledge (for someone her age) of mechanics and employs it in all of the robots and mechs she builds, X-23 has incredible expertise in the stealth and assassination arts (which she now uses to defeat any villains whom the X-Men have their eye on).
    Spider-Man and Wesker: Spider-Man and Wesker were both geniuses given their powers from biological experiments. However, Spider-Man's powers were an accident, while Wesker's were intentional. Their views on these abilities put them at obvious odds. Spider-Man believes with great power comes great responsibility, and uses his powers to protect the innocent, whereas Wesker believes his powers make him a god, and takes no responiblity for anything he does, justifying them in his quest to take over the world. Therefore, Wesker and Spider-Man are rivals.
    M.O.D.O.K. and Spencer: M.O.D.O.K. and Spencer are paired together because they both have modified their bodies in order to fulfill organizations goals.
    Magneto and Arthur: Magneto and Arthur rival each other for a simple reason. Magneto was born with the ability to control metal, and Arthur's armor is made out of metal.
    She-Hulk and Zero: She-Hulk and Zero are both advocates for their respective causes. Zero seeks to protect the Reploid race by destroying any and all Mavericks, while She-Hulk is an attorney who makes it her job to protect the innocent as both She-Hulk and her human alter-ego, Jennifer Walters. Also, they were both secondary characters in their series who then got their own spin-offs.
    Storm and Crimson Viper: Storm and Crimson Viper both have a technology vs. nature rivalry. Crimson Viper's abilities stem from her specially designed battle suit, giving her control over fire, earth, and electric-based attacks, while Storm's abilities stem from her mutant genes, giving her the ability to control all forms of weather.
    Phoenix and Haggar: Phoenix and Haggar have a protector vs. destroyer rivalry between each other. Haggar has protected his community of Metro City from the great threat of the Mad Gear Gang, while Phoenix has destroyed whole planets in Dark Phoenix mode. They are also opposites in their attributions, Haggar's a male, who fights physically and (after Sentinel's health was lowered in a patch) had the most health in MvC3 (being surpassed by Nemesis in UMvC3), while Phoenix is a female, who fights mentally with projectiles and has the lowest health in the game.
    Taskmaster and Akuma: Taskmaster and Akuma both use the fighting styles of others. While Akuma uses the fighting style also used by Ryu, Ken, Dan, Sakura, Sean and Gouken, Taskmaster uses fighting styles taken from Captain America, Deadpool, Hawkeye, Black Knight, Spider-Man, Wolverine and various other Marvel heroes and villians. While both are considered villains, they are technically anti-heroes who fight for personal gain; Akuma fights to expand his limits and use the Satsui no Hado to its fullest extent, while Taskmaster is a mercenary who fights only for money, thus putting the two at odds.
    Sentinel and Hsien-Ko: Sentinel and Hsien-Ko have a magic vs. technology rivalry. They both have a mastery of their hidden weapon systems with their respective abilities; Hsien-Ko conceals an arsenal of traditional weaponry in the sleeves of her outfit using her abilities as a Darkstalker, whereas Sentinel has its arsenal of modern weaponry incorporated into its body. Interesting to note is how both have been opinionated the other way around, Sentinel will do anything regardless if its programmer is good or bad while Hsien has always been viewed badly because she's a jiāngshī.
    Shuma-Gorath and Jill: Shuma-Gorath's rival is Jill for the same reasoning as Chris' is Hulk. She often fights against zombies and monsters. Shuma-Gorath is a six-tentacled cyclops, not unlike the monsters that Jill may fight. Interesting to note is how Jill was mind controlled to be Wesker's puppet, while Dr. Strange needed to fight against Shuma-Gorath from the inside, only to fail, and become the new Shuma-Gorath.
    Hawkeye and Strider Hiryu: Hawkeye and Strider Hiryu can be seen as rivals for a few reasons. Both mastered their basic fighting style at a young age, Hiryu being the youngest Strider to reach Special A-Class, and Hawkeye learning his archery skills as a child working at a circus. Their personalities contrast greatly too: Strider is stoic and silent while Hawkeye is loud and brash.

    Ghost Rider and Firebrand (Red Arremer): Ghost Rider and Firebrand oppose each other for numerous reasons. Both characters are demons, but while Firebrand is a demon that serves the devil and enjoys hurting others, Ghost Rider is a demon that serves the greater good, and protects the innocent and punishes the guilty, putting them at odds. Both primarily used fire-based attacks aswell. They both also seem to bear the opposite of what their doing at times, some think of Ghost Rider as a bad guy from what he does, while Firebrand has been a hero, but only to his people of Demon Village.

    Dr. Strange and Nemesis: Dr. Strange is often pitted against demons, monsters, and other abominations, such as Dormammu and Shuma-Gorath, and Nemesis would certainly fall into the same category as them. They also present a thematic science vs. magic rivalry since Nemesis is a scientific abomination and Dr. Strange is a magic wielder. In addition, they are polar opposites in mentally, Dr Strange being an intelligent, patient, creative spell caster; while Nemesis is a mindless, straight-forward, unrelenting killer. Interesting to note is how they were created/transformed into the other, Nemesis is an abomination made in human form, while Dr. Strange struggled only to be the new Shuma-Gorath, an abomination.

    Iron Fist and Vergil: Both Iron Fist and Vergil use a fighting style typically associated with Asia (Iron Fist employs chi-enfused martial arts, while Vergil wields an O-Katana known as Yamato.) They have also experienced similar family tragedies, witnessing the death of at least one of their parents when they were children.
    Nova and Phoenix Wright: Nova and Phoenix Wright are rivals because of power, and who they use it against. Nova having a very large array of powers, while Phoenix Wright has absolutely no powers at all. Nova gained supernatural powers which he uses to fight regular crime, while Wright, a normal human, has had numerous encounters with the supernatural, and even faced villains of a mystic nature. Both have also had to overcome impossible odds on a normal basis and are extremely determined in their resolve to protect the innocent as they both started out having a sense of powerlessness and went on to become everything they could have ever dreamed of.
    Rocket Raccoon and Frank West: Both are characters that like to make wisecracking comments during danger and have been through bizarre and horrifying situations, Frank in a zombie apocalypse, and Rocket Raccoon in the potentially universe-destroying ordeals that the Guardians of the Galaxy face. Both of them have also fought evil clowns; Frank faced off with a psychotic chainsaw-wielding clown named Adam MacIntyre, and his short freezegun wielding brother Evan MacIntyre, and Rocket Raccoon has battled the killer clowns.

    In the UMVC3 opening movie, the characters seem to fight other characters, and not their respective rivals in MVC3. This suggests that there may be more than one rival for each character.

    Ryu and Nova.
    Mike Haggar and Hulk.
    Dante and Ghost Rider.
    Morrigan and Dr. Strange.
    Strider Hiryu and Spider-Man.
    Phoenix Wright and Deadpool.
    Albert Wesker and Phoenix.
    Vergil and Wolverine.
    Firebrand and Hawkeye/Captain America.
    Nathan Spencer and Iron Man.
    Jill Valentine and She-Hulk.
    Trish and Thor.
    Amaterasu and Dormammu.
    Chun-Li and Iron Fist.
    Nemesis T-Type and X-23.
    Viewtiful Joe and Rocket Raccoon.
    Zero and M.O.D.O.K.
    Tron Bonne and Sentinel.
    Frank West/C. Viper and Super Skrull.
    Hsien-Ko and Taskmaster.
    Akuma and Storm.
    Chris Redfield/Felicia and Shuma-Gorath.
    Arthur and Dr. Doom.
    Magneto and Galactus.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 23/10/12
  3. Ice_Dragon

    Ice_Dragon Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    cứ thấy mấy thánh bảo là Hulk regen nhanh, càng bị đánh càng sung, càng tức giận càng mạnh, rồi gì mà có khả năng ngăn chặn 1 hành tinh đang nổ,blabla... vậy thì có nhân vật nào(k phải mấy dạng mà đấm phát chết luôn, nghĩ gì là được nấy) có thể đập chết Hulk không. Sao thấy topic này thần thánh Hulk lên dữ vậy(trong khi đọc WWH hay Planet Hulk thấy Hulk cũng thường chứ đâu có imba lắm đâu)
  4. ash321

    ash321 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    nếu tính toàn bộ power up thì wolverine ăn đấy
    phoenix force
    control the universe zzzzz
  5. Evil Spirits

    Evil Spirits Nam Vương Thư Giãn Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hải Phòng
    Vâng , và tôi đếu biết tiếng Anh thưa của quý :|
    Biết thì google với Wiki rồi :(

    - - - Updated - - -

    Vâng , và tôi đếu biết tiếng Anh thưa của quý :|
    Biết thì google với Wiki rồi :(
  6. Zainor Dean

    Zainor Dean Thợ cào phân

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hội Dzườn Đào
    The Spectre
    • Siêu sức mạnh, siêu tốc độ, siêu thể lực, siêu bền, biết bay, du hành vào ko gian thứ nguyên, điều khiển năng lượng vũ trụ ở mức cao nhất (có thể điều khiển, tái tạo và phá hủy các ko gian thứ nguyên và cả vũ trụ) , thay đổi kích cỡ theo ý muốn, dịch chuyển tức thời, ngoại cảm, tiên đoán, tạo ảo giác, dịch chuyển đồ vật bằng ý nghĩ, thay đổi hiện thực, thao túng linh hồn, hấp thụ và tăng cường năng lượng,.v.v..
    • Điểm yếu: The Spectre có thể bị sát thương bởi ma thuật, ví dụ như Ngọn Giáo Vận Mệnh (Spear of Destiny), và bị hạn chế bởi sự cho phép của The Presence.
    • Tốc độ: Nhanh hơn ánh sáng
    • Sức khỏe: ko đo đếm đc.
    • Thể lực: vô hạn.
    • Mức phá hoại: Đa vũ trụ.
    • Phạm vị sức mạnh: Đa vũ trụ.
    • Tri thức: gần như toàn trí (sau khi DC bắt đầu lại vũ trụ để thành vũ trụ mới 52 thì The Spectre vẫn nhớ những sự kiện của Post-crisis).
    Evil Spirits thích bài này.
  7. Trùm online

    Trùm online Godslayer Κράτος ⚔️ Dragon Knight ⚔️ CHAMPION Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    3^Chỉ tính các "vũ khí" mà 2 bên từng sử dụng qua thôi. "Force" không phải là vũ khí nếu xét theo góc độ nghĩa đen của từ này.

    Ủa Deadpool biết teleport à :-? Tập nào vậy mấy bác :-?
  8. Zainor Dean

    Zainor Dean Thợ cào phân

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hội Dzườn Đào
    ^ Nghe bẩu cái thắt lưng của Deadpool có tech để teleport, chứ bản thân Deadpool ko có năng lực đó.

    Cỡ skyfather đấu nghiêm túc thì đập phát... Hulk xìu luôn (Salvage Hulk). Mà trong WWH, Hulk đập Dr.Strange và hòa với Sentry đều ở trạng thái điên mà ko khủng thì là gì?!
  9. Ice_Dragon

    Ice_Dragon Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Coi Planet Hulk và WWH liền nhau thì thấy có cái rất khó hiểu, bảo là Hulk miễn nhiễm với mấy cái ngoại cảm này nọ thế mà trong Planet Hulk thì Hulk lại bị cái máy gì đó(quên mất tiêu) bắn vào người rồi vẫn điều khiển được Hulk, vậy thì sức mạnh ngoại cảm đâu có ghê gớm như mọi người miêu tả đâu(hay do đọc mà hiểu sai @_@)
    Còn trận cuối Hulk vs Sentry thì rõ ràng Sentry chưa đánh hết sức, cảm thấy nếu tung hết sức 1 mất 1 còn thì Hulk và mọi người quanh đó đều ngỏm hết(do Sentry phải tập trung kiềm chế sức mạnh của bản thân nữa)
  10. Ayo

    Ayo Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Lost Heaven
    Sức mạnh của Spectre nói cho gọn là làm đc mọi thứ miễn là trong sự cho phép của The Presence.
  11. ash321

    ash321 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    dr.strange đáng lẽ ra là xử đẹp hulk rồi đấy chứ, tại vì ổng thấy mình đánh nhau với hulk mà làm cho lẫn thường dân vào cuộc chiến, ổng mới dừng lại, hulk lợi dụng thời cơ, hốt ổng luôn
    cái đó là dạng tra tấn, giống như kiểu mày làm tao không thích, tao giật điện mày, với lại lúc đó thằng hulk đang cảm thấy phản bội, confuse các thứ, nên chả thèm chống trả.về sau lúc điên lên thành world war hulk, hulk chơi luôn proferser X rồi còn gì. sentry với hulk thì lol =)) sentry huề theo plot =)) chứ đập nhau thẳng thừng thì thằng hulk là cái đinh =))
  12. Zainor Dean

    Zainor Dean Thợ cào phân

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hội Dzườn Đào
    Thì lấy Sentry lúc power thuộc tầm thấp hay trung của nó thôi. Mà thế cũng đã khủng rồi. Các chú heroes xung quanh mắt tròn mắt dẹt nhìn 2 thằng khùng đập nhau còn gì nữa :-"
  13. Tear_Of_Blood

    Tear_Of_Blood T.E.T.Я.I.S Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    thế Tôn Ngộ Không cho bem nhau với comic thì đánh với thằng nào thì cân :7cool_extreme_sexy_
  14. Evil Spirits

    Evil Spirits Nam Vương Thư Giãn Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hải Phòng
    Đại Thánh chắc chỉ mấy lão dùng phép hay mấy lão nội công thâm hậu mới giết dc , vì body của hắn hình như kháng dc các đòn vật lý !
  15. Clone001

    Clone001 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Kháng được cả sấm sét cơ mà .
  16. Ayo

    Ayo Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Lost Heaven
    Kiếm cái này về đọc thử xem=))
  17. Zainor Dean

    Zainor Dean Thợ cào phân

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hội Dzườn Đào
    Thằng Tôn Ngộ Không đấy hình như có phải hàng thật và chuẩn đâu >__< ?!
  18. hoanghoihai

    hoanghoihai Marcus Fenix, savior of Sera Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Thằng đấy là đồ dỏm mà, anh thật đang tu trong hang :5cool_ops:
  19. Tia Sáng

    Tia Sáng Zack Snyder =thất bại của Holyweed Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Viện Tâm Thần
    Thằng đó là truyền thừa sứ của Ngộ Không thật thôi.
  20. thichdua0000

    thichdua0000 Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    hỏi tí , phiên bản nào của anh sịp là trâu nhất vậy

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