Introduce yourself here!

Thảo luận trong 'Giao lưu Ngoại Ngữ' bắt đầu bởi Hung Long, 16/11/02.

  1. Kira Maru

    Kira Maru Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Some place in the space
    Kira Sue???R u a boi or a gal??And to Shadow_cat:I DO NOT,not I DOES NOT.Remember that.
  2. Atachi

    Atachi The Boy From Nowhere

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Sunset Boulevard
    Oh these pervert stuffs , that why we admire the big bro Rociel in Guide group so much ;)) . Lightdevi will never kill a nice guy who always give him many gà mái stuffs everyday =)).
  3. shadow_cat

    shadow_cat Lonely in Gorgeous

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Flower Field
    read till the rest of my post Kira. try to be friend with my bad typing if u want to spam in this box
  4. Rociel

    Rociel シェンムー Ryo Hazuki

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hồ Chí Minh
    Hi shadow cat!
    -what made u think (just for fun for do %#@%) is f***king? "do %#@%" maybe "hang out","play some thing together with another friends",....!!!! (I just dont say these thing :p )
    -why did u u think it is bad thing?I dont say I'll "play" with another GF?what daya think "these GF"?
    -BTW,is this topic Introduce right?SO this is place for every1 know eachother!!!
    At last,I dont want to war here and you made me think you is pervert too!Coz' only perverter think "do %^!$" is "pertvert thing"!
  5. Kira Maru

    Kira Maru Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Some place in the space
    Who ask u to write like that????It's complicate to tell what on earth u r thinking.And to my lovely xixi Shadow cat:I cannot stand ppl using bad english,so stay with me that way ^_^.By the way,"read till the end",not "till the rest",my sis.And thí í for Rociel:If u put "is it" at the beginning of ur sentences,there shouldn't be a "right" at the end.
  6. Rociel

    Rociel シェンムー Ryo Hazuki

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hồ Chí Minh
    This is last time I check this topic!!!

    Im not good about grammar and you guys understand wat I write,right? And I dont learn any English from any school,I just learn myself from video and games!Coz' that I want to learn from anywhere I can learn.

    I dont like any1 teach me how to live,how to love and this is my life.I dont care some1 see it bad or good.My GF (my wife after...) love me and know me,she always beside me when I did write above post.We sensed some1 will >< that post...and it happened!!!

    Oh....and last if u want to know real me then meet me in real life.On forum,u cannot say anything about private life of any1.

    BTW,this is "INTRODUCE POST" then I hope u guys dont fix,tell to bad thing to some1.
  7. lightdevil

    lightdevil Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Under the sun
    about your ...perverted habits , i think it's a joke
    and Kiri maru : you can't stand bad English hah ? so i guess i will not see u anymore, cause the ppl in this box speak bad English everywhere :)) :-"
  8. shadow_cat

    shadow_cat Lonely in Gorgeous

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Flower Field
    damn, VNese people nevar know when to take a slang serious and when to understand word by a proper meaning.
    i said ***cking around means that you are messing, doing dumb things around. Like i said, im not against having a lot of GF . Im a modern person after all. but when you have a bride, isnt it time to prepare for your happy ending? you nevar know the pain of being a girl waiting for the marriage, if you were in my position, a girl who has to wait for 5years, until her BF succesful and has some kind of position on Wall street. you nevar know i tell ya.
    about bad grammar: i dont care. if you hate it, you can go somewhere els please. we are at a community forum, not educational, and having somewhere behind my back barking is troublesome.

    @rociel: should i warn you because of the big signature? please resize it be4 basaf gov you .
  9. PL

    PL T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    what? are you a vietnamese people ,cat? i'm very disappointed in you,:-w and never do it again , Say those words after all thing considered :|
  10. ipridian_elf

    ipridian_elf Voyage perdu

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Well well well, misunderstanding. Big misunderstanding. Please don't do that in this topic. I don't know who's wrong, who's right, but there's something which is clear, it's that there is no "wrong" or "right" here in this situation. It's just opinions.

    Tolerance, comrades.
  11. Kira Maru

    Kira Maru Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Some place in the space
    blah blah blah blah blah,whatever.I will leave this topic straight away,cuz it's really boring to stay here and read those bad grammar's post.
  12. Santa Slash

    Santa Slash Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Who care ??? :-? You don't want it You can leave <_< \
  13. lightdevil

    lightdevil Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Under the sun
    if u don't live, you will need " thuốc nhỏ mắt" =)) =))
  14. ipridian_elf

    ipridian_elf Voyage perdu

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Gawd, stop it. It's an introduction topic. I'll have to resort to violence if you just don't stop it right now. Kira Maru has got "1" already. Now please don't make me use that button again.
  15. kefka

    kefka Mayor of SimCity

    Tham gia ngày:
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    TP Hồ Chí Minh
    It've been along time since I have come up with some serious conversation here in my English box, well, let's get rumble guys :x

    " im not against having a lot of GF . Im a modern person after all. " :)) this is called quibble, you're defending the fact that you have the right to have ( or had :)) ) many boy friends also.
    Rochel does not say something wrong, he loves Hentai and he just said the fact, but about wooing lot of girlfriend just for ****** deeds ... well, just between you and me, do it the dark alleys or at least have it concealed. There are always people as KHM around :))

    One last question
    " one ticket there and back to VN " => just that ? No more, no less ? =))
  16. Dark_Gemini

    Dark_Gemini Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    To Kira Maru: Oh please, don't act like you have better grammar than anyone else. Just lookk at your post:
    you see it? it should be "it's complicated" I'm not saying that I have better grammar than you, but at least I don't act like one

    BTW, let me introduce myself
    My name: Ken
    Nick name: Dark_Gemini
    Date of birth: 06/1984 (that's why my nick is called Dark_Gemini ^_^)
    Hobbies: reading manga, watching movie, playing game (That's why I'm here, right?)
    I currently live in Cali, and I'm Junior at CSUH
  17. Eros Virgo

    Eros Virgo Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hello everybody! :hug:
    I guess you guy think that i'm newmember...but exactly i joined this site in 2003, 3 years is quite a long time, it's also first website i've joined...after summer 2003 sharing fun with friends in here... i offline for a long time... and now when i returned, unluckily i forgot everything:pass, i created a newacc, that'all about my history, about myself:

    name: Eros
    age: 20
    appearance: 1 head, 2 eyes, 2 ears...same any averageboy in the world
    + peking duck( have u ever tried it? if not, u should before u rest forverver, the most delicious food you can find in this space...hic hic, i'm hungry)
    +games (of course!)
    + music,music,music...&music = oh! baby how can i live without u...
    dislike: whatever i hate :D

    Nice too meet You guy.
  18. Dr.Light

    Dr.Light Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hello Everybody ::) I joined feb-2k5 /:), I'm not good @ Eng very much, plz understand me.
    Name : LIGHT !!!, I don't have an English name, just "Light", shine...
    Nick : Dr.Light, I'm called. You can call me BHL, Light, ...
    Y! Messenger : bachoclight.
    MSN : not registered. /:)
    Favorite : I don't know ^^. Chocolate, Fruits (not very much), orange juice,... just food. Music.
    Fav game : don't ask me. u have known that already ^^

    Nice 2 meet you. :x

    My forum :
    Welcome all.
  19. Darshie

    Darshie Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    I'm newbie, then please guide me. Thanks for alls. I speak don't very good, exactly hard...
    My name is Phạm Hà Vy, sn 13/8. That's all ^^
  20. FFFF Mk.II

    FFFF Mk.II Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nghĩa địa ^^
    * lol, i guess i should do a little "introducing" too ^^
    _ Btw, where the hell is Ipri ? Isn't he one of the Mod for this Box ? Ipriiiiiii.... uguu.... ^^

    * ehto.... i'm actually really sucks at Eng since the only reason i study it because i plays RPGs. =)) I know a few vocabulary, but my grammar suck (well ya could see that in the way i post ^^). Anyway, i dun care much for grammar lol
    _ i came to this Box cause i haven't visit it before and i wanna change my mood. and since this Box seem pretty safe for me as long as i dun speak VN so i guess i won't have to worry about GOV here =))

    * Btw, @ Darshie : I really like your Ava and sign, since i'm more or less a fan of Arika Tanemura :)) I prefer Full Moon wo Sagashite than Kamikaze Kaitou Jeane cause the Anime of Full Moon is way better then Kamikaze Kaitou. But i have recently discovered : the Manga of Full Moon isn't as good as Kamikaze Kaitou so i guess i luv them both now ^^

    * if any of ya is bored of your normal life and wanna have a weird conversation with wierd guys like me then u can find us in Mirc, server IRCHighway, channel #gamevn ^^ [Ipri, plz come back, we miss ya so much T_T]
    P.S : u're free to add my YM too, but i suggest u don't do that. just my YM nick can make ya back off and run away [ya better not peek in my Ym just "to know why is that" =))]

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