Make an introduction of yourself first, pal!:) Then choose a topic to post and you'll be able to associate with everyone in the box. Remember to follow the current topic, not the title of the topic. Anyway, nice to meet you!:)
Maybe he want to have enough 50 posts then he can upload his own ava. Or maybe he doesn't know where to choose ava "
Yeah. You must. When you r a newbie you can choose an ava from GVN library but you must have 50 posts to upload any images you want.
avt from GVN can be the image with file of GIF, but the own avt from PC or web can't be, i like animator images :(
Nah, I joined GVN 5 years ago but this is the first time I see this box Guess this is a peaceful box (no wind slash, no war, no 5 [], no masturbate... )