Legends' update - Patch notes

Thảo luận trong 'Thư viện' bắt đầu bởi AndyKEhn, 4/6/10.

  1. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Release Notes v1.0.0.138

    [spoil]League of Legends v.

    Hecarim, the Shadow of War

    Warpath (Passive) – Hecarim ignores unit collision and gains attack damage equal to a percentage of his bonus movement speed.
    Rampage – Hecarim cleaves nearby enemies dealing physical damage.
    Spirit of Dread - Hecarim deals magic damage to nearby enemies for a short duration. Hecarim gains health equal to a percentage of any damage those enemies suffer.
    Devastating Charge - Hecarim gains increasing movement speed for a short duration. His next attack knocks the target back and deals additional physical damage based on the distance he has traveled since activating the ability.
    Onslaught of Shadows (Ultimate) - Hecarim summons spectral riders and charges forward, dealing magic damage in a line. Hecarim creates a shockwave when he finishes his charge, dealing additional magic damage to nearby enemies causing them to flee in terror.


    Pyromania now works like other charged passives (activating a spell with the stun no longer builds a charge, but number of charges required to energize reduced to 4 from 5)


    Base armor increased to 20 from 17
    Base health increased to 530 from 510
    Fixed a bug where Shadow Dance's recharge time wouldn't update with new ranks or cooldown reduction until reaching full ammo charges (3)
    Fixed a bug where Twilight Shroud was not applying assists properly


    Updated recommended items


    Fixed a bug where Collateral Damage could cost mana and go on cooldown without firing


    Fixed a bug where Irelia was reducing the duration of Blinds and Silences by too much
    Fixed a bug around failing to fire any extra Transcendent Blades


    Relentless Assault (Passive) will now stack even if Jax's attack misses or is dodged


    Fixed a bug where Mantra's recharge time wouldn't update with new ranks or cooldown reduction until reaching full ammo charges (2)


    Divine Blessing
    Heal amount increased to 60/105/150/195/240 from 45/85/125/165/205
    Movement Speed increased to 18/21/24/27/30% from 15/17/19/21/23%
    Movement Speed duration increased to 3 seconds from 2.5
    Mana cost increased to 60/70/80/90/100 from 60/65/70/75/80


    No longer regenerates health in Icathian Surprise


    Howling Gale now knocks the target further into the air the longer it is channeled (now 80 + 10 per second channeled from constant 100)
    Mana cost reduced to 150/225/300 from 200/275/350
    Knock back distance reduced to 875 from 1000


    Sunlight now has a new particle
    Zenith Blade hit box increased slightly to match the animation
    Fixed a bug where Sunlight could occasionally cause double kills against targets like Kog'maw (Icathian Surprise)


    Fixed a display error for Lulu's passive - passive now correctly states how much damage Pix is doing.
    Fixed a bug where Pix could remain helping an ally after it had returned to Lulu.
    Fixed a bug where Lulu was taking damage credit while Pix was aiding an ally.


    Fixed a bug where Lucent Singularity's cooldown was 11 seconds instead of 10


    Fixed a bug where Seismic Shard's Movement Speed was lost if the target died

    Miss Fortune

    Fixed a bug where effects like Guardian Angel broke Strut until she died and respawned


    Fixed a bug where Mordekaiser could cause minions to attack themselves.


    Command: Attack mana cost reduced to 50 at all ranks from 50/55/60/65/70


    Arctic Assault mana cost reduced to 70/75/80/85/90 from 70/80/90/100/110
    Glacial Prison cooldown reduced to 130/115/100 seconds from 150/130/110


    Ravenous Flock upkeep cost reduced to 5/6/7 from 5/7/9
    Basic attack frame speed increased


    Move Quick cooldown reduced to 17 seconds from 22
    Fixed a bug where Noxious Trap's recharge time wouldn't update with new ranks or cooldown reduction until reaching full ammo charges (3)
    Fixed a bug where Teemo's 'Toxic Shot' was doing less damage than intended at higher attack speeds.


    Tristana will now attempt to immediately attack champions targeted by Explosive Shot or Buster Shot.


    Fixed a bug where Vladimir could occasionally be hit by projectiles while in Sanguine Pool


    Fixed a bug where Ravenous Ghoul failed to heal Yorick before leveling up Decaying Ghoul


    Fixed a bug where Hexsplosive Minefield's slow effect was displayed higher than intended.


    * Time Warp mana cost reduced to 80 from 100
    * Chronoshift mana cost reduced to 125/150/175 from 200 at all ranks


    Atma's Impaler Health to Damage conversion lowered to 1.5% from 2%
    Doran's Blade Health reduced to 80 from 100
    Doran's Ring Health reduced to 80 from 100
    Hexdrinker passive shield duration increased to 5 from 3.
    Wit's End combine cost increased to 700 from 550 (total cost increased to 2150 from 2000)
    Last Whisper will now show up as a Pickaxe upgrade in the item shop


    Champion XP/Gold Rewards
    Champions gain more experience for killing higher level champions (especially 2 or more levels) but less experience for killing lower level ones
    Maximum bounty for killing a champion on a long killing streak increased to 600 from 500
    Experience split when two or more champions are present increased; situations with two or more champions splitting experience now earn 30.4% more total experience than solo, up from 26.1%
    HP and MANA regen rates are now displayed on your HP and Mana bars
    Minion health bar toggle is now bound to Ctrl+L by default (instead of L)
    Monster regeneration sigils now restore up to 40 mana (from 30)
    Added floating status text (for example "Snared!") to some spells that were missing it (like Cassiopeia's Petrifying Gaze), and removed it from displacement effects that didn't need it (like Gragas' Explosive Cask)
    Fixed another bug causing double kills against targets like Kog'maw (Icathian Surprise)
    Added the rules for making a Summoner Name to the Summoner Creation screen when new accounts log into PvP.net for the first time


    Animated Combat Text
    Added animated text for all damage done
    Damage is now colored depending on what type of damage it is.
    Physical Damage = Red
    Magic Damage = Purple
    True Damage = White
    Legacy damage text can be enabled via the options menu.
    Added animated status text for CC effects and immunities
    Death Recap is now colored based on the damage type done
    Interface Options reworked to support new floating combat text.
    Fixed a bug where damage text would sometimes linger on the screen
    Announcement System
    Improved the priority and responsiveness of kill announcements
    Larger multi-kills will now take priority over smaller multi-kills by the same player (the smaller multi-kill will be dropped)
    The ACE! Announcement should now be more responsive
    Added first-pass animated kill announcement banners for Multi-kills and First blood

    PvP.net features

    Added first win of the day status to the summoner profile.
    Added a search function to the custom games list. Searches can be performed by game name or host name.
    Mastery Pages will now be stored server-side so they can be accessed from any computer.


    Lesser Mark of Warding, Mark of Warding, Greater Mark of Warding Magic Resist reduced by 20%
    Lesser Glyph of Warding, Glyph of Warding, Greater Glyph of Warding Magic Resist reduced by 10%
    Lesser Quintessence of Warding, Quintessence of Warding, Greater Quintessence of Warding reduced by 11.1%
    Lesser Glyph of Insight, Glyph of Insight, Greater Glyph of Insight Magic Penetration increased by 20%
    Lesser Quintessence of Insight, Quintessence of Insight, Greater Quintessence of Insight Magic Penetration increased by 15%
    Lesser Glyph of Potency, Glyph of Potency, Greater Glyph of Potency Ability Power increased by 20%

    Co-op vs. AI

    Added Sion Bot and Vladimir Bot
    Improved bots' target acquisition while near enemy towers to reduce amount of tower diving
    Improved bots' logic for assisting each other
    Bots now properly purchase elixirs after finishing their item builds
    Fixed a bug where bots would sometimes randomly path toward the enemy base
    The difficulty level of Co-Op Vs. AI games will now be displayed in the End of Game screen after each game
    Added the ability for the host of a Custom Dominion game to add bots to the game
  2. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Release Notes v1.0.0.139

    [spoil]Spectator Mode!

    Spectate your Friends
    Added the ability to spectate games that friends are playing by right clicking their name in the buddy list
    Easily identify friends you can spectate by the eye icon near their name
    Featured Games
    The landing page will now host featured games that anyone can spectate
    Click the 'Watch Now' icon to view some of the most skilled players in League of Legends!
    Games cycle at regular intervals so be sure to check back often
    Directed Camera
    Implemented a directed camera mode that will automatically follow the action in game!
    The camera will seamlessly jump between champion fights and other critical moments
    Interesting events like Champion kills will be prioritized
    When multiple Champions are on the screen, the camera will automatically adjust to include them
    Timeshift Controls
    Spectators can now jump around the timeline of a live game to watch past events!
    Replay events in slow motion to review action-filled moments
    Spectators can now actively fast forward through the game
    Spectator announcer coverage will now report more events
    Updated spectator UI elements to respect colorblind mode

    New Skins in the Store

    Frostblade Irelia
    Rune Wars Renekton

    PVP.net v1.59

    Added a new image for ignored Summoners in the buddy list
    Fixed several display inconsistencies when using Summoner Name Change
    Summoners must now be level 5 to talk in public chat rooms
    Level 1 summoners will still be able to join with read-only access
    Pending a hotfix, only game creators can invite players to games

    PvP.net Store

    Added an indicator to show owned rune content when attempting to purchase a new rune
    Rune purchases past the usable rune limit will now be prevented

    League of Legends v1.0.0.139


    Now gains 1.25 Magic Resist per level


    Curse of the Sad Mummy cooldown reduced to 150/130/110 seconds from 170/150/120 seconds
    Now gains 1.25 Magic Resist per level


    Base Health increased to 460 from 424
    Incinerate Mana cost reduced to 70/80/90/100/110 from 80/95/110/125/140
    Molten Shield
    Fixed a bug where Molten Shield returned damage to turrets
    Duration reduced to 8 seconds from 15 seconds and cooldown reduced to 16 seconds from 30 seconds
    Mana cost reduced to 20 from 25
    Armor and Magic Resist increased to 20/30/40/50/60 from 10/20/30/40/50


    Updated playing against tips


    Movement Speed increased to 320 from 315

    Dr. Mundo

    Burning Agony
    Now has a short cooldown upon activation (to avoid accidental disabling)
    Base damage reduced to 35/50/65/80/95 from 40/55/70/85/100
    Crowd control reduction decreased to 10/15/20/25/30% from 15/20/25/30/35%
    Fixed a bug where Burning Agony was reducing the duration of blinds and silences by more than intended
    Cooldown increased to 75 seconds from 65 seconds


    Fixed a bug where using a ward could break Buckshot's sound


    Base health increased to 546 from 515
    Health per level increased to 90 from 85
    Base health regen per 5 increased to 7.5 from 6.5
    Base damage increased to 59.3 from 56.3

    Jarvan IV

    Fixed a bug with Commando and Dragon Slayer skins that caused the game to hitch when first using Demacian Standard


    Fixed a bug where Counterstrike was stunning through spell shields


    Void Ooze slow reduced to 20/28/36/44/52% from 28/36/44/52/60%

    Lee Sin

    Iron Will Life Steal and Spell Vamp reduced to 5/9/13/17/21% from 5/10/15/20/25%
    Safeguard and Iron Will cooldown increased to 9 seconds from 8 seconds


    Now gains 1.25 Magic Resist per level


    Ability power ratio reduced to 0.6 from 0.7
    Mana cost increased at later ranks to 40/50/60/70/80 from 40/45/50/55/60
    Updated Wild Growth tooltip to reflect knock up ability rather than knock back


    Fixed a bug where Polymorph was interrupting Unstoppable Force

    Master Yi

    Mana cost reduced to 70/80/90/100/110 from 70/85/100/115/130
    Fixed a bug where assists with Highlander failed to reduce Alpha Strike's cooldown
    Duration changed to 8/10/12 seconds from 6/9/12 seconds

    Miss Fortune

    Bullet Time now deals physical damage
    Double Up secondary target damage increased to 120% from 115%


    Fixed a bug with the Ravager skin where Unspeakable Horror was not visually applying the fear tether


    Added a range indicator to Absolute Zero
    Now gains 1.25 Magic Resist per level


    Reckless Swing cooldown increased to 9/8/7/6/5 seconds from 8/7/6/5/4 seconds


    Base attack damage increased to 52 from 49
    Base missile speed increased to 2400 from 1400
    Recommended items updated on The Crystal Scar/Summoner's Rift
    Animations updated for Overload, Rune Prison, and Spell Flux
    Mana ratio reduced to 6.5% from 7.5%
    Ability power ratio increased to .4 from .2
    Overload base damage increased to 60/85/110/135/160 from 40/65/90/115/140
    Range reduced to 650 from 700
    Rune Prison
    Mana ratio reduced to 4.5% from 5%
    Mana cost adjusted to 80/90/100/110/120 from 80/95/110/125/140
    Rune prison duration reduced to .75/1/1.25/1.5/1.75 seconds from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds
    Spell Flux:
    Added a 1% mana ratio
    Missile speed reduced
    Bounce radius increased to 400 from 375
    Spell Flux now prioritizes enemy champions over Ryze
    Mana cost adjusted to 80/90/100/110/120 from 80/95/110/125/140
    Desperate Power:
    Passive mana component removed
    Active now adds 35/45/55 movement speed


    Base Health increased to 487 from 448
    Fixed a bug where Insanity Potion was reducing the duration of blinds and silences by more than intended


    Boomerang Blade bonus attack damage ratio increased to 1.1 from 1.0


    Duration of Magic Resist reduction decreased to 5 seconds from 8 seconds
    Mana cost increased at later ranks to 20/35/50/65/80 from 20/30/40/50/60
    Infuse will no longer target allied minions
    Astral Blessing armor bonus adjusted to 25/45/65/85/105 from 25/50/75/100/125


    Fixed a bug with Bilgewater and Northern Front skins that caused the game to hitch the first time Decrepify was used


    Rake mana cost reduced to 50/55/60/65/70 from 60/65/70/75/80
    Base armor increased to 20.5 from 18.5


    Now gains 1.25 Magic Resist per level


    Turtle Stance shield reduced to 60/95/130/165/200 from 60/100/140/180/220


    Fixed a bug where Majestic Roar was reducing Minion movement speed to 0 at rank 5


    Hungering Strike
    Damage reduced to 8/10/12/14/16% from 8/11/14/17/20%


    Zilean can no longer level up Rewind at level 1


    Turret base damage decreased but armor penetration and damage to minions increased
    Improved particle scaling on larger characters like Dragon and Baron
    Champion skin names will now be displayed on the load screen
    New option added: Show All Chat
    Cross-team chat in all games is now hidden by default
    Cross-team chat in spectated games will also be hidden by default
    If you enjoy competitive banter, opt-in using the new toggle in the 'More Options' menu!
    Fixed a crash that would occur when attempting to maximize the window while loading into the game
    Selected unit outlines are now improved to be less pixelated
    "Surrender Vote Failed" message no longer appears to the enemy team
    Announcements will now take up the same proportional amount of screen space regardless of the display resolution. The net result is a smaller size at smaller resolutions


    Deathfire Grasp
    Now builds out of Blasting Wand and Kage's Lucky Pick (total cost reduced to 2600 from 2610)
    Now grants 80 Ability Power and 15% Cooldown Reduction, from 60 Ability Power, 12 MP5, and 15% Cooldown Reduction
    Increased cast range to 750 from 650
    Active base damage changed to 25% +4% per 100 AP of the target's current Health from 30% + 3.5%
    Fiendish Codex cost reduced to 1125 from 1245
    Morello's Evil Tome
    Now builds out of Fiendish Codex and Kage's Lucky Pick (total cost reduced to 2330 from 2350)
    Now has Grievous Wounds active
    Sunfire Cape aura damage increased to 40 from 35
    Will of the Ancients
    Now builds out of Blasting Wand and Hextech Revolver
    Total cost increased to 2500 from 2100, combine cost reduced to 440 from 465
    Atma's Impaler, Manamune, Archangel's Staff, Randuin's Omen, Force of Nature, and Deathfire Grasp tooltips now update dynamically
    Fixed a bug where Randuin's Omen tooltip stated the incorrect slow duration

    Summoner Spells

    Fixed a bug where Teleport could be used after being affected by Crowd Control effects
    Fixed a bug where casting Cleanse could interrupt Teleport
    Summoner Heal base value reduced to 100 from 145

    Co-op vs. AI

    Changed Soraka Bot's Wish logic to help all allies instead of just those near her
    Changed logic for Master Yi Bot's use of Meditate
    Fixed a bug where Dominion bots would prematurely break counter-channel attempts on neutral points
    Fixed a bug where Caitlyn Bot did not learn all of her skills
  3. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Release Notes v1.0.0.140

    [spoil]Darius, the Hand of Noxus

    Hemorrhage (Passive) - Darius aims his attacks strategically, causing his target to bleed. This effect stacks up to five times.
    Decimate - Darius swings his axe in a wide circle. Enemies struck by the blade take more damage than those struck by the shaft.
    Crippling Strike - Darius's next attack severs a crucial artery. As the target bleeds out, their movement and attack speeds are slowed. Crippling Strike's cooldown is lower the more bloodied the target.
    Apprehend - Darius hones his axe, granting him passive armor penetration. When activated, Darius sweeps up his enemies with his axe's hook and pulls them to him.
    Noxian Guillotine (Ultimate) - Darius leaps to an enemy Champion and strikes a lethal blow, dealing true damage. This damage increases for each stack of Hemorrhage on the target. If Noxian Guillotine is a killing blow, its cooldown is refreshed.


    Ashe's art update
    New model for Classic Ashe
    Updated and improved models for Woad Ashe, Shewood Ashe, Frelijord Ashe and Queen Ashe
    All new animations and updated VFX for base and skins
    Updated splash art
    Hawkshot now displays total gold retrieved by the skill in the tooltip
    Adjusted Frost Shot's projectile speed to match the basic attack projectile speed
    Fixed a bug where Frost Shot's attack frame was slower than the basic attack


    Fixed a bug where Caitlyn would appear to attack during Ace in the Hole


    Added red/green rings to indicate which targets will be affected
    Launch delay reduced to 0.65 seconds from 0.7 seconds

    Dr. Mundo

    Sadism now returns 40/50/60% of Mundo's health instead of 40/55/70%


    Dark Wind now deals 50% increased damage to minions


    Fixed a bug where Playful / Trickster would prevent Fizz from casting spells for longer than intended


    Parrrley now displays total gold earned by the skill in the tooltip


    Rampage damage to minions increased to 66% from 50%
    Devastating Charge now requires less distance traveled to get the full effect


    Damage adjusted to 80/125/170/215/260 from 80/130/180/230/280
    Ability power ratio reduced to 0.5 from 0.6


    Health per level increased to 90 from 82
    Increased Malphite's travel speed during Unstoppable Force


    Soul Siphon Spell Vamp reduced to 10/15/20% from 10/20/30%


    Fixed a bug where Riptide would continue to deal full damage on subsequent hits to slow immune targets


    Cull the Meek's fury-enhanced swipe trail is now properly red

    Twisted Fate

    Loaded Dice will now show total gold earned by the skill on a per-unit basis on the buff tooltip

    Xin Zhao

    Fixed a bug where Three Talon Strike did not take Critical Damage modifiers into account


    New item: Athene's Unholy Grail
    80 Ability Power
    36 Magic Resist
    15 mana regeneration per 5 seconds
    15% cooldown reduction
    Unique Passive: Restores 12% of your max mana on kill/assist and increases your mana regeneration by 1% per 1% mana missing
    Phantom Dancer movement speed reduced to 12% from 15%
    Zeal movement speed reduced to 6% from 8%

    Summoner's Rift Graphics Updated:

    New textures across the entirety of Summoner’s Rift
    Changes to the color palette to differentiate the upper and lower jungles from one another
    A new shopkeeper has arrived to service all your Champion’s item purchases
    New animations on many monsters including the Ancient Golem, the Lizard Elder, and Baron Nashor
    HUD now displays the number of creeps you have killed
    Minimap has improved so that map icons and player icons display more clearly
    Significantly improved game performance on low end machines and at lower quality settings
    Improved the visual quality of the in-game HUD

    Co-op vs. AI

    Bots will no longer kill themselves by chasing enemies onto the summoning platform
    Fixed a bug where Shen Bot did not learn all of his abilities
    Fixed a bug where Ashe Bot would occasionally get stuck toggling Frost Shot repeatedly
    Fixed a bug where Bots would use Cleanse on knockup, and knockback abilities

    Spectator Mode

    Spectators can now view the spectator UI and use Timeshift controls after the game has ended
    Spectator Mode will now run at full speed when alt tabbed in windowed or borderless mode
    The mouse cursor will now hide in spectator mode after a period of inactivity
    The spectator HUD will now remember chat visibility settings between games
    Significantly reduced CPU usage of the Featured Games module
    Improved the algorithm for selecting Featured Games to include more Normal and Ranked Team games with extremely skilled players
    Fixed a bug that caused Featured Games to occasionally show completed games
    Fixed a bug where fast forwarding up to live could break spectator mode
    Fixed a bug that could cause Directed Camera to miss kills in some situations


    Towers will now alert you with a tone and a particle when you are being targeted
    Added a confirmation dialog for the quit button in champion select for Custom Games
    All spells attempted to be cast while crowd controlled (stunned, snared, etc) will now cast immediately at the end of the effect
    Improved particle scaling on characters like Dragon or Baron Nashor
    Fixed a bug where players could not spam emotes to their heart's content
    Fixed a bug where units would remain highlighted after death
    Fixed a bug where inputs made while the shop is open would translate onto the battlefield (unintentional pings, pathing, etc)
  4. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Release Notes v1.0.0.141

    [spoil]Draven, the Glorious Executioner

    Wicked Blades (Passive) - Draven's Critical Strikes deal bonus physical damage over time. Spinning Axe also causes this effect even if it does not Critically Strike.
    Spinning Axe - Draven's next attack will deal bonus physical damage. This axe will ricochet off the target high up into the air. If Draven catches it, he automatically readies another Spinning Axe. Draven can have two Spinning Axes at once.
    Blood Rush - Draven gains increased Movement Speed and Attack Speed. The Movement Speed bonus decreases rapidly over its duration. Catching a Spinning Axe will refresh the cooldown of Blood Rush.
    Stand Aside - Draven deals physical damage by throwing his axes, knocking aside and slowing his targets.
    Whirling Death (Ultimate) - Draven hurls two massive axes dealing physical damage to each unit struck. Whirling Death slowly reverses direction and returns to Draven after striking an enemy champion. Draven may also activate this ability while the axes are in the flight to cause it to return early. Deals less damage for each unit it hits and resets when the axes reverse direction.


    Damage reduced at later ranks to 40/65/90/115/140 from 40/70/100/130/160
    Ability Power ratio increased to 0.4 from 0.375
    Spirit Rush
    Damage reduced to 85/125/165 from 100/140/180
    Ability Power ratio increased to 0.35 from 0.3


    Fixed a bug that caused players to hear Sad Robot Amumu's voice across the map


    Hemorrhage (Passive) bonus Attack Damage ratio reduced to 0.3 from 0.4
    Noxian Guillotine will now only refresh its cooldown when it deals the killing blow
    Apprehend pre-pull animation modified to be more readable for enemy Champion
    Fixed a bug with Hemorrhage applying Rylai's Crystal Scepter slow and Spell Vamp effects


    Essence Flux Mana cost reduced to 50/60/70/80/90 from 60/70/80/90/100
    Trueshot Barrage Mana cost reduced to 100 from 150


    Resolute Smite Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.6 from 0.7


    Damage reduced at later ranks to 60/95/130/165/200 from 60/105/150/195/240
    Damage per extra bullet increased to 35% from 25%
    Smoke Screen duration reduced to 4 seconds from 5 seconds


    Empower damage reduced at later ranks to 40/75/110/145/180 from 40/85/130/175/220


    Living Artillery damage bonus to Champions reduced to 125% from 150%


    Titan's Wrath damage reduced at later ranks to 30/55/80/105/130 from 30/60/90/120/150


    Umbra Blades healing amount per target hit adjusted to 10/18/26 from 15/20/25


    Fixed a bug where Absolute Zero was revealing Nunu when cast from brush


    Slice and Dice Armor reduction increased at later ranks to 15/20/25/30/35% from 15/17.5/20/22.5/25%


    Ki Strike cooldown increased to 9 seconds from 8 seconds


    Basic Attack range increased to 500 from 480
    Range increased to 625 from 600
    Slow increased at later ranks to 20/25/30/35/40% from 20/23/26/29/32%
    Ravenous Flock cooldown reduced to 8 seconds from 10 seconds


    Terror Capacitor shield health reduced at later ranks to 80/130/180/230/280 from 80/140/200/260/320
    Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser Armor and Magic Resist bonus reduced to 60/90/120 from 80/105/130
  5. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    6.17.12 Patch Notes

    PvP.net v1.61

    Players can now earn unlimited rewards per day in Co-op vs. AI. After 180 minutes, rewards continue to be earned at 75% the normal rate.
    Custom games now have a separate pool of 120 daily reward minutes that is no longer shared with Co-op vs. AI.
    Only applies to Summoners level 15+. Lower level Summoners earn unlimited rewards per day.
    Updated the IP reward forumula for Co-op vs. AI:
    Games of medium to long length will yield larger rewards
    Games of short length will yield smaller rewards
    On Summoner's Rift, "short" is generally less than 24 minutes
    On The Crystal Scar, "short" is generally less than 12 minutes
    Players should see an increase in IP reward per game so long as they aren't quickly steamrolling the bots
    The Tournament Draft Custom Game mode will now allow Summoners to pause the game
    Dodging a Ranked Game will no longer result in loss of Elo but the time before you can join any queue again has greatly increased
    Adjusted the way Elo is handled for newly formed ranked teams; many new teams will see their Elo increase as a result.
    Normal Draft Mode (Please note that these additions were incorrectly stated in the Darius patch notes)
    Normal draft has changed so that premade groups are not prioritized over solo players
    Solo players have a 20% chance of being the team captain with banning powers and first pick, regardless of the premade status of the rest of the team
    If a solo player is not team captain, the player will be given a random slot in the pick order
    If players group up before a game, their host absorbs all of their chances, i.e. the host of a 4-man premade has an 80% chance to be captain
    A feedback sound now plays when spending mastery points

    League of Legends v1.0.0.141


    Summon: Tibbers
    Reactivating 'Summon: Tibbers' while the Bear is active now allows you to control your pet, similar to Alt+Right Clicking
    You will also see a self-only targeting particle when using this ability, depicting what command your pet is following


    Yordle Snap Trap now properly ignores unit collision when placed


    Missile Barrage
    Missile Barrage's area of effect and particle are now properly centered around the point of impact
    Missile Barrage's spell icon is now tinted when 'The Big One' is ready


    Children of the Grave
    Reactivating 'Children of the Grave' while the Ghost is active now allows you to control your pet, similar to Alt+Right Clicking
    You will also see a self-only targeting particle when using this ability, depicting what command your pet is following


    If Pounce's movement extends past Nidalee's current movement order location, that order will be cancelled (she will no longer automatically walk backwards to that point)


    If Broken Wings' movement extends past Riven's current movement order location, that order will be cancelled (she will no longer automatically walk backwards to that point)


    Rumble now has a marker at 50 Heat to denote when he has reached the Danger Zone
    Flamespitter is now more responsive especially while moving and turning
    Electro-Harpoon now has a swirling icon overlay and a slight icon shift to denote the second shot


    Reactivating 'Hallucinate' while the Clone is active now allows you to control your pet, similar to Alt+Right Clicking
    You will also see a self-only targeting particle when using this ability, depicting what command your pet is following


    Fixed a bug where Wish would sometimes not grant assists


    Fixed a bug with Explosive Shot's passive not working correctly with Madred's Razors and Wriggle's Lantern


    Blood Scent
    Warwick will now immediately gain the bonus of Blood Scent if he reduces a target’s health below 50%
    Warwick will now immediately gain the bonus of Blood Scent when it is activated


    Event Horizon will now always correctly stun enemies who use dash abilities to pass through it


    Tuned Death Ray travel speeds and hitbox precision, especially when cast near walls
    Fixed an issue where Chaos Storm could sometimes be cast twice


    Omen of Death
    Reactivating 'Omen of Death' while the Ghoul is active now allows you to control your pet, similar to Alt+Right Clicking
    You will also see a self-only targeting particle when using this ability, depicting what command your pet is following


    Mana Potion gold cost reduced to 35 from 40

    Co-op vs. AI

    Added Alistar Bot and Dr. Mundo Bot
    Intermediate bots will now sell their Doran's items to buy an additional item after completing their builds
    Beginner bots will no longer purchase elixirs
    Updated several bots' item builds


    Summoner’s Rift (Winter) has been disabled
    Updated the Item Shop to display 8 build options for items, increased from 6
    Circle portraits are now correctly aligned with team colored outlines during announcements
    There is now new messaging to inform players that leaving games can result in temporary bans in League of Legends
    Neutral Minion Camps now have new icons on the Minimap
    Champions that have died now display an icon on the Minimap
    Updated several Champion art assets including splash art and icons for various Akali, Alistar, Amumu, Caitlyn, Mundo, Jax, Renekton, Tristana, Teemo, Twisted Fate, Warwick, Xin Zhao, and Pantheon skins
    Fixed several missing particles for various Champions
  6. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Release Notes v1.0.0.142

    [spoil]New Skins in the Store

    Full Metal Jayce

    League of Legends v1.0.0.142


    Fixed: Essence Theft will no longer occasionally allow Ahri to spell vamp off more than one spell
    Fixed: Spirit Rush's damage now matches the tooltip


    Crescent Slash
    Energy cost reduced to 60/55/50/45/40 from 60 at all ranks
    Now activates Mark of the Assassin's secondary damage


    Damage reduced to 7-24 from 10-27
    Triumphant Roar
    Mana cost increased at earlier ranked to 40/50/60/70/80 from 28/41/54/67/80


    Fixed: Assists are now properly granted when successfully reverting Anivia to her Rebirth egg form


    Fixed: Hawkshot now displays the correct buff icon


    Cast time of 90 Caliber Net has been reduced
    Ace in the Hole
    Range increased to 2000/2500/3000 from 1900/2050/2200
    Channel time reduced to 1 second from 1.25 seconds


    Fixed: Noxian Guillotine's cooldown no longer refreshes upon killing Champion clones (e.g. Shaco's Hallucinate)

    Dr. Mundo

    Fixed: Burning Agony can now be turned off at low amounts of health
    Fixed: Masochism no longer stops Dr. Mundo from using additional attack animations


    Blade Waltz
    Cooldown reduced to 130/120/110 from 150/130/110


    Base Health increased to 523 from 493
    Armor per level increased to 3.6 from 2.7
    Body Slam
    Charge speed increased to 1050 at all ranks from 650/750/850/950/1050
    Mana cost reduced to 50 at all ranks from 50/55/60/65/70


    Passive Movement Speed reduced at earlier ranks to 4/7/10/13/16% from 8/10/12/14/16%
    Slow duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4 seconds
    Cooldown increased at earlier ranks to 150/135/120 seconds from 120 seconds at all ranks


    Cooldown increased to 200/180/160 seconds from 180/150/120 seconds


    Attack Range reduced to 550 from 575
    Attack animations are now more responsive


    Living Artillery
    Additional cost stack maximum increased to 10 from 5 (max Mana cost increased to 400 from 200)


    Sigil of Silence missile speed increased to 2000 from 1400
    Cooldown reduced to 18/16/14/12/10 seconds from 20/18/16/14/12
    Casting Mimic: Distortion no longer disables LeBlanc's ability to return to Distortion's origin point and vice versa


    Base Mana Regen per 5 seconds increased to 6.6 from 5.6
    Light Binding
    Mana cost reduced to 50/60/70/80/90 from 60/75/90/105/120
    Finales Funkeln
    Mana cost reduced to 100 at all ranks from 100/150/200
    Cast range now displays on the mini-map

    Miss Fortune

    Double Up
    Range increased to better match her attack range
    Make It Rain
    Slow increased to 20/28/36/44/52% from 20/25/30/35/40%
    Mana cost reduced to 80 at all ranks from 80/85/90/95/100


    Fixed: Tormented Soil continues dealing damage if Morgana dies


    Dredge Line
    Damage reduced at earlier ranks to 60/105/150/195/240 from 80/120/160/200/240
    Cooldown increased at earlier ranks to 18/16/14/12/10 seconds from 14/13/12/11/10 seconds
    Depth Charge
    Primary target damage reduced at earlier ranks to 200/325/450 from 250/350/450
    Cooldown increased at earlier ranks to 140/110/80 seconds from 120/100/80 seconds


    Attacks required to activate reduced to 5 from 7
    Damage increased to 500/600/700/800/900 from 400/525/650/775/900
    Damage dealt to Dragon and Baron increased to 100% from 50%
    Cooldown reduced to 16/14/12/10/8 seconds from 18/16/14/12/10 seconds
    Absolute Zero
    Minimum damage if interrupted increased to 12.5% from 0%
    Maximum damage if interrupted increased to 87% from 70%


    Global spell cooldown reduced to 0.15 seconds from 0.5
    Clockwork Windup
    Base damage adjusted to 10-50 from 5-30
    Damage amplification per stack increased to 20% from 15%
    Maximum stacks reduced to 2 from 3
    Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.15 from 0.2
    Command: Attack
    Missile speed reduced to 1200 from 1275
    Cooldown reduced at later ranks to 6/5.25/4.5/3.75/3 seconds from 6/5.5/5/4.5/4 seconds
    Damage reduced to 60/90/120/150/180 from 60/100/140/180/220
    Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.4 from 0.6
    The Ball now responds faster to Dissonance and Shockwave commands
    Command: Dissonance Ability Power increased to 0.7 from 0.5
    Command: Protect
    Cast range increased by 100
    Ball leash range is increased by 100 when attached to an allied Champion
    The Ball will now respond faster to Dissonance and Shockwave commands
    Command: Shockwave
    Cast time increased to 0.5 seconds from 0.4
    Fixed: Shockwave no longer stuns units for longer than the duration of the movement
    If the Ball forcibly leashes back to Orianna, Command: Shockwave will go on a brief cooldown if it is ready


    Mana cost reduced to 70/80/90/100/110 from 80/90/100/110/120
    Reduced the spell casting and movement delay after collision
    Defensive Ball Curl mana cost reduced to 40 from 50


    Fixed: Sejuani's run animation now changes according to her movement speed


    Stand United
    Cooldown increased to 200/180/160 seconds from 180/150/120 seconds


    Singed now has new spell effects for all skins, with the exception of Riot Squad Singed which retains its unique Poison Trail spell effect


    Hymn of Valor
    Mana cost reduced at earlier ranks to 45/50/55/60/65 from 65 at all ranks
    Champion prioritization range slightly increased to better match her attack range


    Astral Blessing
    Armor buff duration reduced to 3 seconds from 5 seconds
    Cooldown increased to 160/145/130 seconds from 120/110/100


    Fixed: Veigar no longer gains Baleful Strike's Champion kill bonus when killing Champion clones (e.g. Shaco's Hallucinate)


    Locus of Power
    Magic Penetration bonus increased to 16/22/28/34/40% from 10/15/20/25/30%
    Mage Chains
    Missile speed increased to 2100 from 1700
    Ability Power ratio increased to 0.8 from 0.7


    Bouncing Bomb
    Mana cost reduced to 50/60/70/80/90 from 60/70/80/90/100


    Fixed: Chrono Shift now grant assists even if the target does not revive


    Hovering over items with auras or actives now shows their effect radius
    Athene's Unholy Grail
    Ability Power increased to 90 from 80
    Magic Resist increased to 40 from 36
    Ionic Spark
    Combine gold cost reduced to 575 from 775 (total gold cost reduced to 2100 from 2300)
    Chain lightning damage increased to 125 from 110
    Quicksilver Sash
    Combine gold cost increased to 900 from 700
    Magic Resist reduced to 48 from 56
    Pickaxe, Cloth Armor, Dagger, and Null Magic Mantle now properly display missing item build paths

    Summoner Spells

    No longer useable on minions (still useable on jungle monsters)

    Co-op vs. AI

    Bots are now more likely to use abilities while retreating
    Bots now properly retreat in their base to the summoning platform instead of getting stuck between the nexus turrets
    Fixed: Bots no longer forget they are being chased
    Fixed: Malzahar Bot no longer occasionally cancels Nether Grasp
    Re-enabled Alistar Bot


    Custom game bots now adjust to players' initial laning decisions before the first minion wave spawns
    Dragon and Baron kills will now have a chat message and kill callout if your team gets the kill or sees them die
    Spectators will now hear callouts indicating which team kills Dragon and Baron
    Updated tool tips for Caitlyn, Graves, Janna, Kog'maw, Soraka, and Vayne
    Champion-only targeting and pet control keys are now bindable
    The Proving Grounds
    Removed Nexus Turret health regeneration
    Death timer scaling adjusted to an additional second every 60 seconds after 24 minute from an additional second every 90 seconds after 24 minutes
    Fixed: The Improved Recall mastery no longer causes the recall sound to keep playing even after the player cancels the spell
    Fixed: Recall particles no longer appear on Champions as they come out of Fog-of-War
    Fixed a bug with Ezreal’s Mystic Shot range at different levels.
    Dominion Nexus Crystal now displays over the shrine in Dominion
    Fixed a bug where Twisted Fate’s Jack of Hearts name did not display properly during loading.
    Fixed a typo in the Air Client for Gangplank’s Raise Morale
  7. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Release Notes v1.0.0.143

    [spoil]New Skins in the Store

    Mythic Cassiopeia

    PvP.net v1.63

    New Matchmaking Upgrades
    Players who are under Level 30 are far less likely to face Level 30s
    Greatly improved matchmaking for premade groups of 4
    Matchmaking improved for highly skilled players trying to queue with lower skilled friends
    Matchmaking in Ranked Solo/Duo Queue now restricts the number of duo queue pairings on each team to 1 per team
    Improved initial seeding for Ranked Teams composed of skilled Ranked Solo/Duo players
    Summoner Profiles now display the highest Ranked Team rating, instead of Arranged Team ratings

    League of Legends v1.0.0.143

    Zyra, Rise of the Thorns

    Pending the completion of some further testing on PBE, Zyra will be released at a future date.


    Fixed: Mark of the Assassin's tooltip now states the correct Energy return amount


    Fixed: Despair now displays a range indicator when hovered over


    Fixed: Valkyrie's targeting indicator now scales with distance from Corki

    Evelynn (Remade)

    Shadow Walk (Passive)
    Evelynn fades away into the shadows. She can only be seen by nearby enemy Champions or true sight
    While in stealth, Evelynn regenerates 1% of her max Mana every second
    Casting spells, taking damage, or dealing damage unstealths Evelynn for 8 seconds
    Hate Spike
    19/23/27/31/35 Mana, 1.5 second Cooldown
    Evelynn fires a line of spikes through a nearby enemy, dealing 40/60/80/100/120 (+0.45 Ability Power) (+0.4 bonus Attack Damage) magic damage to all enemies in its path
    Hate Spike prioritizes what Evelynn has attacked recently
    Dark Frenzy
    No Cost, 20 second Cooldown
    Passive: Evelynn's spell hits on enemy Champions grant her 4/8/12/16/20 Movement Speed for 3 seconds (effect stacks up to 4 times)
    Active: Evelynn removes all slows affecting her and gains 30/40/50/60/70% Movement Speed for 3 seconds
    Champion kills and assists refresh Dark Frenzy's cooldown
    50/55/60/65/70 Mana, 9 second Cooldown
    Evelynn slashes a target enemy 2 times, dealing 35/60/85/110/135 (+0.5 Ability Power) (+0.4 bonus Attack Damage) magic damage with each strike
    Evelynn then gains 60/75/90/105/120% Attack Speed for 3 seconds
    Agony's Embrace
    100 Mana, 150/120/90 second Cooldown
    Evelynn impales all enemies in the targeted area, dealing 15/20/25% (+1% per 50 Ability Power) of their maximum Health in magic damage and slowing their Movement Speed by 30/50/70% for 2 seconds
    Evelynn siphons their pain, gaining a 150/225/300 health shield for each enemy Champion hit which lasts up to 6 seconds


    Now refunds half the mana cost if Parrrley kills the target


    Added a buff timer to show when Perseverance will reactivate


    Fixed: Body Slam no longer stops when encountering created terrain (ex: Anivia's Crystallize)


    Sight reduction range reduced to 675 from 800


    Fixed: Counter Strike's dodge component now works properly against Shen


    Damage reduced to 60/70/80 from 60/90/120
    Ability Power ratio increased to 0.8 from 0.5


    Ground Slam
    Armor ratio reduced to 30% from 50%
    Now has a 0.2 Ability Power ratio
    Attack Speed reduction duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4


    Summon Voidling (Passive)
    Voidlings prioritize enemies Malzahar is autoattacking if Malefic visions isn't present
    Voidling pathing and general AI improved
    Voidlings will now hide in brush and won't attack if Malzahar is in brush and not in combat
    Voidling dance animation added
    Call of the Void
    Delay is now consistent at 0.6 seconds
    Now deals damage in a single hit - rather than two separate hits
    Now grants vision along the entire line path - rather than only at the two end points
    Now deals damage to units surrounding the end points
    Null Zone
    Cast time removed - Malzahar may now cast this ability while moving
    Damage now starts 0.25 seconds after casting the ability
    Nether Grasp
    Malzahar ignores orders that would cancel his ultimate within the first 0.5 seconds of Nether Grasp
    Voidlings prioritize champions immobilized in Nether Grasp above all other priorities


    Fixed: Children of the Grave's initial damage now correctly draws turret aggro


    Black Shield
    Cooldown increased at earlier ranks to 23/21/19/17/15 seconds from 15 at all ranks
    Cast range increased to 750 from 600
    Soul Shackles
    Leash range is now more accurate (now updates every 0.25 seconds from 0.5 seconds)


    Shroud of Darkness
    Shield duration reduced to 1.5 seconds from 2
    Cooldown increased at earlier ranks to 180/140/100 seconds from 160/130/100
    Updated Umbra Blades tooltip


    Fixed: Visionary will now grant free cost spells even if spells were ranked up while the Visionary buff was already active


    Fixed: Attack Range is now 525 at all times.
    Command: Attack
    Ability Power ratio increased to 0.5 from 0.4
    Command: Shockwave
    Fixed: Now stuns enemies that were in the middle of a movement skill.


    Fixed: Arctic Assault no longer stops when encountering created terrain (ex: Anivia's Crystallize)


    Basic attack and Power Chord missile speeds increased to 2000 from 1500
    Aura persistence duration reduced to 1 second after deactivation from 2
    Global cooldown reduced to 0.5 seconds from 2
    Power Chord
    Power Chord now resets your attack timer so you can use it immediately
    Now deals all its damage instantly, rather than over time
    Fixed: Opponents can no longer Cleanse the damage portion of Crescendo


    Ki Strike
    Damage reduced to 4 + 4 per level from 4 + 6 per level


    Camouflage (Passive)
    Fixed: Teemo now gains the Attack Speed buff instantly after leaving invisibility


    Explosive Shot
    Fixed: Passive damage no longer activates from spell damage
    Fixed: Tooltip now reflects the Ability Power ratio

    Twitch (Remade)

    Attack Range increased to 550 from 500
    Base Health increased to 389 from 356
    Health per level increased to 81 from 78
    Base Mana increased to 220 from 180
    Mana per level increased to 40 from 35
    Base Attack Damage reduced to 47 from 51.56
    Attack Damage per level reduced to 3 from 3.3
    Attack animation improved
    Deadly Venom (Passive)
    Damage reduced to 12/24/36/48 per stack from 15/30/45/60
    60 Mana, 16 second Cooldown
    After 1.25 seconds, Twitch becomes invisible for 4/5/6/7/8 seconds and gains 20% Movement Speed. Twitch gains 30/40/50/60/70% Attack Speed for 5 seconds after revealing himself
    Venom Cask
    50 Mana, 13/12/11/10/9 second Cooldown
    Twitch hurls a cask full of venom to target area that slows targets by 25/30/35/40/45% for 3 seconds and adds 2 stacks of Deadly Venom
    70/75/80/85/90 Mana, 12/11/10/9/8 second Cooldown
    Deals 20/35/50/65/80 plus 15/20/25/30/35 (+0.2 Ability Power) (+0.25 bonus Attack Damage) per stack of Deadly Venom as physical damage to all nearby enemies affected by Deadly Venom
    No longer removes Deadly Venom stacks
    Spray and Pray
    100/125/150 Mana, 120/110/100 second Cooldown
    Twitch's basic attacks become powerful piercing bolts with 300 bonus range, and Twitch gains 20/28/36 Attack Damage. Each bolt deals 20% less damage to subsequent targets down to a minimum of 40% damage. Lasts 7 seconds.


    Acid Hunter
    Damage adjusted to 50/80/110/140/170 (+1.2 bonus Attack Damage) from 10/40/70/100/130 (+0.85 total Attack Damage)
    Lock-on missile cast range reduced to 1200 from 1500
    Fixed: Rank 1 range is no longer higher than the other ranks
    Noxian Corrosive Charge
    Cooldown increased to 15/14/13/12/11 seconds from 11 at all ranks
    Cast range reduced to 900 from 950
    Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser
    Cast range reduced to 550/700/850 from 700/775/850


    Sanguine Pool
    Movement Speed bonus now decays over time


    Arcane Barrage
    Reduced the delay between casting the spell and the impact to 0.5 seconds from 0.875 seconds
    The visual indicator for the ultimate will appear at the start of the cast bar instead of at the end

    Xin Zhao (Remade)

    Base Attack Speed increased to 0.672 from 0.658
    Attack Speed per level increased to 2.7% from 2.5%
    Challenge (Passive)
    Xin Zhao challenges his target with his basic attacks and Audacious Charge, reducing their Armor by 15% for 3 seconds. Only one target can be challenged at a time.
    Three Talon Strikes
    Now reduces his other ability cooldowns by 1 second with each strike
    Attack Damage ratio increased to 1.2 from 1.0
    Cooldown reduced to 9/8/7/6/5 seconds from 10
    Battle Cry
    Passive: Heals Xin Zhao for 26/32/38/44/50 (+0.7 Ability Power) every third basic attack
    Active no longer reduces other abilities' cooldowns
    Cooldown reduced to 16/15/14/13/12 seconds from 24/22/20/18/16
    Mana Cost increased to 40 from 35
    Audacious Charge
    Now challenges the target
    Damage increased to 70/115/160/205/250 (+0.6 Ability Power) from 70/110/150/190/230 (+0.4 Ability Power)
    Slow increased to 25/30/35/40/45% from 20/25/30/35/40%
    Slow duration increased to 2 seconds from 1.5
    Range reduced to 600 from 650
    Cooldown reduced to 13/12/11/10/9 seconds from 16/15/14/13/12
    Crescent Sweep
    Now knocks all unchallenged targets back
    Now has a 1.0 bonus Attack Damage ratio
    Cooldown increased to 100/90/80 seconds from 75
    Armor and Magic Resist bonus adjusted to 15/20/25 per champion hit from 25 + 7/10/13 per champion hit
    Now has a new particle


    Fixed: Unholy Covenant (Passive) no longer reduces true damage


    Satchel Charge
    Cooldown reduced at earlier ranks to 26/24/22/20/18 seconds from 30/27/24/21/18

    Summoner's Rift

    Outer turret vision range increased to 1095 from 800

    Twisted Treeline

    The Dragon on Twisted Treeline now has the same chat kill announcement as the Dragon on Summoner's Rift


    Heart of Gold
    Health reduced to 200 from 250
    Ionic Spark
    Added a counter to show when Ionic Spark will be charged
    Philosopher's Stone
    Health Regen per 5 seconds reduced to 15 from 18
    Avarice Blade, Heart of Gold, Kage's Lucky Pick, and Philospher's Stone now have counters in their tooltip to indicate how much gold the item has generated over the course of the game

    Co-op vs. AI

    Changed the way bots evaluate towers to better take into account minions and enemies
    Changed return to base logic for bots to make them more likely to heal and purchase items
    Dominion bots should now properly ignore invisible units when deciding to defend capture points
    Beginner bots are now less likely to assist each other during kill and retreat situations
    Fixed: Bot assist logic now works during the laning phase
    Updated Ashe Bot's item build
    Master Yi Bot should now properly purchase Sanguine Blade on Dominion instead of The Bloodthirster


    Added character portraits to the Spectator-mode Dragon and Baron kill announcements
    Fixed: Spectator no longer occasionally causes floating text announcements to be permanently displayed throughout the game
    Fixed: When using time controls, gold numbers will no longer get stuck on the screen for some users
    Fixed several issues that occur when reconnecting, including ghost minions, invisible champions, untargetable towers, and strange store behavior
    When disconnected, the game will now attempt to reconnect automatically
  8. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Release Notes v1.0.0.144

    [spoil]Diana, Scorn of the Moon

    Pending the completion of some further testing on PBE, Diana will be released at a future date


    Cursed Touch (Passive)
    Duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4
    Mana cost reduced to 35 from 50
    Bandage Toss
    Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.7 from 1.0
    Curse of the Sad Mummy
    Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.8 from 1.0


    Missile Speed increased to 1000 from 800
    Missile Speed no longer increases when hitting ablaze targets
    If Pyroclasm strikes an ablaze target, the next bounce will now prioritize champions


    Magic Resist per level increased to 1.25
    Attack Range normalized to 125 from 130
    Cast time reduced to 0.5 seconds from 0.672
    Delay normalized to 0.625 seconds from 0.5 - 0.75
    Feral Scream
    Cast time reduced to 0.5 seconds from 0.6417
    Vorpal Spikes
    Width now increases based on Cho'gath's size
    Now grants Cho'gath up to 50 additional Attack Range, based on Feast rank and amount of stacks
    Cast time normalized to 0.5 seconds from 0.43
    Range increased to 150 from 100


    Recommended items on Summoner's Rift now include Boots of Mobility
    Shadow Walk (Passive)
    Restealth duration reduced to 6 seconds from 8
    Dealing periodic damage (ie: Ignite) no longer prevents her from restealthing
    Agony's Embrace
    Cooldown reduced to 120/100/80 seconds from 150/120/90


    Devastating Charge
    Now more responsive when colliding with opponents
    Initial Movement Speed bonus increased to 25% from 0% (still reaches max speed at the same time)
    Onslaught of Shadows
    Enemy flee speed is now higher based on how close the enemy is to Hecarim


    Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.6 from 0.8
    Fixed: Janna will no longer sometimes retain the passive bonuses while Zephyr is on cooldown


    Wild Growth
    Fixed: Now completes its effects even if the allied target was about to take lethal damage at the time of casting


    Now gains 1.25 Magic Resist per level


    Junkyard Titan (Passive)
    Danger Zone damage bonus reduced to 25% from 30%
    Damage reduced to 90/160/230/300/370 from 90/180/270/360/450
    Fixed: Flamespitter no longer lasts slightly longer than intended


    Base Attack Damage increased to 52 from 50
    Venom Cask
    Missile Speed increased to 1400 from 1300


    Acid Hunter
    Damage adjusted back to 10/40/70/100/130 (+0.85 total Attack Damage) from 50/80/110/140/170 (+1.2 bonus Attack Damage)

    Xin Zhao

    Base Attack Damage reduced to 55.3 from 59
    Attack Damage per level increased to 3.3 from 3
    Audacious Charge
    Damage reduced to 70/110/150/190/230 from 70/115/160/205/250


    Omen of Famine
    Ravenous Ghoul will only heal Yorick for 50% the damage it deals to minions
    Omen of Death
    Fixed: The Revenant no longer instantly dies upon casting Omen of Death on an allied Evelynn

    Proving Grounds

    Repositioned Health Relics so players are less likely to unintentionally walk through them
    Adjusted Nexus turrets
    Nexus turrets reduced from two to one
    Nexus turrets now have an additional 20 Armor, 800 Health, and 30 base Attack Damage
    Experience curve adjusted so that levels 14-18 take slightly longer to reach


    You can now reset the current audio configuration back to defaults from the audio options menu
    Battle Training
    The "Buy Boots" quest will now properly fire
    The "Defeat the Lizard Elder" and "Defeat the Ancient Golem" quests will now properly fire when playing as Ashe
    The tip regarding Champion Ultimate Abilities will now show up properly when playing as Ashe
    Soraka Bot and Nasus Bot will no longer get stuck
    Updated several Champion art assets including splash art and icons for various Mordekaiser, Cassiopeia, Kassadin, Ezreal, and Ashe skins
    Fixed: Summoner's Insight now correctly works with Promote (now correctly grants bonus defensive stats)
    Fixed: Custom game bots now lane properly when allied players are jungling
    Updated tooltips for Ahri, Annie, Jarvan IV, Leona, Lux and Morgana

    New Tribunal Feature

    Players punished by the Tribunal will now be e-mailed a "Reform Card" which gives additional details about their case
  9. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Release Notes v1.0.0.145

    [spoil]League of Legends v1.0.0.145

    Rengar, the Pridestalker

    Pending the completion of some further testing on PBE, Rengar will be released at a future date


    Base Health Regen reduced to 8.25 from 9.85
    Health Regen per level reduced to 0.75 from 0.85
    Base Attack Damage reduced to 56 from 60.1
    Attack Damage per level increased to 3.5 from 3
    Perseverance (Passive)
    Delay increased to 9 seconds from 7 seconds
    No longer deactivates when damaged by lane minions
    Now displays the Health Regen gained in the tooltip
    Decisive Strike
    Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds at all ranks from 12/11/10/9/8
    Movement Speed increased to 35% at all ranks from 15/20/25/30/35%
    Movement Speed duration adjusted to 1.5/2.25/3/3.75/4.5 seconds from 4 at all ranks
    Base damage increased to 30/55/80/105/130 from 30/45/60/75/90
    Silence duration reduced to 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 seconds from 2.5 at all ranks
    Now removes slows on activation
    Can now critically strike again
    Buff duration reduced to 4.5 seconds from 6
    Fixed: Garen's next basic attack after Decisive Strike no longer occurs unusually quickly
    Fixed: Decisive Strike is no longer consumed if Garen fails to finish attacking
    While performing Decisive Strike, Garen now continues to follow his target if they are moving
    Changed to passively increase Armor and Magic Resist by 20% rather than 0 to 25 based on kills
    Damage reduction adjusted to 30% from 20/24/28/32/36%
    Active now additionally grants 30% Crowd Control Reduction
    Duration adjusted to 2/3/4/5/6 seconds from 3/3/3/3/3
    Cooldown adjusted to 24/23/22/21/20 seconds from 30/27/24/21/18
    Damage adjusted to 20/45/70/95/120 (+0.7/0.8/0.9/1.0/1.1 total Attack Damage) from 50/90/130/170/210 (+1.4 bonus Attack Damage)
    Damage dealt to minions increased to 75% from 50%
    No longer removes slows on activation or reduces the duration of incoming slows while active
    Ignores unit collision during Judgment but takes a 20% Movement Speed penalty when spinning through minions
    Fixed: Judgment no longer locks out Garen from taking other actions longer than intended
    Demacian Justice
    Cooldown adjusted to 160/120/80 seconds from 140/120/100


    Remove Scurvy
    Fixed: Remove Scurvy now removes Blinds


    Improved the responsiveness of his basic attacks, primarily in Hammer stance
    Fixed: The first basic attack after swapping to Mercury Cannon is now more responsive

    Katarina (Gameplay and Art Remake)

    Voracity (Passive)
    Champion kills or assists reduce Death Lotus's cooldown by 10 seconds and refresh basic abilities
    Bouncing Blades
    10/9.5/9/8.5/8 second cooldown
    Katarina throws a dagger which deals 50/85/120/155/190 (+0.5 Ability Power) magic damage. The dagger bounces to the 4 closest enemies dealing 10% less damage with each bounce
    Enemies hit are marked for 4 seconds. Katarina's basic attacks or spells will consume the mark dealing 15/30/45/60/75 (+0.2 Ability Power) magic damage
    Sinister Steel
    4 second cooldown
    Whirls daggers in a circle dealing 40/80/120/160/200 (+0.5 bonus Attack Damage) (+0.35 Ability Power) magic damage. If she hits an enemy Champion, Katarina gains 12/20/28/36/44% Movement Speed for 1 second
    14/12/10/8/6 second cooldown
    Moves to a target's location. Deals 40/70/100/130/160 (+0.5 Ability Power) magic damage if the target is an enemy
    After using Shunpo, Katarina gains 20% damage reduction for 3 seconds
    Death Lotus
    60/55/50 second cooldown
    Becomes a flurry of blades, throwing daggers at the closest 3 enemy Champions dealing 400/500/600 (+3 bonus Attack Damage) (+1.75 Ability Power) magic damage over 2 seconds
    Daggers apply Grievous Wounds, reducing incoming healing by 50% for 3 seconds


    Righteous Fury
    Ability Power ratio increased to 0.4 from 0.2


    Aegis of Zeonia
    Slight increase in the speed of the jump
    Now places Pantheon slightly in front of the target instead of directly on top of the enemy


    Dragon's Descent
    Fixed a bug where Dragon's Descent would hitch on initial use when using skins


    Toxic Shot
    Damage on impact increased to 10/20/30/40/50 (+0.4 Ability Power) from 9/18/27/36/45 (+0.14 Ability Power)
    Poison Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.1 from 0.14
    Fixed: Fixed a bug where the poison was lasting longer than intended
    Fixed: Damage values will now update correctly when Teemo hits a unit with a lower level Toxic Shot poison


    Piercing Arrow
    Fixed: Piercing Arrow no longer sometimes fires from a point above his bow
    Fixed: Piercing Arrow now more reliably hits targets at the end of its range
    Blighted Quiver
    Ability Power ratio on Blight stack detonation increased to 0.02 per stack from 0.01
    Chain of Corruption
    Missile width increased to 100 from 60
    Increased missile visibility
    Spread range from primary target to nearby targets increased to 550 from 450
    Tendril break range increased to 600 from 550


    Fixed: Satchel Charge's timeout tone will now play properly


    Rise of the Thorns (Passive)
    Now properly cancels spell casts upon activation
    Rampant Growth
    Destroying a seed no longer breaks spell shields
    Plant selection radius increased slightly
    Grasping Roots
    Modified the vine particle to be easier to see


    Friend List notes
    Pending the completion of some further testing on PBE, Friend List notes will be released at a future date
    Updated tooltips for Cho'Gath
    The main HUD health and mana bars will now display regen per second as opposed to regen per 5 seconds
    The "Reset HUD" button in the "Interface Options" menu will now set the global scale value to the correct amount
    Fixed: Wraiths and Lesser Wraiths no longer state they steal life in the tooltip

    Proving Grounds

    Nexus turrets
    Amount increased back to 2 from 1
    Health reduced by 900
    Armor reduced by 20
    Base Attack Damage reduced by 30

    With every patch, we strive to improve the look of the game in varying degrees. We recommend that you have the latest available video card drivers installed.[/spoil]
  10. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Release Notes v1.0.0.146

    [spoil]PvP.net 1.66

    You can now disable notifications by using the new “Notification Suppression” feature in the Options menu

    League of Legends v1.0.0.146


    Mark of the Assassin
    Fixed: Now correctly grants the Energy return when the target is killed by the magic damage from her passive


    Base Movement Speed reduced to 300 from 305
    Cast range reduced to 600 from 650


    Hextech Shrapnel Shells
    No longer benefits from critical strikes
    Cooldown increased to 26/23/20/17/14 seconds from 20/18/16/14/12
    Missile Barrage
    Charge time for missiles increased to 12 seconds from 10


    Base Health Regen reduced to 7 from 10
    Updated model and splash art for Dark Valkyrie Diana
    Crescent Strike
    Damage reduced to 70/110/150/190/230 from 80/125/170/215/260
    Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.7 from 0.8
    Pale Cascade
    Damage per orb reduced to 20/34/48/62/76 from 20/36/52/68/84
    Lunar Rush
    Cooldown increased to 25/20/15 seconds from 20/16/12


    Shadow Walk
    Detection radius reduced to 700 from 750
    Hate Spike
    Mana cost reduced to 14/18/22/26/30 from 19/23/27/31/35
    Dark Frenzy
    While active, Evelynn now ignores unit collision
    Cooldown reduced to 15 seconds from 20
    Cast range increased to 225 from 185
    Agony's Embrace
    Cooldown reduced to 120/90/60 seconds from 120/100/80


    Mystic Shot
    Mana cost reduced to 28/31/34/37/40 from 30/35/40/45/50
    Essence Flux
    Damage reduced to 70/115/160/205/250 from 80/130/180/230/280
    Ability Power ratio increased to 0.8 from 0.7
    Width reduced to 80 from 120


    Body Slam
    Charge speed reduced to 900 from 1050
    Mana cost increased to 75 from 50
    Explosive Cask
    Cooldown increased to 100/90/80 seconds from 90/75/60


    Base Attack Speed reduced to 0.625 from 0.638
    Attack Speed reduced to 30/40/50/60/70% from 40/50/60/70/80%

    Jarvan IV

    Demacian Standard
    When targeting a location outside of Demacian Standard’s range, Demacian Standard will now be cast at its maximum range in the direction of the targeted location


    Wall of Pain
    No longer reduces Armor
    Magic Resist reduction adjusted to 15% instead of flat 15/20/25/30/35


    Cooldown reduction on kill or assist increased to 15 seconds from 10 seconds
    Bouncing Blade
    Base damage increased to 60/95/130/165/200 from 50/85/120/155/190
    Ability Power Ratio decreased to 0.45 from 0.5
    Mark detonation Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.15 from 0.2
    Sinister Steel
    Ability Power Ratio decreased to 0.25 from 0.3
    Damage increased to 60/85/110/135/160 from 40/70/100/130/160
    Cooldown reduced to 12/10.5/9/7.5/6 from 14/12/10/8/6
    Fixed: Tooltip now states the correct Damage Reduction amount (15%, not 20%)


    Increased the size of his model


    Ice Blast
    Slow duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4


    Unseen Predator
    Now leaps directly on top of the target instead of slightly behind them
    Bola Strike
    Fixed: Bola Strike will no longer fail to cast


    Shadow Dash
    Cooldown increased to 16/14/12/10/8 seconds from 10/9.5/9/8.5/8


    Toxic Shot
    Fixed: Poison damage now works correctly at higher Attack Speeds


    Base damage increased to 40/50/60/70/80 from 20/35/50/65/80
    Mana cost reduced to 50/60/70/80/90 from 70/75/80/85/90
    Spray and Pray
    Reduced cast frame to make his attacks more responsive


    Fixed: Warwick's passive now has a buff icon, and will work properly on consecutive hits


    Abyssal Scepter
    Aura range reduced to 600 from 1000
    The following items will now display a targeting indicator to show whether you are placing a ward inside of a bush: Wriggle's Lantern, Vision Ward, and Sight Ward
    The following items will now display their cooldown on the item itself, rather than with a buff: Maw of Malmortius, Hexdrinker, Banshee's Veil, Guardian Angel, Sheen, Lichbane, Trinity Force, Tear of the Goddess, Archangel's Staff, and Manamune
    Fixed: Wards no longer list that they have 20 Attack Damage
  11. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    The Hell
    Release Notes v1.0.0.147

    [spoil]PvP.net 1.67

    Players may now create up to 20 mastery pages, up from 10.

    League of Legends v1.0.0.147

    Syndra, the Dark Sovereign

    Transcendent (Passive) - Spells gain extra effects at max rank.
    Dark Sphere: Deals bonus damage to champions
    Force of Will: Increases slowing duration.
    Scatter the Weak: Spell width increased.
    Dark Sphere – Syndra conjures a Dark Sphere dealing magic damage. The sphere remains and can be manipulated by her other powers.
    Force of Will – Syndra picks up and throws a minion or Dark Sphere dealing magic damage and slowing the movement speed of enemies.
    Scatter the Weak – Syndra knocks enemies and Dark Spheres back dealing magic damage. Enemies hit by Dark Spheres become stunned.
    Unleashed Power – Syndra bombards an enemy Champion with all of her Dark Spheres.


    Riot Graves is now properly flagged as having sunglasses.

    Spectator Mode

    Spectators can now rearrange the display positions of any player on the scoreboard in the bottom-center of the screen by dragging that player’s bar.
    The scoreboard has been rearranged for easier team comparisons:
    Champion portraits have been moved to the center of the scoreboard, with minion kills immediately adjacent.
    Items are now automatically sorted to display more expensive items toward the center of the scoreboard.
    While drag-scrolling (default: middle mouse click + drag), the camera will now wait to move until the player drags the mouse, rather than automatically moving in the direction of the initial click.
    E.g. if a player middle-clicks the right side of the screen, the camera will no longer automatically move to the right. Instead, it will move based on where the player drags the mouse.
    Max scroll speed remains the same and caps out at a drag length equal to the distance between the center and edge of the screen.
    The mouse cursor will now disappear while drag-scrolling.

    Co-op vs AI

    Increased the variance in team composition makeups for Coop vs AI.


    The time window for multikills has been increased to 10 seconds from the previous kills as opposed to 8.
  12. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Release Notes v1.0.0.148

    [spoil]Kha'Zix, the Voidreaver

    Kha'Zix will be released at a later date, pending completion of testing on the PBE.


    Cooldown increased to 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 seconds from 6 seconds at all ranks
    Battle Roar
    Damage reduced to 60/100/140/180/220 from 75/120/165/210/255
    Armor and Magic resist bonus reduced to 15/22/29/36/43 from 20/30/40/50/60


    Soraka has received a visual upgrade.


    Dark Sphere
    Damage increased to 70/110/150/190/230 from 60/100/140/180/220
    Ability Power ratio increased to 0.6 from 0.5
    Mana cost reduced to 40/50/60/70/80 from 50/60/70/80/90
    Scatter the Weak
    Range increased to 650 from 600
    Missile Speed increased to 2500 from 2000
    Improved sphere stun detection when a sphere is first knocked away
    Force of Will
    Throw Range increased to 950 from 900
    Unleashed Power
    Ability Power ratio per sphere increased to 0.2 from 0.15

    Xin Zhao

    Three Talon Strike
    Fixed: Bonus damage no longer applies to critical strikes
    Audacious Charge
    Fixed: Slow is now reduced by Tenacity

    Spectator Mode

    You may now spectate any game being spectated by a player on your friends list


    Added new particles to Sight Wards and Vision Wards
    Updated tool-tips for Ashe, Cho'gath, Ryze and Sona
    Updated Lore for Soraka and Warwick
    On rare occasion, players may now be asked for their feedback at the end of a game.
    Key Bindings - It is now possible to bind the "Cast Spell", "Summoner Spell" and "Recall" actions to any combination of keyboard keys. (Longer key combinations will not display a bind next to the ability icon in the HUD.)
    Bugfix: User Interface - It is now possible to cancel the spending of an ability point via the level-up button after the mouse has been clicked, as long as the mouse cursor is moved off of the level-up button before releasing the click.
    The green border around items will now only appear for clickable items (consumable or active-effect items)
  13. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    The Hell
    Release Notes Twisted Fate Game Update

    [spoil]Twisted Fate

    Twisted Fate has received a visual upgrade. Click here for more details.


    Fixed a bug where Fiddlestick's autoattack could be interrupted by Dark Wind


    Fixed a bug where using Devastating Charge on an enemy Tower causes it to redirect aggro onto Hecarim


    Updated Katarina's Lore


    Fixed a bug where Lulu's autoattack could be interrupted by Pix


    Fixed a bug where voidlings could get stuck in walls when using abilities in impassible terrain


    Fixed a bug where Rengar could double jump


    Fixed a bug where Ryze's autoattack could be interrupted by Spell Flux


    Fixed a bug where Syndra could force Monsters to attack each other
    Fixed a tooltip error for Force of Will
    Fixed a bug where stunning an opponent on Dominion could cause a graphical error with the scoreboard

    Co-op vs. AI

    Intermediate bots now have a chance to use a random skin


    Attack speed buffs / debuffs will now immediately take effect instead of having to wait for the next autoattack
    Fears will no longer reset jungle minions
    Fixed a bug where Baron Nashor remained "out of combat" when an enemy stealth unit is nearby
    Fixed a bug where in rare instances Champions would not be able to autoattack
  14. gamecosmetic

    gamecosmetic Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    [table="width: 1000"]
    Shadow Isles Official Patch Notes
    [Spoil]PVP.net v1.70

    • Crest of Honor - Honorable Opponent will now be displayed to the player and his teammates during champion select lobby and the loading screen
    • Fixed a bug where a player's Ranked Solo rating would be displayed before all of his provisional matches had been finished.

    League of Legends v1.0.0.150
    Twisted Treeline has been remade!

    • New layout and reworked jungle that will push the pace of champion encounters.
    • New altar control objective and boss, Vilemaw.
    • New environmental art, monster skins, music, and sound.
    • New Twisted Treeline items (details are subject to change)

    *NEW ITEM* Blackfire Torch
    • Recipe: Kage's Lucky Pick + Catalyst
    • Total gold cost: 2890 (combine cost: 800)
    • +50 Ability Power
    • +300 Health
    • +350 Mana
    • Unique Passive: Your spells burn for an additional 5% of the target's maximum Health in magic damage over 3 seconds (effect halfed for AoE and and damage over time).

    *NEW ITEM* Wooglet's Witchcap
    • Recipe: Needlessly Large Rod
    • Total gold cost: 2700 (combine cost: 1100)
    • +100 Ability Power
    • Unique Passive: +10% Movement Speed
    • Unique Passive: Increases Ability Power by 25%.

    *NEW ITEM* Overlord's Bloodmail
    • Recipe: Giant's Belt + Ruby Crystal
    • Total gold cost: 2565 (combine cost: 980)
    • +850 Health
    • Unique Passive: On kill or assist, heal 200 HP over 5 seconds.

    *NEW ITEM* Lord Van Damm's Pillager
    • Recipe: Heart of Gold + Brutalizer
    • Total gold cost: 2962 (combine cost: 800)
    • +40 Attack Damage
    • +350 Health
    • Unique Passive: 10% Cooldown Reduction
    • Unique Passive: 10% Spell Vamp

    *NEW ITEM* Grez's Spectral Lantern
    • Recipe: Madred's Razors
    • Total gold cost: 1200 (upgrade cost: 200)
    • +25 Attack Damage
    • +30 Armor
    • Unique Passive: Your basic attacks against minions and monsters have a 20% chance to deal 300 bonus magic damage.
    • Unique Active: A stealth-detecting mist grants vision in the target area for 10 seconds (1 minute cooldown).

    *NEW ITEM* Wicked Hatchet
    • Recipe: Cloak of Agility + Long Sword
    • Total gold cost: 1955 (combine cost: 710)
    • +20 Attack Damage
    • +18% Critical Strike Chance
    • Unique Passive: Your basic attacks inflict Grievous Wounds on enemy champions, causing 50% reduced healing and regeneration for 1.5 seconds.

    *NEW ITEM* Blade of the Ruined King
    • Recipe: Bilgewater Cutlass
    • Total gold cost: 2825 (upgrade cost: 1000)
    • +40 Attack Damage
    • +10% Life Steal
    • Unique Passive: Your attacks deal 4% of the target's current health in magic damage and heals you for half the amount (120 max vs. minions).
    • Unique Active: Drains target champion, dealing 150% physical damage plus 50% of your attack damage and healing you by the same amount. Additionally, you steal 30% of their movement speed for 2 seconds (1 minute cooldown).

    *NEW ITEM* Ichor of Rage
    • Gold cost: 500
    • Click to Consume: Grants 20-42 Attack Damage based on champion level, 20-42% Attack Speed based on champion level, and 15% increased damage to Turrets for 4 minutes.
    • *NEW ITEM* Ichor of Illumination
    • Gold cost: 500
    • Click to Consume: Grants 30-64 Ability Power based on champion level, 15% Cooldown Reduction, and a huge boost to mana and energy regeneration for 4 minutes.
    Champions Buff/Nerf
    • Base Health reduced to 518 from 568
    • Health per level reduced 95 from 100

    • Agony’s Embrace Ability Power ratio reduced to +1% every 100 Ability Power from +1% every 50 Ability Power

    • Essence Flux no longer reduces enemy champion Attack Speed

    • Thundering Blow
    • No longer deals any flat base damage (still deals % Max Health damage and has a bonus Attack Damage ratio)
    • Fixed: Stun no longer sometimes lasts beyond the knockback duration
    • Acceleration Gate mana cost increased to 50 from 30

    • Fixed: Shield of Daybreak's cooldown now matches its tooltip (11/10/9/8/7 seconds)

    • Fixed: Mace of Spades now damages wards properly

    • Fixed: Devastating Blow now damages wards properly

    • Base Health Regeneration reduced to 4 from 8
    • Health Regeneration per level reduced to 0.4 from 0.8
    • Bonetooth Necklace no longer grants a base +10 Attack Damage
    • Savagery Empowered Attack Damage ratio reduced to 2.0 from 2.5
    • Thrill of the Hunt
    • Stealth duration reduced to 5 seconds from 7
    • Cooldown increased to 140/105/70 seconds from 120/85/50

    • Crystalline Exoskeleton Cooldown increased to 18 seconds from 14
    • Impale will no longer finish casting if the target escapes the range during the cast time

    • Base Health reduced to 410 from 450
    • Base Armor reduced to 9 from 11

    • Force of Will
    • Now grabs nearest Dark Sphere in range if no valid target selected
    • Grab time reduced to 0.25 seconds from 0.33
    • Throw commands given during the grab time now execute immediately after the grab finishes
    • Fixed a bug where minions/Dark Spheres being pulled could get stuck on terrain
    • Scatter the Weak
    • Dark Spheres that have nearly finished casting will now get knocked back once they arrive
    • Fixed a bug where units hit by both Scatter the Weak and an affected Dark Sphere would be knocked back but not stunned
    • Unleashed Power
    • Spell shields will now only block a single sphere rather than the entire spell
    • Now also pulls in spheres cast just before the start of Unleashed Power
    • Fixed a bug where Unleashed Power would go on cooldown if the target died before the cast animation completed

    • Explosive Shot Cast Range now matches her Attack Range (including per level increases from her passive Draw a Bead)
    • Fixed: Rocket Jump now is more reliable when used around terrain
    • Buster Shot mana cost reduced to 100 from 140

    • Rabid Bite Mana Cost decreased from 40 to 30
    • Contaminate's cast animation no longer locks Trundle out of using other abilities

    Twisted Fate
    • Fixed: Pick a Card now damages wards properly

    Ward Skins

    Harrowing Ward skins will be available to unlock in the store in the Ward Skins tab.
    • Unlocking a ward skin allows you to use it in game for the next 7 days.
    • Multiple weeks can be stacked for an individual ward skin.
    • When activated in the store, ward skins cosmetically change both sight and vision wards in-game.

    Deathfire Grasp
    • No longer grants Cooldown Reduction
    • Active base damage reduced to 15% current Health from 25%
    • Ability Power ratio increased to 5% per 100 Ability Power from 4%

    • Slow duration reduced to 2 seconds from 2.5
    • Slow for ranged attacks reduced to 20% from 30%

    Trinity Force
    • Slow for ranged attacks reduced to 25% from 35%

    Frozen Mallet
    • Fixed: Slow duration now correctly lasts for 2.5 seconds instead of 2

    Hextech Sweeper
    • New Recipe: Amplifying Tome + Kindlegem
    • Total gold cost: 1435 (combine cost: 150)
    • Ability Power reduced from 40 to 25
    • Active effect increased from 6 second duration to 10 seconds.

    Co-op vs. AI
    • Cho'gath bot will now increase the damage of Vorpal Spikes when he levels it up.
    • Veigar bot will now appear on intermediate difficulty in Co-op vs AI for all maps.
    • Fixed a bug where Summoner's Rift bots would occasionally get stuck on the summoning platform after respawn if enemy champions were nearby
    • Fixed a bug where Kayle Bot would idle while trying to attack enemy minions
    • Bots now properly factor untargetable enemy turrets in threat calculations, making it harder to get them stuck between towers.

    • The Dragon's burning damage will no longer disrupt players from Recalling
    • Game tips and interesting facts will now be displayed on the loading screen and at the start of some matches
    • The mini-scoreboard will no longer block right clicks from issuing champion orders.
    • Item cooldowns will now be displayed in a similar color blue to spell cooldowns.
    • The blue overlay for spells on cooldown has been slightly lightened.
    • Locking the camera on a champion will now persist through that champion's deaths.
    • Added a hotkey for switching between items and gold on the scoreboard.
    • Directed camera algorithms have been improved for Twisted Treeline.
    • API for Manual Recommended Items Overrides now works correctly with all champions and also works correctly even if the character changes forms prior to opening the shop for the first time, like Udyr

    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 25/10/12
  15. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    End of Season 2 Patch Notes

    [spoil]Season 2 has officially ended!

    Eligible summoners will receive loading screen borders, profile banner trims, forum badges, and the Victorious Janna skin immediately
    Summoner Icons will be distributed over the next week
    Elo ratings have been compressed towards 1200 and system confidence in ratings has been reset.
    Placement matches must be completed before Elo will be visible again.
    Ranked stats have been cleared and archived under the "Season 2" option in the dropdown.


    Pyroclasm can no longer bounce more than 5 times.


    Neurotoxin Ability Power ratio increased to 3% per 100 Ability Power from 2%
    Venomous Bite Ability Power ratio increased to 3% per 100 Ability Power from 2%
    Missile speed increased to 1450 from 1300
    Now reveals the target if it hits
    Spider Form bonus magic damage per attack Ability Power ratio increased to 0.3 from 0.2


    Nether Blade
    Ability Power ratio increased to 0.3 from 0.15
    Bonus damage no longer hits inhibitors or the Nexus


    Bouncing Blade initial damage reduced at later ranks to 60/90/120/150/180 from 60/95/130/165/200
    Sinister Steel damage reduced at later ranks to 40/75/110/145/180 from 40/80/120/160/200


    Distortion Mana Cost reduced at later ranks to 80/85/90/95/100 from 80/90/100/110/120


    Final Spark visual effects no longer appear at the wrong angle if aimed beyond the edge of the map


    Slice and Dice no longer reduces Dragon's Armor


    Infuse tooltip now states the correct Ability Power ratio at 0.6

    Twisted Fate

    Pick a Card tooltip now describes the correct behavior in regards to Blue card's Mana restoration


    Deadly Venom now has a new particle for maximum stacks
    Ambush tooltip now describes the correct behavior in regards to delay before entering invisibility


    Equilibrium Mana Regeneration increased to 1% from 0.75% per 1% Mana missing


    Majestic Roar now fears minions and monsters for 3 seconds instead of 2

    Xin Zhao

    Crescent Sweep now properly procs Spell Vamp and other effects (e.g. Rylai's slow)


    Omen of War now works properly with Life Steal


    Short Fuse now deals 150% damage to structures


    Time Bomb now breaks Recall immediately when cast on an enemy champion.


    Blackfire Torch
    New Recipe: Kage's Lucky Pick + Haunting Guise
    Total Gold Cost: 2950 (combine cost: 700)
    +70 Ability Power
    +250 Health
    Unique Passive: +15% Cooldown Reduction
    Unique Passive: +20 Magic Penetration
    Unique Passive: Your spells burn for an additional 5% of the target champion's maximum Health in magic damage over 3 seconds. Each second burned consumes a charge. One charge is generated each second.
    Now available on Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar.
    Hextech Sweeper
    New Recipe: Amplifying Tome + Amplifying Tome + Kindlegem
    Total Gold Cost: 1920 (combine cost: 200)
    +50 Ability Power
    +300 Health
    Unique Passive: +10% Cooldown Reduction
    Unique Passive: +10% Movement Speed
    Unique Active: A stealth-detecting mist grants vision in the target area for 10 seconds (1 minute cooldown).
    Lord Van Damm's Pillager
    Reduced health by 50
    Reduced armor penetration by 5
    Wooglet's Witchcap
    New Recipe: Needlessly Large Rod + Chain Mail
    Total Gold Cost: 3500 (combine cost: 1200)
    +100 Ability Power
    +50 Armor
    Unique Passive: Increases Ability Power by 25%
    Unique Active: Places your champion into Stasis for 2.5 seconds, rendering you invulnerable and untargetable but unable to take any action (90 second cooldown)
    Now available on Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar
    Removed Zhonya's Hourglass from Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar
    Removed Rabadon's Deathcap from Crystal Scar


    Ignite is now only castable on enemy champions
    Champion passives will now have their cooldowns represented on their passive icon

    Co-op vs. AI

    Twisted Treeline bots should now favor defending their base over taking altars.
    Twisted Treeline bots no longer get stuck at the summoning platform when an inhibitor is under attack.
    Custom game Summoner's Rift bots now use the same push logic as beginner Co-op vs. AI bots, which should address several issues of bots getting stuck on the map
    Added a pathing workaround to prevent Summoner's Rift bots from getting trapped in certain areas of the map (e.g. Baron pit)
    Battle Training bots should no longer get stuck during the tutorial

    Twisted Treeline

    Reduced Vilemaw's starting damage, increased his starting health, and reduced his health scaling
    Slightly tweaked walkable space in several areas to allow Flashing over walls
    Brush beside altars removed
    Altars now unlock at 3:00 minutes instead of 2:00
    Altars now grant a 3 gold bonus per kill, down from 4
    Minion base gold rewards increased by 1 to compensate
    Jungle monster gold and health values rebalanced
    Removed Thornmail from the purchasable item list

    Crystal Scar

    Reduced passive mana regeneration
    Increased mana gained from Health Relics
    Changed windmill rotation speed so gears no longer clip
  16. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Preseason 3 Patch Notes

    [spoil]Summoner's Rift

    Gold adjustments
    Ambient gold gain increased to 16 per 10 seconds from 13 per 10 seconds - gold gained from farming lane minions and jungle monsters have been slightly reduced to compensate
    Melee Minion
    Base gold value reduced to 20 from 22
    Ranged Minion
    Base gold value reduced to 15 from 16
    Siege Minion
    Base gold value increased to 40 from 27
    Scaling gold value based on time increased to 1 from 0.5
    Minion gold values now update more often on a 90 second interval instead of 180
    Kill and Death streak adjustments
    Kill Streak bonus now caps at 500 Gold, down from 600 Gold.
    Kill Streaks and Death Streaks now accelerate faster by roughly 50%.
    Example: A player with a 4 kill streak will be worth 500 gold - compared to before which required an 8 kill streak.
    Example: A player with a 4 death streak will be worth 126 gold - compared to before which required a 6 death streak.
    Assist Gold
    The bonus gold added for multiple players participating in a kill has been reduced to 150% from 158%.
    Initial difficulty of all jungle camps has been increased
    Camp difficulty and rewards have been re-distributed more into the large monster in each camp
    Scaling difficulty and rewards of the primary jungle camps have been significantly increased
    Overall rewards have been re-distributed between the 3 primary jungle camps (Wolves, Wraiths, Golems) to better match their difficulty and convenience
    New jungle items have been added to the store and old jungle items have been adjusted
    Leashing has been changed
    Jungle monsters now attack the closest target rather than chasing their original target
    Whenever jungle monsters switch targets it counts as a “leash” - the maximum amount of leashes after which jungle monsters will reset has been increased to 10 from 3
    Jungle monsters now deal 50% bonus damage to non-champions (ex: Malzahar's Voidlings, Shaco's Jack in the Box)
    The “Banking” system that caused jungle monsters that have stayed alive for a long duration to have slightly increased rewards has been removed
    Giant Wolf
    Base Health increased to 900 from 550
    Health per minute increased to 40 from 31
    Base Attack Damage increased to 35 from 24
    Attack Damage per minute increased 0.7 from 0.44
    Base Gold increased to 44 from 40
    Gold per minute increased to 0.65 from 0.43
    Base Experience increased to 153 from 128
    Experience per minute increased to 2.3 from 1.5
    Movement Speed reduced to 443 from 510
    Critical Strike damage reduced to 150% from 300%
    Base Health reduced to 300 from 360
    Health per minute increased to 25 from 16.5
    Base Attack Damage reduced to 8 from 14
    Attack Damage per minute increased to 0.43 from 0.286
    Base Gold reduced to 4 from 5
    Gold per minute increased to 0.081 from 0.054
    Experience per minute increased to 0.32 from 0.2136
    Movement Speed reduced to 443 from 510
    Critical Strike damage reduced to 150% from 200%
    Base Health increased to 750 from 400
    Health per minute increased to 39 from 28
    Base Attack Damage increased to 35 from 25
    Attack Damage per minute increased to 0.75 from 0.5
    Base Gold reduced to 25 from 33
    Gold per minute increased to 0.72 from 0.48
    Base Experience reduced to 103 from 105
    Experience per minute increased to 2.1 from 1.4
    Attack Range reduced to 300 from 650
    Lesser Wraith
    Base Health reduced to 250 from 275
    Health per minute increased to 18 from 12.1
    Base Attack Damage reduced to 10 from 17
    Attack Damage per minute increased to 0.33 from 0.2195
    Base Gold reduced to 3 from 4
    Gold per minute increased to 0.054 from 0.036
    Base Experience reduced to 15 from 22
    Experience per minute increased to 0.16 from 0.1064
    Big Golem
    Base Health increased to 1000 from 950
    Health per minute increased to 48 from 37
    Attack Damage per minute increased to 1.6 from 1.05
    Base Gold increased to 45 from 40
    Gold per minute increased to 0.8 from 0.38
    Base Experience increased to 137 from 117
    Experience per minute increased to 2.4 from 1.55
    Movement Speed increased 350 from 300
    Attack Range increased to 150 from 100
    Magic Resist reduced to -10 from 0
    Base Health increased to 500 from 450
    Health per minute increased to 37 from 25
    Attack Damage per minute increased to 1.3 from 0.84
    Gold per minute increased to 0.23 from 0.15
    Experience per minute increased to 1.6 from 1.08
    Movement Speed increased to 350 from 300
    Attack Range increased to 150 from 100
    Magic Resist reduced to -10 from 0
    Ancient Golem
    Base Health increased to 1500 from 1350
    Lizard Elder
    Base Health increased to 1500 from 1350
    Young Lizard
    Base Health increased to 300 from 250
    Base Health increased to 3500 from 3200
    Health per minute increased to 240 from 220
    Attack Range reduced to 350 from 500
    Baron Nashor
    Base Health increased to 8800 from 8000
    Health per minute increased to 140 from 125
    You can find full details on the jungle changes in the Pre-Season 3 website, located here.

    Twisted Treeline

    Increased low level death times and slightly decreased high level death times
    Reduced the amount of experience split by two and three nearby players
    Clarified the mana regeneration bonus on the altar tooltips
    Tweaked Altar vision rules
    Neutral altars will no longer grant vision
    Stealthed champions can no longer capture altars
    Evelynn will be revealed if within 300 distance of a capturable altar (this is to allow her to capture altars without expending spell cooldowns to forcibly remove herself from stealth)
    Blackfire Torch
    Reduced magic penetration from 20 to 15
    Decreased maximum charges from 25 to 18
    Decreased the duration of the burn effect from 3 to 2 seconds
    Increased the delay between charge gains from 1 to 1.5 seconds
    Increased the burn amount from 1.67% to 1.75% of max health per second
    Fixed a bug that caused the first tick of burn to not consume a charge
    Grez's Spectral Lantern
    New Recipe: Cloth Armor + Vampiric Scepter
    Total Gold Cost: 1250 (combine cost: 150)
    +25 Attack Damage
    +20 Armor
    +12% Life Steal
    Unique Passive: Your basic attacks against minions and monsters have a 20% chance to deal 200 bonus magic damage.
    Unique Active: A stealth-detecting mist grants vision in the target area for 10 seconds (1 minute cooldown).
    Temporarily disabled Lord Van Damm's Pillager (conflicts with new Black Cleaver)
    Temporarily disabled Wicked Hatchet (conflicts with new Executioner's Calling)
    The following new Season 3 items are disabled:
    Hunter's Machete
    Madred’s Razors (reworked)
    Spirit Stone and its upgrades
    Liandry's Torment
    Homeguard Enchant
    Ruby Sightstone
    Runic Bulwark

    Crystal Scar

    Increased global mana regeneration aura from 1.5% to 2% bonus regeneration per 1% of mana missing
    The following new Season 3 items are disabled:
    Hunter's Machete
    Spirit Stone and its upgrades
    Liandry's Torment
    Homeguard Enchant
    Ruby Sightstone

    Proving Grounds

    The following new Season 3 items are disabled:
    Hunter's Machete
    Spirit Stone and its upgrades
    Homeguard Enchant
    Ruby Sightstone
    Crystalline Flask

    General (Stats)

    Basic Cost for Stats
    Attack Damage has generally been made cheaper by roughly 5 to 10%.
    Attack Speed has generally been made more expensive by roughly 20%
    Armor and Magic Resistance has generally been made more expensive by roughly 10 to 20%
    Basic items have had their statistics and gold values adjusted to match.
    Premiums for Tier 3 items
    Gold premiums on Tier 3 items have generally been reduced across the board. This means that the deeper the build tree - generally the less statistics the item gives or the more expensive it will be compared to before.
    Penetration Changes
    % Penetration now applies before Flat Penetration. This means that combining the two statistics will amplify the effect of both - compared to live which reduced the effectiveness of both.
    Last Whisper's Armor Penetration reduced to 35% from 40%
    Void Staff's Magic Penetration reduced to 35% from 40%
    Haunting Guise Magic Penetration reduced to 15 from 20
    Sorcerer's Shoes Magic Penetration reduced to 15 from 20
    Movement Speed
    Movement Speed bonus on all Boot items has been reduced by 25
    Base Movement Speed on all champions has been increased by 25


    The following items have been removed and items that build out of them have had their recipe changed:
    Meki Pendant, Regrowth Pendant, Force of Nature, Ionic Spark, Moonflair Spellblade, Cloak and Dagger, Elixir of Agility, Leviathan, Soul Shroud, Heart of Gold, Madred’s Bloodrazor
    The following items have been changed and have had their passives and statistics modified:
    Malady, Phantom Dancer, Zeke's Herald, Guardian Angel, Lich Bane, Eleisa's Miracle, Randuin's Omen, Deathfire Grasp, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Tiamat, Black Cleaver, Tear of the Godess, Archangel's Staff, Manamune, Executioner's Calling, Morello's Evil Tome, Warmog's Armor, Avarice Blade, Aegis of the Legion, Hextech Gunblade
    New Items
    The following items are new and will be available on Summoner's Rift:
    Jungle-Focused: Hunter's Machete, Spirit Stone, Spirit of the Ancient Golem, Spirit of the Spectral Wraith, Spirit of the Elder Lizard
    Support-Focused: Shard of True Ice, Mikael's Crucible, Banner of Command, Twin Shadows
    Attack-Focused: Runaan's Hurricane, Zephyr, Sword of the Divine, Mercurial Scimitar, Liandry's Torment, Statikk Shiv
    Defense-Focused: Frozen Fist, Ohmwrecker
    Boot Upgrades
    All Tier 2 boots can now be upgraded further with an enchantment for a gold cost - All Tier 2 boots share from the same pool of enchantments.
    Enchantment - Alacrity: Increases Movement Speed by 15.
    Enchantment - Furor: Dealing damage to a champion with a single target attack or spell grants you a movement speed boost that decays over 2 seconds.
    Enchantment - Distortion: Your Ghost, Teleport and Flash cooldowns are reduced by a percentage.
    Enchantment - Captain: Allied champions moving towards you gain a movement speed boost. Additionally, nearby allied minions gain a large movement speed bonus.
    Enchantment - Homeguard: Being at fountain instantly restores your health and mana. Additionally, you gain a very large movement speed boost that decays over 8 seconds. This passive is disabled if you are in combat.
    You can find full details on the items in the Pre-Season 3 website, located here.

    Summoner Spells

    Now available on Summoner's Rift and Crystal Scar
    Cooldown increased to 210 seconds from 125
    Shield amount reduced to 95 + 20 per level from 100 + 25 per level
    Improved Barrier increases the shield amount by 20 instead of reducing the cooldown by 20 seconds
    Shield duration reduced to 2 seconds from 4 seconds
    Duration increased to 5 seconds from 4
    Cooldown reduced to 60 seconds from 70
    Radius reduced to 1200 from 1400
    Improved Clairvoyance now maintains sight on units revealed by Clairvoyance for 5 seconds instead of extending the duration by 2 seconds
    Now restores 40% maximum Mana to you and nearby allies
    Improved Clarity now increases the Mana restoration by 25%, up from 20% (total 50% max Mana to you and allies)
    Now reduces Attack Speed by 50%
    Movement Speed reduction reduced to 30% from 40%
    Now reduces all damage dealt by 30% from 70% for attacks and 30% from abilities/items.
    Cooldown increased to 300 seconds from 265
    Improved Flash is now calculated after other Summoner Flash cooldown reductions
    Health restored per level reduced to 15 from 25
    Amount allies are healed for increased to 100% from 50%
    Improved Heal now increases your champion's max Health by 5 per level instead of increasing the Heal amount by 10%
    Cooldown increased to 300 seconds from 270
    Cooldown increased to 210 seconds from 180
    Now always increases your movement speed after reviving
    Improved Revive now grants bonus Health after reviving instead of a temporary speed boost


    Masteries have been reworked
    All Mastery Pages have been reset
    You can find full details on the new Masteries in the Pre-Season 3 website, located here


    Runes have been renamed to be more representative of their actual function (e.g. Mark of Desolation renamed to Mark of Armor Penetration)
    Lesser Mark of Armor Penetration
    Armor Penetration reduced to 0.72 from 0.93
    Mark of Armor Penetration
    Armor Penetration reduced to 1 from 1.29
    Greater Mark of Armor Penetration
    Armor Penetration reduced to 1.28 from 1.66
    Lesser Mark of Magic Penetration
    Magic Penetration reduced to 0.49 from 0.53
    Mark of Magic Penetration
    Magic Penetration reduced to 0.68 from 0.74
    Greater Mark of Magic Penetration
    Magic Penetration reduced to 0.87 from 0.95
    Lesser Glyph of Magic Penetration
    Magic Penetration reduced to 0.35 from 0.38
    Glyph of Magic Penetration
    Magic Penetration reduced to 0.49 from 0.53
    Greater Glyph of Magic Penetration
    Magic Penetration reduced to 0.63 from 0.68
    Lesser Quintessence of Armor Penetration
    Armor Penetration reduced to 1.42 from 1.85
    Quintessence of Armor Penetration
    Armor Penetration reduced to 1.99 from 2.59
    Greater Quintessence of Armor Penetration
    Armor Penetration reduced to 2.56 from 3.33
    Lesser Quintessence of Magic Penetration
    Magic Penetration reduced to 1.11 from 1.21
    Quintessence of Magic Penetration
    Magic Penetration reduced to 1.56 from 1.69
    Greater Quintessence of Magic Penetration
    Magic Penetration reduced to 2.01 from 2.18
    Lesser Mark of Hybrid Penetration
    Armor Penetration reduced to 0.5 from 0.56
    Magic Penetration increased to 0.34 from 0.32
    Mark of Hybrid Penetration
    Armor Penetration reduced to 0.7 from 0.74
    Magic Penetration increased to 0.48 from 0.44
    Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration
    Armor Penetration reduced to 0.9 from 1
    Magic Penetration increased to 0.61 from 0.57
    Lesser Quintessence of Hybrid Penetration
    Armor Penetration reduced to 0.99 from 1.11
    Magic Penetration increased to 0.77 from 0.72
    Quintessence of Hybrid Penetration
    Armor Penetration reduced to 1.39 from 1.55
    Magic Penetration increased to 1.09 from 1.01
    Greater Quintessence of Hybrid Penetration
    Armor Penetration reduced to 1.79 from 2
    Magic Penetration increased to 1.41 from 1.3

    PvP.Net 1.72

    Recommended Items no longer appear in the Champion detail pages. This change does not affect the information displayed on the League of Legends website or the in-game store.


    Base Attack Damage increased to 59 from 56
    Attack Damage per level increased to 3.2 from 3
    Titan's Wrath shield amount increased to 100/150/200/250/300 from 80/130/180/230/280
    Base Armor increased to 25 from 21
    Base Health Regen increased to 8 per 5 seconds from 6
    Base Armor increased to 24 from 21
    Northern Winds duration increased to 6 seconds from 5


    Retreat pings will now be team colored in spectator mode.
    Target pings will now only last 6 seconds in spectator mode.
    Directed camera algorithms have been improved.


    Fixed a bug that causes projectile-based skillshots to not appear when fired out of the fog of war (ex: Nidalee spear)
    The Nexus turrets in The Crystal Scar and Proving Grounds will now kill invulnerable units.
    Updated all bots' items, masteries, and summoner spells to account for Season 3 changes.
    Improved bots' summoner spell logic and made usage consistent across all bots.
    Fixed how custom game TT bots adjust to players' laning decisions.
    Spells that target your own champion will now put an outline glow around your champion.
    Unbound default key bindings for 'Toggle Health Bars' and 'Toggle Minion Health Bars'
    Champion passives will now display their cooldown time over the passive icon.
  17. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    League of Legends v1.0.0.153


    Carnivore health restore adjusted to 20-71 from 34-68


    Crescent Strike
    Base damage reduced to 60/95/130/165/200 from 70/110/150/190/230
    Pale Cascade
    Orb detonation damage radius reduced
    Adjusted orb hit box to better match the visual effect
    Maximum pull distance reduced
    Lunar Rush
    Cast range reduced to 750 from 900


    Volatile Spiderling
    Fixed a bug where Volatile Spiderlings were only lasting for 2.5 seconds, rather than the intended 3 seconds
    Skittering Frenzy
    Now immediately starts Elise attacking at her faster attack speed, rather than waiting until her next attack starts


    Blade Waltz
    The cooldown and manacost are refunded if Fiora is suppressed while casting Blade Waltz before it has started to have any effect

    Master Yi

    Alpha Strike
    Initial cast time reduced
    Chance to deal bonus minion damage adjusted to 50% at all ranks from 20/30/40/50/60%
    Bonus minion damage adjusted to 260/320/380/440/500 from 400 at all ranks
    Reduced the startup time before channeling
    Wuju Style
    Cooldown reduced at later ranks to 25/23/21/19/17 seconds from 25 seconds at all ranks


    Nidalee and all her skins are looking stunningly stylish after receiving a complete Visual Upgrade this patch. For more details, read the original announcement or check out Nidalee's Champion Spotlight.


    Battle Roar
    Base damage reduced to 50/80/110/140/170 from 60/100/140/180/220
    Heal reduced to 10% from 15%
    Thrill of the Hunt
    Fade time increased to 1.25 from .75 seconds
    Now has fade pushback time (1 second per hit, up to 3 seconds)


    Toxic Shot
    Ability Power ratio on impact reduced to 0.3 from 0.4
    Noxious Trap
    Damage reduced at later ranks to 200/325/450 from 200/400/600
    Fixed: Tooltip now indicates the correct cooldown


    Rise of the Thorns
    Damage reduced to 100-440 from 124-549
    Missile Speed reduced to 1900 from 2200
    Missile Width reduced to 70 from 90
    Grasping Roots
    Missile Speed reduced to 1150 from 1325
    Vine Lasher
    Fixed a bug where the plant was sometimes slowing by more than 30%


    Aegis of the Legion/Runic Bulwark
    Fixed a bug where the Legion Aura from both items was stacking on teams
    Blackfire Torch
    Fixed a tooltip inconsistency with the cooldown reduction value
    Flat Armor Penetration reduced to 10 from 15
    Spirit Visage
    Fixed a bug where the item was healing for less than intended
    The Black Cleaver
    Armor Reduction per stack reduced to 6.25% from 7.5% (Maximum reduction is now 25% from 30%)
    Flat Armor Penetration reduced to 10 from 15 and is now UNIQUE
    Youmuu’s Ghostblade
    Flat Armor Penetration is now UNIQUE

    Summoner Spells

    Smite damage increased to 490-1000 from 445-870

    Twisted Treeline

    Changed altar capture mechanics
    Taking damage while capturing an altar will now cancel the capture and prevent capturing for 2 seconds
    Capture interruptions will be denoted by a shiny particle

    Crystal Scar

    Tweaked global aura
    Armor penetration removed
    Magic penetration removed
    Energy champions now receive 2 bonus energy per second
    Fury champions now benefit from the aura
    Tryndamere receives 33% bonus Fury for attacks, critical strikes, and kills
    Renekton receives 33% bonus Fury for attacks
    Shyvana receives 25% bonus Fury for attacks
    Healing reduction now only affects self-heals and regeneration
    Reduced ranged minion base magic resistance by 5
    Reduced super melee minion base magic resistance by 15

    Crystal Scar and Proving Grounds

    Health Relics will now grant Fury
    Tryndamere receives 10 Fury
    Renekton receives 20 Fury
    Shyvana receives 6 Fury

    Summoner Name Changes

    Several million inactive summoner names in NA, EUW and EUNE have been made available for purchase
    Summoner name changes are 650 RP (50% off) in the Other tab of the Store until December 26

    Ward Skins

    Two Snowdown Showdown ward skins can be placed in-game for free during the holiday
    The ward skins can be activated and deactivated in the Ward Skins tab in the Store
    The ward skins will be removed from all accounts at the end of Snowdown Showdown

    Gift Center

    The Gift Center will be accessible in the Store through December 26
    Players may purchase RP, champions and skins for summoners that were on their friends list in early December
    Only new purchases can be gifted – not pre-owned content or RP
    There are several additional restrictions on gifting, including:
    Only Level 20+ summoners can send gifts
    Only Level 10+ summoners can receive gifts
    Summoners with active bans cannot send gifts
    Rioters are ineligible to send gifts
    A maximum of 3 RP gifts and 3 gifts of other types can be sent per day
    A maximum of 15,000 RP can be gifted per day
    Payment information must be re-entered for each RP gift


    Consumable items now display a stack count in the scoreboard
    Fixed a bug where Honor animations would sometimes play more than once for users that have already unlocked the crest
    Fixed a rare bug where the incorrect Honor animation would play for users with a lot of Honor
    Friend Notes
    You can now add and edit notes about your friends by right-clicking their name or clicking on the note icon that appears when you hover over their name. You may view friend notes by hovering over the note icon that appears once you have saved a note for that friend. Friend notes are tied to your account and can be accessed anywhere you log into League of Legends
    Changes have been made to the scoreboard to improve readability
    Adjustments have been made to the in-game chat box font size
    Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash when closing the shop while the scoreboard was open

    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 16/12/12
  18. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Preseason Balance Update 2 Patch Notes

    [spoil]Thresh, the Chain Warden

    Thresh is still undergoing PBE testing, and will be released at a later date. Stay tuned for more information on the Chain Warden!


    Base movement speed increased to 330 from 325

    Range increased to 650 from 600


    Cursed Touch
    Magic resist reduction reduced at later levels to 15/20/25 from 15/25/35


    Mana cost reduced to 60/65/70/75/80 from 60/70/80/90/100

    Targeting cone is now attached to Annie

    Molten Shield
    Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds from 16
    Duration reduced to 5 seconds from 8


    Mana Barrier
    Cooldown increased to 90 seconds from 60

    Rocket Grab
    Will now give vision when it hits a target


    Feral Scream
    Targeting cone is now attached to Cho'Gath


    Gatling Gun
    Mana cost reduced to 60/65/70/75/80 from 60/70/80/90/100


    Pale Cascade
    Orb detonation has been adjusted to better match Diana’s basic attack range
    Shield duration increased to 5 seconds from 4

    Lunar Rush
    Cast range increased to 825 from 750


    Hate Spike
    Mana cost increased to 16/22/28/34/40 from 14/18/22/26/30
    Bonus attack damage ratio increased to 0.5 from 0.4

    Damage reduced at later ranks to 35/55/75/95/115 from 35/60/85/110/135
    Bonus attack damage ratio increased to 0.5 from 0.4

    Agony's Embrace
    Damage changed to 15/20/25% of the target's current health from 15/20/25% of their max health
    Cooldown increased to 150/120/90 seconds from 120/90/60
    Cast range reduced to 650 from 800


    Base attack speed reduced to 0.625 from 0.665


    Force Pulse
    Fixed an issue where Force Pulse would sometimes fire backward after using Rift Walk.


    Base movement speed reduced to 345 from 350

    Sinister Steel
    Movement speed adjusted to 15/20/25/30/35% from 12/20/28/36/44%


    Basic attack has been retuned so it’s more responsive


    Unseen Threat
    Damage reduced at later levels to 15-190 from 15-220
    Slow reduced to 25% from 35%

    Taste Their Fear
    Bonus attack damage ratio reduced to 1.5 from 1.6
    Isolation bonus attack damage ratio reduced to 2.0 from 2.4

    Lee Sin

    Fixed a bug where the tooltip incorrectly stated that Lee Sin regained energy when the shield was broken

    Iron Will
    No longer grants armor while active
    Life steal and spell vamp increased to 5/10/15/20/25% from 5/9/13/17/21%

    Slow amount reduced at earlier ranks to 20/30/40/50/60% from 30/37.5/45/52.5/60%
    Range reduced to 600 from 800


    Siphon of Destruction
    Targeting cone is now attached to Mordekaiser


    Base movement speed increased to 335 from 330

    Aqua Prison
    Cooldown reduced to 14/13/12/11/10 seconds from 16/14.5/13/11.5/10

    Tidal Wave
    Missile speed increased to 850 from 750


    Bonetooth Necklace
    Now grants +5 Attack Damage

    Unseen Predator
    Fixed a bug where Rengar could leap while rooted

    Attack speed duration increased to 4 seconds from 3
    Fixed a bug where Savagery could be used three times consecutively

    Battle Roar
    Empowered Battle Roar now heals for 60-400 (based on champion level) instead of 10% of his Rengar’s health

    Thrill of the Hunt
    Initial delay reduced to 1 second from 1.25 (still can be delayed up to 3 seconds)
    Stealth duration increased to 7 seconds from 5


    Base health regen reduced to 6 from 10.4
    Health regen per level reduced to 0.5 from 0.9

    Shield amount increased to 70/100/130/160/190 from 60/90/120/150/180

    Blade of the Exile
    Cooldown increased to 110/80/50 seconds from 75/60/45
    Targeting cone is now attached to Riven


    Controlling the clone no longer reveals Shaco in brush
    Fixed a bug that prevented Shaco from casting Hallucinate for the rest of the game in certain circumstances


    Now increases range on Unleashed Power by 75 at max rank

    Scatter the Weak
    Cooldown reduced at later ranks to 18/16.5/15/13.5/12 seconds from 18/17/16/15/14


    Noxian Diplomacy
    Bleed damage reduced to 10/20/30/40/50 from 18/36/54/72/90
    Bleed bonus attack damage ratio reduced to 1 from 1.2

    Fixed a bug where the damage amplification did not actually apply
    Fixed an bug that sometimes caused Talon’s Rake to fire backwards after using Cutthroat.

    Shadow Assault
    Damage reduced at later ranks to 120/170/220 from 120/190/260
    Bonus attack damage ratio reduced to 0.75 from 0.9


    Monkey's Agility
    Now additionally increases Udyr's armor and magic resist by 4% per stack


    Vault Breaker
    Fixed a bug where Vault Breaker would sometimes not refund mana or cooldown when interrupted
    Fixed a bug where interrupting Vault Breaker would sometimes render Vi unable to cast spells
    Fixed a bug where Vault Breaker's stun duration was sometimes shorter than intended
    Fixed a bug where Vi would sometimes stop attacking after hitting a champion with Vault Breaker

    Excessive Force
    Increased the responsiveness of Vi's attacks after using Excessive Force

    Assault and Battery
    Fixed a bug where targets could cast spells after being knocked into the air
    Fixed a bug where characters with stealth could cause Assault and Battery to miss
    Fixed a bug where damage was not applied to targets immune to disable effects


    Short Fuse
    The cooldown indicator now more accurately shows when Short Fuse is available.

    Summoner's Rift

    Base gold increased to 30 from 25
    Base health increased to 1000 from 750
    Lesser Wraith
    Base health reduced to 150 from 250
    Giant Wolf
    Base gold increased to 55 from 40
    Base health increased to 1100 from 900
    Base health reduced to 200 from 300
    Base gold increased to 55 from 45
    Base health increased to 1200 from 1000
    Small Golem
    Base health reduced to 300 from 500


    Item tooltips have been revised to improve consistency

    Attack damage increased to 20 from 10

    Archangel's Staff
    Ability power increased to 60 from 50
    Mana charge amount increased to 6 from 5

    Crystalline Flask
    Cost increased to 345 from 225
    Now restores 120 health and 60 mana over 12 seconds from 100 health and 40 mana over 10 seconds per charge

    Mikael's Crucible
    Can no longer target allied minions

    Last Whisper
    Combine cost increased to 1025 from 860 (total cost is now 2300 from 2135)

    Hextech Gunblade
    Spell vamp is now UNIQUE

    Iceborne Gauntlet
    Duration of slow field reduced to 2 seconds from 3
    Slow percentage reduced to 30% from 35%
    Slowing field now displays team color rings

    Philosopher's Stone
    Now correctly grants 5 gold per 10 seconds (was 4 gold per 10 seconds)

    Enchantment: Homeguard
    Homeguard now works immediately after purchasing the enchant

    Spirit of the Elder Lizard
    Now grants +10% cooldown reduction

    Spirit of the Spectral Wraith
    Ability power increased to 50 from 40
    Cooldown reduction is no longer UNIQUE

    Sanguine Blade
    Combine cost reduced to 500 gold from 800
    Attack damage increased to 65 from 60
    Attack damage per stack increased to 6 from 5
    Max stacks reduced to 5 from 7

    Blackfire Torch
    New recipe: Kage's Lucky Pick + Fiendish Codex + Haunting Guise
    Total gold cost: 3950 (combine cost: 700)
    Ability power increased to 80 from 70
    Cooldown reduction increased to 20% from 10%
    Now grants 10 mana regeneration per 5 seconds

    Will of the Ancients
    New recipe: Kage's Pick + Hextech Revolver
    Total gold cost is now 2550 (combine cost: 585)

    Twin Shadows
    Ability power reduced to 40 from 50
    Magic resist increased to 40 from 30
    Movement speed increased to 6% from 5%

    Banner of Command
    Ability power reduced to 40 from 50
    Now grants 10% cooldown reduction

    Banshee's Veil
    Combine cost increased to 600 from 490 (total cost is now 2610 from 2500)
    Health increased to 400 from 300

    Ninja Tabi
    Once again reduces 10% damage from all basic attacks, rather than only champion basic attacks

    Liandry's Torment
    Health increased to 300 from 200
    Ability power reduced to 60 from 70

    Wooglet's Witchcap
    New recipe: Blasting Wand + Blasting Wand + Chain Vest
    Total gold cost: 3500 (combine cost: 1060)
    Armor reduced to 40 from 50

    Hextech Sweeper
    New UNIQUE passive - Trap Detection: Nearby stealthed enemy traps are revealed

    Grez's Spectral Lantern
    Attack damage reduced to 20 from 25

    Lightbringer - Remade!
    New recipe: Grez's Spectral Lantern + Pickaxe
    Total gold cost: 2425 (combine cost: 300)
    +50 attack damage
    +20 armor
    +12% life steal
    UNIQUE passive - Vanquish: Basic attacks have a 20% chance to deal 100 bonus magic damage (doubled for non-champions)
    UNIQUE passive - Trap Detection: Nearby stealthed enemy traps are revealed
    UNIQUE active: Cover s a target area in a stealth-detecting mist that grants vision for 10 seconds (60 second cooldown)


    Now displays a buff timer after attacking to show the time before gold can be earned again

    Twisted Treeline

    Speed Shrine removed! There’s now a Ghost Relic in its place.
    The Ghost Relic replenishes 94-315 health and a small amount of your ability resource. It also grants a brief speed boost.
    The Ghost Relic spawns at 1:55 and respawns every 90 seconds.

    New items now available
    Runic Bulwark

    Proving Grounds

    New items now available
    Blade of the Ruined King

    Co-op vs. AI

    Bots are now more likely to use activatable items.
    Added Darius Bot to Co-op vs. AI on all maps.
    Fixed a bug where Shen Bot wasn't casting Stand United.
    Co-op vs. AI will now properly display as a co-op vs. AI match instead of a 5v5 pvp match.


    Gold totals with more than three digits will now include punctuation for easier readability
    Directed camera positioning will now take the health bars for Baron and Vilemaw into account
    Fixed a bug that could cause directed camera to focus on recalling champions even with no enemies nearby
    Added spectator chat callouts for powerful items such as Athene's Unholy Grail and Blade of the Ruined King


    Added a new provisional medal for players and teams that are in their placement matches
    All players and teams have been temporarily set to this medal in preparation for Season 3


    Improvements to the item shop
    Holding the CTRL key while clicking on categories in the All Items tab will now select multiple categories, similar to using the check boxes
    Fixed a bug where the item shop could show you as owning more of an item than you actually have
    Fixed a bug where items in the recommended item pane would light up even if you couldn't afford the item
    Fixed a bug where items that could not be sold were showing a sell value
    Improved the responsiveness of double clicking to purchase items
    Improved the performance of the item shop during various item updates (opening the item shop, searching, purchasing and selling)

    Adjusted the graphics for the borders on vote tallies in the surrender display


    Now prioritize minions in the following order:
    Player-owned minions (ex: Tibbers, Zyra Plants)
    Super Minions, Cannon Minions
    Melee Minions
    Caster Minions

    Added keybindings for Self Casting Items
    Fixed keybinding for Show/Hide HUD
    Changed the "Ended Killing Spree" chat messages to better indicate that the number shown is the total gold received for the kill
    Fixed a bug where players couldn’t send chat messages at end of game
    Fixed a bug where champions affected by near-sightedness (Graves's Smokescreen, Nocturne's ultimate) could attack their team mates

    The Minimap has been improved:
    Wards now show special icons on the minimap
    Players are outlined in blue while recalling
    Players are outlined in orange while using teleport

    Teleport is now colored based on enemy/ally team
    Fixed an issue that was causing player health bars and ultimate indicators in the team UI to update too slowly
    Fixed an issue where purchasing a legendary item (ex: Runic Bulwark, Blade of the Ruined King) would consume all components of a lower tier instead of just those necessary for the recipe
    Fixed a rare issue where certain spells (ex: Ezreal’s Mystic Shot) could land an unintentional critical hit
    Hovering over your attack damage stat will display your champion's auto attack range
    You may now unlock the game camera while holding down your mouse button on the minimap
    Pinging a tower in the basic tutorial will no longer display an unlocalized string
    The camera snap that occurs when you respawn can be disabled by setting "DisableCameraSnapOnRespawn=1" in Game.cfg
    You now have a few extra seconds to finish a kill streak if the target is the last member of the team alive
    Muting a player will now mute that player's emote sounds
    Added teammate chat callouts for new items such as Sightstone, Mikael's Crucible and Ohmwrecker
    Fixed a bug preventing buff durations from drawing on the target frame
  19. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Patch 3.01 Notes

    [spoil]League System

    The League System has arrived for ranked play!
    Players and teams will now be placed into a League upon finishing their placement matches
    Leagues are assigned to a skill tier and are split into divisions, e.g. Gold IV
    Winning and losing matches will now cause you to gain and lose League Points (LP)
    Advancing to 100 LP will now start a Division or Promotion Series
    Top players and teams can now advance to the Challenger tier, which is visible to all in the client
    Champion losses and win ratios will no longer be displayed to other players
    Elo ratings have been replaced by matchmaking ratings (MMR) which are no longer displayed
    The time penalties for queue dodging have been shortened and an LP penalty has been added


    Annie has received a visual upgrade! Click here for more details.


    Base mana reduced to 240 from 300

    Rocket Grab
    Mana cost increased to 120 from 110


    Feral Scream
    Silence duration reduced to 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 seconds from 2/2.25/2.5/2.75/3


    Pale Cascade
    Adjusted orbs to better account for enemy model size


    Mana cost increased to 80/85/90/95/100 from 60

    Mana cost reduced to 50 from 65


    These changes are a continuation of our earlier effort to carefully scale back some of Ezreal’s excess power. Although these nerfs affect AP Ezreal, right now we’re focused on stabilizing AD Ezreal. After that we’ll assess the state of AP Ezreal.

    Base movement speed reduced to 325 from 330

    Rising Spell Force
    Duration reduced to 5 seconds from 6

    Trueshot Barrage
    Damage falloff per target hit increased to 10% from 8%


    Though these aren’t all the Heimerdinger changes we’d eventually like to do, these are some quality of life adjustments that should help smooth out Heimer’s current gameplay.

    H-28G Evolution Turrets
    Now displays timer of when Heimerdinger will get his next ammo charge
    Turrets will now attempt to prioritize enemies hit by Heimerdinger’s basic attacks or his CH-1 Concussion Grenade

    Cast time removed


    These changes are focused on once again increasing the risk of Katarina’s gameplay by forcing her to build more offensive stats and focus on pulling off well-timed Death Lotuses.

    Bouncing Blades
    Initial damage reduced to 60/85/110/135/160 from 60/90/120/150/180

    Damage reduction duration reduced to 1.5 seconds from 3

    Death Lotus
    Total ability power ratio increased to 2.0 from 1.75


    Slicing Maelstrom
    No longer has an energy cost


    Pix, Faerie Companion
    Damage adjusted to 9-105 from 15-87

    Master Yi

    Total heal amount increased to 200/350/500/650/800 from 140/280/420/560/700
    Total ability power ratio reduced to 2.0 from 4.0
    Mana cost reduced to 50/65/80/95/110 from 70/80/90/100/110

    Miss Fortune

    Bullet Time
    Bonus attack damage ratio reduced to 0.35 from 0.45
    Targeting cone is now attached to Miss Fortune


    Nasus now gains double the bonus from Siphoning Strike when it’s used to kill more significant (“large”) targets such as enemy champions, cannon minions, the giant wolf or even Baron Nashor. This change reinforces the game’s general reward structure, wherein more important units provide additional rewards.

    Siphoning Strike
    Permanent damage bonus is now doubled to 6 when killing a champion, large minion or large monster


    These changes are focused on forcing Nunu to play more actively in his support role by reducing the power he passively contributes to his allies.

    Base movement speed increased to 350 from 340

    Blood Boil
    Duration reduced to 12 seconds from 15
    Attack speed bonus reduced to 25/30/35/40/45% from 25/35/45/55/65%
    Movement speed bonus reduced to 8/9/10/11/12% from 11/12/13/14/15%


    Slow now fades over the duration

    Vicious Strikes
    Cooldown increased to 16 seconds from 12

    No longer passively grants bonus armor penetration
    Now only grants bonus armor penetration while active


    Range reduced to 400 from 500

    Two-Shiv Poison
    Slow reduced at earlier ranks to 10/15/20/25/30% from 20/22.5/25/27.5/30%


    Ki Strike
    Cooldown reduction per attack reduced to 1 second from 1.5
    Cooldown reduction per attack while Feint is active reduced to 2 seconds from 3


    Sion now receives twice the bonus stats from Enrage when he uses it to kill more significant (“large”) targets such as enemy champions, cannon minions, the giant wolf or even Baron Nashor. This change reinforces the game’s general reward structure, wherein more important units provide additional rewards.

    Permanent max health bonus is now doubled to 2/3/4/5/6 upon killing a champion, large minion or large monster


    Rapid Fire
    Mana cost reduced to 50 from 80

    Explosive Shot
    Damage increased to 110/150/190/230/270 from 110/140/170/200/230


    Base Attack Speed increased to 0.670 from 0.644
    Fury decay now begins after 8 seconds of being out of combat from 5 seconds


    Veigar now receives twice the bonus stats from Baleful Strike when he uses it to kill more significant (“large”) targets such as enemy champions, cannon minions, the giant wolf or even Baron Nashor. This change reinforces the game’s general reward structure, wherein more important units provide additional rewards.

    Baleful Strike
    Permanent ability power gain is now doubled to 2 when killing a champion, large minion, or large monster


    Updated Recommended Items

    Vault Breaker
    Fixed a bug where Vault Breaker's area of effect was inconsistent at the end area of the dash
    Fixed a bug where Improved Recall was refunding Vault Breaker's cooldown and mana cost

    Excessive Force
    Fixed a bug where Excessive Force could fire multiple times if used on an invulnerable target or while blinded


    Volibear’s base attack speed was below average for an attack-based melee champion. This change helps address this deficiency and helps him clear the jungle.

    Base attack speed increased to 0.658 from 0.625


    Seeker's Armguard (New Item)
    Recipe: Cloth Armor + Cloth Armor + Amplifying Tome + 125 gold = 1160 gold
    +30 armor
    +25 ability power
    Unique passive: Kills grant 0.5 bonus armor and ability power. This bonus stacks up to 30 times.

    Zhonya's Hourglass
    Recipe changed: Seeker's Armguard + Needlessly Large Rod + 650 gold = 3410 gold (from 3100)
    Ability Power increased to 120 from 100


    These changes are to reduce the excessive amount of early vision teams can acquire with little cost. This should create more opportunities to gank and reward counter play, especially for junglers.
    Recipe changed: Ruby Crystal + 475 gold = 950 gold (from 700)
    Health increased to 180 from 100
    Gold reward for Sightstone wards increased to 25 from 10

    Ruby Sightstone

    These changes are to reduce the excessive amount of early vision teams can acquire with little cost. This should create more opportunities to gank and reward counter play, especially for junglers.
    Total cost increased to 1550 gold from 1300
    Health increased to 360 from 300
    Gold reward for Ruby Sightstone wards increased to 25 from 10

    Giant's Belt
    Health reduced to 380 from 400

    Warmog's Armor
    Recipe changed: Giant's Belt + Ruby Crystal + Rejuvenation Bead + Rejuvenation Bead = 2830 gold (from 2650)

    Sunfire Cape
    Combine cost increased to 930 gold from 780 (total cost increased to 2650 gold from 2500)

    Fiendish Codex

    This change allows Fiendish Codex and its various build paths to be more versatile and universally attractive for ability power champions.
    Faerie Charm removed from recipe
    Total cost is now 820 gold from 1000
    No longer grants any mana regen

    Nashor's Tooth
    Combine cost reduced to 200 gold from 250 (total cost reduced to 2270 gold from 2500)
    No longer grants any mana regen

    Banner of Command
    Recipe changed: Fiendish Codex + Emblem of Valor + 890 gold = 2360 gold (from 2400)

    Deathfire Grasp
    Recipe changed: Fiendish Codex + Needlessly Large Rod + 880 gold = 3300 gold (from 3000)
    Ability power increased to 120 from 100

    Recipe changed: Faerie Charm + Fiendish Codex + Kage's Lucky Pick + 435 gold = 2200 gold

    Athene's Unholy Grail
    Combine cost reduced to 900 from 920 (total cost reduced to 2600 gold from 2800)

    The Bloodthirster
    Combine cost increased to 850 gold from 650 (total cost increased to 3200 gold from 3000)

    The Black Cleaver

    We are now fairly comfortable with Black Cleaver’s strategic niche, but we want to scale back some excess power.
    Health reduced to 200 from 300
    Maximum stacks increased to 5 from 4
    Armor reduction per stack reduced to 5% from 6%
    Fixed a bug where spells were applying more reduction than intended

    Trinity Force
    Combine cost reduced to 3 gold from 300 (total cost reduced to 3903 gold from 4200)

    Spirit Stone
    Combine cost reduced to 40 gold from 140 (total cost reduced to 700 gold from 800)

    Spirit of the Spectral Wraith
    Combine cost reduced to 100 gold from 400 (total cost reduced to 2000 gold from 2400)

    Frozen Heart
    Combine cost reduced to 400 gold from 500 (total cost reduced to 3000 gold from 3100)

    Doran's Shield
    Health regen per 5 seconds increased to 8 from 5


    The matchmaking system will now take into account matchmaking rating and number of wins in the player's current queue when creating matches


    We've made database upgrades which have cleared displayed match history in player profiles. All stats are still stored, but your previous 10 games will not show up.
    Tenacity now appears on the character sheet as a stat.
    All champions with abilities that reduce the duration of disabling effects now gain tenacity instead.
    e.g. Singed, Trundle, Irelia, Garen, etc.
    Champion tenacity stacks with item tenacity, mastery tenacity and cleanse.

    Fixed a bug where Rengar and Kha'zix "On The Hunt" quest might fail to activate when Kha'zix was dead.
    Fixed a bug where chat messages from Anivia would display the incorrect champion name while she was in egg form.
    Inhibitors and turrets now have kill callouts.

    Co-op vs. AI:

    Bots will occasionally chat at the beginning and end of games
    Added Jarvan IV bot to all maps
    Improved retreat logic for bots with dashes.
  20. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Patch 3.02 Notes


    These changes are to open up additional rune and mastery setups for Akali players. They’re intended to be a small change for those players who choose to stick with the setups they currently use.

    Twin Disciplines
    Discipline of Force
    Now takes effect immediately instead of requiring 19.5 Ability Power
    Base damage bonus reduced to 6% from 8%
    Discipline of Might
    Now takes effect immediately instead of requiring 9.5 Attack Damage
    Base spell vamp bonus reduced to 6% from 8%


    Chat messages from Anivia will now have a custom champion name while she’s in egg form.


    Janna’s basic attack should now feel more responsive

    Jarvan IV

    Martial Cadence
    Fixed a bug where Martial Cadence was dealing more damage than intended to minions and monsters


    When cast after Help, Pix!, Glitterlance no longer gains an increased area of effect size against the target of Help, Pix!

    Whimsy no longer interrupts enemy movement abilities that are already in progress

    Master Yi

    Alpha Strike
    Fixed a bug that caused Alpha Strike to appear available when it was on cooldown.


    Soul Shackles
    Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the Soul Shackles sound and spell effect to play even when the target wasn’t stunned.


    These changes are aimed at improving Nami's early laning phase by giving her a movement speed advantage and enabling her to be play more aggressively.

    Nami’s basic attack should now feel more responsive
    Base movement speed increased to 340 from 335


    The changes to Siphoning Strike help alleviate some of Nasus’ weak laning phase, and the changes to Fury of the Sands improve his ability to close on targets in team fights.

    Siphoning Strike
    Fixed a bug where Siphoning Strike critical strikes were dealing more damage than intended
    Mana cost reduced to 20 at all ranks from 20/25/30/35/40

    Fury of the Sands
    Now increases attack range by 50 and cast range by 100 while active
    Mana cost reduced to 100 from 150


    Fixed a bug where Nocturne wouldn’t automatically chase his target after using Paranoia


    Fixed a bug where Renekton's Slice and Dice wouldn't work on minions that he couldn't see


    These changes should offer Riven players new rune and item choices beyond simply stacking attack damage. In addition, they should slightly reduce her early lane snowballing, but increase her ability to recover if she falls behind.

    Runic Blade
    Adjusted damage to 15-45% of her total Attack Damage (based on champion level) from 5-15 (+0.5 bonus attack damage)

    Broken Wings
    Fixed a bug that was causing Broken Wings to improperly apply its splash damage if Valor was cast too recently


    Fixed a bug where the cooldown on earlier ranks was longer than intended


    Assault and Battery
    Fixed a bug where the crowd control component of Assault and Battery was ignoring spell shields.


    Hexplosive Minefield
    Fixed a bug where the sound effect for triggering a mine would not play


    We've adjusted cooldown reduction on several items. These changes should differentiate items with strong synergy from those that simply grant cooldown reduction as a secondary stat.

    Athene's Unholy Grail
    Cooldown reduction increased to 20% from 15%

    Glacial Shroud
    Combine cost reduced to 230 gold from 380 (total cost reduced to 1350 from 1500)
    Armor increased to 45 from 40
    Cooldown Reduction reduced to 10% from 15%

    Spirit Visage
    Combine cost increased to 630 gold from 540 (total cost unchanged)
    Cooldown reduction increased to 20% from 15%

    Deathfire Grasp
    Combine cost reduced to 680 gold from 880 (total cost reduced to 3100 from 3300)
    Cooldown reduction reduced to 10% from 15%

    Zeke's Herald
    Combine cost increased to 900 gold from 800 gold (total cost increased to 2550 gold from 2450)
    Cooldown reduction increased to 20% from 15%

    Iceborn Gauntlet

    While we’re generally happy with the kiting potential Iceborne Gauntlet offers ranged champions, it provided a little too much area control in certain cases. This change increases the item’s effect for melee champions but reduces it for ranged.
    Total cost reduced to 3250 gold from 3400
    Cooldown reduction reduced to 10% from 15%
    Fixed a bug where the slow field was lasting longer than intended
    Fixed a bug where the slow was not being applied immediately
    Slow field radius for ranged champions reduced to 210 from 275
    Slow field radius for melee champions increased to 285 from 275

    Chalice of Harmony

    This change is only intended to make purchasing multiple Faerie Charms an option for mages and supports at the start of the game. For this reason, we didn’t change the total cost or stats granted by Chalice of Harmony.
    Recipe Changed: Faerie Charm + Faerie Charm + Null-Magic Mantle + 120 gold = 880 gold

    Frozen Heart
    Combine cost increased to 550 gold from 400 (total cost unchanged)
    Armor increased to 95 from 90

    Negatron Cloak
    Cost reduced to 720 gold from 810
    Magic resist reduced to 40 from 45

    Quicksilver Sash
    Combine cost reduced to 830 gold from 850 (total cost reduced 1550 gold from 1660)

    Avarice Blade
    Gold per 10 seconds increased to 3 from 2

    Eleisa's Miracle
    Now reduces the cooldown of Heal, Clairvoyance and Clarity by 25% instead of reducing the cooldown on Heal, Clairvoyance and Revive by 20%

    Executioner's Calling
    Critical strike chance increased to 20% from 15%

    Liandry's Torment

    The original set of restrictions on Liandry’s Torment made it a lot more niche and complex than we originally intended. These changes help clarify the item’s role as well as make its unique playstyle more accessible for additional casters.
    Ability power reduced to 50 from 60
    Damage per second increased to 2% from 1.66%
    Damage-over-time and multi-target spells no longer have reduced effect
    Fixed damage effect not being properly reapplied on targets that already have it


    While Ohmwrecker was originally designed for tanks, the tank role has a lot of other tools that effectively divert turret damage. These changes reposition the item as an aggressive option for supports and casters.
    Recipe Changed: Ruby Crystal + Blasting Wand + Philosopher's Stone + 800 gold = 2850 gold
    +350 health
    +50 ability power
    +15 health regen per 5 seconds
    +15 mana regen per 5 seconds
    Retains the same UNIQUE active

    Rabadon's Deathcap
    Combine cost increased to 840 gold from 740 (total cost increased to 3300 gold from 3200)
    Ability power bonus increased to 30% from 25%

    Spirit of the Spectral Wraith

    A new passive that lowers the cooldown on Smite should give this item a more unique feel. While there may not be a champion who is perfectly suited to this item, we could potentially create or adjust a champion who can use it to its maximum potential.
    New UNIQUE Passive: Reduces the cooldown on Smite by 20%

    Shurelya's Reverie
    Cooldown reduction is no longer UNIQUE

    Blade of the Ruined King
    Attack damage increased to 45 from 40
    Current health damage increased to 5% from 4%

    Wit's End
    Magic resist increased to 25 from 20


    Fixed a number of display bugs with the league system
    Updated the rules around displaying Season 2 loading screen borders in each queue
    Normal and co-op games now show the higher reward from either ranked solo or the appropriate ranked team queue
    Custom and Dominion games now show the best reward achieved in any queue
    Ranked games still show the reward from that specific queue


    We adjusted the matchmaking system last patch so it would account for both matchmaking rating and your total of wins in the current queue when creating matches.
    We made some adjustments this patch to reduce average queue times.

    Item Shop Optimization

    We made some keyboard navigation updates to the Item Shop:
    Ctrl + L or Ctrl + Enter focuses the search menu (You can rebind this command through the options menu)
    Ctrl + Tab changes item shop tabs (You can rebind this command through the options menu)
    You can now view the scoreboard while the item shop is open
    You can now chat while the item shop is open
    The search menu is now on the Recommended Items tab in addition to the All Items tab
    "On Hit" and "Stealth Detect" are now searchable terms within the Item Shop
    You can now single right click items in the item shop to purchase
    The item shop should now be more responsive upon buying or selling items
    The size of the item shop when on resolutions of 1080 pixels tall or higher has been slightly reduced

    Co-op vs. AI

    Shen Bot should now continue to function after the target of his ultimate is killed during the channel time


    We made a bunch of quality of life improvements to passive on-attack effects so they’re no longer consumed when attacking wards

    Focus is no longer consumed when attacking wards
    Headshot is no longer consumed when attacking wards
    Electrical Surge is no longer consumed when attacking wards
    Power Chord is no longer consumed when attacking wards
    Twisted Fate
    Pick A Card is no longer consumed when attacking wards
    Stacked Deck is no longer consumed when attacking wards
    Short Fuse is no longer consumed when attacking wards

    The teleport indicators on the minimap should now appear more distinct from the recall indicators.
    The chat command system has been slightly improved behind the scenes
    You can type /allcommands to get a complete list of chat commands
    You can now type /help /command to get detailed information on that chat command
    You can now ignore a player who is playing a specific champion on your team by typing /ignore @ChampionName
    Knockups now function more consistently and should fail less frequently when close to walls
    Setting the DisableCameraSnapOnRespawn=1 option should no longer cause your spacebar to stop working when you respawn
    Muting a player will no longer mute his map pings; map pings have been throttled to prevent spam
    Fixed an issue that prevented some players from receiving in-game messages that included special characters
    Zooming the camera in and out has been smoothed
    Boots of Mobility will now show a cooldown for their passive effect
    You now have the option to display your autoattack range by pressing attack
    The camera should no longer pan when League of Legends is not the program of focus
    Kog'maw, Karthus and Zyra should no longer give double kills when using Muramana
    Nami's Aqua Prison should now properly reset jungle creeps
    Hitting space while using a locked camera should no longer disable locked camera mode

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