List champion tier [Tham khảo khi chọn cham]

Thảo luận trong 'League of Legends' bắt đầu bởi ApocalypseNova, 14/6/10.

  1. ApocalypseNova

    ApocalypseNova Mario & Luigi

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    [spoil] Kog'Maw to tier 1 - Everyone knew this was coming I just didn't update for a while His auto attacks are the strongest and have the longest range in the game. With good support there's almost nothing you can do to stop this DPS machine.

    Ez moved down in tier 1 - If you do the math he really didn't get hit as hard as people think. Q still procs red which is still INCREDIBLY strong. He's still an amazing champion and all good Ez's know this.

    Vlad to tier 1 - His laning power, survivability, combined with the +% damage from his ulti and nuke at the end is just so good. He's a perfect caster carry providing consistent damage and utility to his team.

    Morgana moved down in tier 1 - She's still fantastic just a couple champs out do her in terms of better competitive picks now.

    Garen moved up in tier 1 - Still a boss, just had to move up as some people are below him now.

    Sion moved down in tier 2 - YEAH I KNOW I LOST WITH HIM! Not the reason though. He requires a solo lane to be truly good and there are a lot of champions who solo better then him and can be more effective and helpful to your overall team comp. Still a really good champion just being out shined by others.

    Sivir moved to tier 4 - She's really only better then other carries in a very specific kind of line up. Which is rare to see but when used can still be viable. She's a very unique pick is all and tier 2 was too high for her.

    Kennen moved up in tier 2 - He deserved it. I still don't think he's a tier 1 pick but an amazing 2nd solo carry overall. Lots of damage and utility.

    Kassasdin moved to tier 2 - He's one of the most feared champions when fed. He becomes almost unstoppable. He's like a AP Garen but takes a lot more skill and a lot more work to get farmed but when he does he's literally unstoppable. I underestimated him for a long time and I feel him being near the top of tier 2 is a good spot for him.

    Trist moved to top if tier 2 - I learned a lot from WCG. I learned Trist is the 3rd best carry in the game imo. She farms so incredibly hard with amazing burst + range to poke and push insanely hard. She's a great carry and I underrated her for too long.

    Kayle moved to tier 2 - She's still good but I feel the meta game has shifted a lot from heal comps and now that she has had some nerfs to her ulti and overall damage I feel she's not tier 1 worthy anymore. Still a great champion and can support / carry very well but just isn't tier 1 anymore.

    Nasus moved down in tier 2 - Nothing has changed about him. Still good and all. I feel other champs are just beginning to push him down a bit is all.

    Veigar moved to top of tier 3 - I believe I may have placed him too high. He's good but isn't a essential pick like the other champs in tier 1 and 2. He's really not a 1-3rd pick, more of a 4-5th pick. Just like Zil.

    Zilean moved to tier 3 - I believe I may have placed him too high. He's good but isn't a essential pick like the other champs in tier 1 and 2. He's really not a 1-3rd pick, more of a 4-5th pick. Just like Veigar.

    Xin moved up in tier 2 - Every time I see him played he does better and better. He can jungle, side lane, and take a solo lane and be effective and viable at all 3 of those things. He's an all around great champ.

    Anivia moved to tier 2 - After playing her 6-7 times and watching some other players play her I really feel like I wasn't giving her the credit she deserved. She's defiantly a tier 2 champion it just takes a lot of skill to play her so it's hard to find good consistent Anivia's. When people play her to her fullest potential though she is quite the awesome along with fun champion.

    Ashe moved up slightly in tier 2 - People moved below her. Nothing changed. Still a good pick.

    Udyr moved down slightly in tier 2 - People moved above him. Nothing changed. Still a good pick.

    Olaf moved to tier 2 - He's just as good as other junglers and it took me a while to really see and it believe it. Great DPS / Tank jungler and I underrated him.

    Galio moved up in tier 3 - He's a good side lane tank who deserved to be pushed up a little bit. Im going to play him a lot more and really really understand why EU loves him so much. I think he's an alright tank but I don't see him out tanking the other tier 1 and 2 tanks. We'll have to see. Research time!

    Corki to tier 3 - His buffs were great but I need to see more of him. Tier 3 for now.

    Gangplank moved to tier 4 - He's soooo good at denying lanes early and zoning with a support champ. Then does nothing.. Literally nothing at all. Tier 4 because he's a unique roll that's really not good for anything else.

    Fiddlesticks moved up in tier 4 - He's not as bad at the others in tier 4!

    Katarina moved to hard to place on a team - She is easily equaled in laning. She really doesn't have early game dominance anymore I feel. A lot of champions have caught up with her in terms of blinking around and taking her kinda in and out harass role and doing it better then she does. The majority of her damage is stopped by a single stun / interrupt making her almost useless in a team fight. She just doesn't cut it anymore and I don't see her ever being taken in competitive play or any caster or physical carry. Everyone just does it better then her.

    Jax moved to hard to place on a team - He used to be the king but I don't see him ever being picked in competitive play either. There's better solo's, junglers, and better side lane melee champions then him. He just doesn't cut it.

    Malz reason for not moving - Because he's still the same.. I would still never ever ever take him over any other caster. They all offer more then he does. He got buffs yes.. They didn't help though. Q still sucks for poking and harassing in lane and his ulti is interrupted in a team fight easily as well. I still don't see anyone playing Malz at a high level and I still don't feel he is good enough for competitive play.

    Mundo's reason for not moving - He did get a bunch of buffs as well and can still be quite viable in solo queue if he farms well. I just don't see him being picked over any other jungler in the game is all. All other junglers offer more in terms of CC and team utility where he really only offers a lot of buffs to himself. Which is great in solo queue but in terms of drafting a competitive team. I don't see Mundo ever being picked.

    Finally! Miss Fortune to tier 2 - Great farmer, great auto attacks, great mobility, and a great team fight ulti. She seems really fun and an overall great champion but she's too new for me to fully access her. In a week or so I'll prolly change my opinion on her. For now she goes in tier 2 as a good strong pick.[/spoil]
  2. ApocalypseNova

    ApocalypseNova Mario & Luigi

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    [spoil]Xin moved up slightly in tier 2 - People moved down so naturally he moved up kekeke.

    Kayle moved down to tier 3 - Out shined and the meta has really shifted away from heal comps. She requires too much farm to be truly viable in every game now. Still a good carry but not as good as others.

    Ezreal moved down to tier 2 - Mmm you guys were right imo. He's being out shined a lot by other carries now who simply do the job better. He can't keep up with other carry's it seems.

    Rammus moved down to tier 3 - Tier 2 was too high for him. He's not that much of a priority pick and I still wouldn't take him over a lot of other tanks.. BUT not to say that he's bad but he just isn't as good as other tanks is all.

    Nidalee moved down to the top of tier 3 - Same thing as Rammus. Placed too high imo. She's still good but tier 2 is just not her tier. She's a tier 3 champion that can shine in certain situations is all that made me think she was better then she was.

    Warwick moved to tier 1 - 2nd best competitive jungler in the game imo. He's fast and he controls it well. Suppression really pushed him to tier 1 and he's just a great overall champion.

    Tristana moved up to tier 1 - 2nd best competitive carry in the game imo. Her basic range is insane with a snowballing ability in a team fight (her rocket jump) combined with a steroid AS boost and a big nuke to finish and or blow someone out of a team fight. She's just fantastic. All around great champion.

    Nasus moved down to tier 3 - Being out shined man. That's about it. Galio in a side lane or Shen just offers much more then he does.

    Twitch moved up to tier 2 - Twitch hurts people.. Badly.. So badly that they die very quickly. If he wasn't so squishy then he'd be beyond tier 1 godly but since he is tier 2 is where he's going to go. Stealth + AoE slow & burst damage + 2x AS steroid..? GG.

    Galio moved up to tier 2 - Amazing side lane tank. Farms so well and can poke well too. His R is just a weaker Amumu ulti imo. Great champ and has gone under my radar for far too long.

    Corki moved up in tier 3 - He's impressing me more and more. The buffs helped a lot.

    Sona to tier 2 - ! - She's quite the beast early game and by quite the beast I mean sure rules the battlefield for the first 15 mins of the game hands down. After that she really goes downhill and her DPS really isn't that good anymore. Her heals are random so you can't put it on the carry if you wanted to top them off which is kind of annoying. Her speed buff is a persistant Sivir ulti which is awesome and her ulti is just a big AoE 1.5 stun which is sick and can really be a team fight winner imo.

    Heimerdinger moved up in tier 3 - He's also been impressing me as of late. He still farms INSANNNNNNELY which = rockets and nades hurt like a ***** + turret DPS is redonkulous as well. Tough little bugger to deal with. Still 100% viable.

    Alistar moved down to Hard to place on a team - Heal comps are pretty much out. His dps is extremely poor compared to other tanks. His farming ability is very poor. His CC is pretty lack luster as well compared to other tanks. I feel he's like tank Fiddlesticks who's even more useless when my CD's are up. I just don't see him as a viable tank in competitive play anymore.

    Ryze moved down to Hard to place on a team - There's like 10 or so very viable casters. So much more viable then Ryze. There's just no way in hell I'd ever pick him competitively. He's got Kennen syndrome without the CC and speed/survivability that makes Kennen viable. He simply has to get too close to be useful in a team fight which to me isn't what a caster should be doing. Should be sitting back blowing people up from a safe distance not running in beside the tank to get murdered especially when he has zero survivability.
  3. lovefc

    lovefc Lính mới

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    Khi nào có thì update nhé . .
  4. ApocalypseNova

    ApocalypseNova Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Update 7/10

    [spoil] * Tier 1: Galio, Morgana, Amumu, Ashe, Sona, Garen, Warwick, Kog'Maw, Janna, Anivia, Annie, Taric, Shen
    * Tier 2: Miss Fortune, Tristana, Twitch, Kennen, Kassadin, Twisted Fate, Xin Zhao, Udyr, Vladimir, Ezreal, Olaf, Shaco, Sion, Pantheon
    * Tier 3: Heimerdinger, Corki, Veigar, Zilean, Poppy, Akali, Rammus, Nasus, Kayle, Nunu, Gragas, Singed, Mordekaiser, Yi, Karthus.
    * Tier 4: Sivir, Fiddlesticks, Malphite, Soraka, Blitzcrank, Gangplank, Nidalee.
    * Hard to place on a team: Swaine, Jax, Katarina, Alistar, Ryze, Urgot, Eve, Teemo, Mal'zahar, Tryndamere, Cho'Gath, Mundo
  5. lovefc

    lovefc Lính mới

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    List đợt này ngộ nhỉ, có giải thik ko :-?
  6. nớp ni nớp ni

    nớp ni nớp ni Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    giải thích là WCG :))
  7. ApocalypseNova

    ApocalypseNova Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Xem trang 1 đi các bạn. Nói chung cái list lần này ko thực tế cho lắm, Element ảnh hưởng khá nhiều từ WCG , những champion tier thấp được pick trong WCG tỏa sáng là nhờ chiến thuật của team, chứ ko phải bản chất champion nó thế
  8. tini_lam

    tini_lam Legend of Zelda

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    Pollux và Castor
    hix hỏi 1 câu, ad ez, ap ez, dodge yi là gì ? jungler, tier có ý nghĩa gì trong LOL ?
  9. lovefc

    lovefc Lính mới

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    Lần sau post ở topic thảo luận về cham hoặc hỏi đáp về game
    AD - Attack dmg - cơ bản physical dmg
    Ap - ability power - cơ bản magic dmg
    Ez - viết tắt của ezreal - 1 cham
    dodge - né basic attack
    yi - master yi - 1 cham
    jungler - chiến thuật tốt nhất lol hiện tại là 1-1-2 và 1 jungler - người chuyên đi rừng ( jungle )
    tier - xếp theo khả năng của cham, cham có tier càng cao thì khả năng giúp ích cho team cao, cũng như là cham tốt
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 13/10/10
  10. Mr.Sz

    Mr.Sz T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đúng ra là vào Topic Hỏi đáp mới đúng nhưng thôi mình cũng trả lởi bạn, lần sau mún hỏi gì thì vao ấy ma hỏi
    AD: Attack Damage là những con build theo physical dam
    AP: Ability Power là những con build theo magic dam
    Dodge: là khả năng né, (lưu ý là chỉ né với basic attack thôi, skill ko né đc, như nhựng con auto att như tris, teemo...chẳng hạn)
    Jungler: là nhựng champ ko đi lane thay vào đó là luyện cấp và kiếm tiền từ nhưng monster trong rừng, cái này khá quang trong khi đánh ở cấp cao vì nó cho phép team bạn có 2 lane solo (solo top - solo mid - 2 bot - 1 jungler) đồng nghĩa với việc team bạn sẽ over level team đối phương nên khi gank sẽ dễ dàng hơn
    Tier: Nói chung là 1 list champ đánh giá theo khả năng của từng champ, 1 là cao nhất, và lên cao sẽ giảm dần
    Nói chung là thế, mình hông biết đc tra lời bạn trong này hay ko, nếu ko thì nhờ Kid hay Luck xóa hộ nhá :*
  11. lovefc

    lovefc Lính mới

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    Ko sao, ở topic này ko có nội quy, thảo luận thì thaỏi mái, nhưng tránh làm loãng topic nên đề nghị vào nhà mới :-bd
    Mr.Sz thích bài này.
  12. Metallion

    Metallion T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    L0CUST tier list, cập nhật 4 tháng 10
  13. lovefc

    lovefc Lính mới

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    :-h Lowcust . Đánh tệ đến mức bị sửa tên thì list gì ko biết
  14. lovefc

    lovefc Lính mới

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    Updane nào 8-> .
  15. Ova

    Ova Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    teemo vẫn chưa có động tĩnh gì , vẫn hard to place in team . Cái oracle imba quá
  16. ApocalypseNova

    ApocalypseNova Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ele vẫn chưa update lấy đâu ra bản update tháng này
  17. ApocalypseNova

    ApocalypseNova Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Change log
    [spoil]Garen moved down to tier 2 - He's been nerfed a lot and has lost a lot of strength. He isn't a must ban anymore but is still an absolutely devastating side laner and great tank. Just not tier 1 anymore.

    Kog'Maw moved down to tier 2 - Not the force he was before. This is also because our meta shifted from the tanky/dps kind of champions as well which is what made Kog + Madreds so insanely good. He's still the best single target AD dps in the game but lacks a lot of mobility hence his spot in tier 2 now.

    Kennen moved to top of tier 2 - I was thinking of moving him to tier 1 but I just can't do it. I don't think he's tier 1 worthy. He's barely below tier 1 imo. Otherwise extremely strong laner and a CC beast. Great champ.

    Amumu moved up slightly in tier 1 - Champs move around a bit as the meta changes. He just moved up a bit imo.

    Sona moved up slightly in tier 1 - Move over Janna we have a new demon sl4t of the suppocalypse and she is quite the prostitute indeed. (They are only demon sl4t's because of how good they are! No offense ladies!)

    Zilean moved to up to tier 2 - Bomb harassing is so good. It gives him a lot of power. He's defiantly a good solo and a good side laner. Making him tier 2 worthy imo.

    Shaco moved down to tier 3 - More Shaco nerfs wahhhh lol. He's incredibly hard to use effectively now but when you do he can still be viable. Personally I got no problems with him being nerfed again because I personally hate him as his ganks are so imba.

    Sion moved to down to tier 3 - I just feel like he does less and less as the game progresses.. Nothings changed about him but all the other champs around him just seem to do it better then him. Sions fading away as more and more champs get released and old ones get buffed it seems.

    Pantheon moved down to tier 3 - Sort of the same deal with Sion. I find his early game dominance not to be as game breaking as before so his whole niche on a competitive team slowly seems to being taken from him.

    Gragas moved up in tier 3 - His Q is now his ulti minus the blow back. = Awesome buff haha. TAKE THAT DPS CHAMPS!

    Ezreal moved down to tier 4 - I just don't see were he would do better then a lot of AD or AP champions. Sure he can still do a lot of DPS and all that good stuff he used to do. I just seem him being out done by pretty much every AP carry or AD carry in tiers 1 2 and 3.

    Nasus moved down to tier 4 - His role on a competitive team is a niche. If they have a really tanky team you take Nasus and counter them well. Otherwise he lacks CC and a lot of other good qualities for this meta currently.

    Kayle moved down to tier 4 - Same as Nasus. He role is a niche role. She's a last pick for her Shield and her Heal and that's about it. Otherwise other carries carry harder and other supports support harder.

    Teemo moved up to tier 4 - GUESS WHO ELSE GOT A NICHE ROLL!? TEEEEEMO! Counters carries extremely well and with those 3x mushroom he can really set up an area for a team fight a lot better. About to do dragon? ploop ploop ploop NP GUYS MUSHROOMED THAT ****! The #1 plushy has now become 5v5 viable XD.

    Jax moved up to tier 4 - I can see him being put in a side lane or possibly jungle and doing quite well. Again all the other champs that fit his role would pretty much have to be banned but in that situation Jax could be used. + When he gets rageblade + 10 stacks on his ulti he hits like a TRUCK ON FIRE FILLED WITH EXPLOSIVES. But if he doesn't have those stacks he's pretty lack luster.

    Lux moved to hard to place on a team tier... I mean she's got the snare, a slow, a long range nuke and a W that can in theory absorb a lot of damage for your team if it hit all 4 people. But..... Meh she's just so meh after the laning phase. Her laning phase is (alright) but after that I feel her AP ratio's are very poor and his damage and ability to support the team fade away pretty quickly. I don't see her fitting an AP carry or support role over any other champion currently. Sorry Lux. You ain't viable for competitive play right now [/spoil]
  18. Bebi♥Tae

    Bebi♥Tae Legend of Zelda

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    Nơi ở:
    7th Heaven
    List lần này chuẩn phết. Sona phải nói hiện h harass và support rất chi là vãi lòng, Ez thì ko muốn nói đến nữa, Lux thì nửa ng` nửa ngợm nên cũng chả ai thik (Riot mà buff cái AP ratio lên tí thì đẹp vì gặp team tank lên FoN thì em này bắn như muỗi đốt)
  19. nớp ni nớp ni

    nớp ni nớp ni Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Amumu vẫn trên ngôi, giờ vào trận chỉ có 2 khả năng: amumu ban hoặc first pick lol
  20. kid2110

    kid2110 Moderator Moderator

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    tại sao shen của mình cứ nằm ở tier 1 thế nào cũng bị nerf.

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