Musical Talk

Thảo luận trong 'Giao lưu Ngoại Ngữ' bắt đầu bởi Hank Williams, 23/12/03.

  1. vBulletin

    vBulletin Dragon Quest

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    I'm a fan of rock and another kind of English music, I love them and so happy when having chances to hear them everyday, that's really bad for Vietnamese music nowadays, sometimes I dont know what is the type of the sound that they shout on the ground. Damn!!! The famous English band and singer remain in my heart forever and never fade. Ilove MSG, Scorrpions, Metallica... ,Beegees, Takethat...they are wonderful...
  2. Cigar

    Cigar Độc Xà Vương

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    Hemm may be nowaday,rock begin to open for the world see that how attractive they this forum,many of rock fan..and in this box I can see Hank,Alone Wolf,vBuletin, of course.
    The way to bring me to rock is when I start to learn Guitar..and my knowledge of music opened wide..and I begin to know how available rock was,he he
  3. ptitnoel

    ptitnoel Youtube Master Race

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    Yeah, I'm with you guys...cannot deny rock is cool. But I'm into not only rock but also all the songs which please my ears regardless of their kinds. Do u get excited while listening to some dance, fun music? have u ever sung along some pop, country songs? Or just feel blue (even go to tears) as the sad songs are being played...I cannot list them all here fellows.
    "...Every shalalalala every woo woo still shines
    Every shing aling aling that they're starting to sing so fine..."
    Thank the artists for the music!
    OK, gotta go since i have something to do with my thesis.
    P.S. By the way, does anybody know the name of the song which was played in "Saturday Meeting"? ("Gap nhau cuoi tuan", right?). I guess that's the music of Modern Talking. If you know, please drop a line here. Thanks in advance!

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  4. Chrono

    Chrono Dragon Quest

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    huh this programme has a song :)) , i've not wathed it for a long time . when it was first broadcast it's very interesting but now i find nothing to enjoy in .ít's getting bored
  5. Cigar

    Cigar Độc Xà Vương

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    I hate brutal rock..but when I heard Cemetary gates..I change my mind very quickly.

    Sometimes when I'm alone
    I wonder aloud
    If you're watching over me
    Something far aboud
    I will reverse my life
    I can't live in the past
    Then let my soul free
    Along to here,at last

    Through out the complex year,I thought that i'm alone...

    Just the short song,but the emotion is last long,and it will refresh each time I heard it again..
    I hate Pantera,the hairless singer make me feel unplease,but I can't deny the value of that song..
  6. Guo Jia

    Guo Jia C O N T R A

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    Rock!Rock once more Rock! huhuhuhu...:((

    Each day when I hear a song from somewhere,from my radio,I always have a feeling...Once day,once song.
    Every morning,I wake up and in my mind has some lyrics of one song.Then along my way to school,I sing it with my feeling...
    Today,those lyrics in my mind:
    "Tropical the Island breeze.All of nature wild and free
    This is where I long to be,La Isla Bonita
    And when the samba played,the sun would set so high ring through my ears and sting my eyes,your Spanish lullaby...ten ten tèn tèn ten tén...(guitar's sounds)"
  7. Cigar

    Cigar Độc Xà Vương

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    I feel a little sad,cheater was every where,and they always find the chance to push me down.
    But some one gives me advise:We lived in the world of fools,and we gain experience after each failure...
    The words:World of fools,makes me remember the songLhow deep is your love(BG)
    Cause we lived in the world of fools
    Breaking us down
    When they all should let us be..
    we belong to you and me..
    Some meaning in those words??
  8. Guo Jia

    Guo Jia C O N T R A

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    Uh,I like BG too,their songs all are really great.
    But I'm hungry now.Have any song can full fill my hungry stomach now,brother?:))
  9. Chrono

    Chrono Dragon Quest

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    BG was great ! i 's not only impressed by their meanful song but also by their speciall tone tsk like a perot 's :))

    Juo:i find no such song wich help your stomatch to be filled full . anyway , if you get hungry and turn into a dead body die of hungriness ,i 'll Show you " 99 ways to die "-Iron maiden - :)) . i ensure you will not feel hungry anymore after death :))
  10. ptitnoel

    ptitnoel Youtube Master Race

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    You never stop talking 'bout old music... sorry my human friends, i don't mean these songs are obsolete #-o. I love :x them, too. But none of you like music these days?!! I guess that's not the case. What are your favorite artists, bands? There are many many artists in my favorite list but this time around i've just got A*teens and some French songs in my Winamp playlist? A band from Sweden... they have successfully covered some ABBA songs. Is there any fan of A*teens around here? Help me show everybody who A*teens is?>:-D<
  11. Guo Jia

    Guo Jia C O N T R A

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    At the first time I heard A*teen sang "happy new year",immediately I feel like them because of their lovely voices!

    "Half way around of the world"...have you ever heard?
  12. Hank Williams

    Hank Williams Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

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    Teenage Wasteland
    Damn me if it ain't Sexy Lover, dude! [​IMG] And of course, it's performed by MT.
    Iron Maiden? Yeah, they kick azz, quite! It's said that their music's worth listening!
    Oldie songs? I'm the master here! [​IMG]
  13. Chrono

    Chrono Dragon Quest

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    có oánh chết cũng kh
    music nowaday ? you means the alternative :)) sometimes i enjoy sometimes i hate this kidda musics . their music always full of fire but it doesn't last long .
    i still like the oldie , they 're internal great ..
  14. GCN[vn]

    GCN[vn] Mario & Luigi

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    Box 71 Warcraft III đó
    Let's The Music Heal Your Soul
    Its really good for u ,when u r tired,feel alone ,bored
    All will be disappear when u listen to the music ,i think so
  15. Cigar

    Cigar Độc Xà Vương

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    Oldie songs? I'm the master here! [​IMG]--->I not agree with you,how could you clare that??Hank??

    And I agree with GCN[vn],may be the music can't full our empty stomatch,but the true value of it is heal your soul,as a student ,I always bear the terrible food from "com sinh vien",awful..but I must complete them to continue my life,hic hic.
    I'm the man who will never listen to model music,no times to hear...and no time to think about them..
  16. Hank Williams

    Hank Williams Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

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    Teenage Wasteland
    Tee-hee... I have my honor to say that I'm the boss of oldies here [​IMG] . If you wanna talk with me about that, just shoot out! [​IMG]
  17. ptitnoel

    ptitnoel Youtube Master Race

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    [-x Oh men, gimme a break!! You must have gotten too excited!! That may cause you to suffer from heart disease later khà khà ok, men... letting you be masters of oldies, then i'll be the master of music (more general heheh) :cool:. Some of u only go in 4 oldies blahblahblah poor U!!! Old music is your taste, that's OKay! But get real dudes, variety is the spice of life! Don't miss the chance to enjoy the music (modern music included), the art of human.
    You meant music today won't last long?! Well, personally i think the problem is on both the artists (subjective factor) and us (objective factor). What do I mean the artists? U know, today music artists is getting more and more crowded. And more and more talented bands, singers show up. So today you find some songs so cool, tomorrow you hear many other songs that u can't help loving. This time u love Britney so much, other time Christina's songs touch your heart. How 'bout the oldies? Are there any "new old songs"? Don't tell me they're "Greatest hits" CDs, remix music? Do people change playlists so fast? ok now let's talk about us. Nah! I'd like to give way to all of u. Show everybody what u think!
    To make long stories short, Mr. Music doesn' care about his age. i just wanna contribute, give my idea (positive) and remind ya that we're still young. Never get older than you are. ya get the point guys and gals. Have u heard something like this: "You can't teach an old dog new tricks"?
    if you've read so far, don't laugh at me just because of my poor English /:). I'm so bad at writing as a matter of fact. L8er buddies!
  18. ptitnoel

    ptitnoel Youtube Master Race

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    Yeah, they're cool. How 'bout Floorfiller and In the blink of an eye in the album Pop 'till you drop?
  19. Hank Williams

    Hank Williams Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

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    Teenage Wasteland
    Love Brit? Me? Nah, that's off base, dude! I've never told you I love Brit before :), and never told you I love teen-pop :).
    Yeah, agree with you that msuic has no age, but to me oldies are always the coolest! :)
  20. lemoney

    lemoney T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    ...Sài Gòn...
    …Hey, guys…Have you ever won a prize in certain guessing race in radio…he he I carried off first one from “Topten” on FM 99.9 Mhz week ago…It seems a CD…an “original” CD…Oh, damn…Don’t laugh at me but this will be first original CD I could take possesion and first reward out of school…I once could buy just “copying” CDs (^-^)…I had best and fastest answer than all the others… Thanks to “All Out Of Love” of Air Supply was covered by OTT…Trust me, they covered it coolly…I can’t endure coming day I’ll get CD. Not quite important thing, just show off he he (^o^)…

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