NarutoFC - [The Second Path of Pain - Pain zoo keeper]

Thảo luận trong 'Anime và Manga' bắt đầu bởi M-M, 29/8/10.


Bạn thích lý tưởng sống của nhân vật phản diện nào nhất

  1. Madara

    24 phiếu
  2. Pain

    49 phiếu
  3. Itachi

    59 phiếu
  4. Kisame

    20 phiếu
  5. Sasori

    22 phiếu
  6. Deidara

    16 phiếu
  7. Kakuzu

    11 phiếu
  8. Hidan

    5 phiếu
  9. Orochimaru

    15 phiếu
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. HTC HD2

    HTC HD2 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Sao nhìn mặt nạ Mad như con dòi bọ gì thế này =))
  2. deamonpen

    deamonpen Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    [spoil]Translation by saldesu from MH:

    I, who have been a prisoner of memories. Are there comrades waiting for me, who has finally set off...?
    Cover is Konan with Yahiko and Nagato in the center. Konan is holding a red origami. The background is the small hut the three of them had lived in.

    Madara looks down at Nagato and sucks him in. Nagato's corpse falls into Madara. All that is left now is Yahiko's corpse.
    Konan's corpse floats up in the lake. The origami that is stained with blood from her chest catches the wind and takes flight.
    Jiraiya and the three of them in the small hut. In the hut, there is a red board on the wall. Jiraiya says "From the right, these are Konan, Yahiko, and Nagato's."
    "What's that" the tree ask "frog boards" he replies, the board is red on the front and white on the back, and on the white side there is a picture of a frog.
    Jiraiya explains with a grin that if you turn it over, there's a frog.
    When they are in the hideout, they are to leave the board on the red side, an when they leave the hideout, they should turn it over to the white side.
    Jiraiya explains with another grin that the frog drawn on the white side is a frog signal.
    Yahiko: "Just cuz you're the frog sennin so we're overlooking it, but you're pushing the frog onto us."
    Konan: "Why do we have to do all that?"
    Jiraiya: "This place still doesn't have public order, so we don't know when we'll get targeted. You're the easiest target when in the hideout, and if your location is leaked then a secret attack is also easy to launch"
    Konan then understands from listening to him "Even though the board stays red, if that person is not inside the hideout, it means that he's been abducted by the enemy or something. If it's white but he's been inside all along, it could mean that there is a possibility that the enemy has transformed into him.
    Jiraiya says that it'll be a code just for the 4 of them to confirm each others presence and they cannot let their guard down even in the hideout.
    He has also built an underground hidden room, and he shows them the way to get out to the surface from it. He shows them his board, saying that it is the one behind them.
    Jiraiya asks if they shall go do some "water off a duck's back" training. Yahiko runs out of the door.
    Nagato: This time sensei has done it for us, but does he really get the stuff about this code?
    Yahiko looks back: I'm gonna get even stronger and change this country (*pun. kaeru = frog = change)
    Konan's cheeks flush a little. Nagato notices, "...." and then smiles
    Jiraiya gets angry at Nagato: Before changing (kaeru) the country out there, first turn over the frog (kaeru) board!
    Jiraiya then leaves the three. Jiraiya's board in the hut is on the frog side.
    The three of them continue their training. When Nagato is out, Konan takes care of Yahiko. Their eyes meet and they stare at each other...
    Nagato is pleasantly standing at the entrance with his back facing them.
    Yahiko: Our organisation has grown large, today we say goodbye to this hideout. Everything began from here. For the sake of the realisation of our dreams, we will also depart from here! And...
    There are 2 shinobi outside the hut. Before leaving the hideout, they turn the boards to the frog side.
    However, as Konan's board is changed to the "out" side, a kunai with explosive tags on it hits the roof and explodes. A hole opens up in the roof.
    Nagato as he escapes (via the path Jiraiya taught them from the hidden room): The hidden room served us well in the end
    Yahiko: Let's go
    End of flashback.

    The origami that took flight from Konan's chest flutters towards the hideout of their beginnings that stands on the side of the lake.
    The hideout has fallen into disuse and there are now trees and moss growing on it, but the frog boards, with moss growing on them are still as they were before.

    Continuing from where Yahiko had said "And..."
    "And... When our dreams come true, even if we're separated from each other... Let's return here one day. And then the three of us'll congratulate each other!
    After those words, the red origami flies to Konan's frog board that had been turned to the "out" side...
    Light shines in through the roof and through it a rainbow can be seen, as if a depiction of congratulations.
    "Then at that time, we've gotta invite Jiraiya-sensei as well" "Yeah..." "Well... I wonder if that'll happen..." a conversation of the three from the past.
    Jiraiya's board that had been turned to the "out" side when they parted ways has been flipped to the red side because of the trees that had grown and pushed it.

    Madara and the rest. Madara puts on a new mask. "It caused some trouble but you managed to get some good eyes, didn't you" says Kabuto. Madara: "They were mine to begin with."
    The information from Kisame has arrived as well, Zetsu holds out a scroll and says that things are in their favour.
    Madara: "I'm off to get the Kyuubi" Madara stands, a weird weapon-like thing (a fan that is shaped like a gourd and appeared in Journey to the West or something?) in his hand.[/spoil]

    Cái gì vậy trời? Anh Zetsu mà cũng mắc bệnh "just as planned" hả? Chả nhẽ anh Kis chết cũng là chết theo... dự định hả?

    Hay anh ấy đã thổ lộ nguyện vọng muốn tự tử với Mad từ lúc ở nhà=))
  3. mastergrez

    mastergrez Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

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    Hy vọng là dịch sai
  4. deamonpen

    deamonpen Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ^^ Hay là họ thấy thông tin gửi về cứ nghĩ đây là có cơ hội thì gửi về cho chắc ăn và Kis vẫn còn sống và biết đâu đã bắt được Bát Vĩ rồi >"<

    Bởi vì cuộn giấy đấy chuẩn bị từ trước khi đánh nhau với Gai nên Kis có kịp viết là "báo cáo, em sắp phải tự tử rồi ạ" đâu?>"<

    Nhưng mà chắc là Mad cũng genjutsu được con cá mập để tìm hiểu xem cái gì đã xảy ra chứ nhỉ (con đấy ko thấy cảnh Kis chết, nhưng nhìn hiện trường sau đó qua mắt nó chắc cũng đoán được) ...
  5. mastergrez

    mastergrez Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Anh Zetsu ko đọc mà đã phán đc 1 câu như thế thì đúng là đáng vả vỡ mồm

    Nốt anh Zetsu nữa là Akat từ trên xuống dưới toàn dở hơi với thích chết sớm
  6. quocviet0908

    quocviet0908 🍁 Thu Thơ Thẩn 🍁 ⚔️ Dragon Knight ⚔️ CHAMPION Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Xì Gờn
    Chủ yếu là để nhìn thôi, đục 9 phẩy thì chỗ đâu mà đục, đeo vào sao mà nhìn. =))
  7. GLS

    GLS Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cái mặt nạ mới của cụ buồn cười quá. Cái lỗ giữa trán trông giống như cái hồng tâm bắn súng như thể đưa ra thế giới lời thách thức: "Đây này, não tao đây này, bắn đi \m/

    Tình hình là cả Bleach lẫn Nar 2 boss cuối đều tiến hóa hình dáng theo chiều hướng bệnh bệnh :)) Có khi Kishi với Kubo ở chung nhà, nằm chung giường cũng nên :>
  8. A_ngu_M_dan

    A_ngu_M_dan Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Cuộn giấy đc gửi nếu như KIS chết thì sao ?
  9. deamonpen

    deamonpen Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ^^ Kis đưa cuộn giấy cho một con cá mập để nó mang về từ lúc còn chưa đánh nhau với Gai mà, làm gì có chuyện đó.

    Dù gì thì Kis chết, Bát Vĩ thì chưa bắt được mà bảo thuận lợi thì đúng là...
    Mà Akat cần bắt Cửu cuối cùng mà >"<

    Nghe cái giọng thì giống chưa kịp đọc thật ấy=))
    "Hey... Anh Kis gửi thông tin về này... Có vẻ thuận lợi cho chúng ta" (nghe như chưa biết gì chỉ biết thông tin về đến nơi là thuận lợi rồi ý)


    Translation by saldesu from MH:

    511 Return

    I, who have been a prisoner of memories. Are there comrades waiting for me, who has finally set off...?
    Cover is Nagato, Konan, Yahiko

    Madara reaches Nagato!! And Konan is...

    Madara dysons Nagato (TN: I just had to give a direct trans cuz I found it funny. Dyson is the name of a bran of vacuum cleaner in Japan)

    Madara (That took a while. Shall we go...?)
    Konan has died in the water (floating)

    3 small boards are lined up. Jiraiya, Konan, Yahiko are wearing frog suits.
    Jiraiya: The rightmost one is Konan's, the centre is Yahiko's... And the leftmost one is Nagato's
    Yahiko: What's that?
    Jiraiya: These are what we call "frog boards"
    Yahiko: Frog boards?
    Jiraya: Mmhmm... On this side, it's red, and the other side is white. And if you turn it over like this!
    Jiraiya breaks into a grin
    Jiraiya: When you go out, turn it over to the white side before you leave... By the way, this picture is a signal meaning that you're going to come home soon!
    When he flips it over, there is a picture of a frog.
    Yahiko: ... What the... What's that, since just now... We're just overlooking the fact that you're pushing these frogs onto us cuz you're the frog sennin
    Jiraiya breaks into a grin
    Konan: ... But why do we have to do that?
    Jiraiya: There's still poor public order in this area... We don't know when this place could be targeted... And when you're in this hideout, its easy to get targeted. If your location gets out, then it's easy for a secret attack to be launched.
    Konan: In short, even though the board stays red, if that person is not inside the hideout, it means that he's been abducted by the enemy or something. If it's white but he's been inside all along, it could mean that there is a possibility that the enemy has transformed into him... We can suss that out right away, right?
    Jiraiya: That's right... You did well to understand that, Konan... Unlike Yahiko
    Yahiko: I got that too!! ... Somewhat...
    Jiraiya: In any case, it's a code just for the 4 of us to constantly check each other's presence! In other words, I'm telling you that we're in a situation where we can't let our guard down even when we're in the hideout. For the time being, I've made a hidden room underground and a path to get out of it. If anything happens, run away from here. By the way, my board's behind you. Now, it's about time to do our "water off a duck's back" training! It's training that trains your unshakable endurance and turns you completely into a frog!!
    Yahiko: Yosshaa!! Let's go! Everyone!
    Nagato: Yahiko... Does he really get it... This time Sensei did it for us earlier but...
    Yahiko: I'm gonna get even stronger and stronger, and then change (kaeru) this country!!
    Konan and Nagato smile
    Yahiko smiles widely
    Jiraiya: Before changing (kaeru) the country, flip the frog board!! (Did I make that kind of face as well just now... How embarrassing...)

    Training. Meal. Then they part ways with Jiraiya.
    Jiraiya's frog board remains turned.

    The three of them continue to train and fight...

    Only Nagato's frog board has been flipped.
    In the hideout, Konan is treating Nagato's wounds.
    Their eyes meet. Somehow there's a nice atmosphere about them.
    Nagato is waiting at the door.
    And they battle again. (TN: I think ohana mixed up Nagato and Yahiko a little here)

    Yahiko: Our organisation has grown big... We've gotta switch to a new hideout...
    The three of them gather their luggage and stand rooted to the ground
    Konan: Today, we have to say goodbye to this place as well, huh...
    Nagato: Yeah...
    Yahiko: We changed here... We attained power. Everything started from this place. For the sake of the realisation of our dreams, we will set off from this place! And...
    Outside, enemies are waiting for an opportunity to attack
    Konan turns over her board
    Yahiko turns over his board
    Just then, a kunai with explosive tags on it hits the hideout.
    The enemy infiltrates the hideout
    Enemy: Where did they go?
    Some distance away, outside
    Nagato: The hidden room was helpeful in the end, huh
    Yahiko: That was a pretty big explosion, though... Feels just like this country. Well, here we go! Nagato! Konan!

    For the sake of the realisation of our dreams, we will set off from this place! And when our dreams come true, even if we're separated from each other...
    We'll return to this place. (TN: this is where the chapter title comes from)

    Konan's paper flies. It hides the frog boards at the hideout.

    And then the three of us will congratulate each other!!
    ... Then we've got to invite Jiraiya-sensei too when that happens...
    Well... Will it even happen...

    Madara has a mask like in 20th Century Boys
    Kabutomaru: Despite causing some trouble, you've got hold of some fine eyes, haven't you?
    Madara: ... They were mine to begin with.
    Zetsu: Hey... The information from Kisame's reached as well... In many ways, things are looking to be in our favour...

    Madara is holding some stick? cane? something long
    Madara: I'm off to get the Kyuubi

    What Madara is aiming for as he nears perfection with a new mask is... Naruto!!

    On break next week. Naruto as well as Kishimoto-sensei's one-shot "Bench" will be serialised in WSJ #45! [/spoil]

    Có vẻ cụ cần bé Nar để hoàn thiện cái form mới của mình?!? Hay là việc Nar làm chủ được sức mạnh của Kyuubi lại chính hợp ý cụ?

    Mà mấy cái flashback của chị Konan nghe chừng không được hấp dẫn lắm. Kể cả có cho mấy người kia vào đây. Đugs là Kishi ko có khiếu diễn tả phụ nữ.
    May ra thì có flashback của Dei là dở hơn (à, nhưng cái art cuối mà Kishi dành cho Ita thì rất đẹp;)) )
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 22/9/10
  10. moon_light_48

    moon_light_48 Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    thánh kubo và thánh kishi bạn cùng giường với nhau rồi.các boss càng ngày vl
    chuẩn bị kèo nar vs mad nào.có ai nghĩ tới khả năng mad bị thông ko=))
  11. naruto145

    naruto145 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cái khả năng ảnh bị thông thì chả có, bệnh hoan quá rồi còn não đâu mà thông, muốn thông từ dưới lên thì chắc cũng bị tịt rồi, khó thông cụ mad lắm.
  12. My_Angel

    My_Angel Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    My Heaven
    cái mặt nạ mới của madara bệnh quá,giống ý kiến của #647,như cái hồng tâm :))
  13. Lê On

    Lê On Space Marine Doomguy CHAMPION ♞ Blade Knight ♞ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Ma Giới
    ^ Cái mặt nạ dị hợm thật, nhìn vào cứ muốn lấy súng nhắm nã vài phát cho bỏ ghét.
  14. Happy Together

    Happy Together Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    mình xin đề cử Uchiha Madara trong Naruto của Kisi là con boss trong 1 bộ manga đeo mặt nạ xấu nhất mọi thời đại

    mà h để ý thì thấy lạ , Madara(Kisi) nói tóc của Nagato màu đỏ , tức là giống màu tóc của Kushina , đặc trưng clan uzumaki mà

    thế mà trong truyện tóc Kushina để trắng , tóc Nagata tô đen , thế là thế nào :-??

    mình ko xem anime nên ko biết trong anime tóc Nagato màu gì , bạn nào confirm hộ với
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 23/9/10
  15. mastergrez

    mastergrez Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Chưa thấy cái bộ nào mà boss cuối trông lúc nào cũng giống thằng osin chạy việc như cái bộ này , và ngày càng cố chứng tỏ mình là như thế , càng thay mặt nạ trông lại càng lởm hơn trc , trông cái mặt nạ liên tưởng ngay đến 1 thằng thuộc hạ ất ơ ngớ ngẩn hơn là trùm cuối khủng
  16. bitran88

    bitran88 Legend of Zelda GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đả đeo mặt nạ phải hình đầu lâu mới ngầu chứ cái mặt nạ này chán hơn cái củ nửa
  17. My_Angel

    My_Angel Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    My Heaven
    bây giờ nhìn lại cái mặt nạ đó thì như cái đầu rắn thò ra =))
  18. warriosbest

    warriosbest SPARTAN John-117

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ôi kishi bắt đầu theo lối hollow mask trong Bleach à =))
  19. quocviet0908

    quocviet0908 🍁 Thu Thơ Thẩn 🍁 ⚔️ Dragon Knight ⚔️ CHAMPION Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Xì Gờn
    Màu đỏ.
  20. Nocturnal+5

    Nocturnal+5 C O N T R A GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Mặt nạ cụ Mad là hình R + S.
    Nhưng mà cụ già rồi thiết kế xấu vãi =))

    ---------- Post added at 13:23 ---------- Previous post was at 13:14 ----------

    Một thằng biệt tài chém gió bay cả giang sơn, một thằng thì chính não nó nó còn thông cho tan tành.
    2 thằng này gặp nhau thì ngồi lảm nhảm đến n ngày mới xong.

Chia sẻ trang này