[One Piece] 7th Fan club

Thảo luận trong 'Anime và Manga' bắt đầu bởi refrain, 19/8/08.


Thành viên thứ 10 của SH liệu có phải là...Kuma?

Poll closed 4/10/08.
  1. Phải! Thằng này bí ẩn lắm!

  2. Tào lao! Không phải!

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  1. Odisey

    Odisey The Miscast Sorcerer GVN LEGENDARY ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ GVN Dalit

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hồ Chí Minh
    Hơ bác nói xa quá , tại vì chưa thấy tác giả vẽ đến đó =))
    Thằng Luffy dù ở truồng trước các cô gái mà không có bất cứ một biểu hiện gì chứng to là do thể chất cao su nên chưa dậy thì :-< ;))
    Cầu trời phật nhóm có thêm 1 thành viên nữ , amen . Chức nghiệp thì chưa rõ ràng lắm :D
  2. hotaka99

    hotaka99 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    hentai kingdom
    thèng luffy mà dồn gear 3 vô cái ... + thêm speed cua gear 2 nửa thì ... =))
  3. manhhoa

    manhhoa Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    luffy tính ra 1 lúc 21 cô vẫn được :D bơm máu vào ngón tay ngón chân + kéo dài ra thì vô đối, bảo sao lắm cô thích. Chắc toàn những cô nhìn ra tiềm năng tương lai của luffy.
  4. legendary_dragon

    legendary_dragon Ngụy Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đồng Hới
    tớ cú thấy thằng Luffy trẻ con quá , Boa cởi ra thế mà nó chả có biểu hiện j, chả bù cho Sanji ;))
  5. tuiratdeptrai

    tuiratdeptrai The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nha Trang City
    Lâu lắm rồi mới thấy cái topic này có 1 câu bất hủ như thế =))
  6. Dragon90

    Dragon90 Sonic the Hedgehog

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    HCM city
    cho m2inh hỏi ngón tay ngón chân nào thế=)) ;;)
  7. holy_pig

    holy_pig T.E.T.Я.I.S Archer Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Sóc Trăng
    ngón tay ngón chân của luffy chứ ngón nào nữa,tính ra thì đúng là 21 thật:'>
  8. Odisey

    Odisey The Miscast Sorcerer GVN LEGENDARY ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ GVN Dalit

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hồ Chí Minh
    Chú nhắc mới nhớ đến mấy con bạch tuột ma trong film Nhật :)) . Xem ra về nhiều phương diện Luffy vẫn là nhất ;))
    Tưởng tượng thằng Ace mà bật cái Fire power lên thì chị em xách quần áo chạy hết =))

    PS : Hỏi chứ lưỡi Luffy có dài ra được không ??? :-"
  9. anhnhobe

    anhnhobe T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Thành viên thứ 10 chắc ko xuất hiện ngay đâu ? vừa cho em bộ xương vào rồi còn gì. Ít ra phải trên 20 chap nữa thì mới có vụ thành viên 10.

    Còn sự kiện cả nhóm tách ra lần này là để cho oda có thời gian phát triển năng lực từng ng trong nhóm mũ rơm. Khi mà cả nhóm đều chưa đủ năng lực để đi tiếp. Cụ thể là cho bọn họ nhận biết về sự tồn tại của Haki.

    Có thể luffy , zoro hay sanji đều có sẳn haki và sử dụng dc nhưng sự khác nhau về sử dụng 1 cách vô thức và có mục đích là hoàn toàn khác nhau. Khi đã biết và sử dụng thành thạo sẽ cho ra đời về 1 chuẩn mực sức mạnh khác hẳn.
  10. New Heaven

    New Heaven C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Cà Mao
    Tuy chưa biết là fake hay ko ? Chỉ 1 từ để miêu tả đoạn Spoiler trên "Choáng" =)) =))
  11. ZzzOhhjiezzZ

    ZzzOhhjiezzZ Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đây chắc là fake bởi vì nhớ có lần Boa gọi bà Nyon đấy là previous Empress hay đại loại thế... bà ấy đã chết đâu mà có mấy thứ đó...
  12. New Heaven

    New Heaven C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Cà Mao
    "Previous Empress' có thể chỉ 1 người lúc trước, đâu hẳn là Nyon nhỉ :| :| Nữ hoàng của Amazon Lily cũng đâu có đề cập đến là đã bao nhiêu đời đâu ...

    Chết vì tương tư, nghe chuối kiểu Hàn roài đa :x :x
  13. holy_pig

    holy_pig T.E.T.Я.I.S Archer Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Sóc Trăng
    ko đỡ nổi8-},cái spoil này mà là thật thì.....8-}
  14. AN_Dragoon

    AN_Dragoon Sonic the Hedgehog

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Final Fantasy Fan Club
    we get to see the silhouette of CP9(confirmed from the pic)
    A mention of The Gates of Justice and Impel Down.

    Luffy takes out the first Vivre card he has, Ace's card. It is one tenth its size and burnt.

    Luffy broods over his decision thinking of his nakama, but ultimately he decides on helping Ace.

    Luffy takes the card and goes to see Boa. Luffy tells her of his brother and she is surprised. His brother will most likely be killed.

    Boa then shocks everyone by agreeing to help Luffy take care of his brother, even the Kuja are surprised.

  15. Odisey

    Odisey The Miscast Sorcerer GVN LEGENDARY ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ GVN Dalit

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hồ Chí Minh
    Nhìn Boa Naked mà mình ...>"<
    À , ai giải thích tớ cái đám quý tộc tự xưng là the world creator mặc đồ như Apollo 14 rốt cuộc nguồn gốc và khả năng nó là gì thế ???
    Một đám vô dụng mà có gì đáng sợ nhỉ -.-
  16. BaoDragoon

    BaoDragoon Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đám đó là con cháu của lũ tạo ra Goverment năm xưa, là kẻ thù hủy diệt cái quốc gia và che dấu 100 lịch sử bị bỏ trống :D
  17. legendary_dragon

    legendary_dragon Ngụy Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Đồng Hới
    Love Sickness 8-}

    sắp tới sẽ có Epic war rồi đây , every one goes to ID :))
  18. ^»ILU«^

    ^»ILU«^ Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ủng hộ Boa là thành viên mới của nhóm Luffy:hug:
    núi Boa bự quá:'>
  19. AN_Dragoon

    AN_Dragoon Sonic the Hedgehog

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Final Fantasy Fan Club
    One Piece
    Chapter 522: "A Fatal Disease"
    CP9's Independent Report, Vol. 28: "We Won't Let You Disturb Our Home"

    Hancock: Your name is Luffy, yes...? We will depart in the morn. / The Kuja Pirate will see you as far as the Shabondy Archipelago. // Tonight, I suggest you rest in preparation for the long journey.
    Luffy: Like I said, you guys... // It's "Ku"!!! "Ku"!!
    Kuja: Oh, that's funny, Luffy~~~~!!
    Sweetpea: "Ku"?!
    Luffy: Yeah, "Ku"!!
    Daisy: I see! "Ku"!!
    Kikyou: Such an undignified dance...
    ThatOneKuja: So "men" stick chopsticks in their nose and mouth... and dance with strainers.........

    Luffy: Hmm? "Gorgon-what"?!
    CookKuja: It's a "Penne Gorgonzola with Sea King" - it's a specialty of the Isle of Women!
    Kuja: Wow~~! He really does stretch!♡
    Luffy: !
    Kuja: Yes, yes, that's enough. // Awww... one more go! // No, no... you'll never want to stop.
    Luffy: ......!! / Man, this Sea King stuff is tasty...... // Ahh, stop that already!! How am I meant to eat with people poking me and stretching me!
    ThatOneKuja: Well, it can't really be helped... you're leaving tomorrow, aren't you?! // Everybody wants to take this opportunity to experience a real live "man"... // See - you're so popular!
    [Sign: 1 Touch / 20 Gol]
    Kuja: Luffy-sama~~!♡
    Luffy: Stop making a business out of me!!!

    Kuja: Aww, c'mon, Luffy-cha~~~n!♡ // Let us have a touch~~~!♡ // Let us have a poke~~~~!♡
    Luffy: Quit it!! I can't eat with all this... / Hey!!!
    Kuja: Aaahhhhh, Luffy-sama~~~~!♡
    Luffy: Guaaaaahhhhhh~~~~~!
    Kuja: Huh? // Noooo! He got away!! // I didn't get to touch him yet~~!
    Luffy: *pant*... *pant*...
    Margaret: (We'd better hide...!!)
    Kuja: He must still be somewhere nearby!! We have to find him and touch him~~~~!!
    Luffy: Awww... I could only carry this much food...
    Margaret: .........Still, you must be glad. You're going back to your friends, just like you wanted.
    Luffy: Hm? Yeah... I'm sorry for all the trouble I've been making for you. // I mean, I was real scared when you got turned to stone...
    Margaret: But then you protected us, didn't you? I've heard all about it. // Thank you, Luffy!

    Nyon: What is it nyow, Margaret?
    Margaret: Well, Luffy's got a little too popular with the women of the village.........
    Luffy: Ahh!! Old bean lady!!
    Nyon: Well, meeting a man is a rare experience for them... you should probably stay out of sight for the moment. // And who are you calling a "bean"?!!! // It looks like you already have food... Margaret, make the boy some tea.
    Margaret: Right!
    Luffy: You sure do like newspapers, huh~?
    Nyon: They're nyot too easy to get hold of out here, you knyow... The Nyews Coo don't deliver to the Calm Belt... // But our Empress is a Shichibukai, after all... / It would hardly do for her nyot to knyow the state of world affairs.
    Luffy: A Shichibukai?? Who??
    Nyon: Hmm? / Hebihime, of course...

    Luffy: Whaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~~??!! // .................. / She's......?!! A Shichibukai?! Then... is she actually really, really strong?!
    Nyon: ...You're a pirate, and you didn't even knyow that?
    Luffy: N... No, I didn't...
    Nyon: Do you nyot read nyewspapers, then?
    Luffy: No... I don't... // Man... this is a surprise...
    Nyon: It was eleven years ago nyow that Hebihime became the Empress of this land and Captain of the Kuja Pirates... // She was still young back then, but after a single campaign... / ...she earned herself a bounty of 80,000,000. // Together with the already-infamous name of the Kuja, this earned her the immediate attention of Central... // They approached her right away, cautious of her potential, and offered her the position of Shichibukai... // But now, she is in danger of losing that title...

    Luffy: WHAAAAAAAAAAA~~~~?!! // Wh - Wh - Wh - Whoa, whoa, slow down! I can't take in all this at once! // You're saying the Shichibukai and Marine HQ...... / ...are going to battle against the Whitebeard Pirates?!! // That's crazy! What's going to happen now?!!
    Nyon: You really do shock me... there are limits to ignorance, you knyow!! Nyothing is certain just yet, of course... // ...but in all probability, yes, battle is imminent!!! // It was the World Government who brought about this situation... Whitebeard is nyot a man who would ever allow the death of a nakama. // Yet in full awareness of this... // The World Government have announced the public execution... // ...of Whitebeard's elite subordinate, Portgas D Ace...!!!

    Luffy: ......!! ...Who?
    Nyon: Ace......... "Fire-Fist Ace".
    Margaret: .........What's wrong?
    Luffy: Ace is going to be executed?!
    Nyon: Yes, it seems that a pirate named "Blackbeard"... / ...captured "Fire-Fist Ace" for the Government...
    Luffy: Blackbeard.........
    Nyon: And insodoing earned himself a place in the Shichibukai... // Having suddenly come into possession of such a major prize, it seems that Central have decided... // ...to make use of this "Ace" pirate...
    Luffy: Old lady......!! Old lady... // That's my brother.........!!! // Ace is my big brother!!!
    Nyon: ?!!

    Nyon: .........What......?!!!
    Margaret: ...............?!
    Nyon: Is this true?! He is your elder brother?!
    Luffy: I didn't even know he'd been captured... and now he's being executed?!! / There's no running from a thing like that...!!
    Nyon: ...Hmmmm! If Whitebeard prevails in this battle... // ...it is possible that he may still be saved...
    Luffy: What do I do...?!! Where are they holding this execution?!
    Nyon: Mmm... it says here that the location is to be the plaza of Mariejoa, home of Marine Headquarters... / ...in "one week's time" - so from today, that would be six days.
    Luffy: What~?!! But that's so soon!!! // How long does it take to get from here to the Shabondy Archipelago?!!
    Nyon: ......Well, it would doubtless take longer than a week...
    Luffy: ...But then before I even meet up with my crew... / ...it's all going to be over for Ace!!
    Margaret: .........

    Luffy: ......How long would it take to get to Ace from here, then?
    Nyon: To Impel Down, where he is currently imprisoned...... it would take a week by pirate ship... or four days by Marine vessel...!!
    Luffy: Why? Are the Marine ships that much faster?!
    Nyon: There are certain currents set aside exclusively for Marine usage......
    [Top label: Marine HQ / (Marinford)]
    [Top X label: Shabondy Archipelago]
    [Right label: Great Gaol / Impel Down]
    [Bottom-left label: Enies Lobby]
    [Bottom X box label: Current location]
    [Bottom X label: Amazon Lily]
    Nyon: Enies Lobby... / Impel Down... / And Marine Headquarters. // A mighty spiral current has been harnessed to connect these three organisations. / By opening the "Gates of Justice", gigantic gates present at all three locations... // ...the currents can be caused to rush in, allowing access to these three locations. // In other words, if the gates are not open, a ship caught in the current would simply sweep straight on by.

    Nyon: As such, a pirate ship would be forced to avoid the whirlpool currents... // ...taking the longer route around...!!!
    Luffy: What am I meant to do.........?!!
    Nyon: What do you wish to do?
    Luffy: ........................!!!
    Nyon: Is that... your brother's Vivre Card?!
    Margaret: ...Is that the moving paper that was so important to you?
    Luffy: No, this is a different one. It's Ace's.
    Nyon: Also known as the "Paper of Life"... a Vivre Card indicates the direction and life-force of its owner.
    Margaret: .........!! ...Then... the reason it's so small...
    Luffy: It was about ten times this size when I first got it.
    Margaret: !!
    Luffy: Ace has his own adventure to follow!! / And my brother's a strong guy... if I said I wanted to save him... he'd only get mad at me.
    Flashback!Ace: Y'know, when a guy has a messed-up little brother......... // ...it's only natural to worry about him.
    Luffy: ...But...

    Luffy: I'm sorry, guys...!!! .........!! // I'm going to have to take a bit of a detour!!! // I want to go and save Ace!!!
    Nyon: ......!! // You are aware, I hope... / ...of just how reckless an endeavour that would be... just what kind of scale of war this is? // You would be as an ant leaping into a raging storm...!! / You may well simply be flung around, unable to do a thing, until you meet your own end...
    Luffy: I don't care about any of that! I want to go!!! / ...I can't just sit around somewhere doing nothing while a thing like this is going on!!!
    Nyon: Very well.........!! So you wish to save a prisoner with the eyes of the entire world upon him...

    Nyon: .........And to have even the most miniscule chance of achieving this goal... / ...you must head, without delay, to the Great Gaol where he is currently held prisoner... // If you wait until he is transferred to the execution ground in Marinford, then the Marine Admirals, as well as the Shichibukai... / ...will be present to guard him... // ...Although naturally, since your brother is currently the single most important prisoner in the world... / ...even at the Gaol itself, he will doubtless be guarded by an extremely powerful force... // Why, even entering the place should be impossible.
    Luffy: Forget what I do once I arrive - the important thing is how I get there!! / I have to get to the gaol while Ace is still there...!!! // If you've got a gigantic oar or something... I could row with all my strength......
    Nyon: Wait, wait... this is nyot a problem that can be solved with brute force... / It is still something of a long shot, but... / The call for the Shichibukai to assemble, which Hebihime has thus far been obstinately rejecting... / If she were instead to respond to it... // ...she may be able to take advantage of the situation to get you onto a Marine battleship.
    Luffy: A battleship?! You've got a Marine ship I could use?! // Then I'll go and ask her, right away!!!

    [Text: Amazon Lily, Kuja Castle]
    Enishida: Elder Nyon!!
    Nyon: What is it, Enishida...?
    Enishida: Thank goodness! I was just about to go and call for you...
    Nyon: Hmm? What has happened, exactly......?
    Enishida: Well......!! / *pant* / Hebihime-sama seems to have collapsed...
    Nyon/Luffy: ?!!
    Enishida: ...from an unidentified disease............!!!
    Nyon/Luffy: Whaaaaaaat?!! At a time like this?!!

    Sandersonia: Hang in there, Sister......!!
    Hancock: ...............!! / *pant* // *pant*
    Marigold: Sister......!! // Ahh... Elder Nyon......!!
    Nyon: Boy - you wait outside for a moment......!!
    Luffy: Sure... but I'm really in a hurry here -
    Nyon: I am aware of that!!!
    Hancock: *pant*... / *pant*... // The pain......!!!
    Belladonna: She has been clutching her chest all this time, so I think it may be a problem with her heart...!! // But honestly, I simply don't know... I've never seen symptoms like these before...... / I have no idea what medicine to prescribe...!!
    Enishida: Hebihime-sama looks like she's in so much pain............!! // She won't even eat any of the food we give her...

    Nyon: ......... // Tomorrow morning... // !!
    Hancock: Aaahhh!!
    Belladonna: Hebihime-sama?!!
    Nyon: ......!! Of course... // ......Ahh, to think that this could......!! // ...This virus... it always strikes at the least appropriate of times...!!!
    Enishida: What?! A virus?!
    Belladonna: Do you have some kind of idea what this is?!
    Hancock: ......E... Elder Nyon... it hurts...... / *pant* // Am I......... / *pant* // ...going to die..................?
    Nyon: ......... // Yes... you will...
    Marigold: Wha... // What are you saying?!!! Elder Nyon, this is no time for bad jokes!!

    Nyon: It was of this disease... that the previous Empress died.........!! / And as far as I am aware, it was the same for her predecessor.........
    People: ?!!
    Nyon: In truth, even I fled this island thanks to this very same disease... though I managed to survive it...
    People: ...............?!
    Nyon: We have a request to make of you. Will you at least hear me out?
    Hancock: .........!!
    Sandersonia: Now, wait one moment, Elder Nyon!! She is in no condition to be...!!
    Nyon: It matters nyot......!! May I ask you all... to leave the room?
    People: What?! But - !
    Nyon: (...What incredible fortune!! Monkey D Luffy... have you actually managed to shift this mountain that no other could budge?!!)
    Hancock: So what is it you wish of me...... Luffy?
    Luffy: Well... / I kind of need a favour. But are you sure you're okay, with your sickness and all?
    Hancock: As though I would allow a mere disease to overcome me......!!

    Sisters: .........!!
    Luffy: Well, the pirate from Whitebeard's crew who's going to be executed... / ...he's called Ace... / ...is actually my brother!! I really want to save him!!! // But a pirate ship won't make it in time... // Please!! Would you board the Marine ship that's here to pick you up... / ...and take me to the Gaol where Ace is being held captive?!!!
    Sisters: ?!! / What ridiculous nonsense is this?!!! Straw Hat Luffy...!!! / Even after hearing about the hardships our Sister has been through... / ...you ask her to return to that accursed "holy" land?! / You are truly terrible!!! // Show a man a little sympathy, and he will try to squeeze anything and everything he can out of it...!!! // There is a limit to how much our Sister will put up with, you know!! She'll turn you to stone and drop you from the edge of this castle!!! // Do it, Sister!!!
    Hancock: You want me......... / ...to respond to the call for the Shichibukai...? // If that is your request...

    Hancock: Then I... // ...shall go wherever you may wish.
    Luffy: All right!!! Thank you!!! // Now I can make it there before the execution!!!
    Sisters: !!! / H...!! // Hebihime... actually agreed to go to Central!!! // What on Earth is going on, Elder Nyon?!!!
    Nyon: Hebihime's disease...... is lovesickness!!! / Yes...... it was love that killed her predecessors!!! // It is just as they say in the East... // "Love... is always a hurricane!!!"
  20. BaoDragoon

    BaoDragoon Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Lovesickness khủng vậy seo trời 8-} Mỗi Empress là bị;)) đám còn lại chưa tiếp xúc với man nên ko bị :))
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