Suicide Squad (2016) Jared Leto, Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Ben Affleck

Thảo luận trong 'Phim ảnh' bắt đầu bởi pikeman2, 14/7/15.

  1. hoanghoihai

    hoanghoihai Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Có tin đồn phim này ko dc chiếu ở Tàu :-?
  2. hungma147

    hungma147 Sora, Wielder of Keyblades Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Sao chưa thấy công bố gì nhỉ, mà phim gắn mác PG 13 thôi mà.:-??
  3. Điện thoại hỏng

    Điện thoại hỏng Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Chắc dính Katana Nhựt Bủn nên các anh không ưa 8-}
  4. hoanghoihai

    hoanghoihai Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Tàu từng cấm chiếu TDK của Nolan. Có khi nào tại Joker ko :))
    hungma147 thích bài này.
  5. hungma147

    hungma147 Sora, Wielder of Keyblades Lão Làng GVN

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    Thế thì vãi quá :-(||>
  6. diego_simone

    diego_simone The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

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    TDK có pha sang tận HK bắt người , với cảnh Joker đốt thằng Lou trên đống tiền thì chẳng cấm
    Hay mấy con quái có gốc tàu nên cấm :D
  7. Datnguyen2310

    Datnguyen2310 Mayor of SimCity

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Lượn lờ thấy mấy ông cờ rai tích review toàn chê Leto rồi mang ra so với Heath :8cool_tire:
  8. Hani.Vispro

    Hani.Vispro Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

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    Ở đâu còn lâu mới nói -_-
    Kỹ xảo hay quay lại cảnh khác :D
  9. hungma147

    hungma147 Sora, Wielder of Keyblades Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Typical moviegoer:2cool_misdoubt:
    Thấy bảo cái cảnh quần dài là WB nó chỉnh để chiếu trên TV. Cái quần ngắn bên cạnh là bản xịn:5cool_big_smile:
    Hani.Vispro thích bài này.
  10. Rekka

    Rekka Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

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    Cái spoiler này đọc mấy tuần trước do 1 thằng được xem test screening kể. Hồi đó đọc thấy giống fanfic nhưng bây giờ so với bọn xem premiere gần đây thì cũng có 1 số chi tiết y chang, nên giờ post lại:

    The movie starts with Deadshot in his cell being served “loaf” by a guard who taunts him saying it’s mostly rat shit. Deadshot threatens him saying he will get out kill him, and he’s punished by being strapped to a chair and shocked. I believe this is also where they inject the explosive in his neck which will detonate if the Skwad steps out of line. We then get his backstory from Amanda Waller in voiceover, learning that he’s world class assassin, but also a caring father. We see him walking with her as she’s probing him about what his job really is and we learn that Waller has tipped him off to the “Gotham Authorities” and get our first (and best) Batman cameo. Drops down from the rooftop in a sequence that looks pulled directly out of Batman: The Animated Series, and tells Deadshot not to fight because he doesn’t want to do this in front of his daughter. He pulls a gun on Bats and gets BTFO and dropped off with Waller

    We then transition to Harley who is hanging on the bars like from the trailers. She starts flirting with the same guard from earlier, and he tells her to she can’t touch the bars, to which she replies “which ones, these” and licks the bars and everyone gets boners. Then the guard shocks the bars and sends her flying backward for the lulz. We learn the basic Harley origin story, wherein Joker manipulates her into breaking him out. It moves a bit fast though, and he immediately asks for a machine gun and she obliges. I guess it’s played as a comedic moment but it didn’t really work for me.

    It then transitions to a night club joker is running where Harley is stripping in a scene pulled almost directly from Azarello’s “Joker” one shot, where we find out he really digs her. We then see them at ace chemicals where he asks, “would you die for me?” She says yes, but then he’s like “no, that’s too easy. Would you live for me”? And she says yes and jumps in the vat. Then he starts to walk away like he’s just going to let her die, and every mom in the audience was thoroughly freaked, but then he jumps in after her and pulls her up. It was actually a really really cool looking shot.

    After that, Harleen is officially Harley Quinn, and we see her and Joker riding around in his pimp mobile being chased by Batman who jumps on top of the them in a sequence we all saw like three fucking years ago, and Harley shoots him off and Joker crashes the car to lose him, abandoning Harley in the process where Batman apprehends her and drops her off with Waller.

    We then learn about June Moon, a 20 year old supermodel who inexplicably has a doctorate in archaeology who travelled to some remote location and found a bauble of some sort that merges her body with the demonic entity Enchantress. Waller and company learn her story, and she dispatches Rick Flagg to help her and recruit her to the cause, falling in love with her in the process which Waller had hoped would happen. Waller is able to control the entity by keeping the bauble thing, which I guess is her heart(?) and she presents her to the government to get approval for the Task Force X initiative, which is basically an ace in the hole in case other meta humans start showing up. We also get a little bit about killer croc, and it ain't me starts playing.

    Rick and Waller show up at the prison where we are introduced to Diablo, who is basically an MS15 member who shoots fire for no particular reason. His effects are some of both the best and worst things in the movie. We see him in a futbol riot murdering a bunch of hooligans and then making, and I shit you not, a fucking crown emoji over his head made of fire. He tells Waller and company that el diablo is dead and he isn’t interested in fighting.

    We then see Deadshot being escorted to a target range with a bunch of guns n shit and Waller orders the guard who was taunting him earlier to remove his restraints, and he’s like “are you out of your goddamn mind”, but eventually complies and deadshot takes a pistol and does a fancy cool guy spin and puts immediately puts it to the asshole guard’s head. It’s funnier than I’m making it sound, a pretty decent sequence from Smith in particular. Waller asks if he thinks she’s crazy enough to hand him a loaded gun and he fires it into the air proving that she is. She then tells him to show her what he can do and he hits every target with pinpoint accuracy.

    Waller then moves Deadshot and Quinn into the courtyard where they bus in Slipknot and Captain Boomerang. Slipknot doesn’t say much but Jai Courtney has some decent bantz. Waller then gives them the lowdown on Task Force X, saying that if they comply they will get reduced sentences, and if not, they will be killed. She gives them their personal belongings and we see Harley pick up the classic suit (which was already showcased earlier as I pointed out in a previous post and it looked fucking amazing)

    The audience finds out that Waller has lost control of Enchantress, but only tells the Skwad that they need to neutralize a threat and pick up a target. We then learn that Joker is going after prison guards to track down Harley in another scene which will make your poor mother freak. Flagg then takes them in a helicopter, along with Katana to the location that I need not explain because memes, and the drops them off in Midway City where Enchantress is fucking shit up. She uses her brother Incubus to possess a black guy and he makes a bunch of weird bubbly zombie minions. Boomerang then convinces Slipknot that the bombs are a lie (he’s testing his personal theory) and Slipknot makes a run for it and get his head blown off. The Zombie thing then attacks and the Skwad takes them out. Boomerang then tries attacking Flag and Katana neutralizes him. They then move forward in a sequence that reminds me a lot of escape from New York, and eventually, after dispatching many a goon, end up at the location of the target who turns out to be Waller herself testing them.

    They squabble a bit amongst themselves when Joker shows up in a helicopter to rescue Harley. Joker is able to neutralize her head bomb, and she barely escapes on the helicopter’s ladder, and Waller commands deadshot to snipe her, but he purposefully misses because fuck the police. Reinforcements arrive and Waller and company begin to pursue Joker and shoot him down, seemingly killing him but sparing Harley who is able to jump to safety. Waller’s chopper is then taken down by Enchantress who has been camped out in a subway station doing magicky shit the whole time. They eventually make it to the ground and find Harley, and with Waller dead and the bombs seemingly deactivated, they tell Flag to go fuck himself, because the government started this mess in the first place. Everyone including Katana abandons him to go drink. We then get the bar scene from the trailer and learn that Diablo doesn’t Diablo anymore because he can’t control it caused him to kill his wife and kids. Boomerang has a decently funny moment where after Diablo’s big long monologue, he’s like” wait, so the kids died?” And the rest of the Squad chastises him for being so stupid, but Harley implores Diablo to “own that shit.” Eventually they come to the realization that bombs or no bombs, they need to at least try to stop Enchantress and Incubus.

    They all head over to the subway station, and the underground portion is flooded out, which prompts Killer Croc to jump in and swim underneath. Katana tells her sword she loves him, and they run off to battle. They find Enchantress (who looks honestly pretty fucking ridiculous at this point as a big CGI Cara Delevigne) and have a big heroic superhero fight which is cool if you like that sort of thing. Everybody gets a decent moment in the fight, and they also find out from Flag that they need to destroy her heart to defeat her. Incubus shows up and Katana cuts his arm of, but it eventually regenerates. Diablo engulfs Incubus in flames, and kills the body he is possessing, which prompts Incubus to possess Diablo. He’s able to hold it back long enough to tell the squad to do what they have to do, and the team up to put blow him up with a bomb (don’t remember where it came from, but that’s my fault not the movie’s) that Deadshot shoots, killing both Incubus and diablo. They still have Enchantress to contend with though, who is growing unstable and eventually turns into the ugly looking Enchantress from Justice League Dark (which looked great) and she tells them that she will be merciful and allow them to join her, and gives them all visions of what they want most in the world (Deadshot kills Batman) (Harley and Joker get married). The only one who complies is Harley, telling enchantress she lost her puddin’ and asks if she can bring him back. She tells her she can do anything and welcomes Harley who double-crosses her and cuts out her heart. Flag tells them to wait and tells the entity to leave June Moon alone and he will show her mercy, but she says fuck that and they kill her, but Moon survives anyway.

    Waller, who is fucking unbreakable, then shows up again and tells them congratulations but they still aren’t free, she’s only giving them ten years off their sentences. Deadshot tells her to at least let him see his daughter again and she complies. We then see their visit in the prison, and he’s helping her with homework when two guards come in with shackles, but a third tells them to stand down and give him some dignity. We then see the rest of the squad in more comfortable settings, and eventually we cut back to Harley who is reading a book when a bomb goes off and what looks like a swat team rushes in. The leader of the team pulls his mask off revealing himself as the Joker, and the two kiss and it freeze-frames, merging into a neon outline of the two of them as Ballroom Blitz plays over the credits.

    In a post credit sequence we see Amanda Waller and Bruce Wayne discussing what happened. Wayne tells her he doesn’t appreciate being lied to, and forces her to hand over the dossier on all the criminals and tells her to shut down Task Force X herself, or he and his “friends” will do it for her.
  11. CACC

    CACC Space Marine Doomguy Lão Làng GVN

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    thế cuối tuần có bác nào trong SG đi coi phim ko cho em đi coi ké với. em ko có xe :((
  12. TuanBi

    TuanBi Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

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    Hà Nội
    Ahihi xinh vl
  13. mrjaychou

    mrjaychou Sith Lord Revan Lão Làng GVN

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    Làm gì khổ vậy? Đi bộ đi bus cũng đc mà. Bác ở đâu? E là thứ 6 đi coi ngay rồi
  14. namkhapro

    namkhapro snake, snake, snaaaake Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    có ai đi coi imax vivo suất 1st ngày thứ 7 hem?
  15. Datnguyen2310

    Datnguyen2310 Mayor of SimCity

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  16. kien333

    kien333 Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

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    Enchantress là cùng team hay là boss hả các bác? Chưa đọc truyện bao giờ. Mà trong trailer cũng chả thấy ẻm đi cùng đám kia.
  17. hoanghoihai

    hoanghoihai Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent Lão Làng GVN

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  18. Datnguyen2310

    Datnguyen2310 Mayor of SimCity

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    Quả này mà dưới 27% thì đ' biết thế nào =)), may mà WW quay xong còn JL chót bắt đầu rồi :9cool_sweet_kiss:
  19. ngdinhluat

    ngdinhluat The Lone Traveler from Vault 101 Lão Làng GVN

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    Hà Nội
    vote cancel DCEU, 10 năm nữa reboot =))
  20. Max[SaD]

    Max[SaD] You Must Construct Additional Pylons Lão Làng GVN

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    Old Trafford
    Cũng hơi lo cho SS, bị critic bash nữa chắc DCEU tiêu luôn quá. :))

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